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I pointed out to them that they needed to have a chat widget on their website and it was totally unacceptable for have to be put on hold for an hour and ten minutes before you actually got to speak with someone.
So when I suggested they did a goodwill gesture for causing my daughter stress they turned around and said they do not give out monetary compensation. I was not even suggesting that at all, I was merely suggesting a kind token like a box of chocolates or some postage stamps which would have been better than a kick in the teeth. Admitteedly they did say sorry but that is not good enough if the consequences of the stress my daughter endures can potentially cause her Multiple Sclerorsis to relapse, saying sorry would be like putting a plaster on a gaping wound.
PLC companies care about how much turnover they can make and do not care of about the consequences of their actions that can cause someone to end up bed ridden or in a wheelchair.
They even assumed that my consulting suggestions that I was looking to secure a job with them, omg, it is laughable just thinking about it as they clearly did not comprehend what I was trying to say, they obviously did not do their homework properly to even research who I am and what business I do.
Will I ever recommend Royal Mail to anyone I do not think so, just as I will not be recommending Hermes.
Hermes have now gone on my radar today as another company with a bad reputation that delivers parcels and takes a photo of someone’s hand. This is not proof of delivery and is an absolute joke.
The reason they have rattled my cage so to speak is my daughter ordered from a retailer and paid for next day tracking delivery and the parcel according to Hermes was delivered but my CCTV can prove it did not.
She ended getting her final update to say the parcel was deivered to her address on 29/01/21. The only thing is I have a camera outside my door and I can prove no one delivered any parcel. I have been in all day so for the notification to say it was delivered at 22.18 is an utter lie. Hence considering it is my daughters’s birthday and Hermes have made a clanger they need to make things right asap otherwise as I said in my previous post I will be singing like a canary.
Hermes are on another playing field if they do not have adequate customer support and take photos of peoples hands as proof of delivery.
Will I be recommending Hermes to any of my business connections, absolutely not.
I see the bigger the company the less they care about their customers and it is all about money and how to make as much of it without providing a good serviceor customer care.…..Never try to be too big for your boots and remember when you were first starting out and think in our current economic climate anything can happen, even PLC companies have the potential of going bust.
Lets see what happens with the outcome of the supposedly delivered parcel. I will update you again when I get feedback from headoffice……
Watch this space!
This morning a stranger presses our VOICE door bell and the woman said her mother lives two streets away from us and Hermes had delivered a parcel to her mother’s address even though the parcel was addressed to my daughter. Not all people are honest.My daughter had high end cosmetics in the parcel and this incident could have easily turned out differently.
Sadly I have not had anyone message, email or phone me as yet from headquarters.
Hand sanitizers, love them or hate them, we all have to use them.
Being a sufferer of OCD I have tried and tested my fair share of hand sanitisers in my time. My brain seems to analyze where germs get cross contaminated and I use more hand sanitizer than the average person so I should have some knowledge of which ones work and which ones don’t.
Ultimately my favorite brands are Dettol & Carex and I prefer the aloe vera versions as a personal preference:
When buying hand sanitizer it is best to stick to well-known brands that are regulated by EU Biocides Regulation 528/2012.
There are many fly-by-night sellers on eBay and Etsy that claim that their brands kill germs. I would avoid buying from these retailers at all costs, as most make their own concoctions and sell them under their own labels unregulated.
If a hand sanitizer brand does not have its own website dedicated to the product name I would not buy from them. Anyone can cook something up in their kitchen.
You can never be too careful with germs.
If a company dedicated its time to making a product a household name it will spend money on advertising. If you have never heard of them or you buy an unknown brand from a stall in a market because it is cheap, you have to question what you are putting on your hands.
In hindsight, these brands should be able to prove that the product matches the claims, so if a product makes a certain claim, such as it kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, then it should fulfill that claim.
However, I have recently received some samples from a company selling ‘Dr. Brown’ Hand Sanitisers. I told them I would give them a review and even though I love the high street brands, I think if there was a shortage of hand sanitizers, I would not hesitate to use this company or if I had a lot of employees I would certainly give them a go.
I received both citrus and lavender.
I found them to be slightly on the runny side rather than gel although there was an element of gel in the composition.
It definitely wafted alcohol and took a couple of seconds to evaporate but once the smell had gone it left a pleasant aroma behind that lingered. My favorite was Lavender out of the two.
To read more about which hand sanitizers have been tried and tested, I would check out the following blog, but again they emphasize Carex & Dettol as the brands to buy:
If you are a Gas or Electrical Engineer DO NOT USE ALCOHOL-BASED FLAMABLE HAND SANITISERS around naked flames or sparks.
The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers has issued a safety alert, stating a build-up of static can create an invisible flame from the ignition source whereby the hand sanitizer on one’s hands can then ignite. It is recommended you wash your hands in hot soapy water to get rid of all traces of hand sanitizer before commencing work.
Keeping our bodies and minds healthy during lockdown is paramount. No doubt a few us have gained one or two pounds from being couch potatoes.
We are told to do exercise but that can be difficult when GYMs are closed. The weather is also not encouraging to do daily sprints around our neighbourhoods, hence creating your own fitness regime in the comfort the comfort of your own home is something everyone should consider.
Everyone has their own ideas about staying fit, some people choose to do yoga whilst others prefer strenuous workouts using gym equipment. My preferred method is doing kick-boxing whilst watching dvds of my favourite workout masters.
The NHS says exercise reduces your risk of major illness, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and lowers your risk of early death by up to 30 per cent.
Treat your body like a Temple, treat it with love, care and respect!
I am the voice for tenants that are not in the know.
Due to an incident that happened to me last year with the installation of my own cooker, I decided to make some enquiries as there was mixed information and I needed to get the facts right.
So here is what I know:
If a cooker is installed by the tenant it is the resposibility for the repairs and maintenance by the tenant but the annual Gas Safety checks are the responsibility of the landlord.
Below is an email to confirm this and I have redacted part of the senders information for privacy purposes.
I also asked the question in an online form how often do fire alarms have to be checked and the Government Agency told be to look on their link as follows where it does not mention the frequency of the alarm checks by a regualated electrician or anything about annual checks.
For the gas engineer to say there is no need for carbon monoxide alarms to be fitted they are wrong, every rented property has to have a carbon monoxide alarm.
For the annual fire inspection done by a regulated electrical engineer, there is no data to support this and it is the responsibility of the tenant to make sure their alarms are working once a month.
If an electrician or landlord tells you otherwise they are wrong and the electrician is making money off the back of the word “legislation” is basically hoodwinking the landlord who may have a few properties.
The only thing I can say is that the majority of people do have common sense and do test their alarms and it is down to the landlord to decide can he/she trust the tenant enough to do the fire alarm test once a month…..
The can of smoke the electrician used to test the alarms on my property can be purchased below:
I wrote a while back about an electrical engineers company in Cardiff (UK) that did not notice that there was a problem with my kitchen hot zone in my property when they came to do an electrical inspection approximately a year ago and as a consequence caused a domino effect, whereby my cooker which was delivered on December 17th, 2020 to be precise was not fitted until the 11th January 2021, because it was difficult to get anyone out to resolve the problem and then fit it.
I was then subjected to having take-outs at a cost of £50 per day for two meals per two people over 25 days period a total of £1,250. My Christmas was ruined.
Moving forward to today I get a message from my landlord’s assistant who says the same company that came to do the electrical inspection a year ago is coming tomorrow to do an annual check.
I responded and said unless it is mandatory I would prefer no visitors, to which she replied it was and it has to be done by law.
Obviously, I never take things at face value and I decided to do some research this is what I found the screenshot follows after the PDF:
Now considering the UK has a “stay at home ruling” you would think minimizing contact with other people would be of the highest priority but somehow people are being so blasé about the Pandemic that it is starting to make my blood boil.
Secondly, the Landlords Assistant whom I assume should have done some training with ‘Rent Smart Wales’ would know that the electrical tests are every five years not annually. It is the Gas Safety Checks that have to be checked annually.
However, I am going to have some fun tomorrow when the Electrical Engineers arrive and will ask them to comment on the following questions:
Why they are doing Electrical Inspections on an annual basis when it says every five years? (already had this answered, they are apparently doing fire alarm inspections instead).
Why did they fail to notice a problem with the kitchen hot zone a year ago?
Why they failed to move the socket from the hot zone on the 17th of December and only covered it with a plastic covering? ( According to the electrician today that was ok. No this is not fine as the plastic could melt from the heat).
Why they fitted a light on the same circuit as the banister light which when one light blows the electricity trip? (He said that yes when the light goes it will trip the electrics but if the bulb goes on the light which is positioned in a dangerous place I still have to change it as it will continue tripping otherwise. So that was a waste of time installing the second light).
Why they changed the bathroom light which was already bathroom safe for another one, just to make extra money? (I never got around to answering this question).
Why they fitted an extra three smoke alarms on top of the one I already had, considering my flat has one floor and I should have one alarm on each floor?(he said by law I had to have one in the living room, on the landing, in the kitchen (heat detector), and at the entrance to my flat, we were having a full-blown argument as he was persistent that I was wrong).
Why they did not spot the washing machine was plugged into an extension lead, which was trailing on the ground, and not plugged into a wall socket which I did not have behind my machine? (if there was a leak and water went over my extension lead, well all I can say is, I would be toast)? (I mentioned about this and he the best thing would be for me to lodge a complaint with the company, once I get the information from the government I will be emailing these electricians and reporting them).
Who will compensate me for all the money I wasted on take-outs?
Where does it say I have to have annual fire alarm checks done? (I asked the electrician and he could not give me an answer I wanted the name of the website to fact check).
Considering this company is registered with the electrical safety register I would like to know who taught them about electrical safety inspections.
Furthermore, my daughter is classed as a vulnerable person according to the government, so why is it that people insist on visiting my property when I do not want them to? It’s all getting beyond a joke.
In the meantime, I highly recommend “First Phase Electrical – Electricians Wales”, if you have any electrical emergency work that needs doing. Give “Jeff Smith” a call or visit his website:
I stand corrected I am not having an electrical inspection done after I pointed out the 5-year rule to my landlord’s assistant, instead, I am having a fire alarm system checked but as always I leave no stone unturned and have found this PDF from the Governments website relating to Fire Alarm Inspections. There is no mention of how often fire alarms should be tested by a qualified electrician and besides it is not rocket science to test the alarm yourself which is recommended that everyone does anyway.
This is now an invasion of my privacy, against covid regulations, and a risk to my daughter’s health.
My grievance is not only the hot zone and money I wasted on take-outs, but the number of visits I have had to my accommodation outside of my immediate bubble to the total of 9 people relating to my landlord’s decision, within the last month. This is now wearing me down. Had they all come at the same time, I could have had a party.
Two DHL Appliance Delivery Engineers.
An Electrician capped the socket the same day as DHL Delivery.
My Landlord the following day and his assistant x total 3 visits.
The Gas engineer came and went without installing the cooker.
The Two Gas Engineers that finally installed my cooker.
An engineer today checked the fire alarms.
A total of nine people in the last month have entered my accommodation.
Update 18.33 pm 22/01/21
I had my visitor today person number 9 in the space of one month test the fire alarms and basically, this is all he did, he sprayed some smoke from a canister directly below the alarm, waited for the alarm to activate and disarmed it, wrote something down, and off he went.
I have since written to the government to confirm what legislation there is for checking fire alarms and how often.
From what I have read one has to check the alarm once a month.
If this is the case there is no way on this earth I am allowing any more visitors to my accommodation.
I pointed the hot zone out to him and he agreed the electrical engineers overlooked the hot zone but I could not blame the company but the engineers.
He continued to say that capping the wall socket was ok. Obviously another cowboy to the list of cowboys.
Here is my capped wall socket, which is now behind a splashback, which today’s electrician said was fine.
For those that do not know about Neom City, it is a Futuristic City that is being built in Saudia Arabia. The Crown Prince Of Saudia Arabia has started construction to build a zero-carbon empire at NEOM, the first major project for the $500 billion flagship business zone aimed at diversifying the economy of the world’s largest oil exporter.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman the future King of Saudia Arabia is only 34 years old, he controls part of the royal family’s vast wealth, which is estimated at up to $1.4 trillion and includes Saudi Aramco, the most valuable company in the world. The heir will ascend to the throne after the death of his father, 84-year-old King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
The Crown Prince was quoted as saying in a rare televised appearance that the city, known as “The Line”, would extend over 170 km (105 miles) and be able to house a million residents in “carbon-positive urban developments powered by 100% clean energy”. “The backbone of investment in ‘The Line’ will come from the $500 billion support to NEOM by the Saudi government, PIF, and local and global investors over 10 years,”.
Our Services.
We offer website design, domain brokering, digital marketing, and pr services. As a marketing service provider, we primarily help clients implement and manage marketing strategies to achieve their business goals.
We have over 30 years of experience in the marketing industry and have a very large network of connections on LinkedIn.
The reason for this post is a domain investor brought to my attention the following information via email:
Obviously, I have redacted the sender’s email for privacy reasons.
The questionable link is as follows: www.DiscoverNeom.comit actually does point to a gaming site that looks like a five-year-old has designed, (apologies in advance to the owner of the site but it looks unprofessional).
Why is Neom pointing to this site anyway if Neom does not own it and clearly has not developed it?
Visitors going to this site will also be confused and will lose trust and damaging the reputation of what NEOM Stands for.
Due to GDPR, it is difficult to find the real owner of this site if their registration details are hidden in whois data privacy settings.
It does not look good for the (Crown Prince) when he starts a costly project but his marketing people fail to notice the embarrassing error or give good SEO advice.
Perhaps it was an oversight, however, I wrote about hyphen domain names being unprofessional the other day relating to one of the domain names that NEOM are promoting when they could have easily acquired the non-hyphen version that clearly points to a landing page stating the domain name is for sale
Again I do not have this particular domain on my books but I can find out who the owner is by simply doing some digging around. I am connected with most Neom Domain Investors so it should not be very hard to find out.
All the NEOM-related domain names that I ammanaging for my clients can be found here:
What is not available can be acquired, just send me a message. Also if there is a particular domain that you need we can help to source it.
I will be contacting the NEOM Marketing Company for comment and will update you in due course.
Who ever this person is knows who I am and is continuingly trying to scam me and break me down. I suspect who it might be but at the same time it could a coincidence of multiple people that may not be associated with one another. Either way I know enough about hacking to stay alert. Obviously either I am a hot commodity or someone is doing it out of spite. One way or another although I must admit it has played its toll on my mental health, I find that everytime someone tries to hack or scam me they have inevitabily created content for me to write on my blog.
So today I get a phone call and it is automated message that says my credit card associated with my Amazon account has had suspicious activity and it was prompting me to press options to either agree I made the transaction of over £1000 or decline or speak to an operator.
My gut feeling told me if this was really Amazon they would not be phoning from a mobile phone. My second gut reaction was not to say anything and not to press any buttons. This then made the caller hang up.
I did a reverse call lookup to see who called me and this is the screenshot of what I found (May I point out anyone can buy a telephone number from a different location / country and pretend to be phoning from th location they are targeting) Obviously this person forgot to hide his ip location:
Report Suspicious Emails, Phone Calls, Text Messages, or Webpages
We take fraud, scam,phishing and spoofing attempts seriously. If you receive correspondence you think may not be from Amazon, please report it immediately.
Suspicious Emails or Webpages To report a phishing or spoofed email or webpage:
Open a new email and attach the email you suspect is fake.For suspicious webpages, copy & paste the link into the email body. If you can’t send the email as an attachment, forward it.
Send the email to stop-spoofing@amazon.comNote: Sending the suspicious email as an attachment is the best way for us to track it.
Note: Amazon can’t respond personally when you report a suspicious correspondence to, but you may receive an automatic confirmation. If you have security concerns about your account, please contact us.
Suspicious Phone Calls or Text Messages
Report any suspicious phone call or text message to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
To report a phone call or text message visit and follow the onscreen assistant.
If you’re concerned about your account security, go to Protect Your System for tips and recommendations.
So now this entity has been reported, hopefully I have helped to stop someone else from being scammed.
What concerns me is that these entities that try to scam people out of money or ruin their businesses do not give two monkeys about the knock on effect it will have on a victim.
Not all people are internet savvy or cyber security astute. Imagine if the victim was someone who had mental health issues and this unlawful act pushed them over the edge.
People who scam need to find a real job that other people would be proud of them for, not be low life bottom feeders not thinking two pennies for someone elses downfall or situation if the domino effect happened.
All I can say is:
“What goes around comes around” !
If you only do good then only good things will happen but if you do bad then do not blame anyone other than yourself for the consequences of your actions.
“If people had empathy there would not be any wars”.
I am a marketing influencer consultant with a following of nearly 10K people on LinkedIn.
My concerns are that my daughter who suffers with Multiple Sclerosis is on the verge of a replase because of Royal Mail due to unnecassary anxiety and stress.
Now I have reached out to the CEO Stuart Simpson regarding the problem my daughter is faced with for comment.
The post should be titled “Royal Mail VS Carrier Pigeon”.
Hopefully we will be able to resolve this issue quickly without any fuss.
I will be updating this post at the bottom of this page as soon as I get a response.
My concerns are not only about the value of the parcel and deadline but also by far the most important my daughters health. Obviously the parcel is worth a lot of money for my daughter to be up in arms worrying.
If a company has a laid back attitude and says they will respond within 10 -35 days, that is simply not good enough.
If you have a problem fix it thats all I can say, employ more staff if you have to….
There are plenty competitors out there including possible startups so it would be worth evaluating logistic strategies to stay ahead of the competion.
Regarding cost.
If you are sending letters, then Royal Mail is an option, but email is far easier, quickerm cheaper and more secure. However, if you want to send parcels that are larger and heavier, a courier is without a doubt the most cost-effective option every time.
I remember sending parcels abroad that cost more than the content I was shipping using Royal Mail.
Even I have a chat widget on all my sites, it is not hard to implement and it gives confidence to the user that their question will be answered, without trudging through countless web pages. I personally detest when a company does not tell you straight but points you to a tutorials or web pages and has no chat widget.
Standard of Care.
When a company enters into a contract between the consumer and service provider they have to duty of standard care which may be expressed in the contract or be implied by statute.
The contract may impose an absolute obligation on the entity to perform. However, in the case of giving advice or providing some other professional service, the implied duty ofreasonable care and skill is likely to apply (Section 13 SGSA 1982).
For example, when acting on behalf of a client in litigation, the solicitor is not guaranteeing success. The duty on the solicitor is to act with the care and skill that the client is entitled to expect from a professional. Similarly, when supervising the construction of a building, the surveyor is under a duty to act with the requisite care and skill. An additional absolute duty may be placed on the professional (for example, a surveyor may have contractually undertaken to spend a set number of hours each day at the site). The nature of any contractual obligation needs to be examined in each case.
Obviously the care expected between the consumer and the service provider is to ensure that the service is met and in the case of Royal Mail logistics are delivered from A to B., failing to do this, the consumer is entitled to monetary compensation.
I understand the sheer volume of letters and parcels sent everyday can be overwhelming to comprehend and my daughter and I am are a drop in the ocean as far as Royal Mail are concerned. But ifAmazon who I am an affiliateare on the ball there should be no excuse for Royal Mail.
Here is the compensation page it mentions nothing about if someone falls ill because of a direct consequence (Domino Effect) of Royal Mail’s actions.
I had a response back from the CEO of Royal Mail who said they would look into this for me. This does not solve the problem that even though I received the email 24 hours ago no one has bothered contacting my daughter and I.
Out of frustracion my daughter phoned Royal Mail today and was put on hold for an hour and ten minutes.
People should not have to wait this long to be put through to have a person on the other end obviously over worked and very stressed, having a tone in her voice and then saying that they are aware there is a backlog of deliveries in Cardiff Sorting Office (UK).
This news is no good to the customer who has a deadline to return a package.
What Is Royal Mail Doing?
Even a carrier pigeoncan deliver faster than what they are doingright now.
They should never make excuses as with every obstacle there is always a solution.
Tell me something if there are so many people out of work because of lockdown surely they can employ people or use online virtual assistants to answer calls and message with online chat. They would not have to physically employ staff just hire a service provider that can alleviate the problem of answering calls.
As for the backlog of deliveries what is wrong with their logistics again they could outsource the work to other couriers.
Obviously I do not know how a sorting office runs as the closest I have been to one was to collect parcels but again there is always a solution to every problem.
I would like to know what Royal Mail will offer my daughter for all the stress and worry she has endured which is detrimental to her health?
Will I be promoting Royal Mail in future?, who knows we will have to wait and see in another update.I still have not shared this post on my social media pages as I am still waiting on a soultion to this problem, although the clock is ticking.
The Current Lockdown Fines in Wales are as follows:
“The existing fines structure, which imposed a £60 fine for a first offense rising to £120 for second and subsequent offenses, will be replaced by a new structure in which the fines double for every offense – rising from £60 to £120 to £1,920 for the sixth offense“.
Omgif this is a red flag.
If I were in Government I would ISSUEMAXIMUM FINES not measly £60 fines for the first offense.
Having a pricelist of costs is comical. 😂
I have been told if it is your first offense and you get issued a £60 fine providing you pay it quickly it will be reduced to £30 similar to parking or speeding fine.
The government is on another playing field.
I have heard on the grapevine and it is only hearsay as I have no way of proving the allegations.
This is just one example, so you can imagine what is going on all over the UK. Now I have to make it clear that this bit is just hearsay and I cannot prove the location of the event and who will be attending all I know is that a young person is planning a house party. The girl in question is planning the party is going to book a luxury apartment and use key worker credentials to organize the event. She has reassured her guests that if they get fined it will be a £60 fine if they get caught, reduced to £30 if they pay it quickly. One cannot control what goes on behind closed doors.
This fining business is a joke. If the fines were in the thousands people would think twice before breaking the law.
The government should fine maximum heavy fines not piddly £60.00 fines.
If you think young people obey rules, the powers that be are living in cloud cuckoo land.
The reality is that young people have no respect for authority and aresocially disobedient.
Crossing the Pond to USA and the Trump Riots in Capitol Hill Washington most recently, there was no social distancing or wearing face masks, so what does that tell you?
If one does not scare the living daylights out of people, people will not believe in what you are saying. Using ‘shock tactic marketing and advertising’ will alter people’s perception of things and may make them take notice. For example, showing cancerous lung images on cigarette packaging will put some people off from smoking but may not necessarily stop everyone. Promoters/Advertisers/government need to shock an audience with controversial material in order for it to be effective. Merely saying there is a virus and implementing rules does not cut it, one needs a heavy hand with heavy fines and even a military presence.
The same goes with Covid-19 Coronavirus Regulations, you can talk all you want and spend tonnes of time on the media but if you do not show people what they are really facing, they may become nonbelievers or complacent.
If people saw firsthand what coronavirus looks like and what it does to a person they would be more likely to be more cautious and would possibly obey the law.
People are confused and disorientated, they can see what is happening with the economy but want answers. How come nothing more is being said about Wuhan where the virus supposedly originated from? How come nothing is said about the scientists and why has the Chinese President not made a statement?
I have my own theories but I am not going to fuel any fires. I just think some things do not add up and everything should be transparent.
Furthermore, I have a question about this pandemic business.
Q: “If back in March 2020, people supposedly did as they were told, stayed indoors self isolated, shielded and stayed 2 metres apart how come the virus has mutated, and has spread”? Surely if the virus was contained the virus would be under control?
My theory is “people who have not done as they were told, have become complacent and do not think this PANDEMIC IS REAL and it is just media manipulation to divert people from what is really happening.
If everyone was taught about cross contamination of germs back in March 2020, the infected people that sent out letters by post and left their saliva saturated postage stamped envelopes on their doorsteps to be collected by couriers, imagine how many people have become infected just from this one act alone?
When people came to visit, social distancing, but stayed for a cup of teaimagine the cross-contamination of the cup, saucer, and teaspoon.
Not everyone has a hand-washing obsession, does not have OCD, and is complacent when washing their hands, thinking their hands are clean until they touch a surface that may be contaminated but do not realize the consequence of their actions.
I know it has been drummed into our heads, wash hands often or use hand sanitizer. But not everyone obeys the rules. I have OCD so it is second nature to me, yet I have witnessed a handful of people that did not sanitize their hands in front of me. So what does it say for the rest of the nation?
Shall I carry on…. the example of an engineer that did not wash his hands, did not wear PPE, and did an emergency job but touched all the surfaces in the home, who may have been a carrier of the virus.
Or all the couriers that may wear facemasks but do not wear disposable gloves, cross-contaminating one parcel after another.
Or the people that work in warehouses stocking shelves and packing parcels possibly not wearing PPE”.
Germs live on surfaces and if a person who may be infected touches something and does not disinfect will potentially cause a domino effect.
But at the end of the day who am I to make waves afterall the Government know what they are doing 😂 …..
Shortages of Toilet Paper.
2. Shortage of toilet rolls. I have just been to my regular online grocery store to place an order and my toilet paper is out of stock which is a contradiction to what WEPA Group has said, which produces toilet paper and kitchen towels for the UK consumer market from its site in Bridgend, South Wales, said it expected sales to remain high but insisted that supplies would not run out.
This tells me there is a shortage for another reason and it is not because people are panic buying.
Considering supermarkets have a limit on how many rolls of toilet paper one can buy I cannot see consumers turning their homes into toilet paper warehouses.
If I was going to panic buy I would buy lots of tin food. Cleaning one posterior can be done after reading the daily newspaper.
Remember you should not believe everything you see of hear especially in MSM media. As Donald Trump called it “Fake News”. Love him or hate him he still has more money than most of the readers on this blog, so although he is now disgraced, one cannot knock him for his business strategies and all the properties and land that he owns and other investments.
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The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.
Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features.
Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors.
Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.
Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads.