Microgynon 30 Contraceptive Pill.
Meddygfa Albany Surgery Cardiff.
Meddygfa Albany Surgery Cardiff Google 1.7 Star Reviews: https://cutt.ly/AxG031z (Url too long so I shortened it).
Address: 219-221 City Rd, Cardiff CF24 3JD Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 6:30 PM Phone: 029 2048 6561
Email: enquiries.w97014@wales.nhs.uk
Meddygfa Albany Surgery Cardiff is on my radar again, despite my going into the surgery a few years ago with my daughter and saying “under no circumstances should my daughter be prescribed” ‘Rigevidon’ which was logged on the system.
So moving forward to the present day the Doctor has prescribed it again, peer pressuring my daughter by saying the reason why they cannot prescribe ‘Microgynon 30’ stating it is because the NHS is not supplying it any longer and the words were and I quote that “Rigevidon is the same contraceptive pill as Microgynon 30 just in different packaging”.
“To say something is the same as another is called passing off and is illegal to do”.
Forgive me for being cynical here but since when is a GP a branding expert (I am a branding expert, they are not), and also they certainly are not a pharmaceutical lab researcher/scientist?
Since when does a GP or the NHS have the right to use people as Guinea Pigs?
The reason why I am making a ‘hoo ha’ about this is that ‘Rigevidon’ has had ‘Bad Press’ and as a carer, it is my duty to intervene when it comes to my daughter’s health.
Rigevidon is a “copycat” version of Microgynon 30 and produced by Gedeon Richter, a manufacturing company that can sell the drug for cheaper, (it is not the same as Microgynon).
‘Microgynon 30’ is produced by Bayer, a Research and Development company that has tested their product on “thousands” of people.
There is no data to say that the NHS cannot obtain supplies of the drug Microgynon 30 and I suspect that depending on the NHS budget will depend if they are able to acquire the drug or not. https://thetab.com/uk/2020/02/07/theres-a-shortage-of-certain-contraceptive-pills-in-the-uk-142775
I may be mistaken but I have not read anything to the contrary about the supply of the drug other than in this article: https://pharmaceutical-journal.com/article/news/contraceptive-pills-to-go-out-of-stock-for-months-resulting-from-capacity-issues and that was two years ago.
If a patient is happy with a drug they have been prescribed and are getting on well with, they should not have their health compromised for the sake of a cost-cutting exercise, to be prescribed a cheaper drug.
A spokesman for Gedeon Richter told Express.co.uk: “Many side effects and risks are considered to be class effects of COCs, like bleeding disturbances, mood swings, depression, decreased sexual desire, weight gain, acne, and fatigue.

So if there are all these side effects why are pharmaceutical companies and the GPs playing Russian roulette with people’s health?
In my opinion, if a drug is not 100% safe it should not be on the market.
I will be contacting ‘Bayer’ for comment to see if they have a problem with manufacturing and supplies: https://www.bayer.co.uk/en/

We will soon see where the problem lies…
Stand up for your rights and you know better than anyone if something suits you or not.
If you have been on a medication for years and all of a sudden the NHS decides to switch brands you have to read the small print as not all drugs are made the same and you need to discuss your concerns with a professional abled body such as your own GP or Pharmacy.
Do your research and if you have to, get a second opinion.
How to Complain.
My Thoughts.
I will update this post in due course as soon as I get more information.
The pharmacist who spoke to my daughter today whilst she was on loudspeaker with myself present and another person accused my daughter of raising her voice at her, even though my daughter was being polite and courteous.
This is not the first time this surgery has been defensive and rude and basically said my daughter will not be prescribed ‘Microgynon’ because her explanation of why she did not want to take it was not good enough.
I will be making a formal complaint about this surgery they basically said that if my daughter really needed it she should get it privately and when my daughter said she would go private the person said she would update the records, not sure what that implies.
I spoke to Bayer.co.uk this afternoon and was told as far as they are aware Microgynon 30 is still being supplied to the NHS without any issues. I forwarded the link to this post to them for further comment.
Am awaiting a further response.
Last Update 26/03/21 at 17.13 hours.
New Update 29/03/21
I wrote to the surgery by email here is the screenshot:

So today I get a response from the surgery saying they could not talk about my daughter as my daughter has not given consent. So I asked my daughter to send them an email and they replied back because my daughter’s email was not on their system they could not continue the discussion.
Obviously, I was not going to let this slide so I phoned the practice manager and this was her response:
Because my daughter’s email has never been registered with them, they are not prepared to accept my daughter’s consent and she would have to physically come in and sign a form I said my daughter has MS and cannot walk very well and she said SORRY sarcacasticly but that is GDPR ruling. What happened about not coming to the surgery unless it was for emergencies due to Covid Regulations?
My daughter already confirmed who she was by email including giving them her DOB and signature……. They were just being awkward.
Furthermore, the practice manager said I had a “LACK OF RESPECT” to their highly qualified pharmacist and their clinicians and therefore it would be in my best interest to find another practice that could offer me better advice.
Considering a Doctor prescribed Gaviscon for my daughter’s tingling and pins and needles in her feet a few years ago and upon me admitting my daughter to A&E it was found she has Multiple Sclerosis it obviously says how qualified their Clinicians are and for me to have a lack of respect.
One should earn respect in order to get respect. If there is a lack of trust between the patient and the health professional, one has to look at the bigger picture why that is ?
Not once did the practice manager apologize for the rudeness of the ‘Highly Qualified Pharmacists and then tried to be patronizing by saying if I want to get information off the INTERNET and believe everything that is written including the Sun Newspaper then that was my prerogative, but she omitted to mention ITV conveniently.
The practice manager then threatened me and told me to find another surgery.
I responded that with the 1.7 Google ratings, they should be grateful to have as many patients as they could. She continued to say that the NHS has stopped giving out ‘Microgynon’ and I should take it up with Welsh Government.
Now the Domino Effect Has Started.
I suffer from OCD I have anxiety attacks and depression and this surgery has made me feel really ill to the extent I cannot face work. My OCD levels have risen all because of this surgery, I do not respect patients’ health.
I am self-employed, I cannot take time off work and go on sick as I have obligations. My OCD has got worse because of this surgery.
“All I was doing was looking out for the best interest of my daughter and I am obliged as my daughter’s carer to oversee any issues arising from health risks and was simply outlining my concerns and not disrespecting anyone”.
I have been told by the same surgery in the past that the NHS is not obliged to help anyone (this is documented in one of my previous posts) https://marketingagency.cymrumarketing.com/2020/07/29/meddygfa-albany-surgery/
Furthermore, my daughter just had a phone call from Cardiff & Vale Health Board who said as far as they are aware the NHS is giving out the contraceptive pill ‘Microgynon’ to all its surgeries and obviously the surgery I have referred to Meddygfa Albany Surgery City Road, Cardiff, must know something they do not.
The practice manager went on to say it is not a cost-cutting exercise as they do not pay for the drugs and only the NHS do and that my daughter needs to go to a sexual clinic if she wants ‘Microgynon’ and they have been told by the NHS do not prescribe the medication. (This is where she and the ‘highly qualified pharmacist have contradicted themselves advising on both occasions to seek the medication from an NHS Sexual Health Clinic but in the same breath saying the NHS are not stocking the brand and that their surgery is not prescribing it).
The surgery has pushed my buttons too many times and I will take it up with the Welsh Government and the Ombudsman and will tag the surgery to my post as people should not be threatened especially by a health professional that they depend on to prescribe repeat prescriptions and should take on board any anxieties a patient might have. My daughter was also threatened by the pharmacist last week from the same surgery that called my daughter back that if she was not happy with their decision she should leave the surgery and find a new one. Again my daughter depends on repeat prescription medication.
My hands are shaking from today’s fiasco.
The NHS is still providing the contraceptive pill, end of the argument.
Do Dispensing Surgeries get paid by Pharma Companies?
This is not the Sun Newspaper but ‘The Guardian’:
Further Reading:
#nhs #gps #generalpracticiors #familydoctors #doctorssurgeries #doctors #contraceptivepill #contraception