Recovered Stolen Electrician Domain Name.
With the support of UK Website Designers, City of London Police, and Nominet, Jeff Smith the owner of “First Phase Electrical Wales” has today successfully recovered the domain name www.firstphaseelectricalwales.co.uk
I had written about this case on my other Domain Brokering site many months ago and the problems arising from using offshore website designers, that basically cybersquatting the domain name which eventually getting it suspended by the City of London Police and Nominet.
However, it was an enormous task to delete all the breadcrumbs and carbon footprint this domain had incurred over the years that showed the domain in a bad light. The backlinks have been updated although we were not able to successfully catch them all, hopefully now business will pick up seeing we have now acquired the domain name and is in safe hands.
You can read the whole story here:
Using Offshore Website Designers Part 1
Using Offshore Website Designers Part 2
Using Offshore Website Designers Part 3
Jeff is now really pleased that the domain name has been successfully registered and is pointing to his business.
Jeff also asked us to put a review on his website which can be located towards the bottom of his website www.firstphaseelectricalwales.co.uk

UK Website Designers built two sites for Jeff both exact match searchable keywords domain names www.electricianswales.co.uk and www.pattestingwales.co.uk whilst his original branded domain had been compromised and was waiting to be recovered. It took over a year to finally get the domain back to its rightful owner.
The problem with website designers is unless a client has a contract stating the domain names that have been registered on the client’s behalf which will be released on termination of the agreement the business owner could get unstuck getting their domain names back as in the case of Jeff and his previous website designers.
Jeff is fortunate to have such a contract with “UK Website Designers” as we do not do business without signed agreements.
We have learned by our mistakes, the hard way over the years that not having contracts can become messy and as with one passport photographer in particular located in Cardiff who got “UK Website Designers” to build him 3 websites and he then started having financial problems paying, yet he had full control of the hosting and domain names.
Without a signed agreement it was difficult to prove what he had agreed to and that is when we decided that we would never get unstuck like that again.
All businesses should have contracts for the services they offer and anyone that just wants a gentlemen’s handshake should be avoided. A person who refuses to sign a contract obviously has ulterior motives.
Supporting Your Local Business.
Electrician In Wales.
If you are in South Wales UK and are reading this please support your local business and share this article with your connections as Jeff has lost a lot of business because of these people in India.
If you have any electrical work that needs doing-especially coming up to the holiday season with Halloween and Christmas lights and rewiring hots spots for kitchen Appliances or Landlord Property Safety checks and Commercial Properties Jeff is the man to call.
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