Cymru Marketing Journal - (CMJUK) - Online Business Journal & Digital Marketing Agency. Business News, Directory, SEO, Social Media Management, Advertising, Reviews, Forum, Market Research, Content Writing & Website Design. Thinking Local, Acting Global.

Category: INDUSTRY MARKETING (Page 2 of 3)

Affiliate Marketing Is A No Brainer.

Affiliate Marketing Is A No Brainer.

When choosing to go down the route of affiliate marketing you have two options, either you become an advertiser or a publisher.

The difference between a publisher and an advertiser is an advertiser might be a business, an app, mobile game, e-commerce platform, or a brand that wants to attract more custom and have a message they want people to see, a publisher on the other hand will either have advertising space such as a website, blog, social media page/group to display that advert. Or have an email list, a large network of connections, and may do content writing, where they will use their own marketing strategies to promote the campaign.

Publishers earn money by displaying ads, and the cost is usually based on the commission rates and how much traffic and conversions the publisher can generate. It is taboo to do direct advertising, it does not work. Furthermore, most advertisers prefer you not to go down this route but find a more indirect way of advertising. In order to drive traffic, the publisher should use the free options available to them before considering PPC advertising.

Affiliate marketing is a no-brainer because if you are someone that wants to monetize their website or blog, then offering your online space to companies in exchange for a commission is pretty simple to do and can earn you money.

However, if you are a business and want more sales and may not want to employ a marketing agency then becoming an advertiser you are essentially going to entice people that are interested in your brand /product(s) to advertise on your behalf in exchange for a commission.

This ultimately saves a ton of money paying marketing and advertising agencies monthly fees. In fact, some businesses actually employ people for this role, so imagine how much you will save paying an employee an hourly rate.

The name of the game is to save money, make money and get people to work for you without paying them a wage.


To sign up as an advertiser or publisher just click the banner advert below:

(Get people to promote your products and services).


As a publisher, you can choose adverts that are popular with the public. What is on everyone’s minds at the moment, well the rising cost of fuel prices of course, so you add this advertiser to your articles and advertising space.

Special Occasions, Birthdays, and Anniversaries.

It is also coming up to Easter and what is going to be a family favorite… Easter Eggs?


B2B and B2C Businesses.

If you are business orientated you want to advertise things relating to business as in the examples below:

Note From The Editor.

There are many programs to join through Awin. Not all advertisers listed on this page are Awin, for example, BullionVault is an independent Affiliate Program.

There are plenty of niches that can complement your site for example if you are a photographer you could have a florist or wedding dressmaker/designer. If you are a restaurant you could advertise tickets to shows (Ticketmaster). If you are an electrician you could advertise lighting and the list goes on. Obviously, you won’t find every single advertiser on Awin but it’s worth trying them out. They do ask for a £5 sign-up fee but they refund it and it is seen in your balance which will be paid back when you reach your payout threshold.

This joining fee is pretty standard like other companies I have joined charge up to £15.00 but then again they have really big commissions so I am not complaining and you get your money back regardless.

You can really promote anything that takes your fancy but try to be consistent and not be a jack of all trades. If you have a blog relating to travel then promote airlines and hotels. Always match the adverts to your niche. For us, we are a marketing company and we market all industries so it will make sense to use adverts matching the categories we are promoting.

Further Reading:

If you have any questions about affiliate marketing in general or high ticket affiliate programs, just drop us a line using the form below:

Join – Promote – Earn

#affiliatemarketing #advertiser #publisher #monetize #websitemonetization #blogmonetization #affiliateprograms #advertisingspace #affiliates

Cymru Marketing Logo Default

Low-Cost Marketing & Advertising

Buy Now!

Low-Cost Marketing & Advertising

If you are reading this you have come to the right place, we can help you with lead generation and drive traffic to your business, domain name, product, or service.

If you want more business, spread brand awareness, and have lead generation, we will work for you for a whole month, which costs less than employing a member of staff to do the work for you, not to mention they will not be able to do what we are offering.

We have a good track record and have a large network of connections on LinkedIn and other social media channels.

Marketing & Advertising are the fundamental strategies to drive traffic to your business, product, or service. Some businesses use PPC advertising which can be costly if you have to compete with daily keyword bidding. However, outbound marketing and banner ads are a good alternative and landing pages are optimized to search engine standards so that you have a fine-tuned target audience.

We understand ‘Video Creation’ can all cost an arm and a leg, yet we will do a video, all-inclusive of our monthly offer. Each advert that we create has SEO so that we can generate targeted traffic on your behalf. We use exact match searchable keywords and phrases to drive more business.

If you are interested in getting a helping hand just drop us a line using the form below. There is no time like the present to get more customers.

Hurry & Fill In This Form Today!

#digitalmarketing #socialmediamarketing #videomarketing #cymrumarketing #marketingcardiff #brandawareness #leadgeneration #marketing #socialmediaposts #blogposts #guestblogposts #advertising #landingpages #lowcostmarketing #lowcostadvertising


** ‘Cymru Marketing is the sister group of This offer does not include PPC advertising.

**This offer is for one advert on 10 websites, one video, a landing page, and content writing on 4 websites. As well as social media and network marketing.

I am pleased to announce that I have acquired by a fluke.

It was not available last year as I am always looking for ways to generate more traffic, so I was surprised to see it on the IONOS marketplace and had to grab it.

SEO Link Wheel.

I am happy I have the dot com as I will have no use for any other domain extension, just in case anyone approached me regarding the just saying… Furthermore, if someone then decides to develop the version there may be a reason to start a UDRP.

Website Development.

It is what came first the chicken or the egg scenario. I developed a website on a dot com (king of domains) long before any other counterpart.


This domain will serve as another cog to my ever-expanding SEO link wheel. This domain is a keeper as it has played on my mind whenever I say ‘Cymru’ not everyone I speak to knows what the word means. It is the Welsh Word for Wales and as well as people not knowing how to pronounce it let alone spell it, may also find difficulty remembering it. Hence that is why I am excited to add an addition to my lead generation marketing strategies.

Obviously, the site is not fully developed as I only acquired it today but over the next few weeks, time permitting, I will build this site to accompany my default sites.

I have also kept my ‘Cymru Marketing’ Logo Initials where the (CM) stands for Cymru Marketing, whereas now the initials are reversed to Marketing Cardiff (MC). However had I re-designed the initials the M letter does not sit right on the letter C, hence I have left the lettering the same. As long as I get the traffic what’s a couple of letters in a logo. If anything it makes the logo even more unique and talked about after all ‘Cymru Marketing’ is here to stay and it will always be one of my default websites, with ‘Marketing Cardiff’ as an add-on.

The way I see it the logo is recognizable it has been around for a few years and people who recognize and relate to an image can memorize images symbols and logos far quicker than remembering words. People will see the logo and see it as a trustworthy source, so why confuse people with more than one logo, at the end of the day it is a personal preference and my decision. If anything the logo says that ‘Cymru Marketing Brand ‘ is behind ‘Marketing Cardiff’.

One has to remember that exact match searchable keywords and phrases domain names will rank your website far quicker and will secure global positioning providing you do your SEO correctly.

Having brandable made-up words, acronyms or personal brand names needs extensive Advertising and PR, whilst having searchable words people actively search for will save you money in the long run. Choose your domain names carefully and if you need some help with your SEO link wheel we will be happy to give you some free advice and do a free SEO audit report of your website.

As an example I have my own personal brand domain name but if people do not know who you are and have never heard of you before they are not going to be searching for you. Fortunately for me, I have been around for donkeys’ years so I am well known in certain circles.

Even if you are ranked for keywords that you have assigned in your meta description people are less likely to view your site as opposed to the and exact match searchable keyword or phrase domain name. You would have to be well known or a household name which can take a long time to achieve before people started to search for you.


The domain name on is according to the bot worth less than $100 but on Godaddy Appraisal Tool it is worth $904

To be honest, I rarely use these bots and whenever I am appraising a domain name. I do my calculations based on Google Keyword Planner and how many searches per month and the cost of the PPC bids would be. I then can advise that having a certain domain name would save the investor in advertising costs.

However, if the domain name has equity such as a product, service, website, and assets then you are talking about a different ball game, and even though I have no intention to sell this domain name my equity which these bots do not know about will increase the value.

#marketingcardiff #cardiffmarketing #marketingagencycardiff #marketing

Amazon Business

What is Amazon Business?

Amazon Business is changing the way companies buy supplies. For most small businesses, buying supplies can be time-consuming and frustrating. Finding the best product at the best price with the most convenient payment terms can be a challenge, especially when they have other tasks that need to be completed. Amazon Business is the solution and brings big benefits to businesses of all sizes and industries.

How does Amazon Business work?

Amazon Business is a business-to-business marketplace that combines selection, convenience and the value customers around the world have come to know and love from Amazon, with additional business-specific features including bulk pricing, Pay by Invoice*, downloadable VAT invoices and spend management tools. In this marketplace, multiple sellers compete for purchases on common stock keeping units (SKUs) on the most favorable terms for customers. It’s like a “reverse auction” where customers save time, money and hassle in the process.

Choice, value and convenience: Amazon Business simplifies the entire purchasing process for businesses by helping them find, compare and order exactly what they need with fast, reliable shipping and flexible payment options. It’s a shopping experience Amazon customers will instantly recognise and understand.

Helpful purchasing tools: Amazon Business gives users access to helpful purchasing controls that can ensure that only authorised purchases are made, together with tools to integrate with their existing purchasing system and provide detailed purchasing analytics.

Free accounts: Unlike warehouse clubs or subscription-based online retailers, Amazon Business accounts are free, even for companies with multiple authorised purchasers. Once registered, those with accounts are able to search hundreds of millions of products in the Amazon Business inventory, where multiple sellers can compete for their purchase.

Who is eligible for an Amazon Business account?

Business Accounts and business user accounts are intended for businesses and business-related organisations and may be used solely for business purposes. To create a business user account, users must use a valid email address. may use the business name, address, VAT number or business identification number and any other information a customer provides about their organisation or users or that we may request or determine is necessary to verify accuracy and eligibility for Amazon Business. Amazon may make, directly or through third parties, inquiries to validate information provided to us. Amazon may accept or refuse use of Amazon Business at their discretion.

Having a Business acount you have the flexibility of buying and selling whilst using a trusted logistics company known world wide.

*Subject to satisfactory credit checks and credit limit

Neom City (The Line).

Neom City (The Line) Domain Names.

For those that do not know about Neom City, it is a Futuristic City that is being built in Saudia Arabia. The Crown Prince Of Saudia Arabia has started construction to build a zero-carbon empire at NEOM, the first major project for the $500 billion flagship business zone aimed at diversifying the economy of the world’s largest oil exporter.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman the future King of Saudia Arabia is only 34 years old, he controls part of the royal family’s vast wealth, which is estimated at up to $1.4 trillion and includes Saudi Aramco, the most valuable company in the world. The heir will ascend to the throne after the death of his father, 84-year-old King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

The Crown Prince was quoted as saying in a rare televised appearance that the city, known as “The Line”, would extend over 170 km (105 miles) and be able to house a million residents in “carbon-positive urban developments powered by 100% clean energy”. “The backbone of investment in ‘The Line’ will come from the $500 billion support to NEOM by the Saudi government, PIF, and local and global investors over 10 years,”.

Our Services.

We offer website design, domain brokering, digital marketing, and pr services. As a marketing service provider, we primarily help clients implement and manage marketing strategies to achieve their business goals.

We have over 30 years of experience in the marketing industry and have a very large network of connections on LinkedIn.

Cymru Marketing Banner AD

The reason for this post is a domain investor brought to my attention the following information via email:

Neom Email

Obviously, I have redacted the sender’s email for privacy reasons.

The questionable link is as follows: it actually does point to a gaming site that looks like a five-year-old has designed, (apologies in advance to the owner of the site but it looks unprofessional).

Why is Neom pointing to this site anyway if Neom does not own it and clearly has not developed it?

Visitors going to this site will also be confused and will lose trust and damaging the reputation of what NEOM Stands for.

Due to GDPR, it is difficult to find the real owner of this site if their registration details are hidden in whois data privacy settings.

It does not look good for the (Crown Prince) when he starts a costly project but his marketing people fail to notice the embarrassing error or give good SEO advice.

Perhaps it was an oversight, however, I wrote about hyphen domain names being unprofessional the other day relating to one of the domain names that NEOM are promoting when they could have easily acquired the non-hyphen version that clearly points to a landing page stating the domain name is for sale

The hyphen domain article can be read here:

Again I do not have this particular domain on my books but I can find out who the owner is by simply doing some digging around. I am connected with most Neom Domain Investors so it should not be very hard to find out.

All the NEOM-related domain names that I am managing for my clients can be found here:

What is not available can be acquired, just send me a message. Also if there is a particular domain that you need we can help to source it.

I will be contacting the NEOM Marketing Company for comment and will update you in due course.

Send a Message:

#uae #neom #neomcity #theline #unitedarabemirates #crownprince #mohammedbinslman #saudiaarabia

Grocery Supermarkets.

Drivers Without PPE Clothing.

My rant last time about Grocery Supermarkets was about vulnerable people not having deliveries and about cross contamination.

You will be pleased to know my deliveries have been re-instated but wait for this…….The delivery arrived today and my daughter greeted the two delivery men of which one of them coughed straight in her face.


You would think that all drivers should wear gloves and face masks but obviously they do not.

She is now worried about cross contamination and if he is a carrier or not.

Do all the staff get tested on a daily basis?, I do not think so and when they deliver the groceries they should abide by the 2 metre rule but they do not.

So does that mean if my daughter contracts the virus because of this individual that we can then sue the Grocery Supermarket Company?

I hope and pray for their sake it does not come to this and that my daughter is going to be OK.

It seems that I am I banging my head against a brick wall as everyone seems to be behaving like sheep and saying because “Simple Simon Says” they have to follow and not use their own initiatives.

Sheep Immunity – Follow The Leader and not Think For Ourselves….

All I can say is another blog post is heading to the CEO yet again….

Totally unbelievable!!

Grocery Supermarkets Failing Us!

Supermarkets Are Not Helping!

On the whole I have been a loyal customer of Tesco’s for many years with relatively little issues until now. I normally shop online on a regular basis because both my daughter and I have disabilities.

I am not targeting this post entirely at Tescos, as all Grocery Supermarkets should follow my example.

I am just writing about my own personal experience with Tesco but I am sure all other grocery supermarkets have the same problem and are following the bright spark that makes the rules.

So with the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic I noticed Tesco struggling to keep up with demand of some of my usual products such as antibacterial-disinfectant, hand wash and hand gel for many weeks now. This was not my grieviance as I understood people had been bulk buying.

I would have already prior to the pandemic had a policy in place not to be able to purchase more than 3 items of any one product, as the store is a retailer not a wholesaler, but for some reason I hear Supermarkets are being less lenient again. do they never learn?

Its not the end of the world, we are not fighting for food.

If you want to buy in bulk go to a wholesaler, not that they are taking on any new registrations at this present time due to people thinking that this is the end of the world and we are facing some sort of zombie apocaplypse.

Lawmakers and CEO’s

Just like every thing else CEO’s & MP’s do not think until after the event. Similar if there was a catastrophic event the law would only kick in after the fact.

Businesses and Governments should think outside the box to have scenarios of what could happen and put improvisions in place so that if the inevitable should ever happen they would be prepared and covered.

So moving on I received an email from Tesco a few days ago that they will not be charging me my monthly delivery fee due to no delivery slots and are only delivering to the vulnerable:

I then had another email from the CEO of Tesco saying due to the pandemic they will be only delivering to the vulnerable.

So you are telling me there is only 110,000 clinically vulnerable and isolated people in the whole of the UK?. What does that mean exactly? What about the rest of the population i.e cancer patients that have auto immune disease or the elderly what about those people? According to people with underlying health conditions are at risk, such as:

  1. Solid organ transplant recipients.
  2. People with specific cancers:
    • people with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy
    • people with lung cancer who are undergoing radical radiotherapy
    • people with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma who are at any stage of treatment
    • people having immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments for cancer
    • people having other targeted cancer treatments which can affect the immune system, such as protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors
    • people who have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last 6 months, or who are still taking immunosuppression drugs
  3. People with severe respiratory conditions including all cystic fibrosis, severe asthma and severe COPD.
  4. People with rare diseases and inborn errors of metabolism that significantly increase the risk of infections (such as SCID, homozygous sickle cell).
  5. People on immunosuppression therapies sufficient to significantly increase risk of infection.
  6. Women who are pregnant with significant heart disease, congenital or acquired.

So I decided to reply but had to hunt for the email as I tried phoning customer service and got cut off several times, meaning they are not taking calls, by having auto responders in place. The email is towards the end of this thread and I got a response back from them today which is laughable.

The whole point of isolation is to try to contain the virus, so you would think that Tesco and all the rest of the grocery stores should follow suit and employ more staff (considering many people have lost their jobs right now) and have them answer calls, have online chat and answer emails.

On top of this stop people coming to the stores, full stop.

Cross Contamination.

By someone coming into a store there is a chance of cross contamination as someone that coughs could easily transmit the virus onto a product packaging and have it airborne for some one else to inhale.

“The only people in the stores would be the staff and they also would less likely catch the virus from cross contamination. But the store managers and the CEO’s are not OCD like me so they will not be thinking this way”.

As for the elderly who only shop for one or two minimal items or people that do not normally buy online, humanity should love thy neighbour and give a helping hand meaning if you live in close proximity to an elderly person or someone who does not know the first thing about shopping online you could order on their behalf it is not difficult, you could combine it into your shop and split the cost after, or set up an account for them.

If there are so many staff supposedly employed then they should be able to stock, stack, pick, pack, chat online, answer calls, email and deliver How about giving me 10% bonus to organise your business management as it needs re-organising.

So like I said in the beginning my daughter has an auto immune disease and suffers with multiple sclerosis, I am her mother and her carer and she has a low immune system due to treatment she has had six months ago.

So therefore physically venturing out to buy food in store I have a greater chance of contracting the disease from cross contamitation, which I could potentially pass on to my daughter. I do not know what sickly individual has coughed and spluttered on a product I have just picked up. Also I could be inhaling someone’s airborne germs having a greater risk on contracting the disease and then bringing it home.

I am not alone when it comes to people who cannot shop instore there are many disabled people in the UK 13.9 million disabled people to be exact but who’s counting: and not every one is clinically vulnerable as listed in the 6 points the government have laid out, some people cannot walk or lift/carry large shopping orders and some have mental illness issues and cannot shop for themselves. So for Tesco to send an email saying the Government have given a list of 110,000 vulnerable people what does that mean exactly?, I know I cited a guide from the Government website earlier but is it not the the case that every one is vulnerable? It does not mention the elderly, disabled, mental health patients and domestic abuse victims and not everyone has been diagnosed with underlying conditions as men more so than women do not like visiting their GPs hence that is why more men than women are dying from the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic because of this reason and not being diagnosed for any underlying problems.

All people healthy and disabled are vulnerable because of cross contamination.

The less you spend outside your own home the better, as this is called “herd immunisation”.

The whole point of isolation is to stay indoors to try to contain the virus. People may be carriers of the disease and may not even know they are infected. It takes one person to infect 59,000 people in a snowball effect experts believe:

So here is my email I sent to Tesco yesterday:

….and this is their reply in an email that states they cannot reply to emails

and that I should try phoning customer service where they do not mention there is an autoresponder and no one is answering calls.

But the person replied to me (Name Omitted) by email today even though I emailed Tesco yesterday, so this was not an auto responder email as I would have had it instantaneously yesterday. So she could have answered my question, but chose not to. Therefore I have had to resort to other means to get my point across.

I will put it to the test when I send another email today with a link to this post and see if she responds, we will then see if this is just an autoresponder and if my blog post gets noticed. I will also be contacting the CEO of Tesco on Linkedin so that he can respond directly to me.

Do not brush customers off, you need them for the future.

Cross contamination is my main priority and concern. I am not saying this for myself, I am saying this for all the population of the UK on the whole, if you have a person who is infected and comes into the store showing no signs but picks things up and perhaps puts them back, you are automatically cross contaminating. Self service baskets will be cross contaminated, the area where you put your food down in checkout will get cross contaminated, your food/produce will be cross contaminated and the carrier bags will also be cross contaminated.

Sneezing Droplets 8 Metres.

Furthermore coughing spreads droplets as far as six metres, and sneezing as much as eight metres. These droplets stay suspended in the air for up to 10 minutes. So by having the “two metre rule” is basically useless.

Apparantly there is a right way to cough and sneeze and I beg to differ, remember I am the OCD expert here. As the photo suggests one should cough and sneeze into the crease of their elbow or back to their hand.

Coughing and Sneezing….

But imagine the scenario unfolding you have just sneezed into the crease of your elbow, not every one is going to have a bare arm thats No: 1, No: 2, germs can live on garments for several hours: Robert Amler, dean of the School of Health Sciences and Practice at New York Medical College and a former CDC chief medical officer, told HuffPost that the duration of the virus depends on the fabric, as some materials are more porous than others.

By sneezing or coughing into an elbow that is not bare and cannot be immediately washed one is potentially cross contaminating, as someone can easly touch your arm, even you unwittingly can touch yourself without thinking, as what occured an hour ago may not neccessarily be still be playing on ones mind to erradicate an hour later. If say you are wearing a coat and you have sneezed or coughed into the crease of the elbow and you take it off and lay it next to another coat owned by another person you have just cross contaminated. You could perhaps throw the coat over an armchair – cross contaminating the arm chair. Only an OCD person can teach you this.

Hence staff that have been screened to be healthy should be the ONLY people that are in the store.

By eliminating the consumer from entering the store, one potentially is containing the virus and flattening the curve. By allowing the customer to shop freely one is potentially opening a can of worms.

I will update on the post as and when I get more news.

Update 14/04/2020

On top of the fact there are no deliveries and one cannot contact the store by email or phone for love or money, without resorting to physically having to visit a store and queue to make a complaint, I am on the verge of screaming right now as I have only noticed 2 transactions going out of my account for the same amount of money.

At the time of updating my post earlier today I had not heard back from my email test the other day as I mentioned in my post at the beginning to see if in fact they actually do send out autoresponders or not and have sent another email today. However a few moments ago I received an email once again saying they do not respond to emails and prompted me to go to their online support FAQ, which frankly is no good to me as I need to speak with a human.

I have already showed this post to my MP Jo Stevens and Tesco via their email but have held off contacting the CEO until today and am curious how they will respond to this today if at all.

You can see the screenshot of the email content below:

I do not know what the maximum amount of transactions one can spend on self service but if it is say £40 and that went out twice the customer would have had £80 leave their account instead of £40. Imagine if this an elderly person how this would effect them and the stress it would cause.

The icing on the cake the contactless option obviously did not work forcing you to touch the keypad which is defeating the object of containing the virus.

Furthermore my daughter went out to do a shop yesterday thinking she was helping me as I could not go as I have a business to run and considering despite her disability, she was taking a risk having to go in-store let alone have to touch the keypad lol & omg….Under normal circumstances I do all the shopping but the one time my daughter went out she got charged twice and she risked her health at the same time by doing so.

I am now, shall we say very angry and still no closer to resolving the issues I am facing so only God knows what other people are facing…….

Absolutely Fuming!!

People are blaming the coronavirus covid-19 for just about everything that is going wrong with the way businesses are run, Coronavirus Covid-19 does not affect common sense to employ call handlers and online chat support workers.

My business is running smoothly so a corporate giant such as Tesco should not have a problem, yet they do.

This is now directed for the CEO of Tesco and any other Supermarket that has not got their act together !!!!

UK are their own worst enemies the moment they see snow the country comes to a grinding halt and now that we are faced with the pandemic all hell has broke loose and everyone is running around like headless chickens and blaming covid-19 for their bad management skills. In business you should have a Plan A, a Plan B and even a Plan C. Yet for some reason it seems as everyone is not organised, yet they will try to defend themselves by saying that they are when clearly they are not.

Boredom – Stuck at Home!

Boredom – Stuck at Home?

Being Stuck at home through no fault of your own and forced to be isolated eventually becomes no fun. If you are fed up of watching films and re-runs and feel that each day is getting longer and more monotonous, why not start a blog or set a website which you can monetise. Having a second income will tide you over whilst your twidling your thumbs waiting for the lockdown to be lifted.

I have just listed some new domain names that came in today on my other blog: but you can browse our extended market of very valuable exact match searchable keyword domain names by visiting: Consider starting a dropshipping business where you do not have to handle the inventory and all you need to do is just list the inventory and do a little bit of work (about 1 -2 hours per day).

We will teach you how to dropship from the comfort of your home and we are currently offering free web design, marketing and seo for the first 3 months and offering to lease any domain name of your choosing providing it is available after a free consultation from us.

You do not have to lay out one single penny and we will start you off.

So what are you waiting for?, do some research on what you want to do, make notes and contact us.

We are waiting to serve you……

Business in Isolation

Securing your business:

An example of business isolation during lockdown may be a driving instructor, electrician, or a factory production company to just name just a few, so what do you do when you are on lockdown and in isolation how do you turn this around? You obviously do not want to lose your customers how do you generate more business and most importantly how do you survive and continue paying your staff that is the big question.

Firstly, the UK Government has grants and loans available that they are giving to businesses in need of help.

Secondly, defer production and explain to your customers situation, be transparent, and in order to secure business further down the line give incentives. I know you may be already finding finances hard but remember you have the business already established, you just need to postpone it for a little while and for new customers give them special offers so that you can secure their business.

Remember keep safe and don’t try to break the rules as you may lose your license or get fined, Sports Direct has already suffered public condemnation for needlessly trying to stay open and pubs who continue to trade in Lockins are liable to have their licenses taken off them.

Conduct daily morning meetings with your workers and give them motivation and inspiration to work. We can become very complacent in our own homes and have distractions that can easily send us astray. Workers need to stay focused and need to have daily tasks set for them with goals they need to achieve and report on.

When you have automatic recurring costs that you charge your customers, consider suspending the costs and giving them credit for future business. Work out your cash flow for the next few months and refrain from spending on unnecessary subscriptions and services, try to minimize your spending and evaluate your overheads as a whole and see where you can cut costs to the minimum. Discuss with your bank your situation and see if they can help you with extended loans or get government grants that can tide you over.

The government is bringing in new measures to assist small businesses, freelancers, and sole traders. Do keep up to speed on what assistance you are able to claim. If you have an accountant speak to them about any financial advice, they can give you, after all that’s what they are there for.

Secure your future:

Going back to the example of say driving instructors offer special offers like book your bulk 40 lessons now and get 6 -10 lessons free with lessons resuming in April for example. I am being optimistic the lockdown will be lifted in April.

Electricians can book your appointment now with work to be carried out in April with no call-out charge only if you use the code: covid19 and book now for example and the offer is only available for advanced bookings.

If you are a production company waive all charges in order to secure your business give incentives that is the key.

The public mindset will be altered over the next year or so, therefore you need to find ways to reassure your customers and give them a reason to use you. Marketing campaigns and advertising are going to be the main factors in order to generate new business. Consider what you need to do in order to drive business. LinkedIn is a good way to start advertising, but you need a lot of connections or know of someone that has a lot of connections. The alternative is to consider pay-per-click advertising such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Sponsor Ads.


***Stay positive. Every crisis eventually passes, position yourself for growth when it does.

#businessisolation #lockdowns #mentalhealth #creativity #incentives #leadgeneration #marketing #digitalmarketing #brandawareness

Working From Home

Transitioning to an Online Business.

What ever you circumstances may be, whether you are a traditional bricks and mortar business selling products and services and have had to transition to working from home, or perhaps you have been recently been laid off here are some hints and tips to get you through these troubling times.

I will first cover traditional businesses that bricks and mortar, i.e shops and offices.

I covered 5 out of the how to in 7 easy steps in another blog I run:

I spoke about setting up an office in your home and how to enable chat online a must for businesses that want to interact with their customers on demand and how to set up online appointment scheduling a video meetings. I also mentioned about e-commerce and payment gateways.

If you are a shop or an office you should follow my 7 easy steps.

  1. Set up an office space in your home where you will not be disturbed
  2. Set up online chat (free)
  3. Set up online appointment scheduling (free)
  4. Set up video conference calls www.8× (free)
  5. Set up payment gateways (all free).
  6. Work the same hours as if you would do normally and speak to your staff and teams by having morning meetings.
  7. Sort out your finances look to see about Government grants to help you pay your staff.

Unemployed or Redundant

For people who have been made redundant or about to loose their jobs I have listed some ideas you can start to do freelancing, obviously most businesses need websites so that people can find you. You can also list your work with directories but for immediate effect a website/blog is the fast way of generating traffic. If you just lost your job the most important things you need to do is 1) Sign On. 2) Contact all your creditors and inform them of late payments or ask to have your payments deferred. Most Creditors are going to be very understanding including banks.

  • Article Writing
  • Graphic Design
  • Proofreading
  • Editing
  • Online Research
  • Programming
  • Copywriting
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Data Entry
  • Spreadsheet Work
  • Virtual Personal Assistant
  • Data Analysis

If you are stuck for ideas just send me a message and I will send you a full list of work you can do with little or no contact with other people.

I wiill aslo be covering how businesses such as electricians, driving instructors etc can get through these difficult times in another post. I believe that staying positive and optimistic will help us conquer this economic disaster.

If however you are out of work and do not want to set up your own business and would rather work for someone then this will be slightly more difficult considering the current climate we are in.

How about if you volunteer your services, businesses will be crying out for people to help them bring in business. You will stand a better chance of being hired and your position to be made permanent.

If you have not got a CV I would recommend downloading free templates from then upload your completed CV to job directories such as or

Finally if your stuck at home and boredom is setting in, why not turn your hobby into a business, if your arty you can sell your stuff on or start writing a book (everyone has a story to tell) or make a photobook of all your cherished memories. There are dozens upon dozens of ideas you can do with your free time.

Remember people with low self esteems, as long as you stay safe and follow the rules and keep yourself busy we will all get through this and if any of my readers just want to have a chat or advice of any kind just message me in the comments below. It does not have to be about business.

***I will only respond to people the genuinely need to have a chat and not anything of the adult nature or dating as your comments will be deleted.

Also one last thing if you need legal advice and are in the Cardiff, Wales area I recommend this firm of solicitors.

Cardiff Solicitors Onine “Dudden Law”.
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March 2025
