What Appliance Retailers Do Not Tell You (Part 4 Ongoing Saga).
The Effects Of Mental Health When You Have to Raise a Complaint With a Company.
As many of you may or may not know I am an Entrepreneur a owns several sites, blogs, or social media pages, my default virtual business card is www.renataentrepreneur.com
Primarily I advise Businesses on how to generate more leads and consult them to make their business more successful. I also offer other services, such as website design and marketing.
Now I would also like to say I suffer from Mental Health and have a blog dedicated to Mental Health and Disabilities among Entrepreneurs. That is why I am keeping my chat widget on from 11 am to 11 pm London GMT over the Holidays, just in case anyone wishes to talk over the Christmas Period. If I can help just one person I know I will have done something good. Depression can affect people from all walks of life. Christmas can be extremely challenging and can test our resilience. By trying to help others I am essentially helping myself.
Do watch the full interview with Tyson Fury on Mental Health.
“Christmas is not about receiving it is about giving”.
I recently posted on one of my blogs about Mental Health at Christmas amongst entrepreneurs: https://www.cymrumarketing.com/christmas-depression-amongst-entrepreneurs/
Now the retailer (ARGOS) that I purchased my cooker appliance from first all reached out to me after I made them aware of a post I made about my cooker not being installed: https://www.cymrumarketing.com/argos_appliances_disclaimer_and_hot_zones/
They offered me a £75 e-voucher and my refund of £100 for installation to be escalated on the 21st of December 2020. My cooker was delivered on the 17th of December 2020 and I was told I had to wait three to five working days to get my refund.
Moving forward to yesterday which would have been the 5th working day I still had not received my refund. I questioned it with customer services and I was told the reason I did not get my refund was due to a system error and guess what I now have to wait for another three to five working days. This did not sit well with me at all. Although the customer service person said today it can take up to seven working days. The last time I transferred money from one account to another took two hours by BACS transfer.
By coincidence, I got an email from head office yesterday saying I will be getting my refund.
“What happened to we are sorry and we will escalate it for you”? No mention of that in the email or anything about the e-voucher either.
So like a dog to a bone, I will not let go until I get answers, and if it means me using my blog to get attention so be it.
You do not give people the run around no matter what business you are in. It does not say anything good about you or your company. Just because you are a blue chip company this does not bother me in the slightest, you should care about your customers. A CEO had to start off somewhere and may have been a startup once. CEOs are humans no different from you and I and they should show empathy and respect.
“No company should be too big for their boots and everyone is accountable for their actions”.
So my final attempt today I tried phoning them yet again and their answering bot is designed to mentally break you down, It does not recognize order numbers and when it asks what you are ringing up for, it does not understand your reply.

I had visions of me hurling my phone through the air and smashing it against the wall by this stage.
Furthermore when you finally get through it says all calls are recorded. Now the person I spoke to today misunderstood something I said whereby I would continue recording with my blog in a quest to finally get this resolved. Yet he thought I said I was recording the call. Do people not understand English? My English is perfect I have had 57 years to practice it.
“I want a transcript of all the calls I have made and received as that is my legal right.“
Obviously, they can record you without your consent but you cannot record them, not that I had any attention to doing so anyway, one rule for one and another rule for another.
If this was someone with Multiple Sclerosis phoning today, they would be having a relapse due to the run around of this company. I have knowledge of Multiple Sclerosis as my daughter suffers from the disability.
Consider people’s mental health before you start playing mind games. The customer service person today told me someone will phone me back about the e-voucher, which can not be located by coincidence.
“I do not want to be phoned”.
My telephone lines are turned off for a reason because of this little incident and I can only be reached by my chat widget on my websites or via email or social media platforms.
What is the problem have I offended Argos in some way by speaking the truth, they should have mentioned like and hot zones on their site, and perhaps all this could’ve been avoided.
Do not offer a token of apology and then retract it.
To be messed around like this is totally atrocious.
“Show Respect and You Will Earn Respect!”

“I will give this company one more chance to make amends and perhaps finally will say that after everything they will come out smelling of roses”

Merry Christmas Everyone and a Happy New Year.

UPDATE 27/01/20
I received my refund of £100 on the 24th of December 2020 I assume just after my phone call to Argos.
Christmas was canceled for me as I could not cook anyone a Christmas Dinner and did not think it was appropriate to offer frozen ready meals heated up in a microwave so no one came to visit me and I was left home alone with the cat. Worst Christmas ever and Worst Year.
As for the offering of the £75 e-voucher that did not materialize either. I should not have to beg to get it.
In all this whole scenario has tested my strength and my mental health ability.
I would have been content with a formal apology from the CEO but obviously, he forgets that once he started out where I am today. You never know one day he maybe brushes shoulders with me, considering the small world we live in and the people I am connected with. With nearly 10,000 followers such as Billionaires, Millionaires, Law Makers, and Royalty on LinkedIn it pays to remember “it’s not what you know but who you know”.