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Virgin Media Broadband Poor Service!
I phoned these people up yesterday as I have had enough of the poor service that has been ongoing for weeks. In complete denial, they tried to tell me that their broadband was working fine in my area when I have evidence that is not.
I suspect they are passing off service as being good when it is not and possibly saving money. If you are paying for the fastest broadband going and you just about get a signal and all your internet does is buffer then one needs to look closer at the company providing the service.
What is the law of passing off? The law of extended passing off prevents one trader from misrepresenting goods or services as being the goods and services of another.
This is the outage map for the whole of the UK yesterday.
This is the outage map in my area yesterday.
I have since read on dozens of media outlets how people are so irrate and Virgin are doing nothing other than fobbing people off.
Here are the links to all the articles I found and if you look at trustpilot well it just speaks volumes with a shocking 89% reviews with a 1 star rating.
In the News:
According to: www.which.co.uk Research reveals the full extent of the problem – a whopping 15.4 million UK homes are putting up with speeds that don’t actually match those they were initially promised.
So 74% of households with fixed broadband connections are paying for packages with advertised speeds they don’t get. It gets worse when you move out of cities. Astonishingly, 98% of rural homes typically don’t get the headline advertised speed.
For example, only 4% of customers on TalkTalk’s 17Mbps package, and just 1% of people on BT and Plusnet’s 76Mbps deals, are getting the top advertised speeds.
Obviously, speed matters. Nine in 10 people told www.which.co.uk that speed was an important factor in how you choose your broadband provider. It’s also how providers describe and categorize their own services.
Bad Press.
I promised I would tell the world about their appauling service, obviously other people have beat me to it.
Considering I am supposed to be online I cannot have any disruptions to the service.
To keep on having an atrocious service is beyond comprehension and all they said was they would have to test my signal which would be having disruption to my service completely.
How about improving the signal nationwide, that would be a start?
Obviously they are saving themselves money charging full whack for what is supposed to be the faster broadband but giving a sub standard service.
It is not my modem or the device I am using as all my devices are brand new.
Will I be looking for another provider of course I will.
I wrote about them a while ago here is the link: https://marketingagency.cymrumarketing.com/2021/01/15/virgin-media-service/
Virgin needs to get their act together.
This is the screenshot to my speed yesterday and today for comparison. I should not be paying a single penny to them if they continue to provide such an awful service.
Yesterdays signal.
Todays Signal.
What Should You Do Next.
What should people do to get compensated. According to Virgin they will give you £3.50 off your bill per month if you threaten to leave them. Obviously I did not accept this offer as they are affecting my business and £3.50 is comical and insulting. If I loose business because of this company then it will be a litigation law suit they will be facing.
According to ‘Trading Standards’ “The Consumer Rights Act 2015 says that services must be provided with reasonable care and skill.
If the broadband provider are not providing a service that you agreed on at the beginning of your contract and you can prove you have been affected you can get compensation.
You first need to reach out to the service provider, with a formal complaint. I have done this using Facebook Messenger and also on the phone and so far they are not responding.
If the service provider fobs you off you should make a compalaint to Ofcom. Ofcom is an ombudsman and they oversee all telecommunication companies.
Worse case scenario the telecommunication companies can get fined. (I would love this to happen to teach them a lesson).
The more people complain to Ofcom eventually Ofcom will look at the company with a fine tooth comb.
BROADBAND and home phone customers can get automatic compensation from providers for service or engineer visit issues.
These payments are automatic, although had been paused in March 2020 due to the coronavirus lockdown making it harder for providers to carry out repairs.
But as of July 2020, regulator Ofcom says most providers were able to restart paying automatic compensation for at least some service issues.
Under the rules, customers get £8 back every day the service stops working after two working days of it going down. And they decided on that figure and not the customer, so they dictate to the customer what they are prepared to pay in that case, see you in court is all I have to say.
Customers are also due £25 if an engineer misses an appointment or cancels with less than 24 hours’ notice. (Where a customer has specifically taken time off work, lost pay, to be on the premises, for the engineer to be a no show then the compensation should be not a measly £25 but the compensation of the lost earnings the customer has lost).
Plus, if there’s a delay to the start of a new service you will usually get £5 for each day, including the missed start date.
But if your service goes down it’s still worth asking for compensation, even if it doesn’t fall into one of these categories.
If you’re unhappy and your provider doesn’t resolve your complaint then you can take it to one of two dispute resolution (ADR) schemes – Ombudsman Services: Communications, or Communications and Internet Services Adjustment Scheme (CISAS).
You’ll need to check which of the two your provider is signed up to.
I will NOT be recommeding this company to anyone!
Will this be the straw that breaks the camels back, we will just have to wait and see….
Who is Virgin kidding when if you read all the complaints you will see there is a lynch mob gaining momentum.
If I were ‘Lutz Schüler‘ CEO or the Chairman John C. Malone I would be ashamed to show my face.
Obviously, someone needs to hit them in their pocket where it will really hurts, for them to do a drastic shakeup of their company. But my guess is they will pass the buck and blame it on everyone and everything else other than their own wrong doings.
#John C. Malone #Lutz Schüler #virginmedia #virginbroadband #virginmediabroadband
Polyethylene glycol (PEG Allergy) as a cause of anaphylaxis
This article is intended for people who have concerns about PEG Allergies and who need to safeguard their health and that of their families. It is NOT intended for those who are anti-vaccine and as such is NOT intended to adopt a discussion on the merits of vaccines on this blog. It is also NOT intended as an invitation for a discussion of the lethality of COVID-19 or the need for civic action to limit the spread of the disease.
I wrote my concerns about the adverse effects of having the Covid Vaccine in a previous article, I have since read further medical concerns which I will publish along with all the fact-checking citations.
People who have had a severe PEG Allergy in the past are advised to talk to a health professional before taking the vaccine.
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a cause of anaphylaxis
Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) or macrogols are polyether compounds and are widely used as additives in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food.
PEGs are also used in everyday products such as toothpaste and shampoo as thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture carriers, and they’ve been used as a laxative for decades. An increasing number of biopharmaceuticals include PEGylated compounds as well.
According to the MIT, PEGs are basically tiny, greasy spheres that are used in COVID vaccines to protect the active ingredient (mRNA) and help it penetrate cells. It is within cells that the mRNA can go to work priming the immune system.
PEGs have also been confirmed to cause allergic reactions in rare cases, but how rare is not known.
PEG-2000 is an ingredient used in both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. If the compound is found to be the cause of the six allergic reactions to date, it will help the CDC hone its guidance further by narrowing the list of those that should not receive the vaccine.
Instead, CDC guidelines recommend not giving the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to anyone with a history of severe allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine. For people who have had a severe reaction to another vaccine or injectable medication, the risks and benefits of vaccination should be carefully weighed, CDC says.
Patients with undiagnosed PEG allergy often have a history of immediate onset-unexplained anaphylaxis or anaphylaxis to multiple classes of drugs or unexplained anaphylaxis. Such individuals should not be vaccinated with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, except on the expert advice of an allergy specialist. The AstraZeneca vaccine can be used as an alternative (unless otherwise contraindicated), particularly if they previously tolerated an injected influenza vaccine. The vaccine should be administered in a setting with full resuscitation facilities (e.g. a hospital), and a 30-minute observation period is recommended.
Anaphylaxis (pronounced ana-fil-ax-is) is a severe and often sudden allergic reaction. It can occur when someone with allergies is exposed to something, they are allergic (known as an allergen). Reactions usually begin within minutes and rapidly progress but can occur up to 2-3 hours later.
The common causes of anaphylaxis include foods such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, shellfish, fish, sesame seeds, and kiwi fruit, although many other foods have also been known to trigger anaphylaxis. Some people can react to tiny amounts of food, although this rarely causes a very severe reaction. Non-food causes include wasp or bee stings, natural latex (rubber), and certain drugs such as penicillin. In some people exercise can trigger a severe reaction – either on its own or in combination with other factors such as food or drugs (for example, aspirin).
In the European anaphylaxis registry currently 7935 registered anaphylactic cases only three were induced by macrogol. These findings may imply that polyethylene glycol hypersensitivity is potentially life-threatening but probably underdiagnosed as many drugs and food items contain macrogol. Handling patients with macrogol hypersensitivity can be challenging because of the extensive allergology workup, the necessity of the physician’s expertise, and the limited avoidance options because many drugs, including those used for the treatment of allergic reactions such as antihistamines, may contain macrogol as an additive. Therefore, specific product labeling and awareness are required. Patients should be educated about drugs that may contain PEGs, but also other products like lubricants or ultrasound gels. An increased patient and physician awareness to the allergic potential of macrogol must be discussed before taking the Covid Vaccine.
If you have had a severe allergic reaction—also known as anaphylaxis—to any ingredient in the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, you should not get vaccinated.*
*If you have had a severe allergic reaction to other vaccines or injectable therapies, ask your doctor if you should get the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Your doctor will help you decide if it is safe for you to get the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
PEG-2000 is an ingredient used in both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. If the compound is found to be the cause of the six allergic reactions to date, it will help the CDC hone its guidance further by narrowing the list of those that should not receive the vaccine. https://snacksafely.com/2020/12/what-we-know-about-peg-suspected-as-the-cause-of-reactions-to-pfizers-covid-19-vaccine/
If you have doubts speak to your local healthcare provider, or a health professional before taking the vaccine.
From personal experience, my daughter’s GP failed to mention that the reaction she had from an MRI contrast dye could well have been an anaphylaxis allergy, and was not advised about having her second vaccine. This is very worrying considering the same GP practice prescribed her Gaviscon which later transpired after we went to A&E that my daughter did not have gastric problems but was in fact diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
#peg #pegallergy #Polyethyleneglycol #anaphylaxis #covidvaccine #covidvaccineanaphylaxis #covidvaccineallergicreaction
.CO Domain Extensions.
.CO domain extension on my mind. I wrote an article about a while back on my other blog about .co.domain names and what they mean for companies wishing to adopt the extension if their dot com is not available.
Here is the link to the article: https://ukdomainbrokers.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk/?p=1217
Now more interestingly here is the definition of what a .co domain extension means: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.co
.co is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) assigned to Colombia.
Now here me out not only do I build websites I also manage PPC advertising and if a client that came to me with a .co domain extension yet was based in the UK I would not advise him to do any PPC advertising for the domain. The reason why and I have dot com domain names aswell as .co.uk I am based in Cardiff UK and have found no matter how hard you try to set ones setting for GEO targeting with the dot com domain names I get a tonne of traffic from the USA. But imagine if I was the client and wanted only traffic from the UK but got traffic from the USA or Colombia as in the .co domain extension before you know it all my budget would be eaten up and I would not be happy with the web designer steering me in the wrong direction.
People are like sheep, a person who has no knowledge of SEO tells a couple of people on the internet that a dot co domain name extension is an accronym of dot com or the word ‘company’ and before long the misinformed information has spread like wild fire with people buying .co domain names without realising the repercussions this would have on their traffic or once they consider pay per click advertising what that would mean to their advertising budgets if they were targeting traffic for their own location.
With that said I do not believe owning a dot co domain name would be beneficial to any company other than businesses in Colombia and it would damage my reputation trying to market this domain extension to anyone other than to the country it is assigned to. Don’t get me wrong I fell into the trap and soon wised up.
Further reading the entity of the following website seems not to have any knowledge of SEO because if he/she had they would be ranking on the first page of Google for the following search terms: Domain Management, Domain Registrars, Registrars, whois, which says they are biased, as they could be the owners of the domain extension: https://www.go.co/about/faq/ Its a bit of a conincidence that there are no names mentioned for me personally to ask them to prove where the traffic was coming from. I would want hard evidence and may just register a domain name and and add analytics just to prove a point.
Here is an example of a UK based website with a dot com domain name setting their GEO targeting for UK only and you can see by the chart that there are other countries, with USA being no 2 on the leaderboard, which if this company was paying for PPC their budgets would be swollen up by other countries visitors.
It is my job to guide companies in the right direction and reading on the internet mileading information and steering companies in the wrong direction is downright shameful.
Overstock.com bought overstock.co this could have been to stop cyber squatters cloning their site and not to help them with their SEO. The same with hyphen domain many companies may buy up hyphen domains to stop cyber criminals.
The following links are another reason why not to use a .co domain extension unless you are from Colombia:
If you have any questions just comment below.
I have decided today to take a leaf out of my own book and practice what I preach.
With that said I am going to develop a directory of businesses and forums on my site where people can come and hang out. It is in the beta stage at the moment, watch this space.
There is a saying ‘If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain‘ arises from the story of Muhammad, as retold by Francis Bacon, in Essays, 1625: Mahomet called the Hill to come to him. … If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the mountain.
In other words get people to come to you, rather than you going to them, moving one stone at a time you will eventually move the mountain.
Final Thoughts.
Nothing happens overnight, however, if you concentrate on social media and post banner ads eventually people will like and share and even buy. Be patient, stay focused and be consistent.
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eCommerce definition is a business model conducted online. The most popular example of eCommerce is online shopping, which is defined as buying and selling of goods via the internet on any device. However, eCommerce can also entail other types of activities, such as logistics, payment gateways, online auctions, online shopping, online ticketing, and internet banking.
Imagine having a website that can offer all these things and more, imagine having a site similar to Amazon, Alibaba, DHGate, Ali Express, Ebay, all under one roof. Imagine having a directory of retailers, wholesalers importers and exporters and logistic companies.
eCommerce is the fastest growing retail market and was projected to hit $4.135 trillion in sales in 2020
A new trend has also arisen through Mobile commerce, where more and more people are using their phones to buy online. This domain name could be an app aswell as a static website it could cater for mCommerce as it is known. mCommerce is gaining more momentum as a rapidly growing new avenue of eCommerce that’s mostly driven by the expanding market and influence of smartphones and millennials’ comfort with shopping online.
It has been speculated that since 2018, the mCommerce sector has increased sales by a 39.1% compared to the previous years.
eCommerce is typically defined into three different categories, Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), and Customer to Customer (C2C).
eCommerce is an an essential way of eyeryday life and has explosive growth in the past couple of years. Businesses are taking advantage of the numerous benefits of eCommerce, the most notable of which include:
There are a number of ways you can set up an ecommerce business, one is to build a website which takes anything from 12 to 18 months to be ranked by search engines for get you to the first page of Google ultimately. The other way is to sign up with an already established site where they offer landing pages and subdomain pages so that one can list inventory. There also dropshipping sites that offer sub domain pages. Which ever route you choose with one being building an ecommerce store from scratch you need to dedicate time and money in order for your store to be successful. Although you can set up a an actual online relatively easily and quickly, there are many months of extensive SEO that needs to be done when launching and growing a profitable eCommerce business. SEO is very complex multi-layered process involving different strategies and it takes many months of hard work to get your store seen.
Launching a website is more complex than what people realise, simply activating and publishing a website will only make your site float in cyber space. You need to have knowledge of SEO and you need to also generate backlinks. You also need to definine your key performance indicators upfront which will help you track your progress and performance and fix any issues as they emerge. Other important things to take care of include setting up your social media profiles, getting your email marketing ready, installing Google Analytics, doing keyword research, defining your shipping strategy and finalizing the launch promotion plan.
Deciding what products to sell is one of the first steps to starting an online business. One needs to research what products are profitable and trending, or if you have a new invention you have do a lot of advertising and marketing. You may want to sell white label products that have your company band name or you may want to be unique and sell something that no one else is selling, either way you need to establish trust with your audience and having a brand name that people recognise is an important fact in building a successful business.
It is important that your product have healthy profit margins. Once you have decided on the product you need to find manufacturers that you can source your product from. You may decided on having a factory of your own and warehouse or you can outsource you work and have manufacturers do the work for you. You may even want to sell other peoples products and simply drop ship. There are four main methods of sourcing products and inventory are manufacturing, wholesale and dropshipping or making it yourself.
With every new business you have to have a business plan and analyse your product idea and the most important areas you need to research will be your competition, pricing strategy, and your unique value proposition. A business plan will help you visualize your growth strategy and identify any potential threats or obstacles.
Key elements of branding your products and your your store is fundemetally your brand name and your domain name. Having an exact match searchable keyword domain name will get you traffic much faster than a brand name. With a brand name you have to do extensive advertising and marketing to get your audience to recognise your brand, this includes haveing a unique and memorable logo. Getting your brand spot on from the start can help accelerate the growth and conquer the hearts of potential customers. You also need to have knowledge of search engine optimisation (SEO) before turning your attention to building the store.
There are a number of ways you can sell online.
Final Thoughts.
For a startup www.ecommerce.com could be ideal marktetplace as a way for any business to be listed and found quickly, especially if they are a newly branded name. Most businesses need a gentle push to get more traffic, imagine being listed on a website that people would be actively be using to promote their brands or simply wanting to buy products from. This website could also list all payment gateways all under once roof helping businesses find their ideal banking system quickly and easily. There is a multitude of business models that can be developed around this domain name.
As an example Alibaba is one of the most prominent Chinese technology names around the world and has a market value of about $463 billion. So far this year, its stock price has risen about 3.6 percent with shares hitting highs in June. You could be the next Jack Ma or Jeff Bezo (Amazon).
10 biggest e-commerce companies in the world are (sorted by revenue):
Hence what the owner of this domain is asking for is chump change compared to the perceived equity this domain name can bring.
Owning www.ecommerce.com you can be in control of the global market and have all businesses all under one roof with the largest directory in the world. You could have a platform such as Amazon and combine it with a business model like Ebay with an auction feature. You could also be a dropshipper. Having a directory of all businesses around the world, from importers, exporter. manufacturers, warehouses, dropshipers, logistic companies where by you could charge for advertising space and make millions. This domain name could the biggest website in the world. You could also offer services such as Advertising, SEO and Marketing, ideal if a business is new and wants to be found relatively quickly.
This domain name would be ideal for:
As of 04/07/21 Michael Dooner and I regrettably are no longer brokering the domain name www.ecommerce.com and you should contact ‘Fathi Said’ Directly on his website using his contact form. According the the owner ‘Fathi Said’ he has found another broker.
#ecommerce #mcommerce #amazon #alibaba #aliexpress #dhgate #shopify #onlineshopping #retailshopping #wholesalers #dropshipping #importing #exporting #ecommercedirectory #jeffbezo #jackma #dianawang #michaeldooner #doonerdomains
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