How NOT to Treat Customers Like They Do NOT Matter!
- Do NOT IGNORE Your Customers
- Do NOT LIE to Your Customers
- Do NOT FAIL TO HONOUR a Promotional Price or Goodwill Gesture
- Do NOT EMPLOY Staff Members that are rude or have attitude.
- Do NOT TREAT Customers Like Numbers
- Do NOT IGNORE Feedback
- DO NOT ARGUE with customer complaints
- DO NOT FAIL to Seek Clarification
- DO NOT AVOID Taking Responsibility
- DO NOT MAKE Promises You Can’t Keep
- DO NOT FORGET to Follow Up
- DO NOT MAKE Your Customers Feel Stupid
- DO NOT ASSUME That You Have Resolved Problems
- DO NOT FAIL to Set Expectations
- DO NOT RUSH the Support Process
- DO NOT AVOID Putting in Extra Effort
- DO NOT TAKE Your Customers for Granted
- DO NOT LIMIT Your Support to a Single Channel
- DO NOT BE Indifferent
“A happy customer will tell 10 people about their experience but an unhappy customer will tell the world”.
Failing to do good customer service do you no favors and only gives you a bad name.
If a company like Argos which caused me no end of problems over the Christmas Period, fail to keep to their end of the bargain to send a £75 e-voucher as a way to say sorry, then all I can say is companies such as Amazon will eventually swallow up their business as most manufacturers and retailers are already using Amazon to sell their products.
As it so happens I am an Amazon Assoiciate Affiliate.
What a company should not do is upset the wrong people in fact they should upset anyone at all, but unfortunately they do.
When a company shows that they are willing to say sorry the customer is more likely to tell people what the company has done to make amends.
Promising a goodwill gesture, then retracting it, and also ignoring the customer’s emails does not say much about the company.
With businesses closing their doors for good because of the current economic crisis, you would think that smaller companies to Amazon would go above and beyond their call of duty.
Being honorable, transparent, and courteous gives people a reason to trust and in turn, the customer will recommend your products and your services. Doing one or more of the things listed above does not show you as a company in good light.
“Respect each and every customer as if they were your only customer”.
“Not only am I an Amazon Associate I am also an Amazon Customer and have opted to use Amazon Prime which cost £7.99 per month, this gets you free deliveries and Amazon Video two services for the price of one”.
My next big purchase is going to be a tabletop dishwasher. I find standing and washing dishes by hand not only tedious but it affects my back and I end up in agony.
Argos Saga: https://www.cymrumarketing.com/argos_appliances_disclaimer_and_hot_zones/
#customerloyalty customerrespect #leadership #brandcredibility