Sending emails to ceo’s.
My Pet Peeve is that I have emailed some CEO’s directly of late and have other people email me back, not the CEO themselves.
If I have taken the trouble to seek a CEO’s email out, as some are difficult to get hold of, you would think they would have the decency to reply. Instead I get emails from other people underneath them.
If I wanted the opinion of another person I would no doubt have seeked them out also.
If I get emails directly, I do not portray myself to be “so very important” that I cannot answer my own emails. I most certainly would not employ someone to open my emails and filter what is worth me reading, I would somehow use the money paying someone instead to go use.
Yes I hear you, the CEO has created a job for someone, I will no doubt agree but surely making an employee more proactive and getting them to find more business is better than someone just responding to emails all day.
Why do CEO’s act like they are from another planet. Nearly all started out the same way as most of us and only a few were born with silver spoons in their mouths.
I am not talking about A-Lister Celebrities, who potentially have millions of fans emailing them, in which they may need help answering all the fan mail, I am talking about owners of companies, who also think they are untouchable and think because they have risen above the clouds they are essentially no longer human and have minions doing the work for them, whilst they sit back and reap the rewards.
To employ someone to respond to emails is basically lazy and pretentious, which I certainly I am not.
By getting someone else to respond on your behalf it like saying “Look at me, I am SO VERY IMPORTANT AND BUSY and you are an insignificant person to me, in which I will not respond directly and will get someone else to respond on my behalf”.
Obviously I have enough common sense to filter out what is in need of my attention and what is not. If on the other hand I had an email that may need investigating and I was too busy to do the work myself I would get someone to do the work and then write it out but I would still send it from my inbox as courtesy.
It really gets to me, the biggger the company the less they care about their customers and its all about how much money they make rather than seeing a customer happy.
“Without customers, followers and connections you would not be living in your fancy houses driving your fancy cars”.
I know enough that even if my emails have not been read by the CEO’s I always have my platform to fall back on if I get a lame response from someone underneath them. Never judge a book by its cover or underestimate anyone.
“No matter how successful you are, remember where you came from and the strugggles and sacrifices you made getting where you are today”.
No matter how important you may be and even if you are one of the fortune 500 it is always good to show empathy to your followers, connections and customers, otherwise you have the misfortune of alienating yourself from the rest of the world. Showing people that you care will only entice more worshippers.
When contacting CEO’s evaluate is your email worthy of a response as CEO’s are busy people and although I made light of it earlier, they do not all sit in swanky restaurants sipping cocktails all day, they actually do work and jolly hard too, so you need to ask yourself does your email warrant a response.
I personally have eleven inboxes open on my phone and every few hours scroll and mark the ones that need my attention.
Finally, if all CEO’s thought they were untouchable we would not have LinkedIn and the ones that do and do not connect with you after you send them a message may find they have missed out on an opprtunity to get more business and added exposure and as I see it, thats their loss not mine.