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Day: 13 March 2022

All The World Leaders Need To Turn Their Backs on Russia.

Breaking News.

Two US journalists were shot and one has died. A US journalist working in Ukraine has been shot dead in the town of Irpin, outside Kyiv, police say. US film-maker Brent Renaud was reportedly killed by Russian forces in Ukraine. Brent Renaud was an award-winning US filmmaker whose work has appeared in the New York Times.

Other News:

The Middle East is helping Russia and its soldiers are being promised $3000 per month up to 50 times more than the Syrian soldier’s monthly salary. Syria’s military has begun recruiting troops from its own ranks to fight alongside Russian forces in Ukraine. 16,000 volunteers from the Middle East are being deployed alongside Russian-backed rebels fighting in Ukraine, as the two-week-old invasion struggles to maintain momentum.

What I would do is get Ukraine to offer the Syrians double of what P#tin is paying them on the condition they turn on Russia. I would get donations from around the world to pay the Syrians off.

The world needs to turn its backs on this dictator not even buy him a cup of coffee. It is predicted that Russia next week will become bankrupt.

Russia’s defense ministry said the deployment would be made to the breakaway Donbas region of eastern Ukraine where much of the recent fighting had been focused.

What else I would do is offer his entourage money to defect or turn against him. Money can buy people and power.

What is alarming is that last week on LinkedIn it was posted that the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov was having talks with H.H Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed.

Whatever the Russians can offer there is going to be a better price or deal around the corner.

I would, just like Pontius Pilate wash my hands from this sorry son of a bitch. I would put such a price on his head for anyone to bring his head on a platter”.

If I had any say in Politics I would go to the leaders in the Middle East and give them an offer far better than what this “CRETIN P#TIN” is offering.

Every Ally that he turned to I would also do business with, by giving an offer that they could not refuse. Eventually all his money and blood gold would be worthless. I do hope history repeats itself and his fate is met that of his predecessors.

Further Reading

P#tin needs to be brought to justice and needs to be tried for w#r crimes. In w#r you do not target civilian life. if the Pope has sent a direct message to stop this massacre and he still does not have a conscious there is something seriously wrong with him in the head and no matter what he does the world would have lost all respect for him including from his own people.

#stoprussia #boycottrussia #boycottputin #arrestputin

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March 2022
