Cymru Marketing Journal - (CMJUK) - Online Business Journal & Digital Marketing Agency. Business News, Directory, SEO, Social Media Management, Advertising, Reviews, Forum, Market Research, Content Writing & Website Design. Thinking Local, Acting Global.
It has come to my attention today a letter that has been lying in the hallway for about a week and not addressed to me personally but addressed to the house with a header title ‘Water Leak‘ in the window of the envelope, which was theoretically meant for the flat below me as they had a leak about a month ago. So with seeing the header title I left the letter assuming it must have been for the tenants downstairs.
So what has changed well the letter was opened not by me may I add or my daughter and was left in the corridor for all to see. I have for convenience sake added the letter into this post.
Now if you go back about a month Welsh Water did come and visit the property and cut off the mains water supply to both properties yet the leak was not my leak but a leak from downstairs in one of the bedrooms.
Obviously this angered me as the water supply is for two seperate properties within one property and I have my own water bill.
So you can understand my distain when I read a letter that is not addressed to me personally as both flats pay for water seperately and because Welsh Water had visited the property and had found the leak you would think they would in their corresspondence contact my landlord through ‘Rent Smart Wales‘ or contact the tenants directly.
For some reason I think this is a scam and when I phoned the number it went to O2 voicemail.
Furthermore they say they have attempted to visit and contact the property owner/occupiers on several occassions. I have surveillance security cameras fitted outside the front door and no one came to visit I can assure them of that. So on top of the threatening letter they also lie through their teeth.
The leak has nothing to do with me I am a seperate tenant and the date to make contact with them has surpassed. Its only a matter of time before my landlord gets wind if this or Welsh Water cut off my water supply (bring it on, let a law suit begin if they waste my time).
I have written about these blue chip companies before that do not take into consideration people’s mental state of health and have no empathy what so ever. Receiving a ‘Nasty Letter‘ only makes matters worse. (My mental state has already worsened as now I am anxious about their next move and am worried they may cut me off even though it has nothing to do with me). I am now having trouble focusing, yet another obstacle thrown my way.
Its not my job to do their job and contact the landlord seeing as the water leak was not in my flat and the letter was not even addressed to me.
As far as I am concerned the leak has been fixed and the tenant would have said something as her latest update was for a replacement carpet that my landlord had promised her and she is still waiting for it to materialise.
If you believe you are the victim of financial wrongdoing, write to Tony Hetherington at Financial Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TS or email
Because of the high volume of enquiries, personal replies cannot be given. Please send only copies of original documents, which we regret cannot be returned.
I will back my landlord up if he gets any s#@t from them. There is absolutely no excuse to not do their job properly regardig if there is a pandemic or not.
Final Foot Note: This is for all home owners if there is a water leak, it should be up to the water suppier to fix the leak and not the home owner. If the water supplier has corroded old mains pipes that spring leaks surely it is not the home owners responsibility to fix the problem? Afterall a water supplier cannot just supply you water until they can see that the water pipes are good working order. If you built the house yourself and laid down your own pipes that would be a different story as you would be responsible for your own pipes. But if it is a mains problem then it should be the water supplier that should foot the bill and not you.
I am merely a tenant that lives upstairs so I should not be held responsible for the water pipes or the leak that did not even come from my flat. Yet the letter was not addressed to anyone in particular just the occupier. Yet the occupier of the original leak was my neighbour and Welsh Water have threatened to cut off the water supply to the whole building rather than to just one flat. Since when am I tangled up in the S@#t when its not even my own fault.
WELSH WATER (DWRCYMRU) do your job properly!!!!!!…..
Update 22/09/20
I managed to get hold of Welsh Water via Facebook Messenger and explained that they need to get hold of the tenant below me and the landlord and address the letters properly.
I also explained that I was feeling unwell because of their incompetence and their reply was “Im sorry for the letter causing you stress” (I’M SORRY) is not going to put food on the table in which I rightly told them so.
Yet wait for this they have asked me to forward the letter to my landlord. “I’m Sorry” but the last time I looked I charge for this service and have literally received another message from them in which I told them what I have told you.
I will not give my landlords name due to Data Protection and told them to find out his name themselves via Rent Smart Wales or the Land Registry or simply write a letter to the occupiers of the flat below me and ask them to pass the letter on.
My landlord has fixed the leak so why are they sending threatening letters?
I will update further if this escalates into something.
I have dabbled with affiliate marketing before and although I did start to make some money I pulled the plug on the project as I was not making enough to make it time worthy.
Since pulling the plug on my earlier project, as you know I have recently launched a community hub and local business directory and have started adding Amazon Associate affiliate links throughout the website. The categories are time consuming and I envisage uploading all the categories before the end of November 2020 in which by that time I plan to do PPC advertising to get more visitors. I am not using any fancy software and am manually listing all the businesses one by one. So for me affiliate marketing is still in the early stages as I have to be careful where I advertise. Where applicable depending on the niche I am promoting I will use my blogs to also promote advertisers links. You will see I have used Amazon Associates most recently on this site and also on my sister sites.
With that said Amazon Associates give you 180 days to get two clicks before they deactivate your account. They only give the person that clicks on your Amazon Link or Banner 24 hours to purchase something. The commissions are really low so if you are thinking of becoming a millionaire this way you can think again. They do have an Influencer page which I have not joined yet but no doubt I will sooner or later.
Another way to do affiliate marketing is to list other people’s products from they are an US company but you can join and become an affiliate in most palces around the world. There are some restrictions with some countires but I have had no problem joining even though I am from the UK. With Clickbank you do not need your own website you just promte the links on classified ads like, or to name a few.
I am very sceptical about the affiliate marketers that claim they are millionaires through affiliate marketing and if that were true I would be one by now 🙂
However there is no harm in trying if it is not going to cost you anything.
With Amazon Associates you need a website to show them before you can start marketing their links. The click through ratio is 1-2% so if you have 1000 clicks to your add you should have 10 -20 people that should buy something or convert into a sale.
You could also try your hand with Google Adsense. Do your research and try to find high ticket affiliate programs where you get paid more for doing the same amount of work.
Most companies you will find nowadays have some sort of affiliate program if you scroll to the bottom of their footers or you search for the keywords “company affiliate program”.
I will no doubt be doing another post on this subject shortly.
But for now I am signing off to re-charge my batteries.
If you get stuck or unsure of something just send me a message.
CARDIFF, UNITED KINGDOM – SEPTEMBER 18: The First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford, speaks during a press conference held to give an update on the coronavirus lockdown restrictions in Wales at the Welsh Government building at Cathays Park in Cardiff, United Kingdom. (Photo by Matthew Horwood/Getty Images)
Listen to Wales First Minister ‘Mark Drakeford’ how he talks about what is happening in Wales and how people can meet only 6 people from their extended family.
He also talks about not being able to liaise with the Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Does Boris not have a phone or email?
There is so many things I could talk about in this speech such as if people are only supposed to meet up to 6 people from their extended family, does that mean people cannot meet strangers?
Furthermore what about the schools, colleges and universities. Why are colleges not abiding by the 2 metre rule inside of class, having 24 or more people in a classroom?
What about the data breach, first I have heard of it yet ‘Mark Drakeford’ said it has been addressed and people have had an apology. I am reading the news everyday regarding updates how come I never heard of a data breach until it was mentioned in the speech yesterday.
Wales First Minister Mark Drakesford Press Conference18/09/20
People in general are being complacent about the virus and young people in particular are meeting up at house parties and mixing with friends. Young people are oblivious to how serious this virus is and are going on dates and hanging out with other people outside of their housholds and family networks, why are the Governements so naive?
Its is human nature to socialise. Not everyone can live without interaction from other people.
It needs to be drummed into young people with adverts on all social media platforms the implications of not abiding by the regulations set out by our Governments. People need to be made examples of that do not abide by the rules.
Shock tactics need to be made in order for people to take this virus more seriously.
Things that need to be addressed is:
Addressing people crossing borders to counties.
Schools, Colleges and Univestities with more than 6 people in a classroom.
Protecting Vulnerable People and (Vulnerable Students Especially) to have online lessons indefinately until the virus is under control.
Educating Young People about the implications of not social distancing (Shock Tactics).
If the rule of only 6 people apply, then how can you go to work when there are more than 6 people in a workforce?
I do not get paid to make suggestions and half the time it falls on deaf ears considering the amount of emails I have written to VIP regarding ‘vulnerable students’. It is very disheartening when your own local MP totally ignores you (Jo Stevens).
Furthermore the regulations are giving mixed signals in which a lot of people will have the attitude “que sera sera, what ever will be will be”.
I personally have not ventured outside since the first National UK Lockdown other to meet and greet delivery drivers. I am more concerned about my own daughters well being rather than my own health and because of my own disabilities I do not socialise anyway and the only person I am contact with is my daughter.
Something that ‘Mark Drakesford’ said about ‘Boris Johnson’ that ‘Boris’ was addressing the problem nationally which ‘Mark’ interpreted as England. Because the UK is split into Wales, Scotland, Engalnd and NI each member state should follow the leader, you would think? So either Boris speaks for all of the UK or speaks for England but he need to make that clear so that all member states can follow suit.
From September 24th 2020 all businesses need to help the NHS track and trace people and everyone visiting, restaurants, pubs, clubs and hotels and public events and venues such as places of worship will have to check in.
Business are urged to download the NHS QR Codes.
Businesses should create and display a QR code if you are:
1). a business, place of worship or community organisation with a physical location that is open to the public.
2). an event which is taking place in a physical location.
This video is a few years old as Baroness Michelle Mone has sold her Ultimo Bra Business and Richard Reed’s ‘Innocent Smoothies’ are still going strong, however this video is very engaging if you want to hear how the entrepreneurs started out. Well worth watching.
I wrote an article a few days ago about my concerns how one particular college in Cardiff is being complacent about the fact of social distancing and the further I try to make my point heard the more silence I get.
I firstly contacted my local M.P on Facebook, by email and on LinkedIn as well as her office and you would think considering I have on average about 1000 emails and manage to mark the ones for reply and usually replying the same day you would think that there would be no excuse for her to acknowledge my messages. Yet my daughter also had the same problem with her tutor who abruptly said that she was a busy women and could not reply to everyone.
Obviously if an email have been marked as urgent one should not ignore it, so spare me your lame excuses why you cannot reply. Absolutely no excuse what so ever not to reply to an urgent email.
My daughter knows how many emails I read on a daily basis and how many inboxes I have open, yet I manage to reply to everyone that needs replying to.
So seeing as I thought I had exhausted all my options trying to contact my MP, my daughter and I tried contacting the local council whom said they could not help and for my daughter to phone the Welsh Government. After being put on hold for about 20 minutes on a 0300 number my daughter spoke to someone who also said they could not help and transferred her to another line which went to voice mail.
Not giving up I also decided to write and email to the Welsh Government and also to the Head of the College. Usually when you write an email to the council you get an auto-responder message saying they have received your email and someone will be getting back to you, so it is slightly concerning that I have not had an auto-responder message from the Welsh Government.
Obviously I am not the type of person to give up and will not leave any stone unturned, hence I will start sharing my findings across the internet if I do not get a satisfactory conclusion.
Why does that no surprise me. Its the people that work in Government at the very top in Houses of Parliament that need to address the issues concerned and pass it down across all networks. But if there are grey areas this only spells a recipe for disaster.
So what does this say if colleges do not have to maintain social distancing as quoted by my daughter’s tutor. What about cross contamination and students do not have to wear masks in class only in the foyers. One cannot make up rules as you go along as someone showing no signs in a classroom of the virus could be a carrier and could spread the virus to his/her class mates.
If Universities in Cardiff have to have Covid-19 tests done this should apply to every student of every age group regardless if it is high School, Sixth Form or College.
So my daughter’s life is at risk and I am getting anxious for her health well being as I do not seem to be getting any answers.
I will update you if I get any news.
As this afternoon has progressed I sent an instant message to the after my daughter said they have time to post things on Facebook but have no one to answer her concerns.
Since doing some more digging I have found the contact detail for Health Secretary Matt Hancock and also the Minister of Health & Social Services in Wales Vaughan Gething, these will be the next people who I will be emailing especially when according to ‘London Loves Business’ UK Health Secretary warned young people about the consequences of not maintaining social distancing, but has not addressed the fact that social distancing for young people not only should it be for the home and public places but for schools, colleges and univeristies.
In my opinion do not give tiny bits of information instead address all areas that are a high risk and set out plans and stick to them.
I personally think all school, colleges and universities should wear face masks in the classrooms as well as in the assembly rooms and corridors. Every student should have a corona-virus test done which should be compulsory and done regulatory. All students should maintain social distancing even if it means putting less students in class at any one time.
All students should be provided hand sanitiser that they would have to use before commencing class.
The classroom would have to disinfected before and after each lesson. That means all chairs, desks, equipment, floors, door handles and utensils would have to go through stringent cleansing.
By sharing and touching equipment and utensils including text books there is an element of possible cross contamination. (I personally will not touch anything that someone else has touched, I would have to use latex or vinyl gloves and sanitise the item or product first). Food on the other hand has its own set of rules and regulations I always check the use by dates and adhere to rules regarding cross contamination. Knowing I have cooked and prepared the food safely gives me piece of mind, considering I am a germ conscious.
I could easily write out a set of rules that would work but I am not paid to do their job….
Since lockdown vulnerable people have had letters instructing them what they can and cannot do from the governement in terms of social distancing. So the last letter was up to the 16th August 2020 in regards to shielding and that after the 16th vulnerable people did not have to shield but still had to maintain social distancing.
So what has changed in regards of Covid-19 are we less likely to contract it now seeing lockdown has been relaxed, as the next bit is confusing??
According to the Welsh government we have to continue to maintain the 2 metre rule when out in public at all times but in the same breathe students that go to College can no longer have online lessons but must attend class and in the case of my daughter who is classed as vulnerable (with a chronic disease) will have to sit in close proximity in a small class room for an hour or more cramped up with 24 other students. It is impossible to be two metres away from the next person. (How can social distancing be maintained) and god forbid if my daughter was to contract the disease who would be held accountable?
Obviously the pen pushers that are assigned jobs to make press releases may not be advised properly and just churn out rubbish without thinking outside the box.
The college have said that the Government have advised them that it is madantory for all students, staff and visitors to wear face masks in the corridors or foyers but inside the classroom it is optional (I think it should be mandantory for all students to sit two metres apart and wear face masks the classrooms to be disinfected before every lesson or all students need to be tested on a daily basis).
Now this is where my OCD head is coming in, if you can contract the virus in the corridors you can contract the virus in the classroom aswell.
These people that write these mandates should know the consequences of having a classroom full of people huddling together for an hour or so and should be made accountable if someone becomes ill because of their bad advice.
Vulnerable people should continue to have online lessons. Whatever is taught in the classroom is uploaded to the Colleges database where students can get access.
So even though it is not the College’s fault as they are only going by the guidlines set out by the Welsh Government, my daughters life is being put in imminent danger and if she was to be kicked off the course for making a fuss or in the case of her tutor who stated once when my daughter compalined about her pain in her legs (my daughter has multiple sclerosis) the tutor said and I quote “you’re being too dramatic”, then either way the college would be discriminating against disabled people.
The Welsh Governement should take extra precautions for people who are living with chronic diseases and not be blasé.
Llandough Hospital on the outskirts of Cardiff is full of Coronavirus patients, so the virus exists and we are on the verge of a second way.
By having people intermingling together only spells trouble.
Picture the scenario you have been wearing your mask all day and you may have interacted with Covid-19 people but you are oblivious that the germs sitting on the surface of your clothes and the devices such as your mobile phone and your mask. Germs can linger and last for upto a day according to Amesh A. Adalja, MD infectious disease expert, who is quoted in saying “I suspect that you can find viability of the virus for several hours to maybe a day on clothes,”.
So you go home and you take your mask off, but do not change your clothes, you have then successfully cross contaminated everything you are in contact with.
According to experts who have commented in the England Journal of Medicine, COVID-19 can live on copper for up to four hours, on cardboard and porous fabrics for 24 hours and on stainless steel and plastic for up to to three days.
Other studies have shown the virus can remain on synthetic materials used in shoes like rubber for as long as five days.
So imagine you are in a classroom you have someone that is infected and they have spread their germs right around the room full of students. The droplets then land on your laptop, tablet or folder of your study notes and your pens, pencil case, nevermind your clothes.
More needs to be done about Germ Awareness and Cross Contamination.
Not everyone changes their clothes when they get in.
Not everyone disinfects their handbags, tablets or laptops or mobile phones.
……and my final thoughts are vulnerable people such as my daughter should still have online lessons. Furthermore today my daughter has been informed the lifts in her college will no longer be in use, there will be a one way system and she will have to climb 8 flights of stairs to get to her class (being disabled). Now considering her legs are bad as she suffers with MS I am afraid she could suffer a relapse not to mention the college is not disability friendly.
Reconciling whether it is to do with work or in your personal life can be very daunting especially when you try to call it a truce but your opposition is not willing to come to terms.
You should never beg or grovel to get someone’s attention. If they are not ready or willing there is little you can do and you need to give them time and space.
Today I tried to offer an olive branch as I am in the middle of a legal battle with my family. Due to the court case being ongoing, I will not name anyone for legal reasons and all I will say is that the said people live in Poland.
With a heavy heart, I will say what the argument is about and the reason why I have come to my decision.
About 10 years ago I was visiting my distant relatives in Poland as I had lost my mother and wanted to be close to her family in some way. I knew my mother had been left land by her parents and a house but could not finalize the deeds as every time she wrote a letter my aunt claimed she never received it.
Furthermore, my aunt refused to give the last will and testament of my grandparents to my mother and then later to me, hence I took a photograph of it as proof that she had it.
My mother then came to the conclusion that my cousin’s (a) wife was intercepting the letters as something my cousin’s (a) spouse said could only have been known through the letter my mother had written.
My visits were a few months at a time and I paid for my upkeep. So a year or so later I meet my abusive ex-partner (I did not know he was abusive at the time) and we are invited to my cousin (b) wedding.
We traveled from the UK to Poland and the bride arranged accommodation in the hotel where the reception was supposed to be. Upon arriving we are led through the kitchen to the hotel room.
La Cucaracha
My observation on first impression was that there were large black bugs crawling in the kitchen. Seeing I had never seen anything like this up close before, I did not think too much until the night of the reception. It did not cross my mind that the bugs were in fact cockroaches. My second observation was the hotel was a workman hotel very basic and the sheets were filthy and dirty. Without a second thought, we did not check-in and immediately found another hotel close by. (This is something my family most probably were not aware of and the reasons why we never stayed at that hotel, but now they will know). The night of the reception I became very ill and left early with my daughter back to our hotel but left my (ex) partner who was not an ex at the time at the wedding reception. In true Polish style, he became paralytic and was brought back to the hotel unconscious by the taxi driver. It would be interesting to know how many other people were sick after the wedding.
Cockroaches Facts:
Cockroaches are a health hazard and carry bacteria that can contaminate your food and make you sick! Cockroaches can contaminate food with their waste and saliva which contains bacteria that can cause food poisoning, diarrhea, and Staphylococcus infections. (I had vomiting and diarrhea).
Unaware of the traditions in Poland the following day there was an after-party in the evening and the groom (cousin b) came to my aunts and was talking to all members of the family apart from me.
I thought it curious but did not say anything and instead decided to walk through the village to try and help my ex with his hangover, thinking the fresh air would do him some good.
As we approached the village hall I noticed a lot of cars and commotion and then I saw the groom (my cousin b) taking food containers out of the boot of the car and that is when I realized that there was an after party that I was not invited to.
My cousin (b) once he noticed me was in shock and said we can come after if we wanted to. I decided instead to show my face to the bride’s mother and asked if they needed any help preparing the food, knowing for a fact I was not welcome, just after my cousin (b) had gone. The bride’s mother also looked in shock when she saw us. She said she did not need any help and that we should come to the afterparty (I politely said I would knowing full well I would not).
So I had flown a few thousand miles to come to the wedding and gave a lot of money to the bride and groom for their wedding (tradition to give money not presents) and this is how they treated me and my daughter.
So moving on a week later I ask one of my cousin’s (a) spouses to look after my daughter as we were planning to go to Ukraine.
Cousin (a) is my aunt’s son and I have a dispute.
We had heard stories it was unsafe to go and I did not want any harm coming to my daughter. The spouse of my cousin (a) who will remain nameless for now was hesitant and did not want to comply.
I thought that that was very odd considering all the months we had visited before she did not have a problem.
I remember she was in the field picking raspberries, I told her I would come back in an hour to try and change her mind. I went and withdrew 1000zl knowing my cousin’s (a) spouse earned only 600zl per month working in the candle factory.
When I returned I said, “maybe this will help you change your mind”. She muttered something under her breath and took the money.
So a week goes by and we return from Ukraine and every Hotel we tried was fully booked so begrudgingly I phoned the spouse of my cousin (a) up and said there are no hotels and I had a problem as we have nowhere to sleep.
Now you have to picture the scenario I am in a taxi and the taxi driver and my ex are in the car with me and the phone is on the loudspeaker and my cousin’s (a) spouse said: “there is no room for you here”. Obviously very disappointed with the way she handled the situation, the taxi driver phones his wife and makes up a bed.
I proceed to go to the village that very same night and take my daughter in the middle of the night and not one person in the household got up to speak with me.
So now I know something is not right with them and cannot wait to go back in the morning and visit my aunt and say “I have never been so humiliated before in my life”. I also said, “I would never treat my family the way they have treated me”.
This is where everything comes to light when my aunt says if I had not brought a drunk to the wedding and shamed the family and that he had tried accosting the bride’s mother, maybe the family would have treated me differently.
She then went on to say I had never paid any upkeep which most weeks I would pay for a full grocery shop. So my aunt’s son (my cousin a) and his wife were not telling my aunt that I was paying for things….rude.
My aunt then said I will never forget these words said: “why did you visit so often no one invited you”.
So in anger all my suitcases and belongings I could not take with me back to the UK I threw into the courtyard and told them they can sell them or burn them as I could not care less and my final words were “I will never step foot on the land again but I will take it off you”.
A decade later my aunt tries to claim the land as her own and says she has been paying all the taxes on the land. Yet she omits the fact that she never paid my mother a single penny (grosz – 1PLN) from the income of the land which far weighs the taxes which I have been told are about 100zl per annum. She was also paying taxes in a dead man’s name (this is fraud).
So the other day another cousin phones me (cousin c ) and says I should try and reconcile the differences with the family and that I really do not need the land.
I agreed I do not need the land (although there are opportunities to harvest commercial hemp and I have contacts) and I have enough money for this court case and this was just personal satisfaction payback for what they did to my mother and to my daughter and me.
So I decided I would make a proposition that my cousin’s (a) wife publically apologize to me. I was also going to say I would help them harvest hemp, but I was stopped in my tracks and was told that the letter I wrote to the court was too damaging to overturn a reconciliation. (All I did was just tell the truth).
I was also told that I must not have understood what his wife had said (under normal circumstances that could have been possible but I had two witnesses who heard the whole conversation what his wife had said) who spoke fluent Polish.
He went on to say that for there to be no hotels that was impossible and that I was a liar and making it up and the taxi driver in some way was wanting to make money from me. So my cousin was also implying the taxi driver was a fortune teller and could see into the future that my cousin’s wife would tell us there was no place to stay. She theoretically put us out on the street (bitch) even though half the house belonged to my mother.
What my cousin (a) did not realize was I paid the driver to pick us up from the border of Ukraine and I paid him handsomely upfront, so he had already made some good money and did not need to make any more also how would the taxi driver have to know what would transpire from all the hotels we tried and each one said they were fully booked (I actually went in personally and asked).
We drove to every hotel in the next main town to the village. How would the taxi driver in advance have known that my cousin’s (a) wife would say what she said to us?
When I said I will get the taxi driver to phone him to verify what I said my cousin’s reply was that he was not going to speak with him. (I wonder why because the truth hurts).
Furthermore, my cousin’s (a) sister had room in her house that night and lived only a couple of doors away according to my daughter. His sister’s family apparently had gone away for the weekend leaving only his sister and her husband in a 5-bedroom house.
All his wife could have said was to phone her sister-in-law. In my defense, I was not going to ring the whole village up to see if there was room in the inn.
Now my cousin (a) today says that the whole village knows what I wrote to the court (what happened to data protection).
Talking about data protection I did not have my cousin’s (a) telephone number as he apparently changed it two years ago and some stranger answered so when I tried getting the number most recently from other members of the family they said due to data protection they would not give out my cousin’s number or pass on any messages.
After my cousin (a) said the whole village knew about the court letter I replied if I wanted the whole village to know I could just copy the letter and publish it on or as I own both domain names and also if I wanted a worldwide audience I could have published on
Now I do not want their lame apologies, they had their chance to reconcile and chose not to. So as far as I am concerned it is too late to make amends. Either they settle out of court and buy me out or I continue contesting until they run out of money.
Denial and protecting other people when you know for a fact you are in the wrong will eat you up and will eventually destroy your soul.
I have been honest and upfront and they have just caused even more animosity by not trying to accept my olive branch.
I know that the conversation with my cousin (a) today is just hearsay and cannot hold up in court. I have not approached my aunt considering she is 93 years of age.
I am angry that they still want to be greedy and have no doubt said bad things about me and my mother hence there is no coming back from that especially when they have been bad-mouthing me to the whole village.
How can they make amends they would be a laughing stock if they did.
I was told by someone that they are simple folk and do not understand certain things and I should just keep it simple.
The 12 Steps to rebuilding a broken down relationship.
1). Recognize that reconciling is different from forgiveness. You can make amends but you do not have to forgive. If you can do both you are an awesome person.
2) Set realistic goals. For me asking for an apology will not happen and even if it did I do not want an apology now.
3). Put away your personal difference. Set your ego aside. Be the bigger person.
4) Weigh up the pros and cons of a broken relationship, sometimes it can cause more damage perusing ita misunderstanding or an argument than it will do good. If it is going to cause more grief, is it worth your health and your time to pursue it?
5) Make the first steps and start the reconciliation process. Everyone has to start somewhere right? otherwise, you may be waiting forever to sort something out. Just bite the bullet and get on with it.
6). State what you want the end goal to be and be clear of your desire for a positive outcome
7) Admitany anger and resentment. In my case, I asked my cousin did he know why I was feeling disdain toward the family and he claimed he did not have a clue. (Denial). Even though the day I threw all my clothes out into the courtyard he would not have asked his mother why (Very hard to believe).
8) Give the other person an opportunity to defend themselves and listen to the other person’s perspective. (In my case all he kept saying was that the whole village know about the letter I wrote to the court and it would be difficult to reconcile).
9) Had I done anything wrong personally I would be the first to apologize.
Hence apologize for any wrongdoing. (However, bringing a drunk to a wedding not knowing the person cannot hold his alcohol is not my fault)
If anything I should apologize to the bride’s mother for my ex-partner’s behavior and seeing he was a grown man had he raped her surely that would not have been my fault?
I cannot take responsibility for someone else’s actions unless they were my child.
10) If you feel you are the wrongdoer apologize it is not hard or if you have done wrong ask for an apology and if the other person apologizes accept the apology and try to forgive. Sometimes you can accept an apology without forgiving and have a mental note somewhere just in case the person repeats the same thing again in the future. We can all act civil without proclaiming to be anything else other than neutral.
11) Rechurning the Past. Instead, focus on the present, reconciliation is focusing on rebuilding and repairing relationships. Constantly repeating the past cannot help you move forward to the next hurdle. Get over what has happened and move on.
12). Begin by rebuilding trust. Trust once it is broken can be very hard to rebuild. I personally only trust a handful of people and these distant relatives I cannot trust these as far as I can throw them.
I personally think I had a fairly good relationship with them to the point I introduced them to my ex-partner and everything went downhill from then on.
Me being assaulted by my cousin.
I should not be so naive, if my cousin (d), (I have a lot of cousins) was hitting the back of my head in a courtroom saying “why do I want the land” and all my cousins leaving me on the courtroom doorsteps in cold sub-zero degrees snowy temperatures, why would I expect a reconciliation or anything different.
To think they could have had options like buying me out or working with me harvesting hemp, but instead, they believe I have contacted them as it is costing me money on the contrary this can go on for eternity for all I care.
My cousin (a) to said the whole of the village knows, and when this court case is over the whole world will know what they are like. I kept repeating myself, “if I treated him this way how would he feel” and he could not provide me with an answer.
They are not my family any longer. As of today I have washed my hands of them and want what is rightfully mine.
“Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned”.
Once this court case is over each and every one of them will get a letter from me and every one of them will be mentioned in the autobiography book I am writing. This will be etched and I will make enough carbon footprints that their great-great-grandchildren will know how they treated me. My mother is most probably turning in her grave knowing the antics they have got up to and the lies they have spread.
Even my aunt in court said she tried giving me the last will and testament, What really happened was she threw the document on the floor rather than handing it to me. I said if it meant so much to her I would just take a photo as proof. No, the sooner I did this she claimed her blood pressure was high and she was feeling unwell. My cousin’s (a) wife said if anything happens to my aunt it will be all my fault.
My aunt also did not have any respect for my mother and called her lazy. She even stated her parents helped my mother to emigrate, but what she failed to say was my mother paid them back. So this argument can go on forever and somehow this blog post will help cement how bad my mother’s side of the family really is.
Footnote, always try to be kind to one another and try to help one another out. Do not judge and try to help people. Never be greedy or selfish.
By coincidence today I received an email from my solicitor in Poland that is working on my behalf and the court has decided that my Aunt is entitled to half the land. My solicitor said I can appeal but I must do so within 7 days and there was an initial court fee of 100 zl PLN which I transferred over to her today. I assume this is a notification fee to the court to prepare the paperwork and I assume the other fee is for an appeal to pay for the judge and the court hearing. She went on to say that I will then have a further 14 days to pay 2000zl PLN.
I assume that my aunt will have to pay solicitors’ fees to defend herself.
Let’s see who runs out of money first.
Update 21/02/22
I decided to drop the case and tried one last time to get an apology to no avail. This was four years ago. I could have continued but an affluent individual in the village persuaded me not to.
These people are avid churchgoers and I have forgiven them as it says in the bible God shall forgive me and will avenge the people that have done me wrong.
This so-called family treated me and my daughter appallingly.
This was the start of the domestic abuse I suffered at the hands of the person my family accused of accosting the bride’s mother, because of what they were saying.
One of the elder cousins #elza stated “did I not know who I was getting involved with” even though she was a victim herself of domestic violence herself.
She even went on to say “why do I not leave the relationship and him” even though he was coming to my home and we were not living together.
I have therefore washed my hands of the so-called family in Raczyna.
I am banking on the fact that anything I write here about Raczyna will be like jungle drums in their ears.
Any information I receive and any listings I have for the region will be listed in the directory of businesses.
Once CBD growing takes off I believe farmers will want the advertising and marketing and hopefully, I will cause a stir in the tight-knit community.
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