Cymru Marketing Journal - (CMJUK) - Online Business Journal & Digital Marketing Agency. Business News, Directory, SEO, Social Media Management, Advertising, Reviews, Forum, Market Research, Content Writing & Website Design. Thinking Local, Acting Global.

Day: 6 November 2020

Building Social Media Platforms.


I get it no two social media platforms are the same as each other and each cater for different needs. Instagram for Videos and Images, Facebook for your family and friends and LinkedIn for Business.

However even though some of these social media platforms are personal they also have a serious side too and you can advertise on pretty much every platform out there.

However for me and this is the one I primarily use other than Facebook Business pages and maybe on the odd occasion hanging out with my family I have no other use for any of the platforms other than LinkedIn. I rarely tweet I am more about posting articles as you are limited to how much text you can use on Twitter. Besides I have a large following on LinkedIn more so than any other social media platform out there. I would not call myself an influencer as influencers have hundreds of thousands followers compared to me. You never know may be one day I will be just as popular, who knows?

So what annoys me is that the developers do not take into consideration if you make a post on LinkedIn and later want to change the image good luck trying.

Ok I understand that sometimes not everything is possible but one needs to look at what the customer wants. To my annoyance and frustration a post I made today I had to take down on LinkedIn because I wanted to change the image but could not for love or money.

The other pet peeve I have with this platform is they do not have a good variety of emojis, six to be exact. What happens if you disagree why is there no thumbs down or if your angry an angry emoji? (I rarely get angry but do get passionate about debates). So the only other way to add an expression is if you access the platform via the app on your phone and through your keyboard hit the emoji to suit, which is effort some of the time.

Now I can build apps and may actually launch one in future which I have semi developed for a local community and business directory its in beta stage at the moment.

Lots of ideas and lots of opportunities, waiting to happen.

Stay Safe Everyone.

Social Security Scam Alert

Social Security Scam.

Unbeknowm to me today that the caller was a scammer, as I listened to the automated message that I received saying my social security number had been compromised and that I was prompted to press (1) to continue.

What struck me as odd the automated message had a Brisitsh accent but the call was supposedly from Washington USA. (Anyone can buy telephone numbers an pretend to be calling from a different location.

I knew I had nothing to worry about as I am not a US Resident and am pretty astute when to comes to things like that but could not help myself to try and reverse the number to find out who called me. Without doing much work I first of all put the number into Google and hey presto there were many search results appertaining to this number and here is what I found:

Apparantly this type of scam is rife at the moment and God forbid anyone pressing the prompt number to have you phone bill sky rocket.

It really rattles me why there are so mnay evil people in this world wanting to scam you.

Be careful do not interact with these people and always hang up.

Covid Useful Links – Funding For Wales & England.

Below I have listed useful links to The UK & Welsh Government Websites aswell as Cardiff Local MP & Law Firm. I have also listed links for anyone struggling with Lockdown, Social Anxiety & Mental Health Issues.

Economic Resilience Fund Phase 3

With economic unrest and the Firebreak Lockdown the Welsh Governement last week announced further financial support to Welsh Buinesses.

The Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) has already supported more than 13,000 businesses in Wales. It has also helped to secure more than 100,000 jobs with a total cost of £300 Million. Applications for Phase 3 of the ERF have been announced last week by the Welsh Government with further support of £300 million for businesses in Wales.

The ERF Phase 3 support comes in two parts:

The first £200 million funding of Lockdown Business Grants to support those directly affected by the shorter term challenges of having to close during the firebreak. 60,000 micro and SME businesses will be able to get them urgent emergency finance to help them with fixed cost thru face during the firebreak and includes discretionary support available at a local authority level. £11 million which has already reached businesses.

Another £100 million funding will be for Business Development Grants to help businesses secure themselves for the longer term challenges they may face. This funding was intended not as day to day, emergency finance but to fund projects that can prepare businesses for a post-Covid and EU exit future.

Nearly 6,000 applications have been received. The fund has since been paused to allow an assessment of applications to be undertaken.

This pause does not affect the first and much larger element of the fund – the £200 million ERF Lockdown Business Fund that remains open.

Funding is delivered collaboratively between the Welsh Government and Local Authorities.

Please use the following link to find out more about the ERF Lockdown Business Fund

Please use the following link to read the statement by Welsh Government on the Economic Resilience Fund Phase 3

Recovery Advice for Business

The Professional and Business Services Sector and Enterprise Nation, supported by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, have teamed up to offer small and medium sized businesses free advice to help them recover from the impact of Coronavirus.

This offer will be available until 31 December 2020.

For More Info:

Self Employment Income Support Scheme Grant Extension.

Self-employed are continuing being supported by the UK Government who have extended the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS).

The SEISS Grant Extension provides critical support to the self-employed in the form of two grants, each available for three month periods covering November 2020 to January 2021 and February 2021 to April 2021

For More Information Please Visit:

Job Retention Bonus and what you need to do to claim it between 15 February 2021 and 31 March 2021.

If HMRC are still checking your Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme claims, you can still claim the Job Retention Bonus but your payment may be delayed until those checks are completed.

HMRC will not pay the bonus if you made an incorrect Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme claim and your employee was not eligible for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

To Find Out More Please Visit:

Furlough Scheme Extended.

Businesses across the UK are being provided with additional financial support as part of the UK Government’s plan for the next phase of its response to the coronavirus outbreak.

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) – also known as the Furlough scheme – will remain open until March 2021, with employees receiving 80% of their current salary for hours not worked, up to a maximum of £2,500.

Under the extended scheme, the cost for employers of retaining workers will be reduced compared to the previous scheme, which ended on 31 October 2020.

For More Information Please Visit:

Two schemes to help people self-isolate to be introduced in Wales

People told to self-isolate for up to 14 days will be eligible for financial support from the Welsh Government.

People on low incomes can apply to receive a £500 payment if they have tested positive for coronavirus or they are asked to self-isolate by the NHS Wales Test Trace Protect service because they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus.

And a new top-up payment is being introduced for the social care workforce in Wales, to increase statutory sick pay to their normal wages if they have to take time off because they have coronavirus or are self-isolating.

The Statutory Sick Pay Enhancement scheme for social care staff working in care homes, domiciliary care and as personal assistants will start on 1 November and will run until 31 March 2021.

Alongside the two schemes, the Welsh Government intends to strengthen coronavirus regulations by imposing a legal requirement for people to self-isolate if told to do so by NHS Wales Test Trace Protect service.

And a duty will be introduced to ensure employers cannot prevent an employee from following NHS Wales Test Trace Protect advice to self-isolate.

For More Information Please Visit:

More Useful Links:

Cardiff Council.

Cardiff Council Website:


Housing Benefits & Grants:

Council Tax:

Social Services & Wellbeing:

Schools & Learning:

Higher Education & Student Support (Coronavirus):

Seren distance learning resources – Part of: Distance learning resources

Leisure Services & Facilities

Recycling and Waste (Including Contaminated Waste)

Contaminated Waste

Get More Bags & Caddies

Neighbourhood Watch

Coronavirus Updates

Covid: Cardiff ‘could go into local lockdown 25/09/20

Volunteering to help Vulnerable People

Cardiff Lockdown Measures

Cardiff Buses

Welsh Government Regulations

***For the latest updates on the Welsh Government Coronavirus (Covid-19) News, please visit the following links:

Business Funding:

Workplace guidance. Return to work safely. Guidance for employers in Wales

Guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable from coronavirus (COVID-19) | GOV.WALES

Coronavirus: global crackdown sees a rise in unlicensed medical products related to COVID-19 – GOV.UK

Government cracks down on spread of false coronavirus information online – GOV.UK

Tourism and hospitality businesses: guidance for a phased reopening

Check if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Calculate how much you can claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Coronavirus Regulations Updates

Covid: Cardiff ‘could go into local lockdown 25/09/20

Gov Website For Business

Gov Website For General Enquiries

Member of Parliament

Jo Stevens




T:  02921329736


Joanna Meriel Stevens is a Member of Parliament, Elected in May 2015 General Election For Cardiff Central and is a Politician for the Welsh Labour Party in the UK House of Commons.


Jo Stevens Coronavirus Updates:

Cardiff City Council


Government Website


For Legal Advice Visit:

Loosemores Solicitors

Alliance House, 18-19 High St, Cardiff CF10 1PT

Tel: 029 2022 4433


About Loosemore Solicitors

Loosemore Solicitors are a boutique law firm established over 50 years ago. With Offices in Cardiff and in London, the law firm provides a range of legal advisory services to both corporate and individual clients. Our services for corporate clients include advising on corporate, commercial, property, dispute resolution and employment matters. Our services for individuals include residential property, probate, wills and trusts as well as dispute resolution and employment matters.

NHS Coronavirus Updates

For NHS Updates please follow this links:

NHS test and trace: how it works – GOV.UK

Apply For a Coronavirus Testing Kit:

Education Guidance & Updates

Guidance for safe operation in post-16 learning from September 2020

Blended learning guidance for Post-16 providers

Resilience plan for the Post-16 sector: coronavirus

Strategic framework for learning delivery in post-16 learning from September 2020

Higher education and student support: coronavirus

If you are struggling with mental health and need someone to talk to give Samaritans a call on: 116 123 for free of charger or if you want Welsh Support Phone: 0808 164 0123

Useful Links:

What is Anxiety

What is Stress

What is Depression

Suicide Healthline

Further reading:

For PPE Clothing & Equipment



November 2020
