Lenovo or Windows Fault – Blue Screen Of Death -(BSOD) 2022!
In the last month, my HP laptop which was about 4 years old on a Windows 10 OS started to have the dreaded BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death). It got to the stage it was not loading at all. I loved that laptop, but sadly it has grown its wings.
Eventually, not even a week ago it was replaced by a Lenovo Idea. Excited at the prospect I was going to be doing my work again after being out of commission for about a week, you would not believe what happened…I only experienced the BSOD on a brand new laptop twice to be precise.

I have started a support ticket with Lenovo. I am going to wait and see what they say.
According to someone I spoke to in Microsoft said it was not an OS issue but more so a hardware issue.
I have since found this article albeit a couple of years old: Windows 10 failure: Lenovo confirms BSOD, more users report bugs (windowslatest.com)
However, the Trustpilot 1-star reviews say it all.
Lenovo Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of www.lenovo.co.uk (trustpilot.com)
Apparently, I am not the only one this has happened to:

Lenovo Ideapad BSOD’ing even after system reset | Tom’s Guide Forum (tomsguide.com)
To be honest, I do not care what the problem is or whose fault this is, I just want to get on and do my work without any disruptions and anyone that causes me not to perform my job should compensate me. I have now had to back up all my work, very annoying, and am feeling very apprehensive about using this device.
I will update this post as soon as I get word from Lenovo.

I am not a happy bunny.
Things like this cause knock-on effects and whilst most people will say well that’s life, I tend to disagree. There is always someone to blame if something does not go to plan. If something is broken then it is definitely someone’s fault and it needs to be rectified and the person suffering needs to be compensated. This is now causing me stress and anxiety.
Lenovo when they read this need to realize how many people I am connected with on LinkedIn (nearly 11K): Renata Barnes | LinkedIn to see the influence I have regarding reviewing products and companies.
UPDATE 25/08/22 – Incident: 220825-000001
What a 💩show. I have just finished a chat session because no one has come back over the support ticket and I was basically told to fix the problem myself.
Excuse me but if you sell a faulty product then you should do something about it and not the consumer. Considering this was a gift I dread having to tell the person about this. I feel really sad that someone has gone out of their way to help me and bought a faulty product that Lenovo says in order to get a replacement I have to do the following:
1. Turn off your PC. (Laptop, all-in-one,notebook, Chromebook,tablet)
2. Now disconnect all devices from your PC (printer, scanner, hard drives).
3. Also remove the memory card in the card reader, if inserted.
4. Please disconnect the power cable from the device.
5. Now press and hold the power button on the PC for about 60 seconds.
6. Next, plug the power cord back into the device.
7. Now you can switch the PC on again.
2. BIOS Defaults:
1. Turn off your device
2. On the left side there is a small pinhole button, the Novo button. You will need a paper clip or something pointy to press it. Press and hold for a few seconds.
3. Blue Novo button menu will appear on the display
4. Using keyboard arrows choose BIOS Settings
5. Press the “F9” key on your keyboard and new windows will pop up
6. Confirm by pressing the “Y” key
7. Press the “F10” key on your keyboard and a new window will pop up
8. Confirm by pressing the “Y” key
The device should continue to boot and please test the device
3. One Key Recovery:
You will need to perform a One-Key-Recovery (OKR), which will reinstall the operating system and reset your device to factory settings.
Any software issues present on the device will be eliminated in the process.
Please make sure that your device is plugged into the charging unit, otherwise, the One-Key-Recovery will not work.
Before performing this procedure, please make sure to back up your files from all hard drives to an external storage device as all your files will be deleted from the device.
Once the procedure is done, you can then upload your files back onto the device again.
Make sure to remember to reinstall any programs you had on the device previously.
*** The ‘Novo-Button’ is located on the side inside a little hole. It needs to be accessed with a pin/needle*** (It is signaled by a bent arrow pointing to the left)
If you have a desktop machine you will need to power the machine back on and keep tapping the F2 key.
1. POWER OFF the device.
2. Poke the NOVO BUTTON, located on the side of the device.
3. A LOADING SCREEN will appear.
4. You should see a BLUE SCREEN.
5. Then a RECOVERY MENU will load.
6. Select ‘SYSTEM RECOVERY’, then confirm using the ENTER key.
7. Select either the option named ‘INITIAL BACK UP’ or ‘TROUBLESHOOT’ (this option is different for each device).
* When you get the option “INITIAL BACKUP’ you can skip steps 8 and 9
9. When getting prompted for which drive to clean select ‘ONLY THE DRIVE WHERE WINDOWS IS INSTALLED’.
10. Now recovery will start and takes about 30-120 mins.
11. Asks for RESTART.
12. Need to RECONFIGURE the device, as you did when you first purchased it.
Here are some of the screenshots I managed to capture of the chat:

The Transcript:
Response By E-mail (Haris Hadzic1) (25/08/2022 11.15 AM)
Dear Ms. Renata,
Chat transcript below,
[10:46:03 AM]Renata:
CusTomer[QuickResponse]:[Greeting] ]
ChaTbot[Text]:[Hello there. I’m Lena, your Virtual Assistant. I can assist you with Lenovo Products & Services. If you would like to review our FAQs, you can select hot topics below. Otherwise, please describe your issue directly.]
ChaTbot[Faq]:[Repair status check] [Check general warranty] [Update your Computer using Lenovo Vantage] [Windows 11 Information] [Camera Not Working] ]
Customer[QuickResponse]:[Windows 11 Information] ]
ChaTbot[Button]:[Helpful] [Unhelpful] ]
Customer[Text]:[I want to speak with a human]
ChaTbot[Text]:[I apologize for the inconvenience. Addressing your concerns is very important to us. Before offering you the relevant contact options, we need a few more details from you. Please click the button below to get further support.]
ChaTbot[Button]:[Get Further Support] [Start Over] ]
Customer[Text]:[You button does not work]
ChaTbot[Text]:[Sorry for any inconvenience that may have been caused. Could you please describe your issues again?]
CusTomer[Text]:[I have a blue screen]
ChaTbot[Text]:[Are you referring to one of the following questions? You can click on it to continue. Or kindly rephrase your question.]
ChaTbot[Button]:[Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Issue during Operation] [Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Issue during Bootup] [Color Bias] [None of the above] ]
CusTomer[QuickResponse]:[Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Issue during Operation] ]
ChaTbot[Text]:[I think you are experiencing this issue: “Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Issue during Operation”. Don’t worry, I will do my best to assist you with this matter.]
ChaTbot[RichText]:[Please follow the steps below to obtain the BSOD code for further diagnostics: ▪ Check the BSOD code. If you are unable to record the BSOD code, change settings as follows: Right-click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Startup and Recovery -> Settings (Button), then uncheck “Automatically restart”. Troubleshoot blue screen errors You may also check the Microsoft Bug Check Code Reference.]
ChaTbot[Text]:[Did this help resolve the issue?]
ChaTbot[Button]:[Yes] [No] ]
CusTomer[QuickResponse]:[No] ]
ChaTbot[RichText]:[If you added new hardware or software recently, please remove the hardware or uninstall the software. Sometimes, software incompatibility may cause an auto shutdown. Updating software may fix the issue. For the next step use the Lenovo Diagnostic tool to check if there are any hardware failures.]
ChaTbot[Text]:[Did this help resolve the issue?]
ChaTbot[Button]:[Yes] [No] ]
CusTomer[QuickResponse]:[No] ]
ChaTbot[RichText]:[Please run the Lenovo diagnostics tool to check for failing components at Lenovo Diagnostic Tool Solution.]
ChaTbot[Text]:[Did you receive any failure on the diagnostic test?]
ChaTbot[Button]:[Yes] [No] ]
CusTomer[QuickResponse]:[Yes] ]
ChaTbot[Text]:[I apologize for the inconvenience. Addressing your concerns is very important to us. Before offering you the relevant contact options, we need a few more details from you. Please click the button below to get further support.]
ChaTbot[Button]:[Get Further Support] [Start Over] ]
CusTomer[QuickResponse]:[Get Further Support] ]
ChaTbot[Text]:[Sorry for the inconvenience, to offer you other support options, I need to confirm your Serial Number. Is PF3PCXZC your Serial Number?]
ChaTbot[Button]:[Yes] [No] ]
CusTomer[QuickResponse]:[Yes] ]
ChaTbot[Text]:[Here are the other support options that are available to you below.]
ChaTbot[Button]:[Create service request] [Chat With Live Agent] [Email Us] [Consult our Forum] [Start Over] ]
Customer[QuickResponse]:[Chat With Live Agent] ]
..Case Summary..transfer problem : [“Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Issue during Operation”]
user comment :
transferReason: fast channel
[10:46:07 AM]Hello! Welcome to Lenovo, my name is Haris Hadzic1. How may I help you?
[10:46:57 AM]Renata: I have had two BSOD in a hort time of having this laptop i have escalated a ticket
[10:47:06 AM]Renata: Incident: 220825-000001
[10:47:17 AM]Renata: short time
[10:47:47 AM]Renata: Hello are you there?
[10:47:59 AM]Haris Hadzic1: yes, one moment I will check this
[10:48:07 AM]Renata: ok
[10:49:40 AM]Haris Hadzic1: can you tell me what is the message on BSOD?
[10:50:36 AM]Renata: I submitted a screenshot in the support I sent yesterday it should be attached to the ticket
[10:51:14 AM]Haris Hadzic1: ok, did you try any troubleshoots?
[10:51:18 AM]Renata:
[10:51:35 AM]Renata: it rebooted itself
[10:51:55 AM]Renata: I should not have to troubleshoot a brand new laptop
[10:52:03 AM]Haris Hadzic1: did you try anything to resolve the issue?
[10:52:46 AM]Renata: I just let it reboot like I said i should not have to do anything to resolve anything on a brand new laptop
[10:53:33 AM]Haris Hadzic1: you will have to try some troubleshooting steps
[10:53:57 AM]Haris Hadzic1: 1. Static discharge:
1. Turn off your PC.(Laptop,all-in-one,notebook, Chromebook,tablet)
2. Now disconnect all devices from your PC (printer, scanner, hard drives).
3. Also remove the memory card in the card reader, if inserted.
4. Please disconnect the power cable from the device.
5. Now press and hold the power button on the PC for about 60 seconds.
6. Next, plug the power cord back into the device.
7. Now you can switch the PC on again.
2. BIOS Defaults:
1. Turn off your device
2. On the left side there is a small pinhole button, the Novo button. You will need a paper clip or something pointy to press it. Press and hold for a few seconds.
3. Blue Novo button menu will appear on the display
4. Using keyboard arrows choose BIOS Settings
5. Press the “F9” key on your keyboard and new windows will pop up
6. Confirm by pressing the “Y” key
7. Press the “F10” key on your keyboard and a new window will pop up
8. Confirm by pressing the “Y” key
The device should continue to boot and please test the device
3. One Key Recovery:
You will need to perform a One-Key-Recovery (OKR), which will reinstall the operating system and reset your device to factory settings.
Any software issues present on the device will be eliminated in the process.
Please make sure that your device is plugged into the charging unit, otherwise, the One-Key-Recovery will not work.
Before performing this procedure, please make sure to back up your files from all hard drives to an external storage device as all your files will be deleted from the device.
Once the procedure is done, you can then upload your files back onto the device again.
Make sure to remember to reinstall any programs you had on the device previously.
*** The ‘Novo-Button’ is located on the side inside a little hole. It needs to be accessed with a pin/needle*** (It is signaled by a bent arrow pointing to the left)
If you have a desktop machine you will need to power the machine back on and keep tapping the F2 key.
1. POWER OFF the device.
2. Poke the NOVO BUTTON, located on the side of the device.
3. A LOADING SCREEN will appear.
4. You should see a BLUE SCREEN.
5. Then a RECOVERY MENU will load.
6. Select ‘SYSTEM RECOVERY’, then confirm using the ENTER key.
7. Select either the option named ‘INITIAL BACK UP’ or ‘TROUBLESHOOT’ (this option is different for each device).
* When you get the option “INITIAL BACKUP’ you can skip steps 8 and 9
9. When getting prompted for which drive to clean select ‘ONLY THE DRIVE WHERE WINDOWS IS INSTALLED’.
10. Now recovery will start and takes about 30-120 mins.
11. Asks for RESTART.
12. Need to RECONFIGURE the device, as you did when you first purchased it.
[10:56:05 AM]Renata Maziak Barnes: I am sorry your laptop is faulty I will start letting everyone know on LinkedIn that I have nearly 11K connections about Lenovo unless you do something. Do not pass the buck and get me to fix a dodgy laptop Lenovo or Windows Fault – BSOD – CYMRU DIGITAL MARKETING BUSINESS JOURNAL (cymrumarketing.com) I also want a transcript of this chat please when it ends to my email xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[10:57:24 AM]Renata: are you there?
[10:57:57 AM]Renata: hello
[10:58:11 AM]Haris Hadzic1: I am here, sorry but I can’t help you in any other way, you will need to try these troubleshooting steps, we need to determine what is causing this
[10:59:34 AM]Renata: I should not do anything on a faulty laptop do you want to get bad press because you will I will make sure of that under trading standards you need to do something not me
[11:00:12 AM]Haris Hadzic1: sorry, but it is impossible for me to do these steps, the device needs to be powered off
[11:00:15 AM]Renata: I want a transcript of this conversation, please
[11:01:18 AM]Haris Hadzic1: I will check if we can send it
[11:01:31 AM]Renata: ok
[11:02:49 AM]Haris Hadzic1: ok, I will send you the chat transcript on the email
[11:03:00 AM]Haris Hadzic1: can I do anything else for you?
[11:04:03 AM]Renata: I need his name, please
[11:04:31 AM]Haris Hadzic1: my name?
[11:04:50 AM]Renata: The owner of Lenovo
[11:05:17 AM]Renata: your boss at the very very top
[11:06:04 AM]Renata: are you there?
[11:06:11 AM]Haris Hadzic1: I am
[11:06:26 AM]Renata: so why are you not answering
[11:06:44 AM]Haris Hadzic1: Chairman of Lenovo is Yang Yuanqing
[11:06:44 AM]Haris Hadzic1: I need to find the answer
[11:08:38 AM]Renata: ok thanks I will be tagging him into a post I have made on marketingagency.cymrumarketing.com on the right-hand sidebar you will see the first post I have already written which I plan on sharing with the world and will make sure Lenovo lose loads of business
[11:08:55 AM]Haris Hadzic1: that is your right
[11:09:36 AM]Renata: but imagine how many sales you will lose no company wants to lose business
[11:10:22 AM]Haris Hadzic1: we can not influence that, as we can not influence what you will say on social networks about Lenovo
[11:11:34 AM]Renata: I would like a transcript I am going now and you have broken the trading standards policy because you have not offered me an alternative solution other than telling me to fix it myself
[11:12:19 AM]Haris Hadzic1: By the policy, we have to try troubleshooting the device before we offer you a replacement, if these ts did not help we would offer a replacement
[11:12:34 AM]Haris Hadzic1: as the device is within first 30 days of usage
[11:12:57 AM]Renata: I should not have to fix anything
[11:13:38 AM]Renata: I need the transcript for the instructions you sent earlier because I cannot scroll up to read your instructions
[11:14:00 AM]Haris Hadzic1: I will send you everything on the email
[11:14:15 AM]Haris Hadzic1: sorry we could not find the solution for the issue
[11:14:26 AM]Renata: ok
[11:14:35 AM]Haris Hadzic1: have a nice rest of the day
[11:14:38 AM]’Renata’ disconnected (‘Concluded by Agent’).
My campaign for all social media including LinkedIn will say the following: AVOID BUYING ANY LAPTOPS FROM LENOVO!
For argument’s sake, you buy a brand new car and you drive it down the road, you then discover a fault. Do you go back to the showroom you bought it from or do you try to fix it yourself remotely with the support from the showroom? The same goes with any product you buy if it is faulty it needs to be replaced.
I have 30 days to get a replacement, sorry but I do not want to do business with Lenovo again ever and will be seeking to refund the person that gifted me and compensate me for wasting my time and the one-time user software licenses I have bought.
Imagine how many companies may contemplate buying laptops in bulk for their offices and imagine how many think twice before buying from Lenovo.
It is going to cost Lenovo more than a simple refund and compensation if I start singing like a canary. I have not shared this article with social media until I get positive feedback and offer to stop sharing. Giving me an offer, I can turn this post around and give positive feedback (I will change some of the headers to say that I have changed my mind and despite a faulty computer Lenovo came through, which will encourage people to buy). I am good at my job and businesses pay people like me to influence the markets. This article can be edited to read more positively, providing Lenovo comes up with an offer I cannot refuse.
The agent I chatted with was not overly concerned that posting one bad review spreads like wildfire, never mind damaging brand credibility and trustworthiness. The more sales a brand loses and the fewer profits they make, the potential for staff layoffs can be catastrophic, and there is always a knock-on effect on ‘Brand Reputation. With a one-star rating, Lenovo needs all the help it can get with marketing its business in a positive light.
The Lenovo CEO (Yang Yuanqing) Emails:
yuanqingy@lenovo.com & yangy@lenovo.com
I will be connecting with him on LinkedIn and contacting trading standards if I do not get positive feedback from Lenovo.
(Just a quick update I cc’d Mr. Yuanqing into an email on 29/08/22 and both emails bounced).
They may not care because they may think I am one person, but my business can put any brand in a good or bad light. Just Try Me!!!!!!!

UPDATE 29/08/22

I had one BSOD I did not screen capture and then I had a BSOD on Wednesday 24th August 2022 and then had another BSOD on Friday 26th August 2022:

I also had an email today from Lenovo who purposely ignore my comments and do not answer my questions:

I am starting to lose my patience! In total, I have had (3) BSOD on this laptop, the first one I did not capture in time because I was in shock and could not find my phone. This makes me think that the person that bought this laptop as a gift for me, was sold a refurbished device because I questioned why there was originally only a 10-month warranty even though I should have had 12 which was then extended to 12 months after I did a support ticket. It seems questionable to me.
UPDATE 05/09/22
I have decided to keep the laptop even with the BSOD I even had one yesterday until I buy a new one but it is basically £400 down the drain because the warranty is not worth the paper it is written on if a consumer has to wipe the computer before it gets repaired. I understand wiping the computer if you are getting a replacement or refund but to have it repaired, I don’t think so.
My trust in this company is ZERO and to add insult to injury they were sent a link to this site and low and behold my listing has disappeared from all search engines overnight (a bit of a coincidence don’t you think), I believe Lenovo tried banning this article (LOL). They will need an army of people working day and night to get rid of all the bad reviews they are getting all over the internet and not from me may I add.
Furthermore, if they return to this article, all I will say there is more than one way to skin a cat (not sure where the phrase comes from). I won’t be beaten and I will keep on cloning because I am p#ss#d.
#lenovo #microsoft #windows10 #windows11 #emotionaldistress #stress #anxiety #YangYuanqing #CEOLenovo