Domain Name Time Wasters.
So many phrases come to mind with my post today like:
- Do Not Shoot The Sheriff.
- Do Not Keep All Your Eggs In One Basket.
- Do Not Pull The Rug From Under Someone’s Feet.
- Stop tyre Kicking.
- Don’t Burn Your Bridges.
- Take A Leaf Out Of My Book.
This is not the first time this has happened to me so I am not going to vent my anger at any one particular person, but I can see history repeating itself and I have to decide how I am going to counteract.
I won’t go into who the people are in question or even name them for legal reasons but they will know who they are simply by remembering certain things I have done for them.
The first was a person who has no digital footprint at all on the internet (that should be a red flag in itself) who asked me to find him a buyer for some art pieces and them some gold sellers selling Gold Dore in exchange for a commission (I did do my due diligence by going to companies house to find out if he was legit or not). I worked my butt off finding these people and he ended up saying he was not going to use any of them, (my gut feeling is he did use them but because there were so many leads that I gave him, it was difficult to pinpoint who he used in the end, but I reckon he had no intention on paying me). So I thought to myself never again and I would insist on a fee upfront before I commenced doing any work in future for anyone. I should have taken a leaf out my book because I did not do this.
Moving swiftly on, a couple of weeks ago I made an advertising campaign for a small business again I did not charge them but they turned around and said they did not want me to market their business any longer, (shoot yourself it the foot why don’t you….them not me). Considering I was willing to invest my time marketing this hair and beauty salon you would think they would have appreciated what I had already done for them including designing a logo, giving them a landing page which I have since taken down and created a video animation (for free) and all they needed to do was sit down (virtually) with me to discuss a long term strategy. They had no website and simply do not want my free service. Good Luck to them, considering they obviously know something I do not not regarding marketing and are simply relying on facebook to get business.
Now to the present day. Although I had been asked by another broker I am working with to help find a buyer for a domain name over 2 weeks ago and we agreed between us to split the commission for the sale of this one particular domain name that I made a video of a drone on, I simply had not had the time to start outbound marketing until yesterday. I had written a post about the the topic and the domain previously but had not done any outbound marketing until now, in which I already had one interested party.
So you would think the owner of the domain would use his common sense and be gratuful that I had started to spend some time and resources trying to find him a buyer and what does he do?, he only comes back and emails the broker I am working with that he no longer wants us to broker his domain name as he has got another broker. Where is the sense in that?, if someone has already started the work at least give them a chance to see if it has worked. I now will go back to the interested party and will have to say the owner of the domain is no longer using our services. To be honest I think the owner had no intention on paying any broker and will claim that the interested party has messaged him directly. It does not take much to find out who the interested party is and contact them omitting getting the broker involved.
I am not mad that another broker has got the assignment, I actually feel sorry for him or her as they will have to start from scratch. If I was selling a high ticket premium domain name I would want to get as many people involved and agree to split the commission equally between all of them. This would encourage all the brokers to work just as hard and the one that was slacking I would have some sort of clause. There are many ways you can prove you are doing the work, by carbon copying emails with the potential buyer with all the other brokers and the owner of the domain name. Also links to articles and posts you have made on blogs, social media pages and groups.
Hence for all NEW CLIENTS that are NOT on my books I will be asking a set up fee of £99.99 plus my commission rate of 15% on the successful sale of the domain or business, via escrow, just to start marketing. This also applies to people who want more exposure to their business via marketing and advertising campaigns.
“It is not worth my time to work hard and not get paid”.
(Or to be told my services are no longer required after I have put in all the effort and all the hard work and given the person free advertising & exposure).
Advertising Space Costs Money!
You would not go to a marketing agency and say I will pay you a commission once you get me some leads, so you should not expect a domain broker to do the same.
A domain broker is essentially a digital marketer and may also have connections to people in your industry/niche. For me personally I am connected to some very influential people and have an extensive network of connections on LinkedIn.

For the domain owners that waste your time, if they do not take your valuable advice how to improve the presentation of your domain name, then you are already on a loosing battle.
When a a domain owner asks a broker to find him a buyer and disregards all the work you have done to date and all the contacts you have made then at the end of the day he has disrespected you as a professional and you should sever ties immediately.
Some people are tyre kickers they have no intention of buying or selling and simply want to window shop and like to procrastinate. From looking at this particular domain name I was marketing yesterday, presentation counts and I have taken the liberty of doing a ‘SEO Audit Report’ and it does not look very good. This SEO Audit Report does reflect or make the domain worth anything close to the owners asking price of £35m. I should have done the SEO Report sooner but in a way I am glad I did not because I have met his type before and he would never have taken my advice, hence he obviously feels he does not need our help….
I will be “keeping tabs and my ears to the ground” and looking out for any news about this particular domain name in future.
To the Owner of the “Said” Domain Name, Good Luck in Selling the Domain Name, is all I can say……
Disclaimer: Due to time wasters we have changed our outbound marketing strategy and we are basing our prices on a similar marketplace pricing structure.
Click the image below to go to the other marketplace to see the comparison.
(Please note all content and imaging including logos and videos remain the property of Cymru Marketing and you must have written permission to use the images and content on this site and our other sites that we own and network on).
The screenshot below shows how much you will save by using our services in comparison to another world-renowned domain marketplace.

***Cymru Marketing Do Charge for Outbound Marketing and Advertising Space. Please View Our Advertising Page here!