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Category: NHS REVIEWS (Page 2 of 2)

Covid-19: Public Order Concerns as The British Army may be drafted in.

Coronavirus – Cvid-19 Face Masks in high demand.

This in itself is going to cause a moral panic with hospitals only dealing with emergency care. People will be stocking up food supplies and there could be looting if businesses shut down, as well as mass hysteria.

People will be wanting to protect themselves in any way they can.

I am concerned for people with low immune systems or the vulnerable such as the elderly.

This is serious with a forecast of as many as half a million people will die from the deadly virus.

In my opinion I think there is a political agenda and there is more to this virus than meets the eye. I am not going to start or join any conspiracy theories but I just feel there is more to this than the Governments are letting on and because of media suppression the real truth is not coming out.

Read the announcement here:

Be Safe and Be Careful !

Disability Discrimination.

Disability Discrimination.

Disability Discrimination on my mind. According to the website:

Here is the overview of what Disability Discrimination means:

What counts as disability discrimination

This advice applies to England

Table of contents

What is disability discrimination

It is against the law to discriminate against disabled people in various areas of their lives.

If disability discrimination takes place in any of the following situations, you may be able to take action about it:

There are some important areas where it is not against the law to discriminate against disabled people, for example, in access to public transport services.

Disability discrimination can either be direct or indirect.

Direct discrimination is where you are treated less favourably because of your disability than someone without a disability would be treated in the same circumstances.

But what it fails to address is people with disabilities in their homes where they are subjected to have certain things done because the landlords are obliged by the councils to have certain things done which may hinder a persons life.

So where the law says that all public places and landlords have to abide certain rules not to discriminate disabled people, it in fact contradicts itself by forcing the landord to do certain things that may be in fact obstacles for disabled people.

Here is an expample a mental health patient cannot touch door handles and locks due to their OCD but the law states you have to have these locks in case of a fire. The scenario being that a front door normally just has a yale lock but now it has to have a handle and a lock that you can open from the inside but you need a key from the outside. So instead of a normal yale lock you have to a key and door handle that you push down to open the door plus your yale lock. This in turn causes distress with the mental health patients. Another scenario someone who is claustophobic may not want doors yet the law states you have to have fire doors. So the law is not well thought through as the person who has mental health issues has to do as the law says which is a contradiction in terms. Furthermore back to the person who has OCD or Social Anxiety why should they be subjected to workmen disturbing their way of living. I refer to a website where one person actually mentions these scenario’s on their website:

You won’t find anything like this what I write on the internet as the powers that be will never mention it and will try to supress anyone that does.

Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) Sanofi Genzyme Deaths

A pharmaceutical company in the USA is selling a drug that costs $158,000 per treatment per person and was approved by the FDA although it states on the FDA website the drug can cause fatalities. (FDA PDF Below). It has been used in the UK since 2016.

Lemtrada (alemtuzumab) Sanofi Genzyme

Lemtrada Targets MS-related Cells

Lemtrada, which is also known as alemtuzumab, was originally approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, under the brand name Campath, to treat B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The drug is a humanized monoclonal antibody that seeks out and destroys specific immune cells that carry a protein called CD52. Many of these cells are believed to be the white blood cells that attack the central nervous system in people with MS.  When those cells are destroyed, the body manufactures new white blood cells that have different properties, i.e., beneficial helper cells rather than the destructive cells that are programmed to attack myelin. Thus, the similarity to stem cell replacement therapy. That therapy uses chemotherapy to destroy most of the body’s immune system cells. Then, fresh stem cells are infused into the body which, over time, create new white blood cells. Unlike other disease-modifying therapies (DMTs), which require injections every few days or monthly infusions, patients receiving Lemtrada are treated once a year, for two years.  In the first year, the drug is infused daily for five days in a row, on an outpatient basis. Each infusion takes about four hours and the patient is watched for another two hours afterward.  A year later that process is repeated, but for only three days.  And that’s it.

Neurologist Power of Persuasion.

A new database reveals that individual medics are receiving tens of thousands of pounds in consultancy fees from the pharmaceutical industry while recommending products to patients.

Some NHS officials involved in assessing which drugs should be prescribed to patients, such as the neurologist have been earning up to £20,000 per patient from directly marketing their products to the health service. However, tens of millions of pounds worth of payments have been paid to doctors and officials and were not individually declared because the recipients refused to be named (I wonder why?). This proves what I originally suspected that even though the Neurologist mentioned some risks he said in his time prescribing the drug he never heard of any fatalities. In other words money talks…..


Screenshot European Medicine Agency
Cost of Treatment For the NHS.

However earlier this year the European Medicine Agency restricted the use of the drug to “new patients” in the UK and stated that the drug can cause serious life-threatening illnesses the drug is under investigation in which all investigations will be completed by October of this year. What the European Medicine Agency failed to say is that there have been numerous fatalities.

Patients already on the treatment are asked to continue with the treatment and if they have any concerns they need to speak with their doctor.

Now here is the scenario the NHS has bought this drug and they would obviously want their money back if the drug is deemed to be unsafe, but that is never going to happen as the government would be out of pocket. According to the (EMA) European Medicine Agency patients who benefit from the drug can use it. In other words “we will see what happens”…

Am I missing something here if a drug is unsafe to use do not allow patients to continue using it. From citations from Nine fatality cases were deemed probably caused by Lemtrada, with six of these patients dying within one month after receiving just one treatment infusion,, In my opinion, one fatality is one too many…….

So here is the other scenario I know about this drug my 18-year-old daughter was about to start her second treatment this year in August, precisely one year after her first treatment.

I was told by the ‘European Medicine Agency’ if they suspect the drug is unsafe to restrict it to all patients but I can see the red tape and they have come back to me saying that I should talk to my daughter’s doctor. I explained if a manufacturer of a car, for example, had a fault, the cars would be recalled and the manufacturer would not risk a lawsuit, but the ‘EMA and the Drug Company Sanofi & the NHS think they can go unchallenged if something was to go wrong. EMA responded that all drugs including Ibuprofen and Asprin have an element of risk. But none actually state anything about fatalities. I was told by the EMA if there was a drug that could prolong your life for another ten years if I had cancer, knowing after the ten years I may get another form of cancer would I take it? Obviously, I am not speaking for everyone but I would look for alternative medicine and look into stem cell technology, I would not take something that was dangerous and could cause fatalities.

I wrote to the FDA and they did not reply but the pharmaceutical company did and so did the ‘EMA’. I said to both organizations you cannot use people like ‘lab rats’ without their knowledge and they both did not comment on this and said if I had any concerns I should speak with the consultant/neurologist, so I hit a brick wall with my questions.

The hospital also has not said to my daughter the drug has been restricted. When I challenged the sister on duty at the time of my daughter’s second infusion, the sister said the drug had been restricted because it was too expensive for the NHS (she blatantly lied to me), I then asked a nurse and she said she did not know it was restricted.

So this tells me the staff in the hospitals have been pre-warned that if anyone was to ask is to just act dumb, after all they would not want a moral panic. (A moral panic meaning – A moral panic is a feeling of fear spread among many people that some evil threatens the well-being of society).

The drug can cause, thyroid, liver, kidney disease, cancer, or death.

Moving on my daughter for the next five years religiously has to have her blood and urine tested each month. What is the NHS going to do if she contracts another illness because of the drug…….no doubt put a plaster on it and come up with some lame excuse. She is also assigned a Nurse from the MS Team and for any concerns she has to ring the helpline.

So last Friday my daughter phones the MS team on 11/10/19 as she knows for a fact her immune system has been shut down from the drug to ask if she is ok to be amongst people who may have scarlet fever. She happens to be in college studying her ‘Health & Social Course’ and one of her classmates has ‘Scarlet Fever.

When she was connected to an operator she was told they are not qualified to give advice and that she has to phone another number, which again she ended up out of frustration after the 4th attempt to contact the Neurologist’s Secretary who told her to go back and phone the MS Team. So we were four days into my daughter phoning for advice and no one from the MS Team, my daughter phoned Friday 11th October 2019 and no one has bothered to phone her back.

My daughter then said she experienced a sharp shooting pain across her chest and down her left arm over the weekend and thought she was relapsing. My thoughts were she was having a side effect from the drug and having pains across her chest and down her left arm is not a good sign, especially at the tender age of 18 is very concerning.

I did try and contact the media over this in July of this year and the well know national newspaper journalist said how come it has not been in the news?, well unless someone does a hoo-ha and starts behaving like a raving looney banshee, no one is going to take any notice, so that is why I have started putting the wheels in motion. The media are not going to publish something that can cause a major uproar throughout society. People will lose faith in the healthcare system and people will look for alternative medicines which will then cause adverse effects to the economy.

This is all smoke and mirrors in order to cover up the seriousness of dangerous drugs that are put on the market and not publicized as dangerous and the greedy pharma companies do not care who it affects as long as it makes them money.

It’s a vicious circle with the government funding the pharmaceutical companies that charge the hospitals atrocious amounts of money for drugs that are not safe to use on humans and for every person that is prescribed the drug, the consultant gets paid the pharmaceutical company gets paid and so does the government. It’s a win-win situation at the expense of the people.

#lemtrada #alemtuzumab #sanofi #sanofigenzymes #sanofigenzymedeaths #multiplesclerosis #ms #neurologycardiff #nhs #neurologyheathhospital



They say that hospitals have to be clean, well ever since my daughter was admitted into hospital 5 days ago, I beg to differ.

As a sufferer of OCD for the last 30 years I am more aware about germs and bacteria than the average person.

Upon arrival and before sitting down I brought with me all my cleaning products needed to disinfect our surroundings. I started cleaning the window sills first off with dettol and anti-bacterial wipes. The nurses on duty commented about the smell and how refreshing it was to inhale and that it was a shame the hospitals do not use Dettol anymore……

When I finally finished cleaning, my wipes were very dirty and brown, so to make a point I left them on the trolley for a senior staff member to see. When the doctor came in I pointed out how dirty I found the room to be and his reply was I’m a Doctor not a Cleaner……

This annoyed me as he continued to say if I had a complaint I should raise it with the Ward Manager or the Cleaning staff. He clearly missed the point as guaranteed if I went to every single ward in the hospital I would find the same standards everywhere.

Considering my daughter is at high risk of contracting diseases you would have thought the area would be super clean.

Furthermore the oxygen mask they gave my daughter was neither wiped before use or after she had finished with it, so imagine someone with vrus could have used it before my daughter. The thought makes me shudder.

The hygenie standards of the UHW are really bad and they wonder why people do not like coming into hospitals.

I also observed the one doctor who had trouble getting my daughter bloods, pushed the syringe up rather than down. I’m no expert but surely that is pushing air into the veins? correct me if i’m wrong? What was I supposed to do or say “excuse me but what the hell are you doing?” im sure that would not have gone down well.

Also the intelligence of some of the staff is something to be desired. I was always taught when you enter the room and you see more than one person you address them all and not ignore the one and just talk to the other. Its called etiquette.

Obviously this Doctor who did not have a name badge was not taught manners and blattently ignored me as if I was invisible. Surely as I am the mother she should have at least acknowledged both my daugher and I and then continued with ther job.

All I can say was we were on ward C4 at eh UHW or (UHS as it is called now in Cardiff Wales) and the Doctor was a female muslim because of her head dress. I did not once see her wash her hands prior to taking my daughters bloods and she did not wear gloves as she was having problems feeling my daughters veins.

I thought that every time a doctor or nurse attends to a patient they have to wash their hands, this has not been the case in Unit C4 or in A&E when my daughter was admitted a few months ago and was ther overnight.

Also what happened to the rule (bare below the elbows) does that just apply to nurses or should all staff that care for patents wellbeing?, as that was clearly not the case with this female doctor on Unit C4 on 19/08//18.

My OCD observations are clearly doing over-time and the hospital should hire me to be the health inspector.

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