Browsing the usual daily news feeds about everything of interest to my blog, I came across this regarding Government plans to make UK population become immune to the virus. But in order to do so, one needs a vacination (which they have not got supposedly) or enough people to be infected with the virus and then survive in order for it to work. The Government has been strongly criticised for not doing enough to slow down the pandemic which Donald Trump declared an ‘International Emergency’.
You can read the full article here:
Things you should do to protect yourself from the Covid-19 Coronavirus.
It is all common sense to implement this into your daily routine, however people are complacent and this needs to be now drummed into our heads.
- Wash your hands. Make sure you wash your hands frequently, especially if you have touched foreign objects that are not personal to you. Try to use antibacterial hand soap or hand sanitiser. Stay clear of hand dryer blowers they spread germs, even if you are passing one that is in use and make sure to not touch the taps with your bare hands.
- Avoid touching your face. You mouth has around 500 to 1,000 different types of bacteria so touching your mouth you are re-contaminating your hands with bacteria, so avoid touching your mouth unless you are brushing your teeth and even then wash your hands straight after and avoid touching your face at all unless your hands are clean.
- Maintain distance. If you suspect someone to be ill avoid close contact with that individual and maintain a distance of around 3 feet between you and the person.
- Don’t share personal items. Consider your personal belonging to be your own and you should not share at all (no exceptions) . Some people for example drink from the same coke bottle (disgusting I know) so consider who has touched the item you are about to touch.
- Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. If you have a cough or you sneeze cover your mouth at all times. Some people are saying cough or sneeze into your sleeve or elbow, but for me that means you have just contaminated your clothing so if some one was then to touch you, you would then contaminate them. I recommend straight into a tissue which you can dispose of quickly or your hands which you can then clean immediately.
- Stay home if you’re sick. If your unwell stay at home, do not risk contaminating others no matter how insignificant your cold may be. Do your shopping online or ask a friend, neighbour or family member but remember to not have close contact and stay 3 feet away.
- Clean surfaces. Everyday items we take for granted such as handles on doors (including cars) light switches, flooring, keyboards, touch pads, trolley handles, product packaging in shops all carry germs.
- Keep yourself updated. Always stay informed and use trusted sources for information of which I took extracts of my post from: https://www.healthline.com/health/coronavirus-symptoms#prevention
Final Thoughts…….
Just hot off the press I have just been asked to market this domain and website, ideal for anyone wishing to sell, merchandise, PPE clothing and equipment and sanitation supplies such as antiseptic disinfectant and hand gel and face masks which are all in short supply. Please email me at renata@cymrumarketing.com if interested in buying this domain and website.

You may also want to watch this, the figures estimated are very scary………