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Category: CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 (Page 1 of 2)

Unprofessional Cardiff Gas Engineers – No PPE.

Unprofessional Gas Engineers!


(As per date of publication).

This is a personal experience I have endured with a local Cardiff Gas Engineer today.

I had an appointment yesterday for a consultation and re-scheduled all my appointments to fit in with the engineer arriving as I have a fault with low pressure and my combi-boiler cutting out at least twice a day.

(I do not like conducting my business in front of my landlord or the contractors he sends out, even though I once specifically asked the landlord not to turn up because I had an important call, he purposely ignored my request and turned up anyway. He did not forget because I reminded him half an hour earlier and he agreed he would not, yet he still turned up).

The engineer yesterday was a no-show, they never phoned or texted they could not make it. So I lost a day’s work waiting for them (I do not like discussing my business in front of contractors).

Seeing as I was not paying for the call-out I was not going to chase them and thought no more of it until a day later, as the matter was not urgent or an emergency, and I attempted to go about my day, trying to catch up from the day before.

The Gas Engineer Broke The Law!

I gave strict instructions if they were outside my property to phone or text me as I have a problem with my hearing and cannot hear the doorbell if I am on my own.

However today my daughter was with me and she would hear the bell if it were pressed, (which was not), I will come to this in a moment.

So my daughter and I are in the middle of working when she hears someone walking up our stairs calling my name (I could not hear anything as I am partially deaf). She answers and goes to see who it was, and a man she did not recognize is on the stairs inside our property. He never rang the bell or knocked on the door, just walked in unexpectedly and unannounced.

Entering a property unlawfully is called trespassing and one cannot just enter uninvited or pre-arranged unless it is an emergency or in the case of the Police, a warrant. *The thing is I have a witness and I made an unofficial complaint to the building contractor the following day.


I then got up and realized it was the engineer. I immediately said you were supposed to come yesterday and he replied “oh, was I”, with no apology or anything…(totally ignorant and rude). I did not want to kick off and say “have you never heard of knocking”?

NO FACEMASK (Regulations at the time of publication of this article)

I noted he was not wearing a facemask and I said hold on I will go get my facemask to which he replied: “do you want me to put one on”.

It is actually mandatory to wear a facemask when visiting residential properties, whereby the resident is present:

I suspect they were trying their luck hoping no one was in.

The landlord should not have given them keys so I think this was planned because why else would they have had keys to the property if they knew 100% someone would be in?

There is something quite off with this now that I am thinking about it.


The engineer told me to show how low the pressure gauge drops but that meant I had to be less than a foot away from him as my kitchen is a confined space with only room for one person. I was reluctant to go anywhere near him but had no choice but to comply with his wishes.


Contractor must wash their hands and sanitize them before touching anything and that did not happen. In fact, he even leaned on the banister touching freshly washed clothes with his outer clothing that could have potentially cross-contaminated any pathogens he may have carried on his uniform. My daughter after he had gone had to re-wash her clothes and sanitize all the surfaces he had touched including the boiler.


At this stage, I did not want to make waves and went to put my mask on even though he should have had one on without asking me if I wanted him to or not. I felt had I insisted he wears his mask it would have caused animosity.


I explained the problem I was having to adjust the pressure twice a day every day and this is where it got personal. I have known this engineer for the length of time of my tenancy and over the years I have told him I suffer from OCD. I am not ashamed to say it and I am an advocate and editor for mental health on my online journal this is where my daughter and I picked up on his insensitive and rather rude remark and what he said: “Are you sure you that you have to adjust the gauge twice a day or are you just saying it because you are high on your meds” he continued to say, although I did not hear him say it, however, my daughter did “I must be special or a lunatic”.

I have a witness to what he said.

People who have mental health issues should not be humiliated and made a mockery of, not everyone with mental health issues is going to be a patient of mental asylums which I felt was what he was insinuating.

I am so tempted to name and shame him and the company he represents and give them bad press.


He insinuated I was making things up told my daughter to make track of how many times I adjusted the boiler without telling me and also insinuated that both my daughter and I were lying about the leaking radiator, which was not leaking in front of him. He did however state he would be coming back next week to fix the radiator that was hanging off the wall in another room.


Considering he turned up unannounced and I excused myself and said I had to get back to my work and he went “yer right” like I was making it up or something and he did not believe me.


It was approximately a year ago that he came out to install my cooker I bought that could not be fitted at the time of delivery because I had a problem with my “Hot Zone” in the kitchen whereby another local Cardiff Electricians (I am not mentioning any names but I did tell my landlord about their incompetence at the time when he had to rewire my electrics) failed to notice the problem when they did an electrical inspection. When I mentioned this to the Gas engineer he too did not know what a “Hot Zone” was either until I sent him a link.

He told me I should not report the electricians and should not start making waves. I took that he was threatening me in some way.

Also when I mentioned that I may have had a leak in the pipes last week phone to the gas engineers director, he said floorboards would have to be pulled up I corrected him and said a thermal camera would spot the leak which costs about £700 and he said no one in Cardiff has anything like that. Some people do not like being corrected and a gadget like that is an investment to any plumber and they should have it as part of their tools.

So for me not to have a cooker over Christmas and New Year 2019/2020 as I could not get it fitted because the electrics needed re-wiring was not a big problem to anyone other than me who spent £1,500 on take-outs over a period of two months for myself and my family as I could not cook any food. Who is going to compensate me for this? This is why I am documenting everything and I have receipts.


I feel I am being humiliated and intimidated by these engineers as they are friendly with my landlord and anything I say to any of the contractors goes back to my landlord.


This type of disrespect, humiliation, and intimidation is causing emotional distress. Who can I complain to about rogue contractors and unprofessional traders? This is why I am unwell because people do not abide by rules and Covid Regulations and are very judgemental. Some people simply think they are better than you and will try to ridicule you as in the case today.


I will not mention this company other than they are not on the first page of Google for the search terms “Cardiff Gas Engineers” and have a hyphen in their domain name. But what I will do is document everything and go out of my way to help one of their competitors because they should not be making waves with me.

I have in fact most recently renewed the domain name and originally was going to make the domain into a directory of “Cardiff Gas Engineers” purposely to exclude them, but now I will help any company other than them.

People underestimate me and what I do and am capable of.

It is unprofessional to be personal to a tenant and make a mockery of their disability regardless of whether their disability is physical or mental.

I once had a detective (CID) demoted to a police constable for entering my property unannounced and without a warrant, and I still suffer PTSD from that which has brought back memories. This is added to my emotional distress.

Also, one is not exempt from wearing facemasks, even though some may think they do.

It is not the first time other engineers working for the same company in question have visited my property without wearing facemasks and I have complained previously. But if I was to again I suspect I would be complaining about the partner of the business as I believe he is also a friend of the landlord and I guess he feels invincible.

If he mocked me about my mental health and medication he would have also mocked my landlord who also suffers from mental health problems.

I feel if someone complains too much is then deemed as a nuisance, so I have to keep my mouth shut but have learned over time to document everything.


Imagine if my daughter and I were not home and he let himself in, my insurance would become void.

Another scenario could have been, my daughter or I could have been half-dressed coming out of the bathroom or bedroom as was the case with the detective many moons ago.


A landlord, the contractor, or the letting agent needs to give you 24 hours’ notice before entering your rented premises unless it is an emergency. They cannot walk in unless they have notified you first when they are arriving and even then, they cannot just walk in if they know someone is present. The resident needs to agree and give consent.

When you rent a property from a landlord it becomes your home. A landlord, contractor, or letting agent, should only enter the property without you being there, if you have given prior permission for them to do so, or if it is a genuine emergency.

While your landlord, contractor, or letting agent will need to gain access to the property to carry out inspections, repairs, and maintenance, the law says that they must give you 24-hour written notice.


Should you wish to make a complaint about your landlord and you live in Wales, you should contact “Rent Smart Wales”:


If you wish to make a complaint about a Gas Engineer visit the following site:


Remember whatever you do there are consequences to your actions. If you report your landlord he /she may serve you an eviction notice. The same goes with engineers they may try to sue you, so you have to have the evidence documented and have a plan A and plan B before you start complaining.


Oh, I forgot to mention as he was leaving he said to my daughter I had successfully wasted his time. Even though he recognized the radiator needed fixing and said he would and I quote “have to book it in”, yet had no regard that I had to pay people yesterday to manage the chat widgets on my client’s sites and could not monitor them properly this morning as I was rudely interrupted, in fact, I had a missed chat today and my client noticed which does not look good for me. So wasting my time is fine?…



I made an indirect complaint to the contractor that came to work in my bathroom today, something different from the gas engineer’s job yesterday, knowing that my disdain will get back to my landlord. Even the contractor agreed the Gas Engineer was out of order and that I should make an official complaint. Let’s see what transpires next week when he has to return to fix the radiator in one of the bedrooms, I will be having words with him one to one, and I will record him in stealth mode if he bothers to turn up.


As you can imagine he failed to return.

#landlordsandtenants #renting #yourrights #rentsmartwales #mentalhealth #unprofessional #gasengineers #gasengineersppe #ppe #facemasks #washinghands #handsanitizer

Polyethylene glycol (PEG Allergy) as a cause of anaphylaxis

Polyethylene glycol (PEG Allergy) as a cause of anaphylaxis


This article is intended for people who have concerns about PEG Allergies and who need to safeguard their health and that of their families. It is NOT intended for those who are anti-vaccine and as such is NOT intended to adopt a discussion on the merits of vaccines on this blog. It is also NOT intended as an invitation for a discussion of the lethality of COVID-19 or the need for civic action to limit the spread of the disease.

Adverse Reactions.

I wrote my concerns about the adverse effects of having the Covid Vaccine in a previous article, I have since read further medical concerns which I will publish along with all the fact-checking citations.

People who have had a severe PEG Allergy in the past are advised to talk to a health professional before taking the vaccine.

The link to my previous article is below:

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a cause of anaphylaxis

Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) or macrogols are polyether compounds and are widely used as additives in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food.

PEGs are also used in everyday products such as toothpaste and shampoo as thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture carriers, and they’ve been used as a laxative for decades. An increasing number of biopharmaceuticals include PEGylated compounds as well.

According to the MIT, PEGs are basically tiny, greasy spheres that are used in COVID vaccines to protect the active ingredient (mRNA) and help it penetrate cells. It is within cells that the mRNA can go to work priming the immune system.

PEGs have also been confirmed to cause allergic reactions in rare cases, but how rare is not known.

PEG-2000 is an ingredient used in both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. If the compound is found to be the cause of the six allergic reactions to date, it will help the CDC hone its guidance further by narrowing the list of those that should not receive the vaccine.

Instead, CDC guidelines recommend not giving the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to anyone with a history of severe allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine. For people who have had a severe reaction to another vaccine or injectable medication, the risks and benefits of vaccination should be carefully weighed, CDC says.

Patients with undiagnosed PEG allergy often have a history of immediate onset-unexplained anaphylaxis or anaphylaxis to multiple classes of drugs or unexplained anaphylaxis. Such individuals should not be vaccinated with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, except on the expert advice of an allergy specialist. The AstraZeneca vaccine can be used as an alternative (unless otherwise contraindicated), particularly if they previously tolerated an injected influenza vaccine. The vaccine should be administered in a setting with full resuscitation facilities (e.g. a hospital), and a 30-minute observation period is recommended.


Anaphylaxis (pronounced ana-fil-ax-is) is a severe and often sudden allergic reaction. It can occur when someone with allergies is exposed to something, they are allergic (known as an allergen). Reactions usually begin within minutes and rapidly progress but can occur up to 2-3 hours later.

What are the causes of anaphylaxis?

The common causes of anaphylaxis include foods such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, shellfish, fish, sesame seeds, and kiwi fruit, although many other foods have also been known to trigger anaphylaxis. Some people can react to tiny amounts of food, although this rarely causes a very severe reaction. Non-food causes include wasp or bee stings, natural latex (rubber), and certain drugs such as penicillin. In some people exercise can trigger a severe reaction – either on its own or in combination with other factors such as food or drugs (for example, aspirin).


Polyethylene glycol side effects:

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression.

  • irritation of the rectum
  • a sleep disorder
  • excessive thirst
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach cramps
  • abdominal bloating
  • a feeling of general discomfort called malaise
  • intense abdominal pain
  • upper abdominal pain

INFREQUENT side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

  • low amount of magnesium in the blood
  • low amount of phosphate in the blood
  • low amount of calcium in the blood
  • a high amount of calcium in the blood
  • an increased sodium level in the blood
  • low amount of sodium in the blood
  • acidosis, a high level of acid in the blood
  • high levels of potassium in the blood
  • low amount of potassium in the blood
  • hives (My daughter had hives after her first vaccine and contrast dye)
  • a high amount of uric acid in the blood

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

  • indigestion
  • headache
  • runny nose

RARE side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

  • high blood pressure
  • atrial fibrillation
  • abnormal heart rhythm
  • a feeling of throat tightness
  • rapid onset of fluid in the lungs
  • a puncture, tear, or hole in the esophagus
  • a type of stomach irritation called gastritis
  • insufficient blood supply to the colon
  • bleeding from the stomach, esophagus, or duodenum
  • decreased kidney function
  • fainting
  • seizures
  • muscle tremors
  • a skin rash
  • fluid retention in the legs, feet, arms, or hands
  • puffy face from water retention
  • swelling of the tongue
  • trouble breathing
  • a significant type of allergic reaction called anaphylaxis
  • a type of allergic reaction called angioedema
  • ulceration of the colon
  • lip swelling
  • fast heartbeat
  • asystole, stopping the heart

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

  • skin inflammation
  • dizziness
  • heart throbbing or pounding

In the European anaphylaxis registry currently 7935 registered anaphylactic cases only three were induced by macrogol. These findings may imply that polyethylene glycol hypersensitivity is potentially life-threatening but probably underdiagnosed as many drugs and food items contain macrogol. Handling patients with macrogol hypersensitivity can be challenging because of the extensive allergology workup, the necessity of the physician’s expertise, and the limited avoidance options because many drugs, including those used for the treatment of allergic reactions such as antihistamines, may contain macrogol as an additive. Therefore, specific product labeling and awareness are required. Patients should be educated about drugs that may contain PEGs, but also other products like lubricants or ultrasound gels. An increased patient and physician awareness to the allergic potential of macrogol must be discussed before taking the Covid Vaccine.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warns:

If you have had a severe allergic reaction—also known as anaphylaxis—to any ingredient in the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, you should not get vaccinated.*

*If you have had a severe allergic reaction to other vaccines or injectable therapies, ask your doctor if you should get the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Your doctor will help you decide if it is safe for you to get the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

PEG-2000 is an ingredient used in both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. If the compound is found to be the cause of the six allergic reactions to date, it will help the CDC hone its guidance further by narrowing the list of those that should not receive the vaccine.


If you have doubts speak to your local healthcare provider, or a health professional before taking the vaccine.

From personal experience, my daughter’s GP failed to mention that the reaction she had from an MRI contrast dye could well have been an anaphylaxis allergy, and was not advised about having her second vaccine. This is very worrying considering the same GP practice prescribed her Gaviscon which later transpired after we went to A&E that my daughter did not have gastric problems but was in fact diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

#peg #pegallergy #Polyethyleneglycol #anaphylaxis #covidvaccine #covidvaccineanaphylaxis #covidvaccineallergicreaction

When will Driving lessons Restart in Wales?

When Will Driving Lesson Restart in Wales?

The article I wrote about yesterday from:

The article was in fact last years news and has since been withdrawn with no current dates for lessons to resume in Wales.

I wrote:

The Welsh Government has confirmed driving lessons will be able to take place in Wales from 27 July. (Article Withdrawn).

Theory tests will restart on Monday 3rd August, along with vocational, motorcycle, car and trailer tests, and tractor driving tests. (Article Withdrawn).

Driving tests will start from Monday 17 August, as well as the restarting of driving instructor testing and standards checks. (Article Withdrawn).

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) will update guidance shortly to facilitate the safe return.

Ken Skates, Minister for Economy and Transport, said:

“Driving lessons and tests are vital in helping people get to work and visit loved ones and provide the skills dor a lifetime of safe driving”. (Article Withdrawn).

As Wales slowly comes out of lockdown and things start to get back to some normality the services will help the country start moving again. (Article Withdrawn).

DVSA Chief Executive Gareth Llewellyn said:

“It has been vital that lessons and tests only resume when safe to do so and in line witht the Welsh Government’s advice, we know this has been a tough time for the whole country including learners and driving instructors but I am please to announce the restart of lessons and tests in Wales. Tests for critical workerker have continued during tthe lockdown and would like to thank all those instructors and examiners who have continued to work to help deliver tests for those who have done so much to help us during this terrible pandemic”. (Article Withdrawn).

This article has now been withdrawn from the goveernment website:

Other Resources Links:

Do keep checking back for updates on



Gerwyn Napper on Tel: 02920 732589 Mob: 07912 220943




#cardiffdrivinglessons #cardiffdrivinginstructor #learntodriveinwales #gerwynnapper #gerwynnapperdrivinginstructor #drivinglessons #theorytest #dvla

Saliva Cross Contamination of Germs



You would think dealing with the Corona Pandemic was already enough for us to deal with for the rest of our lives but wait for it there is something else lurking on the horizon. In fact, 6 countries have been placed on ‘Urgent Alert’ amidst a new “EBOLA” outbreak.

Ebola kills through organ failure and severe bleeding and is very transmissible through body fluids. During the 2013 to 2016 Ebola outbreak more than 11,000 people died across Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

So what has Saliva and Mail got to do with anything, I hear you cry?

Saliva & Mail.

People send letters and parcels all over the world everyday and yes most parcels and envelopes use postage stamps other than the ones that use franking machines then this does not apply.

What does a person do to seal an envelope or stick a stamp:

So what does a person do when they stick a stamp on an envelope or parcel or seals an envelope?……they use in most cases their own saliva.

Therefore what happens when you have just stuck an envelope down nice and wet or stuck a postage stamp, you have now smeared your germs right across and have successfully contaminated the said item.

How long can germs live on surfaces:

Different Kinds of Surfaces

Metal Examples: doorknobs, jewelry, silverware 5 days

Wood Examples: furniture, decking 4 days

Plastics Examples: milk containers and detergent bottles, subway and bus seats, backpacks, elevator buttons 2 to 3 days

Stainless steel Examples: refrigerators, pots and pans, sinks, some water bottles 2 to 3 days

Cardboard Examples: shipping boxes 24 hours

Copper Examples: pennies, teakettles, cookware 4 hours

Aluminum Examples: soda cans, tin-foil, water bottles 2 to 8 hours  

Glass Examples: drinking glasses, measuring cups, mirrors, windows Up to 5 days

Ceramics Examples: dishes, pottery, mugs 5 days

Paper Examples: mail, newspaper The length of time varies. Some strains of coronavirus live for only a few minutes on paper, while others live for up to 5 days.

Food Examples: takeout, produce. Coronavirus doesn’t seem to spread through food.

Water Coronavirus hasn’t been found in drinking water. If it does get into the water supply, your local water treatment plant filters and disinfects the water, which should kill any germs.

Fabrics Examples: clothes, linens There’s not much research about how long the virus lives on fabric, but it’s probably not as long as on hard surfaces.

Shoes One study tested the shoe soles of medical staff in a Chinese hospital intensive care unit (ICU) and found that half were positive for nucleic acids from the virus. But it’s not clear whether these pieces of the virus cause infection. The hospital’s general ward, which had people with milder cases, was less contaminated than the ICU.

Skin and hair There’s no research yet on exactly how long the virus can live on your skin or hair. Rhinoviruses, which cause colds, survive for hours.

So what is my point to all this?

If people who may not even be aware they are carriers of ANY disease spread their germs and contaminate envelopes and parcels imagine the knock on effect this has on th population. First the parcels and envelopes get picked up and sent to a sorting office where multiple people handle mail. Imagine how many people may get infected simply by that one task alone?

Yes but it is embedded into our brains we must wash our hands frequently, but how many of us actually do? People are not OCD like me may be complacent about touching things and them washing hands. All it takes is for an infected person to touch several surfaces and someone else then gets contaminated. You not only need to clean your hands but everything you come into contact with. Germs live on surfaces for days.

I am a suffered of contamination OCD I have been for over 30 years so I am more aware than anyone about cross contamination and germs and will not touch something that has been touched by someone else without disinfecting the item first. With mail that can be difficult to disinfect, hence I use disposable latex gloves. The same goes with outer packaging of food and toiletries and household products.

You have to think outside the box (no pun intended), the items have been shipped from somewhere before ending up on our shelves, imagine how many people have touched that item before you?

You will never be able to stop any virus from spreading if not enough is done to:

SPREAD “Germ Cross Contamination” AWARENESS to the Masses.

This has to be done with media amplification.

How is Coronavirus is spread?

According to current evidence, the COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes.,%2C%20faeces%20and%20urine.

This means the virus comes from the mouth, from sneezing and coughing and what else is our mouths…..SALIVA!


If you intend on sending mail and have to seal envelopes and postage stamps get a sponge from the kitchen or bathroom and soak it with water, then wipe the envelope or stamps with it, NEVER USE SALIVA.

When handling goods always disinfect outer packaging whenever possible and when handling mail use disposable gloves.

On another note about spreading awareness I for one do not buy tabloids, do not watch terrestrial TV so how can people like myself be alerted of cross contamination? I have an answer social media push notifications.


According to a study conducted early on in the pandemic found the virus lost infectivity on paper within three hours, says Professor Mark Harris, from the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Leeds.

Prof Harris told HuffPost UK it is “highly unlikely” you’d spread Covid by licking an envelope – or catch it by touching an envelope that had been licked. Furthermore, the average time an envelope would probably have spent in a postbox would be no more than three hours waiting to be collected. By the time it’s been through the postal service, three hours will most definitely have passed.

(What about parcels which also have stamps and have to be taken physically to post offices or given to couriers)? sorry but I am not convinced...

“However my thoughts on this are, for example, an elderly person who has a friend, family member, carer or neighbor asks them to post their mail for them they essentially would cross-contaminate”.

Read Other Articles Here On the Subject:

#ebolaoutbreak #coronavirus #pandemic #crosscontamination #saliva #mediaamplification #germawareness #washinghands #disinfectant #ebola #postagestamps #lickingenvelopes #lickingstamps

PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE – Adverse Reactions – Fact Checking.

Covid Vaccine Image

Reporting of Suspected Adverse Reactions Fact-Checking.

To report an adverse reaction to the vaccine please visit:

COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects & Adverse Events (


Official MHRA side effect and adverse incident reporting site for coronavirus treatments and vaccines | Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The side effects of the vaccine are as follows and can be read in the official PDF which you can download here:

Screenshot No 1.

Vaccine Screenshot 2

Fact – Checking


Who are Reuters: Reuters is an international news organization owned by Thomson Reuters. It employs some 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide. Reuters is one of the largest news agencies in the world.

I found the above information on this website which is used by all media globally:

AstraZeneca published its peer-reviewed trial data in the British medical journal The Lancet on Dec. 8 for public scrutiny (reported by Reuters here).

Further Reading{adgroupsurvey}&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5bz-BRD-ARIsABjT4njG3fRywr2ITDzU9BzVcphyUczDeEmp6TUsSKzm9hUtxABCL_6IfTUaAheREALw_wcB

Yellow Card App

You can also download the Yellow Card App:

You can now receive news updates from the MHRA and report side effects to medicines via the Yellow Card app.

At the moment you will need to create a separate account on the app to report. Please download it from the Apple App Store, or Google Play Store.

If you have any comments on the app please contact us.


Vulnerable People Who Have Had:

Vulnerable People who have had Alemtuzumab should get additional medical advice before taking the PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE.

My daughter was treated with the drug Alemtuzuzumab.

Alemtuzumab WAS a medication used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia and multiple sclerosis. On July 3, 2020, Sanofi Genzyme was notified that our Lemtrada Home Phlebotomy Partner, Examination Management Services Inc., (EMSI) has gone out of business.

What Lemtrada warning said:

LEMTRADA can cause serious side effects including:

Serious autoimmune problems: Some people receiving LEMTRADA develop a condition where the immune cells in your body attack other cells or organs in the body (autoimmunity), which can be serious and may cause death. Serious autoimmune problems may include:

  • Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), is a condition of reduced platelet counts in your blood that can cause severe bleeding that may cause life‑threatening problems. Call your healthcare provider (HCP) right away if you have any of the following symptoms: easy bruising; bleeding from a cut that is hard to stop; coughing up blood; heavier menstrual periods than normal; bleeding from your gums or nose that is new or takes longer than usual to stop; small, scattered spots on your skin that are red, pink, or purple
  • Kidney problems called anti‑glomerular basement membrane disease, which, if not treated, can lead to severe kidney damage, kidney failure that needs dialysis, a kidney transplant, or death. Call your HCP right away if you have any of the following symptoms: swelling of your legs or feet; blood in the urine (red or tea‑colored urine); decrease in urine; fatigue; coughing up blood

It is important for patients to have blood and urine tests before they receive, while on treatment, and every month for 4 years or longer after they receive their last LEMTRADA infusion.

See the additional Screenshot of what the PDF says about adverse effects :

Screenshot No 2.

Vaccine Screenshot

***Thoughts From the Editor of this Post.

As with every drug we take there is an element of risk hence that is why we have leaflets inside the packaging about what the drug is and what side effects there are.

As a carer and a concerned mum, it is my duty to know if my daughter should have the vaccine, the following telephone numbers had auto-response messages saying the lines were busy before the calls were disconnected after my daughter tried phoning today.

029 218 36318

029 218 36319

029 218 36323

029 218 36340

We are located in Cardiff UK so hence these are Cardiff Numbers. If you are outside Wales you should look up your local health board in your region.

I advised my daughter to phone 111 and no one could advise her and she was told that someone would phone her back.

Upon further fact checking I personally phoned the secretary of the Professor of Neurology in Cardiff and I explained that my daughter was a patient and the secretary directed me to this site: (The site does not explain anything about my concerns about diminished immune response) I also recited screenshot no 2 with my concerns and was told that all MS patients should have the vaccine although she could not explain what diminished immune response meant:

Immunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the vaccine. No data are available about the concomitant use of immunosuppressants.
As with any vaccine, vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 may not protect all vaccine recipients.

So obviously not leaving any stone unturned and wanting to know what “diminished immune response” meant I found the following information:

Diminished Immune Response Meaning:

A diminished immune response underlies age-related SARS-CoV-2 pathologies – PubMed (

Reading between the lines as I am no expert and I stand corrected if I am wrong, from what I understand my daughter should she decide on having the vaccine today will have her immune system diminished so there is no way for her to fight the virus. Furthermore and I quote: “No data is available about the concomitant use of immunosuppressants – may not protect all vaccine recipients“.

This tells me that it has no been tested on immune suppressant drugs or patients who have had immune suppressants, hence this is open for debate.

Other Links:


To contact Astra Zeneca.

Prescription medicines

For medical enquiries about our products (including questions on how to take your medicine, to report a side effect, or make a complaint regarding one of our medicines), please call our UK-based Medical Information team on 0800 783 0033. Lines are open from Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm. Outside these hours and on bank holidays, an out-of-hours service is available to assist with any urgent enquiries.

Global Headquarters: +44 (0)20 3749 5000
UK Marketing Company (UKMC): 0800 783 0033

(If you are outside the UK please visit the link i have provided above).

To Contact PFIZER.

Call 01304 616161
And ask to speak to the Medical Information team.

To Contact Gates Foundation – Vaccine.

The Oxford Vaccine.

***If you have any concerns do contact the links I have provided or your Local Health Board.

#covid19 #covid #vaccine #oxfordvaccine #pfizer #pfizervaccine #astrazeneca #astrazenecavaccine #lemtrada #diminishedimmuneresponse #ms #multiplesclerosis #immunocompromised #itp #immunosuppressant

Hand Sanitisers

hand Sanitizers Banner

Hand Sanitisers.

Hand sanitizers, love them or hate them, we all have to use them.

Being a sufferer of OCD I have tried and tested my fair share of hand sanitisers in my time. My brain seems to analyze where germs get cross contaminated and I use more hand sanitizer than the average person so I should have some knowledge of which ones work and which ones don’t.

Ultimately my favorite brands are Dettol & Carex and I prefer the aloe vera versions as a personal preference:

When buying hand sanitizer it is best to stick to well-known brands that are regulated by EU Biocides Regulation 528/2012.

There are many fly-by-night sellers on eBay and Etsy that claim that their brands kill germs. I would avoid buying from these retailers at all costs, as most make their own concoctions and sell them under their own labels unregulated.

If a hand sanitizer brand does not have its own website dedicated to the product name I would not buy from them. Anyone can cook something up in their kitchen.

You can never be too careful with germs.

If a company dedicated its time to making a product a household name it will spend money on advertising. If you have never heard of them or you buy an unknown brand from a stall in a market because it is cheap, you have to question what you are putting on your hands.

In hindsight, these brands should be able to prove that the product matches the claims, so if a product makes a certain claim, such as it kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, then it should fulfill that claim.

Read more: – Which?

However, I have recently received some samples from a company selling ‘Dr. Brown’ Hand Sanitisers. I told them I would give them a review and even though I love the high street brands, I think if there was a shortage of hand sanitizers, I would not hesitate to use this company or if I had a lot of employees I would certainly give them a go.

I received both citrus and lavender.

I found them to be slightly on the runny side rather than gel although there was an element of gel in the composition.

It definitely wafted alcohol and took a couple of seconds to evaporate but once the smell had gone it left a pleasant aroma behind that lingered. My favorite was Lavender out of the two.

Dr.Brown Hand Sanitizer

BCB DR. Brown’s Hand Sanitiser | UK Made, Over 80% Alcohol —

Dr. Browne’s Scented Hand Sanitiser 475ml – Lavender or Lemongrass – BCB International Ltd

Bcb Dr Browns Hand Sanitiser 475ml – 80% Alcohol Denat Hand Gel – Lavender scented – Pump lid – Made in UK, Kills 99.9% of All Germs : Health & Personal Care

To read more about which hand sanitizers have been tried and tested, I would check out the following blog, but again they emphasize Carex & Dettol as the brands to buy:

Final Thoughts:


If you are a Gas or Electrical Engineer DO NOT USE ALCOHOL-BASED FLAMABLE HAND SANITISERS around naked flames or sparks.

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers has issued a safety alert, stating a build-up of static can create an invisible flame from the ignition source whereby the hand sanitizer on one’s hands can then ignite. It is recommended you wash your hands in hot soapy water to get rid of all traces of hand sanitizer before commencing work. logo


#handsanitiser #personalhygiene #germawareness #ocd #bacteria

Electrical Safety 5-Year Checks


Electrical Safety 5-Year Checks.

I wrote a while back about an electrical engineers company in Cardiff (UK) that did not notice that there was a problem with my kitchen hot zone in my property when they came to do an electrical inspection approximately a year ago and as a consequence caused a domino effect, whereby my cooker which was delivered on December 17th, 2020 to be precise was not fitted until the 11th January 2021, because it was difficult to get anyone out to resolve the problem and then fit it.

I was then subjected to having take-outs at a cost of £50 per day for two meals per two people over 25 days period a total of £1,250. My Christmas was ruined.

Moving forward to today I get a message from my landlord’s assistant who says the same company that came to do the electrical inspection a year ago is coming tomorrow to do an annual check.

I responded and said unless it is mandatory I would prefer no visitors, to which she replied it was and it has to be done by law.

Obviously, I never take things at face value and I decided to do some research this is what I found the screenshot follows after the PDF:


Now considering the UK has a “stay at home ruling” you would think minimizing contact with other people would be of the highest priority but somehow people are being so blasé about the Pandemic that it is starting to make my blood boil.

Secondly, the Landlords Assistant whom I assume should have done some training with ‘Rent Smart Wales’ would know that the electrical tests are every five years not annually. It is the Gas Safety Checks that have to be checked annually.

However, I am going to have some fun tomorrow when the Electrical Engineers arrive and will ask them to comment on the following questions:

  1. Why they are doing Electrical Inspections on an annual basis when it says every five years? (already had this answered, they are apparently doing fire alarm inspections instead).
  2. Why did they fail to notice a problem with the kitchen hot zone a year ago?
  3. Why they failed to move the socket from the hot zone on the 17th of December and only covered it with a plastic covering? ( According to the electrician today that was ok. No this is not fine as the plastic could melt from the heat).
  4. Why they fitted a light on the same circuit as the banister light which when one light blows the electricity trip? (He said that yes when the light goes it will trip the electrics but if the bulb goes on the light which is positioned in a dangerous place I still have to change it as it will continue tripping otherwise. So that was a waste of time installing the second light).
  5. Why they changed the bathroom light which was already bathroom safe for another one, just to make extra money? (I never got around to answering this question).
  6. Why they fitted an extra three smoke alarms on top of the one I already had, considering my flat has one floor and I should have one alarm on each floor? (he said by law I had to have one in the living room, on the landing, in the kitchen (heat detector), and at the entrance to my flat, we were having a full-blown argument as he was persistent that I was wrong).
  7. Why they did not spot the washing machine was plugged into an extension lead, which was trailing on the ground, and not plugged into a wall socket which I did not have behind my machine? (if there was a leak and water went over my extension lead, well all I can say is, I would be toast)? (I mentioned about this and he the best thing would be for me to lodge a complaint with the company, once I get the information from the government I will be emailing these electricians and reporting them).
  8. Who will compensate me for all the money I wasted on take-outs?
  9. Where does it say I have to have annual fire alarm checks done? (I asked the electrician and he could not give me an answer I wanted the name of the website to fact check).

Considering this company is registered with the electrical safety register I would like to know who taught them about electrical safety inspections.

Furthermore, my daughter is classed as a vulnerable person according to the government, so why is it that people insist on visiting my property when I do not want them to? It’s all getting beyond a joke.

In the meantime, I highly recommend “First Phase Electrical – Electricians Wales”, if you have any electrical emergency work that needs doing. Give “Jeff Smith” a call or visit his website:




I stand corrected I am not having an electrical inspection done after I pointed out the 5-year rule to my landlord’s assistant, instead, I am having a fire alarm system checked but as always I leave no stone unturned and have found this PDF from the Governments website relating to Fire Alarm Inspections. There is no mention of how often fire alarms should be tested by a qualified electrician and besides it is not rocket science to test the alarm yourself which is recommended that everyone does anyway.

This is now an invasion of my privacy, against covid regulations, and a risk to my daughter’s health.


My grievance is not only the hot zone and money I wasted on take-outs, but the number of visits I have had to my accommodation outside of my immediate bubble to the total of 9 people relating to my landlord’s decision, within the last month. This is now wearing me down. Had they all come at the same time, I could have had a party.

  1. Two DHL Appliance Delivery Engineers.
  2. An Electrician capped the socket the same day as DHL Delivery.
  3. My Landlord the following day and his assistant x total 3 visits.
  4. The Gas engineer came and went without installing the cooker.
  5. The Two Gas Engineers that finally installed my cooker.
  6. An engineer today checked the fire alarms.

A total of nine people in the last month have entered my accommodation.

Update 18.33 pm 22/01/21

I had my visitor today person number 9 in the space of one month test the fire alarms and basically, this is all he did, he sprayed some smoke from a canister directly below the alarm, waited for the alarm to activate and disarmed it, wrote something down, and off he went.

I have since written to the government to confirm what legislation there is for checking fire alarms and how often.

From what I have read one has to check the alarm once a month.

If this is the case there is no way on this earth I am allowing any more visitors to my accommodation.

I pointed the hot zone out to him and he agreed the electrical engineers overlooked the hot zone but I could not blame the company but the engineers.

He continued to say that capping the wall socket was ok. Obviously another cowboy to the list of cowboys.

Here is my capped wall socket, which is now behind a splashback, which today’s electrician said was fine.

Lockdown Rant & Lockdown Fines.

Lockdown Rant.

  1. The Current Lockdown Fines in Wales are as follows:

“The existing fines structure, which imposed a £60 fine for a first offense rising to £120 for second and subsequent offenses, will be replaced by a new structure in which the fines double for every offense – rising from £60 to £120 to £1,920 for the sixth offense“.

Omg if this is a red flag.

If I were in Government I would ISSUE MAXIMUM FINES not measly £60 fines for the first offense.

Having a pricelist of costs is comical. 😂

I have been told if it is your first offense and you get issued a £60 fine providing you pay it quickly it will be reduced to £30 similar to parking or speeding fine.

The government is on another playing field.

I have heard on the grapevine and it is only hearsay as I have no way of proving the allegations.

This is just one example, so you can imagine what is going on all over the UK. Now I have to make it clear that this bit is just hearsay and I cannot prove the location of the event and who will be attending all I know is that a young person is planning a house party. The girl in question is planning the party is going to book a luxury apartment and use key worker credentials to organize the event. She has reassured her guests that if they get fined it will be a £60 fine if they get caught, reduced to £30 if they pay it quickly. One cannot control what goes on behind closed doors.

This fining business is a joke. If the fines were in the thousands people would think twice before breaking the law.

The government should fine maximum heavy fines not piddly £60.00 fines.

If you think young people obey rules, the powers that be are living in cloud cuckoo land.

The reality is that young people have no respect for authority and are socially disobedient.

Crossing the Pond to USA and the Trump Riots in Capitol Hill Washington most recently, there was no social distancing or wearing face masks, so what does that tell you?

People do not care unless it directly affects them.

Shock Tactic.

If one does not scare the living daylights out of people, people will not believe in what you are saying. Using ‘shock tactic marketing and advertising’ will alter people’s perception of things and may make them take notice. For example, showing cancerous lung images on cigarette packaging will put some people off from smoking but may not necessarily stop everyone. Promoters/Advertisers/government need to shock an audience with controversial material in order for it to be effective. Merely saying there is a virus and implementing rules does not cut it, one needs a heavy hand with heavy fines and even a military presence.

The same goes with Covid-19 Coronavirus Regulations, you can talk all you want and spend tonnes of time on the media but if you do not show people what they are really facing, they may become nonbelievers or complacent.

If people saw firsthand what coronavirus looks like and what it does to a person they would be more likely to be more cautious and would possibly obey the law.

People are confused and disorientated, they can see what is happening with the economy but want answers. How come nothing more is being said about Wuhan where the virus supposedly originated from? How come nothing is said about the scientists and why has the Chinese President not made a statement?

I have my own theories but I am not going to fuel any fires. I just think some things do not add up and everything should be transparent.

Here are some examples of Civil Disobedience.

Furthermore, I have a question about this pandemic business.

Q: “If back in March 2020, people supposedly did as they were told, stayed indoors self isolated, shielded and stayed 2 metres apart how come the virus has mutated, and has spread”? Surely if the virus was contained the virus would be under control?

My theory is “people who have not done as they were told, have become complacent and do not think this PANDEMIC IS REAL and it is just media manipulation to divert people from what is really happening.

If everyone was taught about cross contamination of germs back in March 2020, the infected people that sent out letters by post and left their saliva saturated postage stamped envelopes on their doorsteps to be collected by couriers, imagine how many people have become infected just from this one act alone?

When people came to visit, social distancing, but stayed for a cup of tea imagine the cross-contamination of the cup, saucer, and teaspoon.

Not everyone has a hand-washing obsession, does not have OCD, and is complacent when washing their hands, thinking their hands are clean until they touch a surface that may be contaminated but do not realize the consequence of their actions.

I know it has been drummed into our heads, wash hands often or use hand sanitizer. But not everyone obeys the rules. I have OCD so it is second nature to me, yet I have witnessed a handful of people that did not sanitize their hands in front of me. So what does it say for the rest of the nation?

Shall I carry on…. the example of an engineer that did not wash his hands, did not wear PPE, and did an emergency job but touched all the surfaces in the home, who may have been a carrier of the virus.

Or all the couriers that may wear facemasks but do not wear disposable gloves, cross-contaminating one parcel after another.

Or the people that work in warehouses stocking shelves and packing parcels possibly not wearing PPE”.

Germs live on surfaces and if a person who may be infected touches something and does not disinfect will potentially cause a domino effect.

But at the end of the day who am I to make waves afterall the Government know what they are doing 😂 …..

Shortages of Toilet Paper.

2. Shortage of toilet rolls. I have just been to my regular online grocery store to place an order and my toilet paper is out of stock which is a contradiction to what WEPA Group has said, which produces toilet paper and kitchen towels for the UK consumer market from its site in Bridgend, South Wales, said it expected sales to remain high but insisted that supplies would not run out.

This tells me there is a shortage for another reason and it is not because people are panic buying.

Considering supermarkets have a limit on how many rolls of toilet paper one can buy I cannot see consumers turning their homes into toilet paper warehouses.

If I was going to panic buy I would buy lots of tin food. Cleaning one posterior can be done after reading the daily newspaper.

Remember you should not believe everything you see of hear especially in MSM media. As Donald Trump called it “Fake News”. Love him or hate him he still has more money than most of the readers on this blog, so although he is now disgraced, one cannot knock him for his business strategies and all the properties and land that he owns and other investments.

So I have an open mind about this Pandemic and if I had some power I would have certainly done things differently.

It’s a media circus and I am the bystander looking in.

3. Food Shortages.

If the tabloids are publishing food shortages due to the Brexit deal, one has to wonder if there is shortage of toilet paper what is coming next?

Do not take my word for it read what the media and the tabloids are saying here:

#lockdown #covidlockdown #foodshortages #brexit #lockdownfines #covid #covid19 #panicbuying #toiletpapershortages #coronavirus #lockdownfines

House Hunting in the Time of COVID-19

About the Author: Katie Conroy is the creator of She particularly enjoys writing about lifestyle topics and created the website to share advice she has learned through experience, education, and research. 

House Hunting in the Time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has kept most of us confined to our homes, but this doesn’t mean that your search for the perfect home should be shelved, too. In fact, the current economic situation could very well turn into a buyer’s market, making it an opportune time to continue your house-hunting efforts.

But of course, with social distancing measures in place, this can seem next to impossible. However, the fact remains that there are numerous online tools and resources that you can use—not just to search for your dream home, but even to look at it up close and personal and ultimately close the deal. The best thing is, you don’t even have to leave home to do so. Here’s how.

  1. Download a checklist to guide you in the entire process of buying a home.
  2. Alternatively, look for an experienced real estate agent and do an online background check.
  3. Search for your dream home in the best house-hunting sites.
  4. Explore online options for home viewing like video open houses and video-chat tours.
  5. Use Social Media ike Facebook and Instagram to find properties for sale and communicate with owners and/or agents.
  6. Do your diligence online to find a home inspector you can trust.
  7. If your inspector finds any common problems, research the cost of repairs you may need to address.
  8. Clinch the sale with drive-thru closings.
  9. After purchasing a home, find experienced and reliable movers.

As you search for a new home in the time of COVID-19, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Before long, this virus will run its course, and you’ll be moving into your beautiful, new home as well.

Packing Boxes For Removals.

Covid Useful Links – Funding For Wales & England.

Below I have listed useful links to The UK & Welsh Government Websites aswell as Cardiff Local MP & Law Firm. I have also listed links for anyone struggling with Lockdown, Social Anxiety & Mental Health Issues.

Economic Resilience Fund Phase 3

With economic unrest and the Firebreak Lockdown the Welsh Governement last week announced further financial support to Welsh Buinesses.

The Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) has already supported more than 13,000 businesses in Wales. It has also helped to secure more than 100,000 jobs with a total cost of £300 Million. Applications for Phase 3 of the ERF have been announced last week by the Welsh Government with further support of £300 million for businesses in Wales.

The ERF Phase 3 support comes in two parts:

The first £200 million funding of Lockdown Business Grants to support those directly affected by the shorter term challenges of having to close during the firebreak. 60,000 micro and SME businesses will be able to get them urgent emergency finance to help them with fixed cost thru face during the firebreak and includes discretionary support available at a local authority level. £11 million which has already reached businesses.

Another £100 million funding will be for Business Development Grants to help businesses secure themselves for the longer term challenges they may face. This funding was intended not as day to day, emergency finance but to fund projects that can prepare businesses for a post-Covid and EU exit future.

Nearly 6,000 applications have been received. The fund has since been paused to allow an assessment of applications to be undertaken.

This pause does not affect the first and much larger element of the fund – the £200 million ERF Lockdown Business Fund that remains open.

Funding is delivered collaboratively between the Welsh Government and Local Authorities.

Please use the following link to find out more about the ERF Lockdown Business Fund

Please use the following link to read the statement by Welsh Government on the Economic Resilience Fund Phase 3

Recovery Advice for Business

The Professional and Business Services Sector and Enterprise Nation, supported by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, have teamed up to offer small and medium sized businesses free advice to help them recover from the impact of Coronavirus.

This offer will be available until 31 December 2020.

For More Info:

Self Employment Income Support Scheme Grant Extension.

Self-employed are continuing being supported by the UK Government who have extended the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS).

The SEISS Grant Extension provides critical support to the self-employed in the form of two grants, each available for three month periods covering November 2020 to January 2021 and February 2021 to April 2021

For More Information Please Visit:

Job Retention Bonus and what you need to do to claim it between 15 February 2021 and 31 March 2021.

If HMRC are still checking your Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme claims, you can still claim the Job Retention Bonus but your payment may be delayed until those checks are completed.

HMRC will not pay the bonus if you made an incorrect Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme claim and your employee was not eligible for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.

To Find Out More Please Visit:

Furlough Scheme Extended.

Businesses across the UK are being provided with additional financial support as part of the UK Government’s plan for the next phase of its response to the coronavirus outbreak.

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) – also known as the Furlough scheme – will remain open until March 2021, with employees receiving 80% of their current salary for hours not worked, up to a maximum of £2,500.

Under the extended scheme, the cost for employers of retaining workers will be reduced compared to the previous scheme, which ended on 31 October 2020.

For More Information Please Visit:

Two schemes to help people self-isolate to be introduced in Wales

People told to self-isolate for up to 14 days will be eligible for financial support from the Welsh Government.

People on low incomes can apply to receive a £500 payment if they have tested positive for coronavirus or they are asked to self-isolate by the NHS Wales Test Trace Protect service because they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus.

And a new top-up payment is being introduced for the social care workforce in Wales, to increase statutory sick pay to their normal wages if they have to take time off because they have coronavirus or are self-isolating.

The Statutory Sick Pay Enhancement scheme for social care staff working in care homes, domiciliary care and as personal assistants will start on 1 November and will run until 31 March 2021.

Alongside the two schemes, the Welsh Government intends to strengthen coronavirus regulations by imposing a legal requirement for people to self-isolate if told to do so by NHS Wales Test Trace Protect service.

And a duty will be introduced to ensure employers cannot prevent an employee from following NHS Wales Test Trace Protect advice to self-isolate.

For More Information Please Visit:

More Useful Links:

Cardiff Council.

Cardiff Council Website:


Housing Benefits & Grants:

Council Tax:

Social Services & Wellbeing:

Schools & Learning:

Higher Education & Student Support (Coronavirus):

Seren distance learning resources – Part of: Distance learning resources

Leisure Services & Facilities

Recycling and Waste (Including Contaminated Waste)

Contaminated Waste

Get More Bags & Caddies

Neighbourhood Watch

Coronavirus Updates

Covid: Cardiff ‘could go into local lockdown 25/09/20

Volunteering to help Vulnerable People

Cardiff Lockdown Measures

Cardiff Buses

Welsh Government Regulations

***For the latest updates on the Welsh Government Coronavirus (Covid-19) News, please visit the following links:

Business Funding:

Workplace guidance. Return to work safely. Guidance for employers in Wales

Guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable from coronavirus (COVID-19) | GOV.WALES

Coronavirus: global crackdown sees a rise in unlicensed medical products related to COVID-19 – GOV.UK

Government cracks down on spread of false coronavirus information online – GOV.UK

Tourism and hospitality businesses: guidance for a phased reopening

Check if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Calculate how much you can claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

Coronavirus Regulations Updates

Covid: Cardiff ‘could go into local lockdown 25/09/20

Gov Website For Business

Gov Website For General Enquiries

Member of Parliament

Jo Stevens




T:  02921329736


Joanna Meriel Stevens is a Member of Parliament, Elected in May 2015 General Election For Cardiff Central and is a Politician for the Welsh Labour Party in the UK House of Commons.


Jo Stevens Coronavirus Updates:

Cardiff City Council


Government Website


For Legal Advice Visit:

Loosemores Solicitors

Alliance House, 18-19 High St, Cardiff CF10 1PT

Tel: 029 2022 4433


About Loosemore Solicitors

Loosemore Solicitors are a boutique law firm established over 50 years ago. With Offices in Cardiff and in London, the law firm provides a range of legal advisory services to both corporate and individual clients. Our services for corporate clients include advising on corporate, commercial, property, dispute resolution and employment matters. Our services for individuals include residential property, probate, wills and trusts as well as dispute resolution and employment matters.

NHS Coronavirus Updates

For NHS Updates please follow this links:

NHS test and trace: how it works – GOV.UK

Apply For a Coronavirus Testing Kit:

Education Guidance & Updates

Guidance for safe operation in post-16 learning from September 2020

Blended learning guidance for Post-16 providers

Resilience plan for the Post-16 sector: coronavirus

Strategic framework for learning delivery in post-16 learning from September 2020

Higher education and student support: coronavirus

If you are struggling with mental health and need someone to talk to give Samaritans a call on: 116 123 for free of charger or if you want Welsh Support Phone: 0808 164 0123

Useful Links:

What is Anxiety

What is Stress

What is Depression

Suicide Healthline

Further reading:

For PPE Clothing & Equipment


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