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Dodgy Trader Trophy For Dodgy Traders.

Smoke Alarm Testing Residential Properties & Hearing Loss.

Smoke Alarm Testing Residential Properties & Hearing Loss.

I am a private tenant and have lived at this property (a two-bedroom flat) for the best part of 24 years. It seems a lifetime I know, and I could have bought a house but I have never been in a position to invest. Instead, I invest in digital real estate.

My article is about the hearing loss I have due to the extremely loud smoke alarms and heat detectors.

I have had two smoke alarms (landing /living room) and one heat detector in the kitchen in the last 3 years installed and have endured other incidents by an incompetent electrical company that has scammed my landlord and caused me monetary loss as well as health issues.

Does spraying smoke from an aerosol need to be done by a qualified electrician or can anyone do it?, it is laughable: Smoke Alarm Tester Sprays. To think my landlord has been charged for this and then passes the cost on to the tenant with rent rises.

My Digital Real Estate I Own.

Living in a residential property that does not belong to you, limits you with what you can and can’t say. The company that is scamming my landlord thinks I know jack sh#t about the law.

As a website designer, digital marketer, and content writer, I make it my business to learn about regulations.

I am actively promoting my client by coincidence is on the first page of search engines namely Google for the search terms ‘electricians wales’ and landlord ‘safety checks’.

So my grievance is with an electrical company that my landlord hires and has caused me considerable emotional distress, health issues as well as monetary loss. It rattles me that not only have I had hearing problems which are documented in other articles I have written, I now have to have my morning disrupted because my word is not good enough to confirm my alarms and detector are working properly.

This is my client which I highly recommend.



This is what the government says:

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 came into force on 1 October 2015.

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022 will come into force on 1 October 2022. From that date, all relevant landlords must:

1. Ensure at least one smoke alarm is equipped on each storey of their homes where a room is used as living accommodation. This has been a legal requirement in the private rented sector since 2015.

2. Ensure a carbon monoxide alarm is equipped in any room used as living accommodation that contains a fixed combustion appliance (excluding gas cookers).

3. Ensure smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are repaired or replaced once informed and found that they are faulty.

The requirements are enforced by local authorities who can impose a fine of up to £5,000 if a landlord fails to comply with a remedial notice.

This booklet provides information about the requirements, who they apply to, and how they are enforced. It is designed as a Q&A to cover the most common situations but it is not intended to cover every scenario, nor should it be seen as a substitute for reading the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2022.

These regulations should be considered alongside other relevant laws on fire and carbon monoxide safety in rented homes such as the Housing Act 2004, the Fire Safety Act 2021, and the Building Safety Act 2022.

It is the department’s intention to ensure this booklet is updated whenever there are changes, but it is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that they are applying the relevant laws correctly.

If, after reading this booklet, you are not clear whether or how the requirements apply to your individual circumstances you should seek legal advice.

Separate guidance is available for local authorities.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022: guidance for landlords and tenants – GOV.UK (


So in the last 2-3 years, I have had this company, ‘ come to the property I rent, and this is what a sh#t show they have done up to now (or should I say have not in some cases).

  1. Carried Out a landlord safety inspection but did not provide a copy of the report to me because I could easily have argued and could have pulled them up about the fact my chandelier and the dimmer switch were never tested in my living room plus other things in the list. I do not use it as a consequence and just have floor lamps).
  2. The extension lead from the back of my washing machine was never hardwired. So if the washing machine sprung a leak there is an electric cable extension trailing on the floor.
  3. They failed to notice the hotspot behind my cooker which caused me a lot of money in takeouts one Christmas (Documented).
  4. They scammed the landlord by installing two lights on my landing on the same loop so when one lightbulb goes, it trips the second light, defeating the object of having to change a light bulb above a 30ft drop as it is situated directly on top of my stairs.
  5. They installed two smoke alarms on one floor and a heat detector in the kitchen (saying I needed a heat detector in the kitchen, a smoke alarm in my on the landing (10ft apart) as well as in the living room by law). Another scam for my landlord. It makes no sense to have a heat detector in the kitchen because the kitchen does get hot from the cooking especially if you have the hobs and oven on at the same time.
  6. They insist on checking each smoke alarm once a year even though it should be checked by anyone who is competent (insinuating I am not).

My smoke alarms work especially if we are cooking and when this happens, all three alarms go off at the same time.

Where do smoke alarms need to be located?

According to the GOV.UK Regulations it does not stipulate where the alarms should be placed.

At least one smoke alarm should be installed on every floor used as living accommodation.

Landlords should follow the individual manufacturer’s instructions when installing the alarms. However, in general, smoke alarms should be fixed to the ceiling in a circulation space, i.e. a hall or a landing.

Your local fire and rescue authority may be able to provide further advice on installation or you can download fire safety information from

Can Smoke Alarms & Heat Detectors Damage Hearing?

Since having these alarms installed my hearing is not so good, I experience headaches and a constant humming noise in both ears. The volume on my devices has to be turned up to the max for me to hear. I cannot hear my doorbell which tells me my hearing is damaged.

The sheer volume of noise isn’t everything and the distance you are from the source of the sound and how long you are exposed to it is just as important as the noise.

Sound intensity doubles with every increase of 3 decibels so even though the sound of a car horn may not sound twice as loud as a vacuum cleaner, the intensity levels make it seem so. That is why, if you are working in a noisy environment with sound levels in the region of 80-85dB, you should be wearing protective hearing headsets. 

For sounds in the region of 110 – 120dB, short exposure is enough to cause lasting hearing damage.

Prolonged and repeated exposure to loud noises can damage your hearing and if you stand next to a smoke alarm for a long period of time, it can damage your hearing (I am about 10ft away when I am sitting down and working, and have to switch/reset all the alarms which may take a few minutes because both my daughter and I are disabled and cannot move very fast and cannot reach because the ceilings are very high.

Though the point of a smoke alarm is to get you out of the vicinity of a fire so this is rarely an issue. The louder the noise is and the longer you are exposed to it, the higher the risk to your hearing.

My Landlord.

On the imminent appointment (which I could do without), scheduled tomorrow to have my alarms tested because I am obviously not trusted or capable enough to test them myself, I not only will have to contend with the deafening noise of 3 x 85 decibels = 255 decibels, but they will have to disconnect my electricity because the alarms are connected to the flat below me. (I would not be so p#ssed if it was one alarm but there are three that will go off simultaneously and one of the alarms is about 10 feet away from where I work. When these alarms set off they hurt my ears).

How can I protect my health and work at the same time?

I am keeping a record of everything that happens with this company and my landlord.

My alarms work fine because there is one heat detector in the kitchen which is very sensitive and sets off all the rest. I have reduced my cooking because of the price rises in the cost of living but that is another story.

Update 26/08/22

The electrician arrived and knocked on my door and when he did not get an answer he opened the door and came to my stairs. (My daughter was a witness).

I normally do not lock my flat door because the flat is a terraced house converted to two apartments and there is a front door that is locked before anyone can get to my door. You would think I should feel safe in my home, but obviously, people that do not get a response from knocking think they have a license to just let themselves in…

No word of a lie he puffed an aerosol can on the alarms, waited for them to go off, and left. He did not switch off the electrics like the last guy a year ago. It most probably took the guy today all of two minutes from start to finish, I wonder how much he charged for this?

How should a tenant test their alarms to check they are in working order?

Testing of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms does not require specialist skills or knowledge and should be straightforward for tenants to do.

Landlords should consider providing residents with a demonstration and/or instructions to support residents’ understanding of how, and how often, to test their smoke alarms and make sure they are in working order. Landlords should follow the individual manufacturer’s instructions for testing alarms and consider sharing these instructions with tenants to support regular testing.


Would I recommend this company to anyone to anyone? most definitely not, they are a bunch of cowboys!

They do not know what they are doing, they are not on the first page of search engines and their website looks like an amateur has done it which tells me they are not making much money otherwise they would afford a Professional Website Designer.

This now gives me the perfect opportunity to promote and market my client who is professional and knows what he is doing. If I could dictate to my landlord who he should choose to hire then I would most definitely have recommended my client.

For those of you that are in need of a Landlord Safety Inspection, I highly recommend

Update 28/11/22

I think this muppet company (E+- (abbreviated), am not disclosing their business name for legal reasons) is out to scam landlords because, from the original post date of this article in August of this year, I was surprised the same muppets turned up at my property unannounced to say they were doing a smoke alarm test. I replied you did one six months ago but in reality, it was three months ago and the electrician’s reply was that they have to very six months (good luck with that in three months’ time because I bet you a bottom dollar I am not letting them in).

I told my landlord’s assistant who said she had texted me over the weekend. If I did not reply that would have meant I did not get the text.

But what shocked me was that this electrician entered my flat without waiting to be invited. What would have happened if I was not in? he could have had free reign and helped himself to my valuables. What if I had just had a shower and was half-dressed? You do not enter rented accommodation without acknowledgment from the tenant. I did not acknowledge the text because I never received it.

On further investigation, this company does not have a cookie banner on its website, so if they track you with Google Analytics cookies you are none the wiser. They have a simple landing page with no privacy policy or terms and conditions. The quality of the website speaks volumes about the quality of their workmanship. I personally believe they are not credible and I by rights should be reported to for breaching GDPR.

#landlordsafetyinspections #electricianswales #smokedetectortesting #smokealarmtesting #hearingloss #smokedetectorhearingloss #dodgytraders #dodgyelectricians #electricianscardiff

Unprofessional Cardiff Gas Engineers – No PPE.

Unprofessional Gas Engineers!


(As per date of publication).

This is a personal experience I have endured with a local Cardiff Gas Engineer today.

I had an appointment yesterday for a consultation and re-scheduled all my appointments to fit in with the engineer arriving as I have a fault with low pressure and my combi-boiler cutting out at least twice a day.

(I do not like conducting my business in front of my landlord or the contractors he sends out, even though I once specifically asked the landlord not to turn up because I had an important call, he purposely ignored my request and turned up anyway. He did not forget because I reminded him half an hour earlier and he agreed he would not, yet he still turned up).

The engineer yesterday was a no-show, they never phoned or texted they could not make it. So I lost a day’s work waiting for them (I do not like discussing my business in front of contractors).

Seeing as I was not paying for the call-out I was not going to chase them and thought no more of it until a day later, as the matter was not urgent or an emergency, and I attempted to go about my day, trying to catch up from the day before.

The Gas Engineer Broke The Law!

I gave strict instructions if they were outside my property to phone or text me as I have a problem with my hearing and cannot hear the doorbell if I am on my own.

However today my daughter was with me and she would hear the bell if it were pressed, (which was not), I will come to this in a moment.

So my daughter and I are in the middle of working when she hears someone walking up our stairs calling my name (I could not hear anything as I am partially deaf). She answers and goes to see who it was, and a man she did not recognize is on the stairs inside our property. He never rang the bell or knocked on the door, just walked in unexpectedly and unannounced.

Entering a property unlawfully is called trespassing and one cannot just enter uninvited or pre-arranged unless it is an emergency or in the case of the Police, a warrant. *The thing is I have a witness and I made an unofficial complaint to the building contractor the following day.


I then got up and realized it was the engineer. I immediately said you were supposed to come yesterday and he replied “oh, was I”, with no apology or anything…(totally ignorant and rude). I did not want to kick off and say “have you never heard of knocking”?

NO FACEMASK (Regulations at the time of publication of this article)

I noted he was not wearing a facemask and I said hold on I will go get my facemask to which he replied: “do you want me to put one on”.

It is actually mandatory to wear a facemask when visiting residential properties, whereby the resident is present:

I suspect they were trying their luck hoping no one was in.

The landlord should not have given them keys so I think this was planned because why else would they have had keys to the property if they knew 100% someone would be in?

There is something quite off with this now that I am thinking about it.


The engineer told me to show how low the pressure gauge drops but that meant I had to be less than a foot away from him as my kitchen is a confined space with only room for one person. I was reluctant to go anywhere near him but had no choice but to comply with his wishes.


Contractor must wash their hands and sanitize them before touching anything and that did not happen. In fact, he even leaned on the banister touching freshly washed clothes with his outer clothing that could have potentially cross-contaminated any pathogens he may have carried on his uniform. My daughter after he had gone had to re-wash her clothes and sanitize all the surfaces he had touched including the boiler.


At this stage, I did not want to make waves and went to put my mask on even though he should have had one on without asking me if I wanted him to or not. I felt had I insisted he wears his mask it would have caused animosity.


I explained the problem I was having to adjust the pressure twice a day every day and this is where it got personal. I have known this engineer for the length of time of my tenancy and over the years I have told him I suffer from OCD. I am not ashamed to say it and I am an advocate and editor for mental health on my online journal this is where my daughter and I picked up on his insensitive and rather rude remark and what he said: “Are you sure you that you have to adjust the gauge twice a day or are you just saying it because you are high on your meds” he continued to say, although I did not hear him say it, however, my daughter did “I must be special or a lunatic”.

I have a witness to what he said.

People who have mental health issues should not be humiliated and made a mockery of, not everyone with mental health issues is going to be a patient of mental asylums which I felt was what he was insinuating.

I am so tempted to name and shame him and the company he represents and give them bad press.


He insinuated I was making things up told my daughter to make track of how many times I adjusted the boiler without telling me and also insinuated that both my daughter and I were lying about the leaking radiator, which was not leaking in front of him. He did however state he would be coming back next week to fix the radiator that was hanging off the wall in another room.


Considering he turned up unannounced and I excused myself and said I had to get back to my work and he went “yer right” like I was making it up or something and he did not believe me.


It was approximately a year ago that he came out to install my cooker I bought that could not be fitted at the time of delivery because I had a problem with my “Hot Zone” in the kitchen whereby another local Cardiff Electricians (I am not mentioning any names but I did tell my landlord about their incompetence at the time when he had to rewire my electrics) failed to notice the problem when they did an electrical inspection. When I mentioned this to the Gas engineer he too did not know what a “Hot Zone” was either until I sent him a link.

He told me I should not report the electricians and should not start making waves. I took that he was threatening me in some way.

Also when I mentioned that I may have had a leak in the pipes last week phone to the gas engineers director, he said floorboards would have to be pulled up I corrected him and said a thermal camera would spot the leak which costs about £700 and he said no one in Cardiff has anything like that. Some people do not like being corrected and a gadget like that is an investment to any plumber and they should have it as part of their tools.

So for me not to have a cooker over Christmas and New Year 2019/2020 as I could not get it fitted because the electrics needed re-wiring was not a big problem to anyone other than me who spent £1,500 on take-outs over a period of two months for myself and my family as I could not cook any food. Who is going to compensate me for this? This is why I am documenting everything and I have receipts.


I feel I am being humiliated and intimidated by these engineers as they are friendly with my landlord and anything I say to any of the contractors goes back to my landlord.


This type of disrespect, humiliation, and intimidation is causing emotional distress. Who can I complain to about rogue contractors and unprofessional traders? This is why I am unwell because people do not abide by rules and Covid Regulations and are very judgemental. Some people simply think they are better than you and will try to ridicule you as in the case today.


I will not mention this company other than they are not on the first page of Google for the search terms “Cardiff Gas Engineers” and have a hyphen in their domain name. But what I will do is document everything and go out of my way to help one of their competitors because they should not be making waves with me.

I have in fact most recently renewed the domain name and originally was going to make the domain into a directory of “Cardiff Gas Engineers” purposely to exclude them, but now I will help any company other than them.

People underestimate me and what I do and am capable of.

It is unprofessional to be personal to a tenant and make a mockery of their disability regardless of whether their disability is physical or mental.

I once had a detective (CID) demoted to a police constable for entering my property unannounced and without a warrant, and I still suffer PTSD from that which has brought back memories. This is added to my emotional distress.

Also, one is not exempt from wearing facemasks, even though some may think they do.

It is not the first time other engineers working for the same company in question have visited my property without wearing facemasks and I have complained previously. But if I was to again I suspect I would be complaining about the partner of the business as I believe he is also a friend of the landlord and I guess he feels invincible.

If he mocked me about my mental health and medication he would have also mocked my landlord who also suffers from mental health problems.

I feel if someone complains too much is then deemed as a nuisance, so I have to keep my mouth shut but have learned over time to document everything.


Imagine if my daughter and I were not home and he let himself in, my insurance would become void.

Another scenario could have been, my daughter or I could have been half-dressed coming out of the bathroom or bedroom as was the case with the detective many moons ago.


A landlord, the contractor, or the letting agent needs to give you 24 hours’ notice before entering your rented premises unless it is an emergency. They cannot walk in unless they have notified you first when they are arriving and even then, they cannot just walk in if they know someone is present. The resident needs to agree and give consent.

When you rent a property from a landlord it becomes your home. A landlord, contractor, or letting agent, should only enter the property without you being there, if you have given prior permission for them to do so, or if it is a genuine emergency.

While your landlord, contractor, or letting agent will need to gain access to the property to carry out inspections, repairs, and maintenance, the law says that they must give you 24-hour written notice.


Should you wish to make a complaint about your landlord and you live in Wales, you should contact “Rent Smart Wales”:


If you wish to make a complaint about a Gas Engineer visit the following site:


Remember whatever you do there are consequences to your actions. If you report your landlord he /she may serve you an eviction notice. The same goes with engineers they may try to sue you, so you have to have the evidence documented and have a plan A and plan B before you start complaining.


Oh, I forgot to mention as he was leaving he said to my daughter I had successfully wasted his time. Even though he recognized the radiator needed fixing and said he would and I quote “have to book it in”, yet had no regard that I had to pay people yesterday to manage the chat widgets on my client’s sites and could not monitor them properly this morning as I was rudely interrupted, in fact, I had a missed chat today and my client noticed which does not look good for me. So wasting my time is fine?…



I made an indirect complaint to the contractor that came to work in my bathroom today, something different from the gas engineer’s job yesterday, knowing that my disdain will get back to my landlord. Even the contractor agreed the Gas Engineer was out of order and that I should make an official complaint. Let’s see what transpires next week when he has to return to fix the radiator in one of the bedrooms, I will be having words with him one to one, and I will record him in stealth mode if he bothers to turn up.


As you can imagine he failed to return.

#landlordsandtenants #renting #yourrights #rentsmartwales #mentalhealth #unprofessional #gasengineers #gasengineersppe #ppe #facemasks #washinghands #handsanitizer

Unprofessional Website Designers

Unprofessional Rogue Website Designers.

I was on my Facebook Business Groups yesterday when I got a notification that someone was offering their services as a website designer for free.

As in any industry you will get cowboys or unprofessional people. But when they are on my doorsep I will call them out as they give the rest of us a bad name.

When anyone says something is for free there is always a catch, as nothing is free in this world. When something is free it usually means there is a trial and prices or fees will be incurred thereafter.

Their pitch said they would build a website for free but hosting and a domain name was not included.

So without hesitation, I asked the question how much is the hosting and how much is the domain name, and do they do SEO?

I also asked the question how long will it take to get the website on the first page of Google.

Now any competent website designer will not just build a website and let it float in cyberspace, they will do everything possible to optimize it using SEO strategies.

So the person replied and was immediately on the defense that SEO was not included, they would not disclose the price of the hosting or price of a domain name. He went on to say so he would think I was in the know to ask the question but if I was really in the know I would know there is no time frame for search engines to rank a website. I did not respond as I did not want to give the game away, as usually, it takes anything from 12 to 18 months to get a website on the first page of Google although I do not want to blow my own trumpet I have got websites on the first page of Google between 1 to 3 months in the past using my own strategies.

The reason why I tried to call this person out is I once price matched a client’s previous web developer prices only to find they did not include SEO in which I do by default. The client who was clueless about the website design industry wanted to pay the same as the previous developers and I agreed to match the price only to find out that they were not that professional until it was too late.

The post yesterday grabbed the attention of more clueless people who would struggle to get their businesses on the first page of any search engine without extensive SEO and Marketing in which this person was not including in his offer.

It was no suprised I was then blocked from that post.

I feel sorry for the people that get sucked in by these amateurs claiming to be professional website designers.

Also, beware of companies offering to scan your sites, they will always say your website is 💩 and give you a hundred million reason why you should ditch you current web designer just so that they can get business from you.

If you feel your website needs improving or you could do with more traffic talk to your current web designer, they don’t bite and will do everything they can to keep you as a customer.

Nine times out of ten you will get a company from India disguised as a company from the UK. Do due diligence and make sure they can prove they are a legitimate company trading in the UK.

Do not get scammed by rogue traders aka Rhys Griffiths so-called web designer on Facebook who I called out the other day and he ended up blocking me because he must have found out who I am and what I do.

Rising Damp, Black Mold & Links to MS.

Example of Black Mould and Painting Over it. (Not My Mould – Stock Photo).
Keep your business moving forward

Rising Damp, Black Mold & MS.

Rising Damp, Black Mold & MS are on my mind.

I live in a rented property and I have black mold on my walls which have ruined my furniture and furnishings all the landlord has said for years now, is “wash it down with bleach and re-paint it” and that he would pay for the paint.

Now I know what his argument is going to be if I ever try to bring this up again and that is because of my OCD he was not able to fix the rising dampness properly.

In my defense, my OCD is up and down from day to day so even if I was having a bad day I would work around workmen. My OCD does not define me and I can work around it in my home. It did not stop me last December with the numerous amount of people that entered my property to fix the ‘hot zone’ in the kitchen over the installation of a cooker I had bought. So his argument can be counter-argued.

Rising damp has to be treated properly and needs a qualified builder to take on the job not some cowboy building contractor which I have met a few over the years.

Rising Damp and Black Mould can have adverse effects on your health especially if you fit into the following categories:

  • babies and children
  • elderly people
  • those with existing skin problems, such as eczema
  • those with respiratory problems, such as allergies and asthma
  • those with a weakened immune system, such as those having chemotherapy (this is something my daughter has and has been treated with).

These people should stay away from dampness and mold.

Molds produce allergens (substances that can cause an allergic toxic reaction), irritants, and, sometimes, toxic substances. Inhaling or touching mold spores may cause an allergic reaction, such as sneezing, a runny nose, red eyes, skin rash, or even death. Molds can also cause asthma attacks and MS. Mold (black) can be deadly and a sign of a house that is lacking ventilation, not only would it be bad for MS but general health.


Now you have to weigh out all the pros and cons when complaining.

Landlords are bound by Government legislation to conform to the laws set out.

If a Landlord is found to be doing things, not by the book he can be fined and even face a custodial sentence, hence if you complain about your landlord you have to also think about the domino effect.

The landlord is no longer going to be favorable towards you and will slap you with an eviction notice at his first opportunity once the dust has settled so to speak. He will just claim he is no longer renting out the property and unless you have £££££s of pounds in the bank you could find you are kicked out on your ear with nowhere to go.

Personally, I am going to move the first opportunity I have and then report to him and not a moment sooner.

I know that the mold could have been a contributing factor to my daughter’s ill health and when I do move my landlord will reap the consequences.

The guidelines for keeping moisture at bay are to keep your home warm and have good ventilation, which I do and have the central heating on 24/7 in the colder months, and have an extractor fan. They also say open windows when you cook or in the bath as the steam needs to escape. This is not ideal in freezing cold temperatures during the winter months and extractor fans are the better option.

Mold and dampness are caused by excess moisture. Moisture in buildings can be caused by leaking pipes (I believe to have leaking pipes as my combi boiler cuts out every two hours or so and I have checked why that could be happening and it could be because of a leaking pipe, not only that, one of my kitchen radiators was leaking water so I have turned it off completely. Rising damp normally starts in basements or ground floors, or rain seeping in because of damage to the roof or around window frames. (Well my window frames are rotting and are single-glazed so that could be another contributing factor).

Some dampness can be caused by condensation. This can lead to a growth in the mold that appears as a cloud of little black dots.

Condensation occurs when moist air comes into contact with a colder surface like a wall, window, mirror, etc. The air can’t hold the moisture and tiny drops of water appear. It also occurs in places the air is still, like the corners of rooms, behind furniture, or inside wardrobes. (This is particularly true as my Italian Furniture is ruined and have photographic evidence of this).

Damp Proofing.

‘Rising damp’ is due to a defective (or non-existent) damp course. This will leave a ‘tide mark’ about a meter above the floor. Fixing rising dampness is a job for a qualified builder.

Final Thoughts

Do consider the consequences of complaining about your landlord and even though he cannot serve you an eviction notice willy nilly, as it is illegal to do so, he can bide his time, and once your contract is up for renewal simply say he is no longer renting out the property and will give you notice to leave. He could use a number of reasons why he does not want to rent out the property any longer and the only thing you can do is claim compensation for damages due to ill health and damaged property as in the case of my furniture. Also, you have to weigh out the length of time this will take to be dragged through the courts and is it in your best interest to start something knowing there are consequences in every action we take.

Remember there are numerous ways to skin a cat (metaphorically speaking) and get around things and if he no longer wants you, he will find a way, even waiting for your contract to end to serve you notice. He can easily just keep the property empty for a few months and in most cases as I have witnessed with the numerous tenants over the years below me, he waits until they have moved out before refurbishing leaving the properties empty for a few months.

Do have a ‘Plan B‘ ready for when the landlord says he will no longer be renewing your contract. Do save some money, including deposit and rent for the next property and removal costs as well as buying furniture, etc, etc…..

Personally speaking, I will bide my own time and when the time is right have all my guns blazing. No one should live in substandard conditions and you do have rights but always do your research first before taking action and always have a ‘Plan B’.

To complain:

Keep your business moving forward

#risingdamp #dampcourse #dampproofing #blackmold #condesation #risingdamptreatement

Electrical Safety 5-Year Checks


Electrical Safety 5-Year Checks.

I wrote a while back about an electrical engineers company in Cardiff (UK) that did not notice that there was a problem with my kitchen hot zone in my property when they came to do an electrical inspection approximately a year ago and as a consequence caused a domino effect, whereby my cooker which was delivered on December 17th, 2020 to be precise was not fitted until the 11th January 2021, because it was difficult to get anyone out to resolve the problem and then fit it.

I was then subjected to having take-outs at a cost of £50 per day for two meals per two people over 25 days period a total of £1,250. My Christmas was ruined.

Moving forward to today I get a message from my landlord’s assistant who says the same company that came to do the electrical inspection a year ago is coming tomorrow to do an annual check.

I responded and said unless it is mandatory I would prefer no visitors, to which she replied it was and it has to be done by law.

Obviously, I never take things at face value and I decided to do some research this is what I found the screenshot follows after the PDF:


Now considering the UK has a “stay at home ruling” you would think minimizing contact with other people would be of the highest priority but somehow people are being so blasé about the Pandemic that it is starting to make my blood boil.

Secondly, the Landlords Assistant whom I assume should have done some training with ‘Rent Smart Wales’ would know that the electrical tests are every five years not annually. It is the Gas Safety Checks that have to be checked annually.

However, I am going to have some fun tomorrow when the Electrical Engineers arrive and will ask them to comment on the following questions:

  1. Why they are doing Electrical Inspections on an annual basis when it says every five years? (already had this answered, they are apparently doing fire alarm inspections instead).
  2. Why did they fail to notice a problem with the kitchen hot zone a year ago?
  3. Why they failed to move the socket from the hot zone on the 17th of December and only covered it with a plastic covering? ( According to the electrician today that was ok. No this is not fine as the plastic could melt from the heat).
  4. Why they fitted a light on the same circuit as the banister light which when one light blows the electricity trip? (He said that yes when the light goes it will trip the electrics but if the bulb goes on the light which is positioned in a dangerous place I still have to change it as it will continue tripping otherwise. So that was a waste of time installing the second light).
  5. Why they changed the bathroom light which was already bathroom safe for another one, just to make extra money? (I never got around to answering this question).
  6. Why they fitted an extra three smoke alarms on top of the one I already had, considering my flat has one floor and I should have one alarm on each floor? (he said by law I had to have one in the living room, on the landing, in the kitchen (heat detector), and at the entrance to my flat, we were having a full-blown argument as he was persistent that I was wrong).
  7. Why they did not spot the washing machine was plugged into an extension lead, which was trailing on the ground, and not plugged into a wall socket which I did not have behind my machine? (if there was a leak and water went over my extension lead, well all I can say is, I would be toast)? (I mentioned about this and he the best thing would be for me to lodge a complaint with the company, once I get the information from the government I will be emailing these electricians and reporting them).
  8. Who will compensate me for all the money I wasted on take-outs?
  9. Where does it say I have to have annual fire alarm checks done? (I asked the electrician and he could not give me an answer I wanted the name of the website to fact check).

Considering this company is registered with the electrical safety register I would like to know who taught them about electrical safety inspections.

Furthermore, my daughter is classed as a vulnerable person according to the government, so why is it that people insist on visiting my property when I do not want them to? It’s all getting beyond a joke.

In the meantime, I highly recommend “First Phase Electrical – Electricians Wales”, if you have any electrical emergency work that needs doing. Give “Jeff Smith” a call or visit his website:




I stand corrected I am not having an electrical inspection done after I pointed out the 5-year rule to my landlord’s assistant, instead, I am having a fire alarm system checked but as always I leave no stone unturned and have found this PDF from the Governments website relating to Fire Alarm Inspections. There is no mention of how often fire alarms should be tested by a qualified electrician and besides it is not rocket science to test the alarm yourself which is recommended that everyone does anyway.

This is now an invasion of my privacy, against covid regulations, and a risk to my daughter’s health.


My grievance is not only the hot zone and money I wasted on take-outs, but the number of visits I have had to my accommodation outside of my immediate bubble to the total of 9 people relating to my landlord’s decision, within the last month. This is now wearing me down. Had they all come at the same time, I could have had a party.

  1. Two DHL Appliance Delivery Engineers.
  2. An Electrician capped the socket the same day as DHL Delivery.
  3. My Landlord the following day and his assistant x total 3 visits.
  4. The Gas engineer came and went without installing the cooker.
  5. The Two Gas Engineers that finally installed my cooker.
  6. An engineer today checked the fire alarms.

A total of nine people in the last month have entered my accommodation.

Update 18.33 pm 22/01/21

I had my visitor today person number 9 in the space of one month test the fire alarms and basically, this is all he did, he sprayed some smoke from a canister directly below the alarm, waited for the alarm to activate and disarmed it, wrote something down, and off he went.

I have since written to the government to confirm what legislation there is for checking fire alarms and how often.

From what I have read one has to check the alarm once a month.

If this is the case there is no way on this earth I am allowing any more visitors to my accommodation.

I pointed the hot zone out to him and he agreed the electrical engineers overlooked the hot zone but I could not blame the company but the engineers.

He continued to say that capping the wall socket was ok. Obviously another cowboy to the list of cowboys.

Here is my capped wall socket, which is now behind a splashback, which today’s electrician said was fine.

Social Media Scammers

Social Media Scammers

Social Media Scammers and how Social Media should change to stop fake accounts.

Its all very well having social media platforms where people can register accounts but more should be done to stop fake accounts, this in turn would save thousands of people being scammed out their life savings.

These scammers usually target businesses as they think businesses are in the position to hand out hard earned cash.

I once challenged a supposed Prince who shall remain nameless yet I have serveral different invitations to connect with the said individual with several different accounts. I got so infuriated that I ended writing to the family office and suggested as a security measure they should contact LinkedIn and take down every fake account to stop this happening. I still have a phone number and email address for this one particular individual who claimed he was a ruler of a certain country.

I am sure you have had emails such as for example the Lord Reginald Cuthbert the III who is 99 years old and on behalf of his late wife who left millions of dollars in a trust fund for their daughter who got killed in a car crash, you get the type of email I am talking about. They usually are found in the spam folder along side scammers saying your account has been accessed and unless you hand over ex amount of money they will let a virus destroy all your files or will send explicit images to all your contacts.

Well now I have encountered another scammer and I am calling on the real person of this image below to contact me with their rank number and army base they are stationed at as verification and for them to remove the fake carbon footprint off the internet. This potential can save many vulnerable people falling into a trap and being scammed.

Why am I making this my business?. because this person has contacted me and keeps engaging in text and email to me, I am concerned if he is not real then that the next person he befriends may not be so lucky and may get scammed.

If the shoe was on the other foot and this happened to me, I would contact all the websites to take my photos down and where people were impersonating me I would verify my identity to a concerned party without being offended and would understand that they are meerly performing due diligence to safe guard themselves from fraud. I certainly would not make a big deal about it and I would respect them more for taking security measures. When I challenged the supposed Prince and asked him contact me via email he got very irrate and said am I questioning him and direspecting him? The person was very intimidating and I should have insited on a video call rather than simply chat via text message he is still on my whatapp as an active user and this is from many months ago.

What gets me this particular individual in this photo I have published has had a whole album of photos posted on the internet so was his whole computer hacked that is the question?

I have spoken with the supposed person this evening whom is an American yet sounded like he had a middle eastern person distinctive foreign accent.

I will try to get this individuals rank number but when I asked him what time it was over where he was he pretended to not hear me and did not reply. I already know the time difference if where he says he is legitimate.

Will the Real Soldier Stand Up!!

These social media sites should put a stop to all fake accounts and verify each user with photo id.

So considering we are supposed to be security conscious this is not happening and I want to know why?

I am so tempted to start a petition to make all social media sites verify each account holder with 2 forms of id including photo id and a recent utility bill. This will stop all fake accounts.

Surely this guy has family and friends so someone will know how to contact him?

How can so many of these images get leaked on the internet?

I have even seen a photo of his passport, regardless if it is fake or not, that is not the point, the bigger question is where is this real person in this photo and why is he not doing anything to help himself and remove the fake data and help others from falling prey to these scammers?

There is such a thing as GDPR for those that do not know one can complain to them and have ones incorrect search results removed. Also where is his Army buddies they too can contact him and let him know what is going on.

Where is the guy?

Please share to find this guy and get him to contact me. What worries me is this person identity is being cloned to the extent that fraudsters are doing all sorts of damage to this individual and surely the Military should be advised if he is on active duty.

All these fraudsters should go to jail for impersonating military personnel. In fact impersonating any person should carry a custodial sentence. There is a way of tracking these people down with reverse data api’s so surely the people in the know can track these scammers down.

I need to do some research and find someone high ranking that I can talk to, I have a few thousand connections on Linkedin so someone is bound to know someone that I can speak with.

This individual I have spoken with this evening does not convince me he is the real McCoy and I need to find a way of verifying his identity because if he is not the real deal he obviously has ulterior motives to pose as a high ranking soldier.

My father was a soldier in the Polish Army in WWII and fought the battle of Monte Cassino before settling in the UK. He wrote a biography which you can read by clicking the link here:

So I have great respect for our military past and present and feel sorry for the individual this is happening to.

Awaiting positive feedback on my investigation.

Stay Safe.

Addendum 06/05/20

More Reading:

Help with Avoiding Being a Victim of Fraud

What Facebook & Twitter are saying

Addendum 08/05/20

Since writing this post a few days ago I contacted the supposed individual that had originally contacted me, by email and sent him a Non Disclosure Identy Verification Document for him to fill in and return to me. He seemed to get a bit angry by the tone of his reply in the way he wrote to me, I doubt that I will ever hear from him again.



ONE.COM The hosting company for website and domain names. No I am not putting them on a pedestal to market them as being the best hosting company on the planet on the contrary I am putting them on a pedestal for being one of the worst. I cannot say they are the worst as there could be worse hosting companies out there.

Instead I will just highlight how they have added an extra fee for renewing domain names. So if you are in the business of buying and selling domain names you will know that DNS Domain Administration comes part and parcel of the package of renewing domain names as without a DNS system one cannot alter DNS Records or forward domain names.

So a .CO.UK Domain Renewal on any other registrars website costs £10 plus vat but this company ONE.COM are charging for the domain name renewal and also the DNS administration system as you can see below:

ONE.COM DNS Administration Fee.

This is a scam if I ever I saw one and the customers they have most probably do not know that DNS comes as default with a Domain Name and should not be charged as an add on.

I would avoid like the plague, all they have been is problem after problem from the start and God knows what nightmare stories their ex-customers would have to say given half the chance.

Slowly but surely they will end up loosing me as a customer. Customer services were no better basically saying if I did not like it, to take a running jump, I would call their bluff but I cannot afford one of the domain names going into migration over to another registrar as that would mess up one of my clients websites, which I cannot afford to do right now, considering lost his blog (it just disappeared off the face of the www) not so long ago.

Total Nightmare Company!

28/02/20 Addendum

As you are aware I am down sizing my portfolio with and am moving over to another hosting provider.

Upon checking a particular website today the contact page was off centre.

This means when I published it the other day they must have re-published my site (even though they claim they NEVER do).

So today I spend my valuable time talking to these idiots again and they admit that they had done a bug fix the other day which may have caused one of my codes to be none responsive.

If my site was working fine the other day and you do a bug fix and it is not working fine today you should reimburse me and you fix the problem without blaming everyone else on the planet bar yourselves.

This is NOT the first time they have done this and then tried blaming the consumer.

I am livid to say the least and hope and pray my client does not see the unresponsive page, they only lost his blog and could not retrieve off their server. I am amazed that they have any business.

…….since writing my post earlier they found that it was not a bug fix but something else which the technician should have spotted before creating a ticket and I did not get an apology, says it all…..


January 2025
