Making Waves – Public Relations.
I was told today by a company that shall remain nameless as well as their industry that I should not be making waves, meaning i should not be writing news articles about a partiular topic.
My answer to that is, this is my job, I announce to the world what is on my mind, fact check everything and make companies more aware the latest news, reviews and regulations.
If a company goes to me and says do not make waves and argues with me that I should not be writing certain articles even though it does not directly involve them, means they either are afraid of something, have something to hide or do not like being told they are wrong.
The name of the game of business you have to listen and you have to learn.
I make it my job to know the facts and the law and hope that the information I write is useful.
Should a person not take my advice, that is there problem not mine.
When a company tells me I cannot do my job or question my motives I have to ask why?, there is also freedom of speech and anyone can write anything as long as it is not fake news.
Making waves allows people to notice what you have to say, as long as it is for the right reasons and done properly, you should not be stirring up a hornets nest if you do not want to get stung, as there is an element it can backfire. But providing you have all the evidence to back up your claim there is no reason to let your ideas, thoughts and comments be not known.
Are you a Spineless Jellyfish.
If you are a Spineless Jellyfish a person who is hard working, works by the book, but is underappreciated because they don’t speak up, then they will never get noticed.
Are you a Tuna.
However a Tuna Fish in the ocean of businesses may have the ability to stand up for themselves, may have a good network of friends and colleagues but won’t stand out from the school of fish as much as you would desire. In this case they need to brush up your public relations skills.
Are you a Shark.
Finally are you are a shark – like me and are one fearless fish in the sea! You have a presence that is well known however you want to to make a ripple in the waters, not create a crushing tidal wave.
So for the company that told me not to make waves they have missed the boat because i was going to give them a free marketing boost, especially seeing I found they have been in business for many years and are still not on the first page of Google organically. The other things is they have a hyphenated domain name, which is a no no in the world of SEO and have no cookie banner.
Always remember you do not who you are dealing with and where people make assumptions, this is wrong as the next nerdy person you speak to could be a Fortune 100 CEO of a Big Tech Company.
PR is the act of story telling. It spreads awareness of the brand, the product or service. PR is trying to influence an audience, to trust your brand, product or service and help to promote your idea and get the end user to purchase your product, support your position, or recognize your accomplishments. The Public Relations Society of America PRSA say “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” Public relations is a communication strategy that builds public awareness and mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and the consumer.”
Advertising is paid media, public relations is earned media.
Our Fees.
Hourly Fee – £300.
Half Day Fee – £1,100.00
Full Day – £2000.00
20% Discount the more days you do.
***(Pricing excludes printing costs, distribution of materials and advertising costs).
We can commit to anywhere between 5 and 10 days each and every month for each campaign.
We believe having a large network of journalists, bloggers, influencers aswell as Fortune 100 Billionaires, Millionaires, Royalty and Law Makers, our news articles will spread awareness and will get noticed.
***We offer a free 30 minute consultation and ask our clients to point out their failures and their weaknesses so that we can construct a solid platform to work from. Knowing what the core problem is will help deliver strategic plans to put a company back on the right path.
PR Role is:
- To build strong relationships and networks with colleagues, clients and the media and answer enquiries from the media and other organisations.
- Monitor the media, including newspapers, magazines, journals, broadcasts, newswires, social media sites and blogs, for opportunities for clients.
- Research, write and distribute press releases to targeted media collate and analyse media coverage.
- Write and edit in-house magazines, case studies, speeches, articles and annual reports.
- Prepare and supervise the production of publicity brochures, handouts, direct mail leaflets, promotional videos, photographs, films and multimedia programmes.
- Undertake photo opportunities and coordinate studio or location photography.
- Organise events (such as press conferences, exhibitions, open days and press tours), source speakers and seek out sponsorship opportunities.
- Maintain and update information on the organisation’s website.
- Manage and update information and engage with users on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.
- Prepare regular client reports and attend client meetings.
- Commission market research.
- Undertake research for new business proposals and present them to potential new clients.
- Foster good community relations through events such as open days and through involvement in community initiatives.
- Manage the PR aspect of a potential crisis situation.
Final Thoughts.
I try to help people as much as I can, but if they do not want to be helped then its up to them.
The tradesperson that I dealt with today and was representing the company basically ruined any chances the company could have had for free marketing, because of his dictatorship, aswell as not knowing exactly my job role.
Never assume anything and do take into account when you speak with someone you may not always know who you are talking to.
Always take an opportunity when it comes knocking on your door because like the company today they missed the boat even though I was not selling them anything, just giving them free advice, I was going to suggest helping them, but the dialogue did not happen and never will.
Also never judge a book by its cover!