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Day: 3 January 2021

Amazon Phising Email

Amazon Phishing Email.

Does the sender of the following email think I am totally STUPID?

Animated GIF

I have had two emails within the last 24 hours to my private email from the following HACKER MUPPET LOW LIFE.

I have tried to find out who this IDIOT is with “whois” and the domain name seems to have no DATA (

You would think with what is going on round the world right now these bottom feeder scam artists would have something better to do than try and scam people.

Here is the email screenshot which I have forwarded to:

You can read what Amazon says here about phishing emails:


Registrars should have a service if someone reports a domain name that is performing illegal activities and one can prove phishing emails by looking up the email source code, then registrars should take these emails and domain names down.

It angers me that people do not have anything better to do other than hurt others, send viruses online and try to scam people out of money.

I just hope for Karma to pay the Hacker and his/her Family a visit 🤬

Working With Amazon as an Affiliate or Seller.

Working With Amazon as an Affiliate or Seller.

If you are thinking of starting a side hustle I will go through something I do and then go into selling directly on Amazon.

I am an Amazon Assoicate, what this means is I get a commission for every product that is bought through my links within 24 hours of a click. Amazon Associates have a 24 hour cookie that they place on a visitors computer so that when the visitor clicks and returns within 24 hours no matter what they buy you will get a commission.

The Amazon Associates Affilate Program is one of the largest affiliate networks in the world that helps content creators, publishers, and website owners monetize their traffic. I prefer to use my blogs and websites and share my posts to my large following on LinkedIn. To monetize your website or blog takes time and you will not be an overningt success.

To be honest you need a lot of traffic to begin with, as the click through ratio is only 1-3 percent, so out of a hundred clicks you will have 1 – 3 visitors that will convert into a commission, so if a click is worth £10 for example you will get £10 to £30.

The beauty about Amazon affiliate marketing is you do not need a website or blog as you can share you links directly via email or social media platforms like Facebook which is less effort.

One also has to take into account the commission rates on a product, not all product commissions are equal.

Why waste your efforts promoting something that is low in commissions when you can devote your time doing the same thing with higher commission rates.

On the other hand instead of being an affiliate you could directly sell on Amazon, you do not neccessarily have to have any inventory, website or blog you can dropship or use Amazon FBA program. However what do you sell that is popular on Amazon? Here is a link to a list that changes every hour of products that are popular on Amazon and any given time:


You do need to consider your marketing strategies and some people as well as selling on Amazon sell their products via online stores that they have created themselves or had designed for them. Remember you need to do a lot of SEO to get your website blog on the first page of a search engines and you need exact match searchable keywords and phrases domain names.

To start selling on Amazon you first need to set up a sellers account:

If you want some free advice please message using the online form. Do not spend thousands of $$$ on online courses, just message us instead for free.

Reasons Why You Will Never Be Rich.

This Is Why Most People Will Never Be Rich

  1. You are too complacent and too set in your ways to make changes. You like to play it safe.
  2. You have no ambition.
  3. Your attitude to money is wrong *What ever will be will be”.
  4. You believe high brand items and fancy cars will make you look rich, hence you give a false perception of yourself so that people think you are rich.
  5. You are very materialistic, you spend more than you earn because you want the best of the best and you want to look your best even though you cannot afford it.
  6. You do not respect money, you will squander money on trivial things.
  7. You value going to the pub over education (entertainment instead of learning something new).
  8. You’re afraid to take risks.
  9. You don’t have a plan of action. You do not know how to execute an idea.
  10. You have not set any goals.
  11. You spend more than you make.
  12. You do not have a budget.
  13. You do not save money, save 10% of your earnings.
  14. You do not invest.
  15. You do not consilidate your debts and eliminate them entirely.
  16. You do not perservere.
  17. You give up to easilly.
  18. You think investing is risky but fail to realise that not investing is the biggest risk of all.
  19. You put your eggs in one basket, meaning you do not have several income streams.
  20. You complain about not having enough money rather than doing something about it.
  21. You live for today & and have no plans for tomorrow.
  22. You believe money will just fall into your lap.
  23. You don’t think you have what it takes to succeed.
  24. You think you need to be lucky to have money including gambling or expecting to win the lottery.
  25. You’re scared of failure.
  26. You don’t have access investment strategies & high quality mentors.
  27. You want to get paid based on your time rather than on your value.
  28. You’re surrounding yourself with the wrong people.
  29. You want to get rich quick rather than doing any work.
  30. You don’t understand the fundamentals of a budget – spend less than you earn.
  31. You think money is the route of all evil.
  32. You take things to heart and not not do well with criticism.
  33. You do not have a passion and do not love what you do.
  34. You do not know how to solve problems, people need help with problem solving, you do not know how to get over obstacles or mistakes.
  35. You do not have patience, you expect to get rich quick.
  36. You do not have a mentor.
  37. You do not have a network of like minded people.
  38. You do not test your product or service with consumers.
  39. You do not take care of your mental or physical self.
  40. You work for a company but you do not own shares.


How To Become Rich.

  1. You need to able to persuade, negotiate and sell.
  2. You need to be able to read people, know which people to trust.
  3. You need to share your knowledge, if people can see how you make money they are more likely to invest in you.
  4. Rich people master leverage, know how to delegate and crowd source.
  5. Grow a Network with like minded people and get a mentor.
  6. Master Energy Management. Sleep well, take care of your mind and your body.
  7. Learn to probem solve not only for yourself but for other people.
  8. Critical Time Path (CTP), know how to delagate your time management productively.
  9. Know how and when to take risks and manage money, including budgeting and investments.
  10. Be assertive, confident, focused and determned.
  11. Learn something new every day and share it with others.
  12. Retrain your brain.


January 2021
