Listen to Wales First Minister ‘Mark Drakeford’ how he talks about what is happening in Wales and how people can meet only 6 people from their extended family.
He also talks about not being able to liaise with the Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Does Boris not have a phone or email?
There is so many things I could talk about in this speech such as if people are only supposed to meet up to 6 people from their extended family, does that mean people cannot meet strangers?
Furthermore what about the schools, colleges and universities. Why are colleges not abiding by the 2 metre rule inside of class, having 24 or more people in a classroom?
What about the data breach, first I have heard of it yet ‘Mark Drakeford’ said it has been addressed and people have had an apology. I am reading the news everyday regarding updates how come I never heard of a data breach until it was mentioned in the speech yesterday. https://www.digitalhealth.net/2020/09/public-health-wales-data-breach-covid-19/
Wales First Minister Mark Drakesford Press Conference 18/09/20
People in general are being complacent about the virus and young people in particular are meeting up at house parties and mixing with friends. Young people are oblivious to how serious this virus is and are going on dates and hanging out with other people outside of their housholds and family networks, why are the Governements so naive?
Its is human nature to socialise. Not everyone can live without interaction from other people.
It needs to be drummed into young people with adverts on all social media platforms the implications of not abiding by the regulations set out by our Governments. People need to be made examples of that do not abide by the rules.
Shock tactics need to be made in order for people to take this virus more seriously.
Things that need to be addressed is:
- Addressing people crossing borders to counties.
- Schools, Colleges and Univestities with more than 6 people in a classroom.
- Protecting Vulnerable People and (Vulnerable Students Especially) to have online lessons indefinately until the virus is under control.
- Educating Young People about the implications of not social distancing (Shock Tactics).
- If the rule of only 6 people apply, then how can you go to work when there are more than 6 people in a workforce?
I do not get paid to make suggestions and half the time it falls on deaf ears considering the amount of emails I have written to VIP regarding ‘vulnerable students’. It is very disheartening when your own local MP totally ignores you (Jo Stevens).
Furthermore the regulations are giving mixed signals in which a lot of people will have the attitude “que sera sera, what ever will be will be”.
I personally have not ventured outside since the first National UK Lockdown other to meet and greet delivery drivers. I am more concerned about my own daughters well being rather than my own health and because of my own disabilities I do not socialise anyway and the only person I am contact with is my daughter.
Something that ‘Mark Drakesford’ said about ‘Boris Johnson’ that ‘Boris’ was addressing the problem nationally which ‘Mark’ interpreted as England. Because the UK is split into Wales, Scotland, Engalnd and NI each member state should follow the leader, you would think? So either Boris speaks for all of the UK or speaks for England but he need to make that clear so that all member states can follow suit.