Cymru Marketing Journal - (CMJUK) - Online Business Journal & Digital Marketing Agency. Business News, Directory, SEO, Social Media Management, Advertising, Reviews, Forum, Market Research, Content Writing & Website Design. Thinking Local, Acting Global.
I had an email to say my bill was going up by £3.50 pm for what is supposed to be the fastest broadband connection. What a joke , considering my bill averages at £61 per month to include telephone that is over 5% increase over the current rate of inflation and my wifi load speed is 1.58 mbps.
A happy customer will tell ten people, whilst an unhappy customer will tell the world.
Now I depend on the internet to run my business but their excuses are I do not have Business Broadband. Regardless if I have Business Broadband or Residential Broadband under the consumer rights act 2015 I should be provided with a product or service that is not sub-standard and should work. If it does not work I am entitled to compensation or my money back. I cannot afford any downtime testing it and having to be offline.
I am fed up the excuses and this is not just broadband but every service provider, utilities, anit-virus, hosting providers etc, trying to blame the customer and not admitting fault, “Its not us its you” scenario.
Be the bigger person and admit that you are giving a 💩 service.
I am not happy, if I have to phone and be put on hold for 20 minutes or longer and them told to reset my modem and basically mess around whilst my business goes offline, who is going to compensate me for loss of business?
With lockdown in place and businesses working form home, they should not be expected to upgrade to a business package to earn broadband providers more money for inferior services. The only difference with a business package is they will work on your fault faster than if your were a residential customer.
I have a chat widget on all my businesses so it does not look good if I am unavailable. I would willing to pay for Business Broadband if I thought I was going to have a good service, but with Virgin’s track record I begrudge paying a single penny more.
I am not happy!
If anyone else is experiencing a bad service from Virgin Media, please leave your comments below.
The more reviews Virgin gets the quicker they will have to clean up their act.
To check out the best broadband providers, do visit this site:
Hope Karma Pays The Real Person Behind The Alias ‘Joe Miller’ A Visit.
Attempting to steal my of my domain name.
I have just received an email today attemptimg to steal my domain name or put a virus on my computer.
The person must own to set up an email address appertaining to the domain name.
Obviously this person is visiting my site in order to physically fill out my online form.
Here is the email source:
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ([])
by with LMTP id SOtuDYx1/182bwAAuBebmg
for <>; Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:34:52 +0000
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Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:34:50 +0000 (UTC)
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Message-ID: <1610577290817.26836.73294@formmail1>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:34:50 GMT
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Subject: New message via contact form on - Contact page
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You received a new message from sent via the contact f=
orm on
Name: Joe Miller
Message: Notice#: 491343
Date: 2021-01-14 =20
We have not received your payment for the renewal of your domain cymrumarke=
We have made several attempts to reach you by phone, to inform you regardin=
g the TERMINATION of your domain
The submission notification will EXPIRE WITHIN 24 HOURS =
after reception of this email
This person is a parasite, the lowest of the low and I hope karma teaches him or her a lesson. Consider the consequences of your actions, next time you try to steal a domain name or try to ruin someone’s business!
This is the Whois Data.
Registrar Info
Name TUCOWS, INC. Whois Server
Referral URL Status client
Tea beverages are an aromatic drink, drank hot or cold and are commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured or fresh leaves, drinking it luke warm or cold over ice. Harrison Tea’s, UK Tea Store has a variety of Tea Infusions that are sourced from around the world.
Hyphen Domain Names and why you should not use them.
I was approached last week to tender for a bank and upon closer inspection I found that they are using a hyphen domain name. This got me thinking outside the box so to speak and the keywords they were using within their domain name were hyphenated. I found that they were pointing what would be their MAIN non hyphen domain name to their hyphen domain name, not the other way round. Not only that they were not using the keywords that a consumer would search for, although there are 654,000,000 results for their keywords business bank, the first word in their domain name would not be something that people neccessarily would search for. Google does not use exact-match searchable phrases but will list a broad match of search results based on the searchable keywords.
I then thought how can I help this bank with their marketing when they are looking for a marketing agency that would be a subcontractor? I for one cannot be a subcontractor, cannot work out of hours or weekends, and can only commit to a few hours each month. I work on my own terms.
So I decided to register a domain name any bank would want in the UK but rather than just put the domain name up for sale I will be doing extensive SEO. I have already launched the domain even though the website is under construction and will eventually have a directory of all the banks in the UK.
Once I get the domain on the first page of Google I will contact the bank in question, although any bank will be biting my arm off to get the domain, especially when it will be generating traffic. I will not announce the domain name until it is 100% developed.
So needless to say I come across another domain name that had a marketing campaign sent to my inbox today and I was very surprised that they too were using a hyphen domain name.
Again I did some investigating and found that the non hyphen domain name was actually for sale, which means that the powers that be have no intention of buying domain names that are being brokered and are up for sale as opposed to hand-registering what is available.
Good luck to them is all I can say and even though I am not brokering and as opposed to what Neom City have gives me a better understanding of their marketing strategy.
As for the word “Neom,” it is trademarked therefore no one should be able to use the word other than the London Organic Beauty Company. Hence in my opinion and considering the London Organic Company came first by rights should belong to the beauty company, just saying…. The same goes for booking(s).com trademarked their name so no one can use the word booking (s) in a domain name.
Advantages of using hyphens
Domain names comprised of generic terms are more likely to be available; particularly when seeking to the nonavailable TLD.
Disadvantages of hyphenated domain names
People are less likely to remember a hyphen and it adds an extra character to the domain name.
More difficult to market nonflowing words and long-winded especially when advertising on radio or through word of mouth.
Is not as valuable as a flowing two or three-word domain name and won’t have as good a resale value.
If your domain name is two words (like, you may want to separate the words with a hyphen for readability: But one has to consider that hyphens strongly correlate with spammy behavior and decrease domain name readability and memorability. People tend to ignore or avoid clicking links that go to these types of domain names for fear of landing on a nonauthentic scam website or a virus.
Ultimately one should perform a radio test for memorability. A radio test is a way of finding out if the domain names are easily remembered publically e.g. on the phone, in meetings, in presentations, at a bar, in a taxi, or in a Zoom call. Verbal communication enables us to remember words easily, using hyphens can cause confusion and may be deemed as untrustworthy. Symbols and underscores can’t be used in domains anyway as the characters are not permitted, however, numbers can.
It may an idea for a business to secure the hyphen domain name but not use it for SEO or marketing purposes more so to stop cyber criminals from cloning sites.
For your information, I have secured the hyphen for my example earlier plus the so that no one gets the better of me.
I was told today by a company that shall remain nameless as well as their industry that I should not be making waves, meaning i should not be writing news articles about a partiular topic.
My answer to that is, this is my job, I announce to the world what is on my mind, fact check everything and make companies more aware the latest news, reviews and regulations.
If a company goes to me and says do not make waves and argues with me that I should not be writing certain articles even though it does not directly involve them, means they either are afraid of something, have something to hide or do not like being told they are wrong.
The name of the game of business you have to listen and you have to learn.
I make it my job to know the facts and the law and hope that the information I write is useful.
Should a person not take my advice, that is there problem not mine.
When a company tells me I cannot do my job or question my motives I have to ask why?, there is also freedom of speech and anyone can write anything as long as it is not fake news.
Making waves allows people to notice what you have to say, as long as it is for the right reasons and done properly, you should not be stirring up a hornets nest if you do not want to get stung, as there is an element it can backfire. But providing you have all the evidence to back up your claim there is no reason to let your ideas, thoughts and comments be not known.
Are you a Spineless Jellyfish.
If you are a Spineless Jellyfish a person who is hard working, works by the book, but is underappreciated because they don’t speak up, then they will never get noticed.
Are you a Tuna.
However a Tuna Fish in the ocean of businesses may have the ability to stand up for themselves, may have a good network of friends and colleagues but won’t stand out from the school of fish as much as you would desire. In this case they need to brush up your public relations skills.
Are you a Shark.
Finally are you are a shark – like me and are one fearless fish in the sea! You have a presence that is well known however you want to to make a ripple in the waters, not create a crushing tidal wave.
So for the company that told me not to make waves they have missed the boat because i was going to give them a free marketing boost, especially seeing I found they have been in business for many years and are still not on the first page of Google organically. The other things is they have a hyphenated domain name, which is a no no in the world of SEO and have no cookie banner.
Always remember you do not who you are dealing with and where people make assumptions, this is wrong as the next nerdy person you speak to could be a Fortune 100 CEO of a Big Tech Company.
PR is the act of story telling. It spreads awareness of the brand, the product or service. PR is trying to influence an audience, to trust your brand, product or service and help to promote your idea and get the end user to purchase your product, support your position, or recognize your accomplishments. The Public Relations Society of America PRSA say “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” Public relations is a communication strategy that builds public awareness and mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and the consumer.”
Advertising is paid media, public relations is earned media.
Our Fees.
Hourly Fee – £300.
Half Day Fee – £1,100.00
Full Day – £2000.00
20% Discount the more days you do.
***(Pricing excludes printing costs, distribution of materials and advertising costs).
We can commit to anywhere between 5 and 10 days each and every month for each campaign.
We believe having a large network of journalists, bloggers, influencers aswell as Fortune 100 Billionaires, Millionaires, Royalty and Law Makers, our news articles will spread awareness and will get noticed.
***We offer a free 30 minute consultation and ask our clients to point out their failures and their weaknesses so that we can construct a solid platform to work from. Knowing what the core problem is will help deliver strategic plans to put a company back on the right path.
PR Role is:
To build strong relationships and networks with colleagues, clients and the media and answer enquiries from the media and other organisations.
Monitor the media, including newspapers, magazines, journals, broadcasts, newswires, social media sites and blogs, for opportunities for clients.
Research, write and distribute press releases to targeted media collate and analyse media coverage.
Write and edit in-house magazines, case studies, speeches, articles and annual reports.
Prepare and supervise the production of publicity brochures, handouts, direct mail leaflets, promotional videos, photographs, films and multimedia programmes.
Undertake photo opportunities and coordinate studio or location photography.
Organise events (such as press conferences, exhibitions, open days and press tours), source speakers and seek out sponsorship opportunities.
Maintain and update information on the organisation’s website.
Manage and update information and engage with users on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.
Prepare regular client reports and attend client meetings.
Commission market research.
Undertake research for new business proposals and present them to potential new clients.
Foster good community relations through events such as open days and through involvement in community initiatives.
Manage the PR aspect of a potential crisis situation.
Final Thoughts.
I try to help people as much as I can, but if they do not want to be helped then its up to them.
The tradesperson that I dealt with today and was representing the company basically ruined any chances the company could have had for free marketing, because of his dictatorship, aswell as not knowing exactly my job role.
Never assume anything and do take into account when you speak with someone you may not always know who you are talking to.
Always take an opportunity when it comes knocking on your door because like the company today they missed the boat even though I was not selling them anything, just giving them free advice, I was going to suggest helping them, but the dialogue did not happen and never will.
Regardless of who bought or installed the appliance, it is still the landlord’s responsibility to make sure the appliance is safe to use, as he has the responsibility of all the occupants in his property and adjacent properties to make sure there are no faults.
A gas engineer or landlord should not expect the tenant to pay for a Gas safety check on the tenant’s appliance if the tenant is paying rent to include maintenance and services.
If the appliance developed a fault and caused an accident the landlord would be liable and at fault for not having a gas safety check done. Not only is he/she safeguarding his/her tenants he is also safeguarding his property. The landlords building insurance would be null and void if he did not have a gas safety check on an appliance fitted by him/herself or the tenant.
Furthermore, if a gas engineer tries to say that he will not be doing a gas safety check because it is the tenant’s appliance, then the gas engineer is at fault as all gas appliances have to be checked regardless of who bought them.
Gas Safe Register website also mentions they are governed by HSE screenshot below and that it is the tenant’s responsibility to make sure their appliance is in good working order and have an annual gas safety check.
Under section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, the landlord is responsible to:
to keep in repair the structure and exterior of the dwelling, including drains, gutters, and external pipes,
to keep in repair and proper working order the installations in the dwelling for the supply of water, gas, electricity, and sanitation (including basins, sinks, baths, and sanitary conveniences.
to keep in repair and proper working order the installation in the dwelling for space heating and heating water.
Gas safety is the highest priority in rented properties. All gas appliances, fittings, installations, pipes, and flues must be kept in perfect working condition. This applies to communal and private areas, regardless of whether tenants have access.
All landlords are required to arrange an annual gas safety check by a Gas Safe registered engineer. They must earn a gas-safe certificate or make improvements prior to letting tenants. The certificate must be made available to every tenant prior to moving in and must be kept for at least two years.
It is absolutely illegal for anyone to knowingly use unsafe gas equipment. Treat the matter with the highest regard! Always require the gas safety certificate prior to renting a property.
From 1 Oct 2015, the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations 2015 came into force, which means all private rented sector landlords have an obligation by law to have at least one smoke alarm installed on every floor of their properties and a carbon monoxide alarm in any room where solid fuel is used.
For more information on licensed landlords in Wales please visit:
There is some contradicting information from other sources about the Gas Safety Responsibilities of a landlord and tenant and it seems a bit of a grey area according to: landlord is not responsible for any electrical appliance that the tenant has installed in their property. Their maintenance is at the discretion of the tenant. But there is NO MENTION ABOUT GAS COOKERS which have been bought by the tenant??
In my opinion, it should be the landlord’s responsibility to make sure all gas appliances are checked regardless of who bought them. If anything went wrong the landlord is protected and so are his tenants.
There should be a clause in the tenant’s agreement if the tenant has purchased the appliance with a fixed fee added to their rent or the tenant needs toappoint a gas engineer of their choosing and provide a gas safety check certificate.
For the sake of Home Insurance the Home Owner should not rely on a third party (i,e the tenant) to carry out a Gas Safety Check and should arrange it himself or herself with a Competent Gas Registered Engineer.
However as it stands one cannot leave the onus on the tenant, not all tenants are internet savvy and will not do the research as I have, and MAY NOT KNOW THE LAW if it is not written into the tenant’s contract, then this opens up a can of worms.
Furthermore, EVERY Gas Engineers, Electrical Engineers and Gas, Electrical and Appliance Manufacturers and Retailers website should have linked and have information about:
Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Gas Safety Checks and Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities and the law.
***I have contacted HSE for comment and am awaiting their reply. I will update this post as soon as hear from them.
All Landlords, Gas & Electrical Engineers need to be trained in HotZones and Carbon Monoxide Alarms – So far I have opened a can of worms.
Does the sender of the following email think I am totally STUPID?
I have had two emails within the last 24 hours to my private email from the following HACKER MUPPET LOW LIFE.
I have tried to find out who this IDIOT is with “whois” and the domain name seems to have no DATA (
You would think with what is going on round the world right now these bottom feeder scam artists would have something better to do than try and scam people.
Registrars should have a service if someone reports a domain name that is performing illegal activities and one can prove phishing emails by looking up the email source code, then registrars should take these emails and domain names down.
It angers me that people do not have anything better to do other than hurt others, send viruses online and try to scam people out of money.
I just hope for Karma to pay the Hacker and his/her Family a visit 🤬
If you are thinking of starting a side hustle I will go through something I do and then go into selling directly on Amazon.
I am an Amazon Assoicate, what this means is I get a commission for every product that is bought through my links within 24 hours of a click. Amazon Associates have a 24 hour cookie that they place on a visitors computer so that when the visitor clicks and returns within 24 hours no matter what they buy you will get a commission.
The Amazon Associates Affilate Program is one of the largest affiliate networks in the world that helps content creators, publishers, and website owners monetize their traffic. I prefer to use my blogs and websites and share my posts to my large following on LinkedIn. To monetize your website or blog takes time and you will not be an overningt success.
To be honest you need a lot of traffic to begin with, as the click through ratio is only 1-3 percent, so out of a hundred clicks you will have 1 – 3 visitors that will convert into a commission, so if a click is worth £10 for example you will get £10 to £30.
The beauty about Amazon affiliate marketing is you do not need a website or blog as you can share you links directly via email or social media platforms like Facebook which is less effort.
One also has to take into account the commission rates on a product, not all product commissions are equal.
Why waste your efforts promoting something that is low in commissions when you can devote your time doing the same thing with higher commission rates.
On the other hand instead of being an affiliate you could directly sell on Amazon, you do not neccessarily have to have any inventory, website or blog you can dropship or use Amazon FBA program. However what do you sell that is popular on Amazon? Here is a link to a list that changes every hour of products that are popular on Amazon and any given time:
You do need to consider your marketing strategies and some people as well as selling on Amazon sell their products via online stores that they have created themselves or had designed for them. Remember you need to do a lot of SEO to get your website blog on the first page of a search engines and you need exact match searchable keywords and phrases domain names.
You are too complacent and too set in your ways to make changes. You like to play it safe.
You have no ambition.
Your attitude to money is wrong *What ever will be will be”.
You believe high brand items and fancy cars will make you look rich, hence you give a false perception of yourself so that people think you are rich.
You are very materialistic, you spend more than you earn because you want the best of the best and you want to look your best even though you cannot afford it.
You do not respect money, you will squander money on trivial things.
You value going to the pub over education (entertainment instead of learning something new).
You’re afraid to take risks.
You don’t have a plan of action. You do not know how to execute an idea.
You have not set any goals.
You spend more than you make.
You do not have a budget.
You do not save money, save 10% of your earnings.
You do not invest.
You do not consilidate your debts and eliminate them entirely.
You do not perservere.
You give up to easilly.
You think investing is risky but fail to realise that not investing is the biggest risk of all.
You put your eggs in one basket, meaning you do not have several income streams.
You complain about not having enough money rather than doing something about it.
You live for today & and have no plans for tomorrow.
You believe money will just fall into your lap.
You don’t think you have what it takes to succeed.
You think you need to be lucky to have money including gambling or expecting to win the lottery.
You’re scared of failure.
You don’t have access investment strategies & high quality mentors.
You want to get paid based on your time rather than on your value.
You’re surrounding yourself with the wrong people.
You want to get rich quick rather than doing any work.
You don’t understand the fundamentals of a budget – spend less than you earn.
You think money is the route of all evil.
You take things to heart and not not do well with criticism.
You do not have a passion and do not love what you do.
You do not know how to solve problems, people need help with problem solving, you do not know how to get over obstacles or mistakes.
You do not have patience, you expect to get rich quick.
You do not have a mentor.
You do not have a network of like minded people.
You do not test your product or service with consumers.
You do not take care of your mental or physical self.
You work for a company but you do not own shares.
How To Become Rich.
You need to able to persuade, negotiate and sell.
You need to be able to read people, know which people to trust.
You need to share your knowledge, if people can see how you make money they are more likely to invest in you.
Rich people master leverage, know how to delegate and crowd source.
Grow a Network with like minded people and get a mentor.
Master Energy Management. Sleep well, take care of your mind and your body.
Learn to probem solve not only for yourself but for other people.
Critical Time Path (CTP), know how to delagate your time management productively.
Know how and when to take risks and manage money, including budgeting and investments.
Be assertive, confident, focused and determned.
Learn something new every day and share it with others.
As the New Year has come upon us, Lockdown is still in the midst, hence we have to decide what to do whilst we are in isolation before the boredom sets in.
Like with all New Years past and present, it is out with the old and in with the new. We make promises to ourselves that the in the New Year we will quit smoking and go on diets, but what if the new chapter waiting to be written does not have to be just about New Years Resolutions but about significant life changes that can set the stepping stones to something much bigger.
Obviously taking care of our bodies is very important and we also need to take care of our minds. Watching films back to back will take your mind off things but it is short lived and you do not come out it any wiser unless of course they are educational documentaries. I agree we need to switch off and unwind and that is the only time we should have for watching films. The rest of our precious time should be put to good use. Do something that occupies our minds, such as learning a new language, new skill, craft or trade.
A New You and New Year Resolutions only means one thing, do something that you will be remembered for, not only will you be helping yourself you will be writing your destiny and passing it down as a legacy.
Here is a list of things you can start doing and my own recommendations. Remember only you can make the change and there is nothing stopping you making it happen other than your imagination.
Learn a craft.
Types of crafts
Ceramics and glass crafts, tile making to mosaics.
Flower crafts (Wedding Bouquets to Flower Arranging.
Leatherwork (Make handbags, belts and purses).
Houseware, Basket weaving (also called basketry, basket making).
9. Paper crafts include: Paper marbling, Origami (paper folding), Papermaking, Cast paper, Decoupage, Papercutting, Iris folding, Paper embossing, Bookbinding, Quilling, Papier-mâché, Paper model, Parchment craft, Calligraphy,Scrapbooking. (I have an idea consider designing colourful organiser/journal inserts in various designs, I have noticed there are not many outlets selling a wide variety. Check out Etsy for inspiration. Design the inserts by themes, nature, fashion, children, doodle colouring in, motivational etc).
13. Write a Book, an autobigraphy, fiction or screen play or become a content writer.
14. Write some songs or some poems.
15.. Start Baking or Cooking (Deliver meals on wheels to your local community). Sell cupcakes or birthday and wedding cakes. Do tutorials on YouTube. Volunteer to help vulnerable people.
16. Do home repairs ( help the elderly with their gardens or maintenance whilst keeping to social distancing).
17. Learn to Draw & Paint. (Become a Fine Artist, Cartoonist or Illustrator).
18. Learn photography be the next wedding or commercial photographer (master photoshop) – Learn Drone Photography and Videography, (Landlords, Estate Agents (Real Estate) want virual tours of their properties).
19. Set up a stock library of images to sell online.
20. Learn to Play the Guitar or any musical instrument.
21. Learn Gardening, grow herbs and vegetables (enter into competitions or sell online homemade chutneys jams and preserves). Teach Lessons on Gardening on YouTube.
24. Make your own furniture and home decorations (sell online).
25. Master Yoga and Tai Chi – Teach Yoga and Tai Chi Online on YouTube.
26. Learn to Dance and Teach Online Dancing Lessons.
27. Learn SurvivalTechniques.
28. Sew Home Decor or Toys and Curtains, Patch Photo Blankets, Cushion Cover etc. (Turn your childs favourite outgrown outfit into a toy or patch blanket). Sell Online.
29. Learn to overcome shyness and gain confidence.
30. Learn to be a motivational speaker or consultant.
31. Learn First Aid.
32. Impove Memory Skills.
33. Learn Marketing.
34. Learn Search Engine Optimisation.
35. Learn Coding and Website Design & Development. (Start a blog and monetise it).
36. Learn Money Skills and Budgeting.
37. Learn about stock markets.
38. Learn a new trade, open university, udemy and edx.
40. Learn About Aromatherapy. Make your own Homemade Soap, Spa quality bath bombs, Bath salts, Body Butter, Soothing creams, Exfoliating body scrubs, Moisturizing body lotions and sell them online.
41. Start a Sport, running, boxing, martial arts, weight lifting, caving, pot holing, etc (be competive run marathons and join sporting events when they return). You have plenty of time to train.
42. Learn Business Skills, offer networking and lead generation.
43. Restore Old Furniture.
44. RestoreVintage Cars & Motorbikes
45. Learn about Antiques. (Sell Antiques online).
46. Set Up a Car Boot Sale (Regulations Permitting).
47. Be a collector of coins, stamps and memorabilia (sell online).
48. Learn Nail Art and Teach Online
49. Learn Wine Making.
50. Make Music.
51. Learn Programming
52. Learn to be a tattooist
53. PerformingStand Up Comedy
54. Proof-Reading and Editing.
55. Chauffering.
56. Offer a Concierge Service.
57. Design a Magazine.
58. Make T-Shirts, sell online.
59. Painting & Decorating.
60. Washing Windows.
61. Flipping Houses.
62. Buying and Selling.
63. Create & Edit Videos.
64. Create & Sell Pet Clothing.
65. Learn & Offer Engraving Services
66. Become a Computer Technician.
67. Offer Translation Services.
68. Home Staging.
69. Dog Walking.
70. Dog Training.
71. Learn Meditation.
72. Make Time Capsules.
73. Candle Making.
74. Magic Tricks & Card Tricks.
75. Urban fruit picking.
76. Journaling (Write Articles For Newspapers).
77. Fostering Animals.
78. Make Miniatures.
79. Tatebanko.
80. Singing.
81. Quilling.
82. Learn Archaeology.
83. Learn toPlay Chess and enter competitions.
84. Learn Feng Shui Decorating.
85. Learn to Crab.
86. Shell Fishing & Collecting.
87. Fossil Hunting.
88. Foraging.
89. Fishing, fly, spear, rod, ice.
90. Car Racing.
91. Fencing.
92. Rock Climbing, Bouldering.
93. Hunting.
94. Reviewing Products, Services & Gadgets.
95. Building Electronics.
96. Become a professional Alcohol Connoisseur.
97. Hiking.
98. Collecting Military Paraphernalia.
99. Boat Making.
100. Robot Making. (AI).
101. App Development.
102. Storm Chasing.
103. Whittling. (the art of carving shapes out of raw wood using a knife).
104. Star Gazing.
105. Lamp making.
106. Learn to become a chocolatier.
107. Learn to do Pottery.
108. Learn Acting.
109. Learn Film Directing.
110. Model Ship Building.
“Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today”.
Stop procrastinating and putting things off, becasuse the longer you leave things the longer it will take to do something about changing your life for the better.
If you feel depressed with low self esteem, read some self hep books and reach out to organisations that may be able to help you. Talk to your GP.
If there are obstacles in your way learn how to get round them. No one is going to help you if you do not help yourself.
I hope I have given you some ideas to help you blow the blues away. Do take inspiration on Amazon and see what people are selling from handmade gifts to finding the ideal book to help you learn. You can find pretty much anything on Amazon from learning a new language to learning how to code.
Whatever your forte from drones to drills, you will not have any trouble finding what you need on Amazon.
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