Cymru Marketing Journal - (CMJUK) - Online Business Journal & Digital Marketing Agency. Business News, Directory, SEO, Social Media Management, Advertising, Reviews, Forum, Market Research, Content Writing & Website Design. Thinking Local, Acting Global.
Based in Cardiff UK, we are a digital marketing service, helping businesses drive more custom, through unique marketing strategies including SEO, SMO, CRO, PPC, Networking and outbound marketing. We also can acquire exact match searchable kewyord and phrases domain names that can help secure global positioning.
We can do a free audit report of your business and advise on the best ways to get more business.
Being Stuck at home through no fault of your own and forced to be isolated eventually becomes no fun. If you are fed up of watching films and re-runs and feel that each day is getting longer and more monotonous, why not start a blog or set a website which you can monetise. Having a second income will tide you over whilst your twidling your thumbs waiting for the lockdown to be lifted.
I have just listed some new domain names that came in today on my other blog: but you can browse our extended market of very valuable exact match searchable keyword domain names by visiting: Consider starting a dropshipping business where you do not have to handle the inventory and all you need to do is just list the inventory and do a little bit of work (about 1 -2 hours per day).
We will teach you how to dropship from the comfort of your home and we are currently offering free web design, marketing and seo for the first 3 months and offering to lease any domain name of your choosing providing it is available after a free consultation from us.
You do not have to lay out one single penny and we will start you off.
So what are you waiting for?, do some research on what you want to do, make notes and contact us.
An example of business isolation during lockdown may be a driving instructor, electrician, or a factory production company to just name just a few, so what do you do when you are on lockdown and in isolation how do you turn this around? You obviously do not want to lose your customers how do you generate more business and most importantly how do you survive and continue paying your staff that is the big question.
Firstly, the UK Government has grants and loans available that they are giving to businesses in need of help.
Secondly, defer production and explain to your customers situation, be transparent, and in order to secure business further down the line give incentives. I know you may be already finding finances hard but remember you have the business already established, you just need to postpone it for a little while and for new customers give them special offers so that you can secure their business.
Remember keep safe and don’t try to break the rules as you may lose your license or get fined, Sports Direct has already suffered public condemnation for needlessly trying to stay open and pubs who continue to trade in Lockins are liable to have their licenses taken off them.
Conduct daily morning meetings with your workers and give them motivation and inspiration to work. We can become very complacent in our own homes and have distractions that can easily send us astray. Workers need to stay focused and need to have daily tasks set for them with goals they need to achieve and report on.
When you have automatic recurring costs that you charge your customers, consider suspending the costs and giving them credit for future business. Work out your cash flow for the next few months and refrain from spending on unnecessary subscriptions and services, try to minimize your spending and evaluate your overheads as a whole and see where you can cut costs to the minimum. Discuss with your bank your situation and see if they can help you with extended loans or get government grants that can tide you over.
The government is bringing in new measures to assist small businesses, freelancers, and sole traders. Do keep up to speed on what assistance you are able to claim. If you have an accountant speak to them about any financial advice, they can give you, after all that’s what they are there for.
Secure your future:
Going back to the example of say driving instructors offer special offers like book your bulk 40 lessons now and get 6 -10 lessons free with lessons resuming in April for example. I am being optimistic the lockdown will be lifted in April.
Electricians can book your appointment now with work to be carried out in April with no call-out charge only if you use the code: covid19 and book now for example and the offer is only available for advanced bookings.
If you are a production company waive all charges in order to secure your business give incentives that is the key.
The public mindset will be altered over the next year or so, therefore you need to find ways to reassure your customers and give them a reason to use you. Marketing campaigns and advertising are going to be the main factors in order to generate new business. Consider what you need to do in order to drive business. LinkedIn is a good way to start advertising, but you need a lot of connections or know of someone that has a lot of connections. The alternative is to consider pay-per-click advertising such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Sponsor Ads.
***Stay positive. Every crisis eventually passes, position yourself for growth when it does.
What ever you circumstances may be, whether you are a traditional bricks and mortar business selling products and services and have had to transition to working from home, or perhaps you have been recently been laid off here are some hints and tips to get you through these troubling times.
I will first cover traditional businesses that bricks and mortar, i.e shops and offices.
I covered 5 out of the how to in 7 easy steps in another blog I run:
I spoke about setting up an office in your home and how to enable chat online a must for businesses that want to interact with their customers on demand and how to set up online appointment scheduling a video meetings. I also mentioned about e-commerce and payment gateways.
If you are a shop or an office you should follow my 7 easy steps.
Set up an office space in your home where you will not be disturbed
Set up online chat (free)
Set up online appointment scheduling (free)
Set up video conference calls www.8× (free)
Set up payment gateways (all free).
Work the same hours as if you would do normally and speak to your staff and teams by having morning meetings.
Sort out your finances look to see about Government grants to help you pay your staff.
Unemployed or Redundant
For people who have been made redundant or about to loose their jobs I have listed some ideas you can start to do freelancing, obviously most businesses need websites so that people can find you. You can also list your work with directories but for immediate effect a website/blog is the fast way of generating traffic. If you just lost your job the most important things you need to do is 1) Sign On. 2) Contact all your creditors and inform them of late payments or ask to have your payments deferred. Most Creditors are going to be very understanding including banks.
Article Writing
Graphic Design
Online Research
Data Entry
Spreadsheet Work
Virtual Personal Assistant
Data Analysis
If you are stuck for ideas just send me a message and I will send you a full list of work you can do with little or no contact with other people.
I wiill aslo be covering how businesses such as electricians, driving instructors etc can get through these difficult times in another post. I believe that staying positive and optimistic will help us conquer this economic disaster.
If however you are out of work and do not want to set up your own business and would rather work for someone then this will be slightly more difficult considering the current climate we are in.
How about if you volunteer your services, businesses will be crying out for people to help them bring in business. You will stand a better chance of being hired and your position to be made permanent.
Finally if your stuck at home and boredom is setting in, why not turn your hobby into a business, if your arty you can sell your stuff on or start writing a book (everyone has a story to tell) or make a photobook of all your cherished memories. There are dozens upon dozens of ideas you can do with your free time.
Remember people with low self esteems, as long as you stay safe and follow the rules and keep yourself busy we will all get through this and if any of my readers just want to have a chat or advice of any kind just message me in the comments below. It does not have to be about business.
***I will only respond to people the genuinely need to have a chat and not anything of the adult nature or dating as your comments will be deleted.
Also one last thing if you need legal advice and are in the Cardiff, Wales area I recommend this firm of solicitors.
In light of all redundancies due to the Coronavirus Covid-19, we will help you get back on your feet.
Start an online business today.
We will help with business planning and will give you all the advice you need to get you on the right path. Our offer includes an e-commerce store.
It is not all doom and gloom you could become your own boss tomorrow.
** Most importantly stay safe and remember to isolate. Now that I have planted a seed it is up to you to do some research and do something online that will give you an income.
***All these jobs can be done online or remotely, with minimal or no contact with people. Some businesses obviously have to have some sort of experience or training but others limit to your creativity.
If you have a passion and drive you can be anyone you want to be, all you need to do is reach for the stars. Some jobs may take a while to generate business and we have advice how you can overcome your shortfall in order to still be able to live and pay your bills. We too have been familiar with life changing events that can be obstactles, yet we have found ways to overcome them.
Business Ideas.
Accounting or Bookkeeping,
Antique Dealer (Buy antiques online and Sell online),
Artist (Painting, Drawing),
App Developer,
Author, (write fiction or childrens books or write books for other people, you could even be a copywriter),
Baking / Cooking (Make handmade confectionary, bake cakes, cup-cakes and brownies, specialist pies or make homemade jams – you could even make your own beauty products),
Blogger/Vlogger, (You can be an affiliate marketer whilst writing or videoing, tutorials or testing products).
Broker (Domain, Finance or Insurance get a commission for each product you sell),
Business/Marketing Consultant,
Buying and Selling (Dropship),
Career Coach,
Cleaning (Offices or Windows),
Comedian (Start your own channel and market yourself),
Course Creator,
Customer or Tech Support,
Direct Sales,
Dog Walker,
Editing or Proofreading (Editing Photos & Videos and reading work for errors),
Errand Runner,
Event Planner,
Freelance Photographer,
Freelance Web/Graphic Designer,
Freelance Writer,
Furniture Upcycling (Refurbish Furniture),
Gig Services,
Home Sitter,
Home Staging (For Property Sales),
Jewellery Designer,
Life Coach,
Make Money with Your Garden (Grow Profitable Plants),
Meal Planner,
Menu/Recipe Planner,
Motivational Speaker,
Pet Sitter,
Personal Shopper,
Professional Speaker (Create your own video channel),
Repairs ,
Social Media Consultant,
Tutor (Private Lessons Online),
Virtual Assistant,
Voice-Over Specialist
**Read this article below, also seeing as you have plenty of time on your hands, you could learn a new language or learn a craft afterall knowledge is your wealth at the end of the day.
Browsing the usual daily news feeds about everything of interest to my blog, I came across this regarding Government plans to make UK population become immune to the virus. But in order to do so, one needs a vacination (which they have not got supposedly) or enough people to be infected with the virus and then survive in order for it to work. The Government has been strongly criticised for not doing enough to slow down the pandemic which Donald Trump declared an ‘International Emergency’.
Things you should do to protect yourself from the Covid-19 Coronavirus.
It is all common sense to implement this into your daily routine, however people are complacent and this needs to be now drummed into our heads.
Wash your hands. Make sure you wash your hands frequently, especially if you have touched foreign objects that are not personal to you. Try to use antibacterial hand soap or hand sanitiser. Stay clear of hand dryer blowers they spread germs, even if you are passing one that is in use and make sure to not touch the taps with your bare hands.
Avoid touching your face. You mouth has around 500 to 1,000 different types of bacteria so touching your mouth you are re-contaminating your hands with bacteria, so avoid touching your mouth unless you are brushing your teeth and even then wash your hands straight after and avoid touching your face at all unless your hands are clean.
Maintain distance. If you suspect someone to be ill avoid close contact with that individual and maintain a distance of around 3 feet between you and the person.
Don’t share personal items. Consider your personal belonging to be your own and you should not share at all (no exceptions) . Some people for example drink from the same coke bottle (disgusting I know) so consider who has touched the item you are about to touch.
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. If you have a cough or you sneeze cover your mouth at all times. Some people are saying cough or sneeze into your sleeve or elbow, but for me that means you have just contaminated your clothing so if some one was then to touch you, you would then contaminate them. I recommend straight into a tissue which you can dispose of quickly or your hands which you can then clean immediately.
Stay home if you’re sick. If your unwell stay at home, do not risk contaminating others no matter how insignificant your cold may be. Do your shopping online or ask a friend, neighbour or family member but remember to not have close contact and stay 3 feet away.
Clean surfaces. Everyday items we take for granted such as handles on doors (including cars) light switches, flooring, keyboards, touch pads, trolley handles, product packaging in shops all carry germs.
Just hot off the press I have just been asked to market this domain and website, ideal for anyone wishing to sell, merchandise, PPE clothing and equipment and sanitation supplies such as antiseptic disinfectant and hand gel and face masks which are all in short supply. Please email me at if interested in buying this domain and website.
“Roath Life” in Cardiff UK has its own business directory and community hub website with a possible periodical (plans still in negotiation). The aim of the site is to get the Roath District of Cardiff closer together so that people can see at a glance what’s on as well finding a local business on their doorstep.
Any entrepreneurs wanting to help with this project are more than welcome to contact me.
Due to a lack of funding, I have sadly taken down the websites and forwarded the domains to this website. I am having to start from scratch rebuilding the directory one category at a time.
Please invest in this project to help me to continue to develop this website and expand the business. (By donating or investing you will help me employ some people to help me with the development of the site.
I need help developing the site which is time-consuming and by advertising small businesses everyone in the local community will benefit from this venture).
Angel Investors or Private Equity Companies wishing to invest can get a commission from sales from Advertising and Services Sold. But first I need a small team of people and I am not looking for loans, so please do not offer any.
If you are reading this and perhaps have been recently unemployed, consider partnering with me, with no financial outlay just your hard work contribution in exchange for a commission on any leads that are secured by you.
I need an internet marketer in Cardiff UK, preferably Roath Area (who is familiar with the area), that can generate leads and who is able to do research as well as copy and paste content. This position is commission only at the moment until I can secure financing. Please send your CVs and inquiries to
***Due to absolutely no interest from the public regarding donations, I have taken the campaign down from along with the website.
Where I have all the information of the directories previously published I will merge them to the site.
I have since found some freelancers that can help me but this is going to prove costly which at the moment it is money I do not have.
I need someone with vision to partner with me.
I do not want to borrow money from the bank. So I will go it alone, it obviously will take me a lot longer to do and once it is built everyone who had the opportunity to help me (this also includes my family and so-called friends) and could but chose not to and turned a blind eye. If someone asked for my help I know I would try rather than totally ignore them, I would definitely try to support them in some way and protect their mental health.
This in itself is going to cause a moral panic with hospitals only dealing with emergency care. People will be stocking up food supplies and there could be looting if businesses shut down, as well as mass hysteria.
People will be wanting to protect themselves in any way they can.
I am concerned for people with low immune systems or the vulnerable such as the elderly.
This is serious with a forecast of as many as half a million people will die from the deadly virus.
In my opinion I think there is a political agenda and there is more to this virus than meets the eye. I am not going to start or join any conspiracy theories but I just feel there is more to this than the Governments are letting on and because of media suppression the real truth is not coming out.
ONE.COM The hosting company for website and domain names. No I am not putting them on a pedestal to market them as being the best hosting company on the planet on the contrary I am putting them on a pedestal for being one of the worst. I cannot say they are the worst as there could be worse hosting companies out there.
Instead I will just highlight how they have added an extra fee for renewing domain names. So if you are in the business of buying and selling domain names you will know that DNS Domain Administration comes part and parcel of the package of renewing domain names as without a DNS system one cannot alter DNS Records or forward domain names.
So a .CO.UK Domain Renewal on any other registrars website costs £10 plus vat but this company ONE.COM are charging for the domain name renewal and also the DNS administration system as you can see below:
ONE.COM DNS Administration Fee.
This is a scam if I ever I saw one and the customers they have most probably do not know that DNS comes as default with a Domain Name and should not be charged as an add on.
I would avoid like the plague, all they have been is problem after problem from the start and God knows what nightmare stories their ex-customers would have to say given half the chance.
Slowly but surely they will end up loosing me as a customer. Customer services were no better basically saying if I did not like it, to take a running jump, I would call their bluff but I cannot afford one of the domain names going into migration over to another registrar as that would mess up one of my clients websites, which I cannot afford to do right now, considering lost his blog (it just disappeared off the face of the www) not so long ago.
TotalNightmare Company!
28/02/20 Addendum
As you are aware I am down sizing my portfolio with and am moving over to another hosting provider.
Upon checking a particular website today the contact page was off centre.
This means when I published it the other day they must have re-published my site (even though they claim they NEVER do).
So today I spend my valuable time talking to these idiots again and they admit that they had done a bug fix the other day which may have caused one of my codes to be none responsive.
If my site was working fine the other day and you do a bug fix and it is not working fine today you should reimburse me and you fix the problem without blaming everyone else on the planet bar yourselves.
This is NOT the first time they have done this and then tried blaming the consumer.
I am livid to say the least and hope and pray my client does not see the unresponsive page, they only lost his blog and could not retrieve off their server. I am amazed that they have any business.
…….since writing my post earlier they found that it was not a bug fix but something else which the technician should have spotted before creating a ticket and I did not get an apology, says it all…..
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