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Category: FINANCIAL DIFFICULTY (Page 2 of 2)

If You are struggling with debt, talk to your creditors and ask for more time to pay or arrange an affordable payment plan in which they freeze interest on loans, credit cards, and overdrafts. No one should make themselves unwell worrying about debt mounting up.

Financial Difficulty Part (2)


Disclaimer: Some of my words and the video are being censored and so I have put hashtags in place to the letters, hence why I have had problems publishing this post. Also, some of the prices may differ but were correct at the time of publication on 03/03/22 according to For more current data please visit:

Introduction to our guide on ‘Financial Difficulty’ and what we have included at Glance (Part 2).

(W### Makes Money and The Truth About The Money System).

  1. Young People, Salaries Falling Prices Growing.
  2. UK Government Help with Fuel Costs.
  3. Cost of Living Breakdown Expenditure Calculations.
  4. Housing.
  5. Homelessness.
  6. Leaders and Dictators.
  7. What is Money and What is Currency (VIDEO -Temp Disabled).
  8. About Mike Maloney.
  1. YOUNG PEOPLESalaries Falling, Prices Rising.

Prior to the pandemic, wages due to furloughs and layoffs were unheard of but now a shockingly 24% of those aged between 18 and 34 had reported a fall in their wages employed in the sectors including hospitality and retail, it’s not surprising that they have seen their incomes fall, either as a direct result of a wage cut or due to a reduction in their hours.

Research by the think tank Demo, and KIS has found that only 30% of people reported a rise in pay since before the pandemic, whilst 70% have seen their wages either stagnate or fall.

When the young were asked why they took on a second job, some responded that they were worried about job security as their primary role could be at risk in the future. Although having a second job may boost their finances in the short term, the additional pressure of long hours may take its toll on a person’s well-being.

A third of the population fears that the worst is still yet to come and has a genuine concern about the soaring prices which would have a negative effect on their lives, physically, mentally, and materialistically. The fortunate few who have had some savings will end up losing it all to counteract the impact of higher living costs.

The direct cost for heating and powering our homes, and the indirect cost of other goods and services, will inevitably affect our budgets and our quality of life.

Fortunately, the UK only relies on 3% of Russia to supply Gas to Britain, and it’s the global market that determines the wholesale gas price.

There will still be a knock-on effect for households in the UK if there is a shortage supply of Gas to the rest of Europe from Russia.

2. UK Government Help With Energy Costs.

What is laughable is the UK Government is going to give £200 to people in England and £150 in Wales to help with the increase of the cost of living, however, it is a loan, that you pay back at around £40 per year.

This equates between £12.50 and £16.67 a month towards their energy bills and if my bill is anything to go by Electricity £34.00 and Gas £90 per month totally £124.00 a month. £12.50/£16.67 is pathetic by my calculations if one still has to deduct £3.33 per month to pay the loan back. Residents in Wales will essentially have £9.16 off their predicted monthly bill of £250 this coming April.

A person who has tax credits of £99.23 per week, how do they survive on £396.92 per month?

Minus £250 for Gas and Electric = Leaves a total of £146.92

Minus £58 for water = Leaves a total of £88.92 divided by 4 x weeks leaves £22.23 for food.

So what is the hidden agenda? is it to starve people or drive them to breaking point”?

Changes by the UK Government to National Insurance from April 1st, 2022 will mean that many working people will be seeing more of their income heading to the Treasury.

In addition, the rise in the energy price cap will mean serious rises in the cost of heating and powering your home, which for some such as the disabled, unemployed, households on low incomes and the elderly will be penalized the most, with the rising costs of basics like food, interest rate rises, and council tax hikes, people will be forced into poverty.

So is the Government expecting people to live on Ramen Noodles to survive?

These price hikes are going to be detrimental to people’s mental health and lives.

I understand that some people have a job that is based on 40 hours per week on the national minimum wage of £9.50 equates to £380 per week multiplied by 4 weeks £1,520.

3. Cost Of Living Breakdown Calculations Expenditure:

(Average Calculations Per Month In The UK).

( Links – Citations Embedded)

Rent: (£1,064)

Utilities: (£116) per month for gas and electricity and predicted to rise to £250 per month.

Water Rates: (£44) per month

Council Tax: (£158.00) per month

Petrol/Travel Costs: (£96.00) per month

Child Care Day Nursery: (50 hours for a child under 2£1,052 per month

Food £40.30 per week: (£175 per month)

Total Expenditure: £2,705.00

(**This total does not include clothing allowance, telephone, or broadband – Price correct at the time of publication 03/03/22).

For more current statistics please visit:

Not everyone is lucky enough to have high-paid jobs and some people live alone.

For people who live with someone obviously, the majority of bills will be halved and not everyone commutes or has childcare.

However what about the self-employed that maybe only scraping by and are not making a profit and maybe paying back loans and credit cards and just living on tax credits?

Clare McNeil, the head of the IPPR’s Future Welfare State program said:

“It has trapped us in a vicious circle which, unless broken, will condemn us either to a constantly rising social security bill or to ever-increasing poverty among working households.”

Jonathan Reynolds, shadow work and pensions secretary, said:

successive Conservative administrations had broken the link between work and prosperityit is simply wrong that one in six working households can’t make ends meet while the overwhelming majority of children living in poverty have working parents”.


KIS Finance Advisor Holly Andrews, MD said:

“At a time when the cost-of-living crisis is deepening, the global impact of the situation in Ukraine looks set to make the situation even worse. Rising costs on everyday essentials, alongside increasing interest rates, will stretch household budgets and be a further blow to those trying to get onto the property ladder”.

With rising costs on the horizon, there will be an increase in evictions and homelessness. People will simply not be able to live. Not everyone can manage their money well or set budgets, therefore I have designed a monthly financial planner for you to customize. I recommend starting a new planner each month.

Furthermore, shortages in the housing market are forcing prices to escalate, while rents are at some of their highest rates ever. With the cost of borrowing increasing alongside the rising cost of living, people saving for a deposit will find it hard to get on the property ladder because of mortgage income requirements which will implicate disposable income due to the rising cost of essentials.


Local Councils predict evictions are to rise as much as 79% from privately rented houses as people struggle to make ends meet. The current pressures on the rising cost of inflation and living could see homelessness increase by as much as a third compared to pre-pandemic levels.


Fat Cat!

Privilege Leaders & Dictators.

It is ok for the privileged individuals that have never been without food or have never experienced poverty to dictate what the working or lower class should live on.

President Put## who is purported to be the richest man on earth is driven by greed, corruption, money, and power, yet what is waiting for him on the other side is going to be worse than any war he has ever created.

Imagine if their wealth was suddenly taken from them they would soon be singing a different tune. These people that have had lavish upbringings do not have a clue what the rest of the public has to do to survive. These people that have gone to private schools funded by their wealthy parents do not have one iota about what it is like to bring food to the table and to keep a roof over one’s heads. These people that pay £500 in the UK to aim to help society and get rewarded once they get a good enough following again may be clueless. (I have a better following than some MPs I know, but am not paid what they get). One does not need a specific qualification to become an MP as it is a job you have to work up towards although most people do have some form of higher education and the ones at the very top of the food chain have been either been born with silver spoons in their mouths or have had wealthy parents, spouses or connections.

Who controls our money system?

(Watch the Video Below)

Forbes 500 Rich List

Have you noticed the likes of Put## (who has been in office since 2012 ), the Rothchilds, and Rockerfellers are not on the Rich List of wealthiest people because they are the 1% that control the rest of the world and are far richer than the likes of Elon Musk, Warren Buffet or Bill Gates? Furthermore, The Waltons with $238 billion, The Mars with $142 billion, The Kochs with $124 billion, The Hermes with $112 billion, The Sauds with $100 billion, The Ambanis with $94 billion, The Wertheimers with $62 billion, The Johnsons with $61 billion, The Thomsons with $61 billion, The Boehringers and Von Baumbachs with $59 billion are also not mentioned.

This is what the Federal Reserve says about the money system:

Yes, I know Pres##### Put## came from humble beginnings but he made affluent connections when he joined the K##. It is sometimes the case of not what you have or what know but more so who you know, that can open doors…


To know how the system works one needs to educate oneself about money and currency. The video below explains the process.

Fiat money has no value unlike gold or silver, it is what the federal reserve prints out, keeps on printing, and lending out with the only goal to charge interest on worthless pieces of paper, which people have to slave over.

The price of gas in the ground does not inflate in value it is the price the fat cats put on to make themselves richer. This is sacrilege, but then again if they cared about people they would not cause wars. We are just a number to them and they will not mourn you if you die.

President Put## does not care about his people or his army, you will not see him on the front line fighting with his army, he will be tucked away in his shiny kremlin office somewhere unlike Ukraine President Zelen####, who is fighting to save his country.

President Put##’s only intention is to gain power, money, and control. He does not care that sending out troops may not return, he does not care about the families of the soldiers that died in the line of duty, and that their family’s worlds will be turned upside down. He only cares about lining his pockets, gaining control of a country, and dictatorship.

Ukraine – Pres#####t Zelens###

Ukraine is now ordering all men, between 18 -60 to train every abled body male to help fight the w##. These men have no choice they have been conscripted as per the orders of Ukraine’s “Pres##### Zelens###”, although he has been seen in combat uniform himself. He has also pleaded with other countries to help.

This senseless act by “Pres##### Put##” is so that the fat cats get richer and for everyone else to get poorer.

“We have one life, one world and we come into it with nothing and we leave with nothing, so why be greedy and not share equally”.

Video Temporarily Removed For Testing – I suspect my post is being censored because I cannot open this article on all the browsers properly, so you should search for the keywords “hidden secrets of money” on youtube.


Mike Maloney is the host of the smash-hit video series, Hidden Secrets of Money; former Rich Dad/Poor Dad advisor; author of the best-selling precious metals book.

For more than a decade, Mike’s traveled the world sharing his economic insights with audiences from Hong Kong to Rome and from Silicon Valley to Wall Street.

A life-long inventor and serial entrepreneur, by age 23, Mike had already founded a sales firm, Michael Maloney & Associates, growing it to five employees and two branch offices. He went on to become a manufacturer of high-end stereo equipment, where his designs won numerous awards, including selection in 1992 as one of only five permanent exhibits for display at the opening of the 20th-century design wing of the Royal Victoria & Albert Museum in London, the world’s greatest design museum.

Citation –

#financialdifficulty #financialproblems #debt #consolidation #debtconsolidation #debtfree #creditcards #loans #switchutilities #utilityproviders #compareutilities #poverty #mentalhealthandpoverty #greed #inflation #pricerises #costofliving #rateofinflation #globaleconomy #economy #petrolprices #foodprices #truthaboutmoney

Financial Difficulty Part (1)


Disclaimer: Some of my words and the video are being censored and so I have put hashtags in place to the letters, hence why I have had problems publishing this post.

Introduction to our guide on ‘Financial Difficulty’ and what we have included at Glance (Part 1).

(W### Makes Money and The Truth About The Money System).

  1. Cost of Living increase and Financial Difficulty.
  2. The impact of the war on the UK.
  3. Petrol/ Diesel Prices.
  4. Food Prices.
  5. Investments.
  6. Inflation.
  7. Cost of Living Key Statistics.

The Poor are Getting Poorer in the UK.

  1. Cost of Living Increase And Financial Difficulty.

Households are already feeling the pinch, in the UK & in the US by the rising cost of living, while wages struggle to meet the astronomical increases in overheads.

Inflation increased by 7.5% in January in the US – the highest level is seen since February 1982, due partly to food and energy prices.

Supplies of energy, food, or other commodities like metals are to rise because of the Russia-Ukraine c###f###t and the UK leaving the EU with a shortage of workers and lorry drivers, prices could be pushed up even further.

This is a very worrying time for the Global economy.

Low-income households and working families are having to come under increasing financial pressure as prices soar.

The worst hit is going to be the families with three or more children of any family group, including single parents, and couples with a single earner will suffer significantly with declining disposable incomes.

Property prices, private sector rent hikes, and crippling childcare costs, all amount to the UK having an all-time record high poverty rating, according to the analysis of official figures released last month.

Martin Young, a financial analyst at the banking group Investec, has expressed concerns and has warned that household fuel bills in the UK could reach an all-time high of £3,000 per annum.

Motoring groups have also said the average petrol price had already hit a record high of nearly 149.5p, with diesel at 152.83p.

Another concern is aviation fuel, if airlines then decide to pass on the increased cost to the customers, then inevitably the price of a plane ticket could rise.

A senior investment and markets analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown Susannah Streeter, said :

” Oil and gas prices are ‘marching upwards’ and there could be ‘even higher prices to come. Wars are by their very nature inflationary, and this would particularly be the case with Ukraine when considering Europe’s dependency on Russia for oil, gas, and key ingredients like wheat, so sanctions would hit hard and shortages of supplies could see prices shoot up furtherThe extra pounds on bills are piling up for hard-hit families, with the increase in fuel, energy, and grocery bills set to hit lower-income households harder as a higher proportion of their outgoings will be spent on travel costs. With budgets being squeezed further the likely knock-on effect will be a hit to consumer confidence after any lockdown savings are worn away.”

2. The impact of the w#r on the UK.

How will Russia/Ukraine w## affect fuel prices in the UK?

Russia is one of the UK’s oil suppliers and increases are on the way as a result of oil hitting $106 a barrel and the pound weakening, making wholesale fuel more expensive to buy for retailers in the UK.

The Nord 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia has been halted which has caused prices to rise by 13% in Europe by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz which will cause prices for food and energy to soar affecting millions of households, whilst the UK’s equivalent rose by 8% and US crude oil went up to 1.4% and escalated to 3% leaving energy markets volatile.

Russia supplies much of the oil and gas which may well lead to distribution and shipping prices increase, whilst Ukraine supplies vast amounts of wheat, corn, sunflower products, and grains.

Financial analysts predict that w## could impact the production of grains and even double global wheat prices, consequently severely impacting shoppers in Egypt, Turkey, and many other countries, in particular North Africa, which relies on the import of wheat and corn.

3. Petrol/Diesel

People commuting to work or simply relying on their cars for school runs, hospital appointments, and grocery shopping will have to brace themselves for what’s to come, with many households on lower incomes having to make difficult choices as a result of needing to put fuel in their cars.

Russia is the second-largest exporter of oil after Saudi Arabia causing prices to inflate exponentially in the midst of trying to control the world’s oil supply which will impact petrol prices in the UK. Petrol prices have been rising for some time, but have now hit an all-time high of £149.30, with industry experts predicting that prices could soon reach £1.50 per litre.

4. Food Prices

The consequence of the Russian war on Ukraine could also hit shopping baskets around the world. Russia is the biggest exporter of fertilizers which could impact farmers.

Disruptions to the supply and availability of produce could severely impact the global market. Ukraine exported more than 40% of its wheat to the Middle East & Africa last year alone. However in contrast the UK produces 90% of the wheat consumed.

Once dubbed “the breadbasket of Europe”, Russia and Ukraine export about a quarter of wheat and half of their sunflower products, like seeds and oil globally.

5. Investments

With sanctions imposed and bank accounts frozen, Russian stocks have crashed by as much as 45% after the news of the invasion of Ukraine, with banks and oil companies among the worst-affected.

In Europe, the UK’s FTSE 100 index fell more than 3% and Germany’s Dax index was nearly 5% lower.

6. Inflation

First, the rise of inflation was blamed because the UK had left the EU and as a result because of a shortage of workers mainly lorry drivers from eastern European countries in the import-export industry. Now the rising costs are being blamed because Russia and Ukraine are at w##, which is very real and very concerning, and with inflation already jumping to 5.5%, it is the highest level in almost 30 years.

The current rate of inflation is over double the ideal level of 2% that the Bank of England aims to maintain. With increases predicted to be around 7%.

The Bank of England in February said to increase interest rates to 0.5% has put further pressure on stretched household budgets, as mortgage and loan repayments increase, the Bank of England continued to say that further interest rate hikes are likely, linked to the current global uncertainty and the need to try to control inflation here in the UK.

With inflation on the rise, wages in the UK are predicted to be lower by 2026 than they were even during the credit crunch in 2008, this worrying trend looks set to remain for some time. Whilst inflation is normally linked to wage increases and a growing economy it can also be affected by wars.

Russia Conf#### With Ukraine.


Key Statistics

KIS Finance research has revealed (57%) are already struggling financially, as a direct result of the rising cost of living.

KIS Finance’s research found:

  • That a staggering 27% are already struggling financially as a direct result of the rising cost of living.
  • With 30% of households anticipating financial problems in the very near future as the impact of rising prices bites.
  • Young people between 18 – 24-year-olds reported 35.5% already have financial problems.
  • 36% of People in the age group of over 55’s said they were worried that the financial pinch will hit them shortly as prices continue to rise.
  • 30% in the South East of England are already struggling financially.
  • An amazing 22% of young people between 18 – 34-year-olds have had to take on an additional job since the Pandemic.
  • Anyone who is thinking about retirement in the next few years may now be reconsidering whether they can afford to do so.

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