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Day: 4 August 2021

Working From Home.

Working From Home.

The burning question that is trending right now is the topic of working from home especially after Rishi Sunak said that “working from home is not nearly as “valuable” for young people’s career progression as going into the office” after the government changed its guidance.

I agree that young people need to be nurtured and need onsite training, they also need to be monitored for complacency. Young people left to their own devices (no pun intended) are more likely to spend more time on their phones than doing any work. Only focused people who are dedicated to their jobs will succeed, that is why it is imperative to keep an eye on young people especially school leavers. A more mature person will be more responsible.

Hence home office jobs should only be offered to people who are more than capable of setting critical time paths (CTP’s) and guarantee to get the job done by the given deadline.

A young person needs to learn the skills first and that usually needs to be onsite. They also need to have someone of authority (management) making sure they do the work properly and do not slack.

The advantages of working from home can be beneficial to both the employer and the employee. The employer will save on overheads of heating and lighting and coffee breaks. Whilst the employee will save money commuting to work.

However, there will be employers that will want to get their money’s worth and will expect their employees to work at the business location rather than home.

Employees, working from home on the other hand can boost productivity as the employee will get more done without the pressure from a normal working environment.

An employer that hires virtual assistants can save a lot of money rather than employing someone and having them on their books.

The employee will have a duty to their employer and an obligation to complete the assignments. If they are customer service telesales they have to have an area in their home designated without distractions. A virtual assistant is a subcontractor and will already be self-employed with their own office setup. A virtual assistant will already be supplying a service that would invoice for the job in question.

In an office, banter is kept to a minimum and people have less freedom to talk, whilst working from home you can do the work productively without the stress of your boss overhearing or management watching you.

Working from home is ideal for mums and disabled people. Disabled people can adapt their home around their office unlike a business adapting their office around the disabled person.

To work effectively from home, you’ll need to make sure you have the technology & equipment that you require, a separate workspace from your family and kids.

When working from home you also need good Internet service and speeds, you will also need a landline or a VoIP phone. You also need to treat your home office as a business and work the hours set out by your employer unless you work for yourself that is.

Top Hybrid Jobs for working remotely include information technology (IT) and healthcare; positions include customer service representatives, sales representatives, project managers, etc.

A lot of top companies such as Google, Microsoft do offer work remotely.

At the end of the day, it is up to the individual’s personal preference and personal circumstances if they would prefer to return to a normal office environment or work from home and the employer should give the opportunity providing deadlines are met. However, the bottom line will be whatever your employer wants rather than what you want.


#HybridWork #workfromhome #workremotely

AI Domain Name.

Domain Name For Sale.

I wrote a while back about AI and Robot Inventions and am pleased to say (AI INVENTIONS) Domain Names is For Sale.

For all AI Inventors who have AI Inventions, imagine having a site and showcasing the most trending projects. The domain is not developed, although I can offer this as an extra service or you may already have a team of IT experts and simply would like to acquire the domain name only. If you are interested in this domain or perhaps know of someone please do share this post with them to help me spread awareness so that I can reach the right people.

More AI News coming soon. In fact, I will be writing about a technology that will put a lot of electricity suppliers out of business. Stay tuned.

Update 10/28/21


Metaverse keyword comes to mind, as I write this update I am currently listening to a live feed on Facebook hosted by the CEO himself, Mark Zuckerberg.

Metaverse is the creation of the future where you will be able to teleport anywhere around the world, excellent for people with disabilities that may find traveling challenging. It will save on carbon footprints and help to keep the planet green. Businesses could save time and money traveling to meetings when they could hold virtual holographic meetings from the comfort of their homes or offices. Surgeons will be able to perform operations from the other side of the world using AR & VR. Student Doctors will be able to perform virtual operations as practice and education. People will be able to virtually swim with the dolphins or explore the great barrier reef. Schools. Colleges and Universities will be able to conduct virtual lectures.

People who are wheelchair-bound will be able to use their avatars and work out in the virtual reality space. The possibilities are endless.

Metaverse generally refers to shared virtual world environments which people can access via the internet.

The domain name is the site people will be searching for to find the latest trending inventions. This is exciting especially as I am an advocate for people with disabilities and it was only by chance I stumbled upon this.

As most of my readers know I am a website designer and also have disabilities. I think “Metaverse” will certainly help with my disabilities in the future and people like myself.

**Please Note: Although I am promoting the domain name with the view of selling it I am now in two minds to develop it myself and will consider a partnership. My vision would be to offer advertising space to showcase the latest trending inventions and promote other people’s inventions, it all depends on who can bring me an offer I will not be able to refuse.

I will be monitoring the progress more closely and will be writing future articles on these exciting inventions. I will be keeping a close eye on this evolving technology.

We will in the future be able to step beyond the physical world. Who knows we may all become immortal someday and be connected with loved ones for eternity. Our memories could be stored uploaded and transferred to AI Smart Bots.

Other Inventions to look out for in 2021

Further Reading

Self-Driving-Supply Chain.

Final Notes.

My Ideas unless they have already been invented. 1) I think a handy invention would be a gadget that can release smells, such as perfumes, scents, or food smells. If it has not been invented I claim the idea here first. 2) Another invention to replace eyesight (blindness) with a digital lens that can be linked to the brain which would be able to see, record, and store data, again if this has not been invented you saw it here first, and finally, 3) a people tracker to keep their distance of two meters apart in the form of an app that alerts the user that another person is close by, this would be especially useful in a Pandemic or for women walking home alone. Foot Note. I am not an inventor, they are just ideas, but they are my ideas nonetheless and unless someone has already thought of them already. I will be doing some research and your comments are will be appreciated.

#ai #artificialintelligence #aiinventions #aitechnology #BillGates #MarkZuckerberg #Elon Musk #metaverse #holograms #augmentedreality #virtualreality #digitalworld #digitalspace #teleportation #digitalplatforms #nfts #developers #creators #entrepreneurs #personalmemorayupload #neuroscience


August 2021
