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Category: GENERAL MARKETING (Page 4 of 6)

Something For Nothing

Napolean Hill!

Something For Nothing!

I feel the last week has been really stressful and I learned a costly lesson, through what has happened today. Normally I have no issues with clients they usually ask me to build them a site, give me the content and hey presto I go about doing the marketing and SEO.

However and I will not be naming anyone but why do people expect something for nothing?

Why do they expect you to slog your guts out and be beholden to their every whim?

I am saying enough is enough if you hire me to do a job do not question why I do things a certain way, at the end of the day I am doing it for you, not me.

I was recently questioned why I do not use the word “Home” as a Homepage title and when I gave the reasons why rather than take my advice, I was told that other companies in his profession were using the word “Home” and that my title looks silly. So you hire me to do a job and then question my ability even though I know what I am doing.

So my costly mistake and this is the first time I have ever included it in a contract was a cooling off period when this person asked me to build him a website, then started to add more pages over what we had initially agreed on and stated that most businesses have more than 10 pages. That may be true but they pay to have the extra pages they do not give unlimited pages for £49.99 per month. He announced today he would be looking for another designer, more like he will attempt to do it himself as I have not come across designers charging pittance for what he expected me to do.

So I suspect he may try to build a website himself after all every one has more time on their hands so why not give it a go, that is what I think. The SEO audit report will show me if his site has been built by a professional or not, can’t wait.

So the good soul I am, I have not been charging for web hosting, SEO, or marketing because of this pandemic as I reckon a lot of people are strapped for cash right now. However, do not take advantage of me. If I do not charge you for a website until the lockdown is lifted do not start throwing your teddy’s out to the pram if you do not give me the content to the sites and then somehow expect me to do it for you. I should not have to find the content for you as that takes time with research and content writing. I build websites, I should not be building your business also.

It rattles me beyond belief how people are so full of themselves and expects something for nothing. What about me I have to live too.

I am the kind of person who will go above and beyond my call of duty to help someone but if they start taking advantage as I have seen a few of my clients doing lately, I will say enough is enough.

Enough is enough, do not take advantage of people!

Again I have a client who cannot work due to government guidelines and has to overcome the close proximity of his clients so not only did I not charge him for the hosting of the site and blog, but I also gave him free advertising on a local business directory only to have him go on his high horse, why his dot com domain name was not associated with his site.

Talking SEO goes right over his head and when I was still contemplating if I should use his dot com rather that a dot co dot UK domain name for his blog he goes on a rant and now has gone quiet on me when I told him he is only allocated two hours a month and that he is in a queue. The reason why I am hesitant to use a dot com is that even though you can set your GEO fencing for the domain names, search engines still send you traffic from the location your domain comes from which in the case of a dot com is the USA. So if you happen then to do pay-per-click advertising your budget will get swallowed up by US traffic not good especially if you are in the UK.

So I thought I had ample time to update him but obviously not as he was throwing his teddy about and expecting me to drop everything. So what did I do I dropped everything for him and now he has gone quiet, how rude……..

As for the other client I built a 40-page website for and he used the get-out clause in order for me not to charge him, I also designed a logo and has he offered to pay for it of course he hasn’t even though I told him at the beginning how much it would cost and he made me do numerous changes and nothing not even a tiddly wink for my troubles. I hope the client that decided to cool off ahead of payment feels really bad about what he has done. My question to this person is “why bother praising me, bigging me up, saying that I am really clever and know what I am doing and even have an email saying he loves the site only to pull out at the last minute?” I think it is to do with money. Yet what he charges an hour would have covered the costs for the next year’s renewal of the website.

I really cannot understand people sometimes, I really can’t and I have now lost respect for this person.

I am going to stop being nice and doing people favors as they take advantage of me and that is from being many years in business, people want to negotiate your prices even though you try to be as low in price as possible yet they always want more and still want you to lower your price, especially for them. I have had enough I am not doing it anymore, you either pay me the asking price or you find someone that will do it cheaper but I do not have time to haggle with you over my pricing. You would not go to a solicitor who charges £300 an hour to lower their price for you so why should I lower my prices considering I am building the engine that will bring in the clients?

Is it even worth me invoicing him the £75 for the logo and for him not to pay and then me taking it to a small claims court, I do not think so, it is not worth the time or stress or trouble and all I can say is “what goes around comes around”.

To think that I know how much my client’s charge by the hour, my fee is a fraction of one job that they would bring in a month yet they still seem to want more. Sheer greed and being condescending will eventually catch up with you, so you treat people with kindness and respect.

If you think you know more than me then, by all means, put me in my place but if you are just a cheapskate and want to cut corners then I am not the person you should be talking to.

Remember treat people like you would want to be treated. If you want to be a miser, people will also do less for you if you want something you want for nothing.

If you look at the national average for a website do not expect to pay basic web design prices and expect more for your money.

Signing off.

#understandingpeople #takingadvantage #somethingfornothing #psychology

Stupid People

Quote Mark Twain

I need to get this off my chest as I really want to scream. As you all know I am a web designer and internet marketer to name a few services that I offer and most recently I lost one client because I was discriminated by his partners opinion about me.

Anyway moving on, the day comes when termination of hosting is imminent and after explaining in so much detail that a five year old could understand and after the domain name had changed hands it was inevitable that the website and emails would go down.

So approximately two and a half hours before midnight and final cut off period, the hosting goes down.

Now wait for this, after I had explained that the hosting would go down at which point it did, I get an email saying this person’s emails had gone.

So even after I had said that as soon as the domain crossed over the hosting would go down this was somehow my fault that this person had no access to his emails.

Furthermore they tried to insinuate I had cancelled the agreement and that I was keeping the domain, of which I proved that the domain had changed hands showing whois data.

This must have stung like a slap across the face and did I get an apology for the insinuation I had cancelled the agreemnet, of course I did not.

Afterall these people think they are somehow better than me. All I will say is you reap what you sow. If you are not nice to people, people will not be nice to you.

Obviously like a good person that I am, I stayed up until the early hours trying to retrieve his emails from back up and restore. I looked like an idiot going back to the hosting providers and saying hold on but my client has not backed up his emails and has not set up up new email accounts with his new web designers.

I won’t say what profession he is in but if you knew you would be shocked.

Anyway just make a statement about the new web designer who have made a shambles of my ex-clients new website and to blow my own trumpet I have perfomed a SEO Audit Report on his site and it looks like an amatuer has thrown a wordpress site together.

There is a saying ” Do not fix something that is not broken”.

All I can say is “OMG” how stupid can you get and to think his idiot partner made derogatory comments about my site , I am laughing my cotton socks off.

Obviously for legal reasons I will not mention the person’s name , his profession or his domain name, but do not pretend to be something you are not. It has taken me years to learn about serach engine optimization and web design so for his partner to claim he is some sort of expert is a joke.

My daughter has said it is his loss and when she saw his new site the reaction was “Oh God”.

To think I have wasted a whole day today as I have been going back and forth my hosting providers and being extremly tired I could not focus on what I was planning on doing today, I lost a whole days work.

Anyway moving on I have been working on a local directory and the amount of busineeses that I have come across that do not have a website or if they claim they do in order to not pay website designers they cheat and have stated their websites are in actual fact Facebook pages is beyond comprehendable. Do not be a cheapskate and do half a job. Your brand and reputations says all about presentation. If you have a mediocre WordPress site or Facebook page instead of a website it does not say much about you.

If you cannot be honest to people you cannot be honest to yourself. Meaning if you are lying to the world you have a website but the world lands on your Facebook Page, what is the first thing people will see? I will tell you, it says you do not have money to spend on a website therefore you are not very successful.

The same goes if your website has Powered by WordPress. Any Professional Designer would remove all reference to WordPress. Again I am blowing my own trumpet as I can see how stupid some people are and cannot admit that they either want to cut costs or have financial difficulties but instead come up with a half hearted excuse why they want to change web site deisgners after being with them for half a decade.

I Know that it is down to the other partner and not so much my ex-client but you would have thought in his line of profession he would show some intellect and considering I am an Author and have published two books on Domain Names, Website Design and SEO, you would not try to insult my intelligence.

Moving on I came across a post on Facebook how the local shop owners of Wellfield Road, which is in the vicinity where I live, were irrate about hooligans vandalising the trees strategically planted to stop cars parking on the street. They even went on to say they collectively raised £740 plus to replace the trees that were vandalised.

The whole point of the trees is to maintain social distancing.

Yet the picture paints a thousand words. The whole point of the trees is to stop parking and to maintain social distancing but what do the shop owners do?……….only pose for a group photo without maintaining social disatancing…….The council should fine them all !! Somehow they seem to think they are exempt from the social distancing rule and one wonders why the world is the way it is.

Photo and article below.
Group Photo of Shop Keepers – No Social Distancing

Difficulties Working At Home On Lockdown

Difficulties Working a Home on Lockdown

I am sure I am not the only one saying this but working from home on Lockdown is starting to really get to me.

People who know me well, know that I do normally work from home anyway so there should be no difference, yet there is…

Firstly you have the neighbours doing DIY, banging and drilling, to standing outside your property chatting away with passers by for hours on end, interrupting your thought process and your work.

Or there is your household where normally my teenage daughter is in college but because of this lockdown she is at home, staying up until the early hours with her boyfriend playing xbox games and watching ‘Gordon Ramsey’. So your saying well what is wrong with that, well let me tell you.

  1. The volume of the TV is usually very loud so every day I say “can you turn the volume down”, which in turn is me being unreasonable and being a pain in the posterior.
  2. At least I have my mornings in peace to do my work, which is not so bad is it? So here I go on my rant……………, firstly I will say what my day consists of i) I I have to check my messages and respond. ii) Then I have to open my chat widgets for my business and my clients businesses, iii) then I do website development and marketing which my blog is part of my advertising structure and then finally iiii) I need to make phone calls. You can see the scenario unfolding when I start making calls and I have my daughter and her precious Prince of a boyfriend who have stayed up all night long to only come into my room and complain about me talking loud on the phone……Excuse me if I am missing something am I not trying to run a business here? Am I the only one keeping a roof over my head and who pays the bills? Secondly if I did not do what I do no one would be able to eat but I still feed my daughters boyfriend and not once has he offered to give me any money for food……….OK he has recently been laid off and is struggling to pay the bills and he has my daughter bailing him out, would I take any money from him?, most probably not but it would be nice to offer as a way to show you are a decent human being. So in theory the money that I earn that I give to my daughter goes to her boyfriend who would rather play games all day and all night long rather than go and stack shelves in Tesco’s.
  3. Then there is my blog which I think it helps my readers and businesses whom can learn a thing or two from me, but because the car dealer company yesterday in my previous post asked whom I was referring to, which I really did not want to say but thought seeing as I was put on the spot said my daughter boyfriend name, this in turn caused unrest in the household as the company then rang my daughter’s boyfriend and asked if he had complained. This in turn then opened a can of worms and I had to then ‘Explain Myself’ to him why I had mentioned him in the first place. He seemed not bothered and said he understood and then behind my back he then went on a rant to say how dare I use his name (how two faced) I was not going to use his name I just wanted to find out why this company was not being PCI compliant and hopefully save someone from having their card cloned. (Why do I have to explain myself to anyone on this planet as a matter of fact?) So now I am not allowed to write what I want on my blogs (which in theory is interfering with my business) just in case it offends anyone (like my daughter’s precious boyfriend). To think I was looking out for him as you should not give out your CVV number out to anyone, this is the thanks I get.

So working from home is extremely difficult and I have had first hand experience with Godaddy the other day when there was a screaming baby in the room of the call handler, it is not only embarrassing but unprofessional but what can you do in these troubled times. The woman I spoke too seemed very flustered as she was not concentrating on me but trying to find a way to quieten the infant down. I was obviously very patient and tried to reassure her that I understood what it is like juggling work in an home/office environment.

What I cannot understand that these Corporate Giants that have so much money they do not know what to do with themselves cannot integrate Chat Online Widgets. It is not hard to do and anyone can login and chat but for some reason like I found out today Google are not taking calls for Adwords or Online Chat. So if you have an urgent matter you have to schedule a call back which can be anything up to five days away, very infuriating. If I have chat widget intergrated and all the businesses I manage have chat what is their excuse?

Online Security (CVV Numbers)

Credit Card Security Data

My dilemma today is online security. After personally being asked for my CVV number when I started a contract with O2 over the phone the other day I am now going to voice my concerns on virtual paper.

If I look at how I collect online payments I use a secure gateway called and both these payment collection services do not allow me to see the customers credit card details let alone their CVV number.

To collect payments I always send an email link where the customer clicks and goes to checkout, this is a more secure way of getting payments and is 100% encrypted.

However to collect payments over the phone in the situation we are in now whilst working from home I think this should not happen and if it does one should not give the CVV number. According to O2 they needed my card to do a credit check, they did not need my CVV number as I was not making a transaction, they just simply wanted to verify who I was yet they asked for it anyway and when I complained they said it was their policy and for me to take it or leave it.

At first I used my main card which has a bit of money on it and quickly thinking I remembered I had a second card with less money on so I used that one instead, but I had a horrible feeling what if my details where cloned/screenshot and used later on perhaps in a few weeks time, how would I expalin to the bank that says never give your pin or your CVV number to anyone. Would I get my money back if my bank account was wiped out overnight because I gave my CVV number out?, I do not think so. In fact an estimated £10 million is mishandled and sensitive client information is leaked across the internet each and every year. The PCI compliant solution ensures that this figure is decreased year on year.

If you are to collect telephone payments you should do it through an encrypted phone line.

So today another company ended on my radar when they phoned a friend of mine for a late payment and wanted to collect payment over the phone and again this company asked for the CVV number( which may I add he did not complain and I took it upon myself to invesitigate further without his knowledge). I thought it was wrong and contacted the company and their response was that it is common practice to ask for the CVV numbers over the phone…… What also was astonishing was that this very same company charged a late payment charge which I would have thought they would waiver considering the situation people are in right now especially as some people like my friend has recently lost his job.

I too have on my terms and conditions and on all my invoices a late payment disclaimer but I only use it as a deterrent and very rarely execute this unless the client is persistently avoiding payment.

So with the present climate am I going to enforce it on my clients who are late paying?, of course I am not, it would be like kicking someone in the teeth when they are down.

I understand if we were working in a normal economy and things were normal, but we are not and we need to be compassionate and think would that charge have gone on food rather than milk the customer dry.

In my opinion I hope the company reimburse my friend any late payments charges as that would be the decent thing to do. Furthermore they should offer my friend smaller re-payments and this goes for every car dealer in the country and insurance company until people start going back to work.

Also what is this £25 insurance refund about, thats insulting to say the least considering cars are not on the roads as much, so the chances of accidents are really slim and most cars are parked outside the residents home so the chances of theft are also remote, hence giving each car owner £25 is laughable but thats another post waiting to be written…….

Do not take advantage of people when they are at their lowest, think that this could happen to you and how would you feel. Just because you are a CEO or Director of a business does not make you invinsible or any different to a consumer.

Treat your customers right and the customers will look after you. Remember it takes years to build a good reputation and minute to ruin one.

My T&C’s has £100 late payment charge but I will not enforce it as I do not believe in taking advantage of people and I would rather help them make smaller payments to bring the account up to date. Besides the government is helping businesses stay afloat so showing empathy and compassion makes you a better person and a better company.

So I have started a ripple effect seeing as I am not associated with this particular company they have now raised a few flags with security data non PCI Compliancy and how they are taking advantage of people with late payments and in this day and age they need businesses like myself to market them to bring them more business.

It is common practice to encrypt calls and if they are not you can report a company to if setting a payment over the phone and one is made to hand over a security number to a total stranger, this is deemed a secuity breach. Simply handing over your CVV number to another human is very risky to the consumer and goes with heavy fines for the company if they are caught taking payments over the phone without being PCI compliant.

If you need to collect a card payment send an email with a link that gets encrypted if you do not want to take payments over the phone. Otherwise ensure you are PCI compliant in order not to risk being fined.

I am not saying everyone is dishonest in this world but it only takes one person to clear out your bank account and they may not neccessarily do it on the same day you spoke with them it could be they hand it over to an accomplice or wait a week or two to cover their tracks.

Businesses should evaluate how they collect payments. If a payment has defaulted try getting the payment again, try at least two times and if after that the payment has not been paid then write an email and a letter saying that the account needs to be brought up to date and offer to help and give options especially if the person has run into a problems paying.

Do not slam late payment charges as the person may be in a vulnerable state and you do not know their circumstances. No one likes being in debt and all it takes a bit of communication and your problems get solved as well as theirs. You get the payment albeit it maybe a smaller amount over a longer period but at least you are helping the individual aswell as yourself. Afterall I would not want it on my conscience if someone did something to themselves just because I was hounding them for money.

  1. Communicate by letter, not everyone likes to talk over the phone.
  2. Give payment options
  3. Consider lowering the payments and collecting them over a longer period.
  4. Do not enforce late payment charges it does not say much about you if you do, especially now with the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic and people who have lost their jobs, their self esteem is not very high right now and they should not be worried about paying bills.
  5. When collecting payments over the phone have a secure encrypted line, did you know that business can be fined if they collect payments over the phone if they are not “PCI Compliant” No business handling payments is exempt from this fine, currently standing at 4% of annual turnover. Ensuring that your business is PCI compliant will stop the 4% fine and any future fines. To read further please go here:

***I am calling on all businesses regardless of the industry you are in, that if you want to take payments over the phone that unless you are PCI Compliant you are risking getting fined.

Do not take that risk and Stay Safe People!

Grocery Supermarkets.

Drivers Without PPE Clothing.

My rant last time about Grocery Supermarkets was about vulnerable people not having deliveries and about cross contamination.

You will be pleased to know my deliveries have been re-instated but wait for this…….The delivery arrived today and my daughter greeted the two delivery men of which one of them coughed straight in her face.


You would think that all drivers should wear gloves and face masks but obviously they do not.

She is now worried about cross contamination and if he is a carrier or not.

Do all the staff get tested on a daily basis?, I do not think so and when they deliver the groceries they should abide by the 2 metre rule but they do not.

So does that mean if my daughter contracts the virus because of this individual that we can then sue the Grocery Supermarket Company?

I hope and pray for their sake it does not come to this and that my daughter is going to be OK.

It seems that I am I banging my head against a brick wall as everyone seems to be behaving like sheep and saying because “Simple Simon Says” they have to follow and not use their own initiatives.

Sheep Immunity – Follow The Leader and not Think For Ourselves….

All I can say is another blog post is heading to the CEO yet again….

Totally unbelievable!!

Faceless – No Empathy Companies

New Profile Image.

Companies that do not have human interaction are cowards if you ask me. Any company offering public services should show they care and have empathy for their customers by having online chat at least.

Companies that are too large for their boots and think they can play God with people should not exist, yet they do. I always think if I was a search engine or social media platform how would I behave. I would have online chat at least. I would obviously prompt people to try and find the answers via the FAQ forum themselves and if after that they still needed to ask a question I would help them.

But these corporate gorilla’s just do not care.

If I offered a public service I would not discriminate in order not to face litigation proceedings against me.

Do not pick an choose who you want to serve.

I refer to my previous post about corporate gorillas who can do what they want with you and if they do not want you to do business with them for whatever reason they will make it extremely difficult for you. Yet if these companies which are owned by the public then they should not discriminate but they do.

So what is this rant over today, well I will tell you, although I do not know why for the life of me why this has happened and cannot get hold of anyone to find out to resolve the issue….

The notification is as follows:

“Your advertising access is restricted • You’re no longer allowed to use Facebook Products to advertise. You can’t run ads, manage advertising assets, or create new ad or business accounts”.

Who the hell do they think they are?

To dictate and to interfere with my business as I manage Facebook Pages for my clients is beyond unbelievable, do not dictate what I should or should not do unless it is a breach of your T&C’s.

If this is not reinstated I will be suing Facebook for loss of business and I welcome any other business having similar problems to also contact me, together we can face these bullies and stand up to them.

Yes you heard me I will be suing Facebook if my advertising is not reinstated.

If you do not like your new image do not be a bully and re-instate my advertising and I may consider taking it down at my sole discretion……….it works both way, see how you like it having an image of you on my blog which depicts who you are in which I have sole control over!!

You can DM me to get my details and ask me to take the image down and
reinstate my advertising or you will be hearing from my lawyers.

Corporate Gorilla Bullies

Corporate Gorilla Bullies.

Imagine having so much power that you can destroy people’s lives. I will not be naming these companies in my text content as it is readable but you will get the gist of whom I am referring to by the first letter of their name.

Gorrilla NO1: Imagine owning a search engine and refusing to take down a search result that is inaccurate with the potential to cause the person harm if it continued to be listed. Well that is what has happened to me and although I would love to spill the beans on this I cannot right now for legal reasons, but I am planning to take Gorilla NO1 (G Search Engine) to the European Court of Human Rights. I was planning physically going to my solicitor before the coranvirus-covid-19 outbreak and was planning on sending some documents. Because of this I cannot meet him physically for him to stamp some documents, but this can wait as it has already caused me damage to my business, so whats another few months waiting, it’s not as if I can fly anywhere anyway. But the people I do not want them to see the search result, may have already done so with them having too much time on their hands right now because of isolation and may be even more so researching and may stumble across the said search result which is inaccurate. I want to simply cry just thinking about it.

Gorilla NO2: Moving on the next Gorilla in the room is (F Social Media) in which I do not use very often for personal use and more so to manage business pages, but never the less innocently I posted a video of a notorious journalist in the UK that seems to be deemed as dangerous for spreading hate crimes. Watching his videos I do not beieve he is what they (Coroparte Bullies and the Deep State) claim him to be but more so a target of the Corporate Bullies whom just want to shut him up. The video was about this very same journalist apprehending some thugs that were coughing and spitting into an elderly couples faces. This I thought was good journalism to show what idiots we have growing up as our next generation. I thought it was good he defended the couple in the video yet (F) sent me a message to me today saying that I had promoted hate crimes and that I could not post anything for 30 days. There was nothing hateful about the video other than the thugs coughing and spitting in the faces of the ederly couple and I certainly was not condoning this with the thugs for sure. Yet (F) who also think they are God can pull the rug from right under you and assumed that I was in same way promoting this evil even though my my caption even stated I was furious at what I had seen and was disgusted by our younger generation whom simply do not have respect for their elders. . What if I want to post something on behalf of my clients business pages they have now actively interfered in my business and when anyone does that I see red and I cannot do it for the next 30 day……totally pathetic if you ask me and the only way I could most probably do anything about this if I was very rich then they would see me in a different light.

Gorillan NO3: It has been going round on the internet that all coronavirus and covid-19 domain names are being blocked. I in fact was brokering such a domain name and had found a buyer this one particular day, set up and after vetting this individual the next day the domain was flagged. The owner was selling t-shirts but now the domain is flagged as a phising site.

I usually post on (F Business Pages) and on (L Social Media for Businesses) where I hangout the most and have noticed that everytime I mentioned the domain name as an example to my other clients the keywords where being highlighted as a warning.

So Gorilla No3, being (L) has started blocking some of my posts one which had a video of ‘David Icke’, apparantly it is rummoured he was spreading fake news, yet I watched his video and he not once metioned anything dergatory, you can search him up on Youtube. Then there was the video of the journalist ‘TR’ and the Coronavirus Domain name that I was actively trying to sell for a genuine entrepreneur, who was selling t-shirts.

What is stopping any individual not that I am encouraging it in the slightest but merely making a point that one could easily make a sub domain with the flagged keywords to spread fake news, if one was that way inclined,? Would that mean Gorilla NO1 will then start blocking all sites that have the flagged keywords in the content aswell?

Surely there is a more transparent way of dealing with this and make an announcement that all of these new flagged domain names should only exist if the user purchases a license similar to the Bitcoin Domain Names some time ago.

My final thoughts on this is that these Corporate Giants do not care if you you can bring food to the table or not, they will do whatever they want with you and everything you write or post about is monitored.


For my own peace of mind I am not re-sharing the videos, you will just have to do your own research, sorry folks, as I know that making waves only causes more problems, so I am tackling each Gorilla one at a time.

I have little respect for companies that do not do their research and assume inacurate information and just simply block you because they can.

There is no freedom of speech anymore and the best part is that these companies are faceless meaning they have done it in a way you cannot just pick up the phone and complain, even going to the lengths of even not allowing to send emails. These companies to me are cowards. With the millions of people unemployed in this world they should have online chat at least. Yet they say they have your best interests at heart, this is complete nonsense, all they care about is making a profit and nothing else.

Boredom – Stuck at Home!

Boredom – Stuck at Home?

Being Stuck at home through no fault of your own and forced to be isolated eventually becomes no fun. If you are fed up of watching films and re-runs and feel that each day is getting longer and more monotonous, why not start a blog or set a website which you can monetise. Having a second income will tide you over whilst your twidling your thumbs waiting for the lockdown to be lifted.

I have just listed some new domain names that came in today on my other blog: but you can browse our extended market of very valuable exact match searchable keyword domain names by visiting: Consider starting a dropshipping business where you do not have to handle the inventory and all you need to do is just list the inventory and do a little bit of work (about 1 -2 hours per day).

We will teach you how to dropship from the comfort of your home and we are currently offering free web design, marketing and seo for the first 3 months and offering to lease any domain name of your choosing providing it is available after a free consultation from us.

You do not have to lay out one single penny and we will start you off.

So what are you waiting for?, do some research on what you want to do, make notes and contact us.

We are waiting to serve you……

Business in Isolation

Securing your business:

An example of business isolation during lockdown may be a driving instructor, electrician, or a factory production company to just name just a few, so what do you do when you are on lockdown and in isolation how do you turn this around? You obviously do not want to lose your customers how do you generate more business and most importantly how do you survive and continue paying your staff that is the big question.

Firstly, the UK Government has grants and loans available that they are giving to businesses in need of help.

Secondly, defer production and explain to your customers situation, be transparent, and in order to secure business further down the line give incentives. I know you may be already finding finances hard but remember you have the business already established, you just need to postpone it for a little while and for new customers give them special offers so that you can secure their business.

Remember keep safe and don’t try to break the rules as you may lose your license or get fined, Sports Direct has already suffered public condemnation for needlessly trying to stay open and pubs who continue to trade in Lockins are liable to have their licenses taken off them.

Conduct daily morning meetings with your workers and give them motivation and inspiration to work. We can become very complacent in our own homes and have distractions that can easily send us astray. Workers need to stay focused and need to have daily tasks set for them with goals they need to achieve and report on.

When you have automatic recurring costs that you charge your customers, consider suspending the costs and giving them credit for future business. Work out your cash flow for the next few months and refrain from spending on unnecessary subscriptions and services, try to minimize your spending and evaluate your overheads as a whole and see where you can cut costs to the minimum. Discuss with your bank your situation and see if they can help you with extended loans or get government grants that can tide you over.

The government is bringing in new measures to assist small businesses, freelancers, and sole traders. Do keep up to speed on what assistance you are able to claim. If you have an accountant speak to them about any financial advice, they can give you, after all that’s what they are there for.

Secure your future:

Going back to the example of say driving instructors offer special offers like book your bulk 40 lessons now and get 6 -10 lessons free with lessons resuming in April for example. I am being optimistic the lockdown will be lifted in April.

Electricians can book your appointment now with work to be carried out in April with no call-out charge only if you use the code: covid19 and book now for example and the offer is only available for advanced bookings.

If you are a production company waive all charges in order to secure your business give incentives that is the key.

The public mindset will be altered over the next year or so, therefore you need to find ways to reassure your customers and give them a reason to use you. Marketing campaigns and advertising are going to be the main factors in order to generate new business. Consider what you need to do in order to drive business. LinkedIn is a good way to start advertising, but you need a lot of connections or know of someone that has a lot of connections. The alternative is to consider pay-per-click advertising such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Sponsor Ads.


***Stay positive. Every crisis eventually passes, position yourself for growth when it does.

#businessisolation #lockdowns #mentalhealth #creativity #incentives #leadgeneration #marketing #digitalmarketing #brandawareness

Working From Home

Transitioning to an Online Business.

What ever you circumstances may be, whether you are a traditional bricks and mortar business selling products and services and have had to transition to working from home, or perhaps you have been recently been laid off here are some hints and tips to get you through these troubling times.

I will first cover traditional businesses that bricks and mortar, i.e shops and offices.

I covered 5 out of the how to in 7 easy steps in another blog I run:

I spoke about setting up an office in your home and how to enable chat online a must for businesses that want to interact with their customers on demand and how to set up online appointment scheduling a video meetings. I also mentioned about e-commerce and payment gateways.

If you are a shop or an office you should follow my 7 easy steps.

  1. Set up an office space in your home where you will not be disturbed
  2. Set up online chat (free)
  3. Set up online appointment scheduling (free)
  4. Set up video conference calls www.8× (free)
  5. Set up payment gateways (all free).
  6. Work the same hours as if you would do normally and speak to your staff and teams by having morning meetings.
  7. Sort out your finances look to see about Government grants to help you pay your staff.

Unemployed or Redundant

For people who have been made redundant or about to loose their jobs I have listed some ideas you can start to do freelancing, obviously most businesses need websites so that people can find you. You can also list your work with directories but for immediate effect a website/blog is the fast way of generating traffic. If you just lost your job the most important things you need to do is 1) Sign On. 2) Contact all your creditors and inform them of late payments or ask to have your payments deferred. Most Creditors are going to be very understanding including banks.

  • Article Writing
  • Graphic Design
  • Proofreading
  • Editing
  • Online Research
  • Programming
  • Copywriting
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Data Entry
  • Spreadsheet Work
  • Virtual Personal Assistant
  • Data Analysis

If you are stuck for ideas just send me a message and I will send you a full list of work you can do with little or no contact with other people.

I wiill aslo be covering how businesses such as electricians, driving instructors etc can get through these difficult times in another post. I believe that staying positive and optimistic will help us conquer this economic disaster.

If however you are out of work and do not want to set up your own business and would rather work for someone then this will be slightly more difficult considering the current climate we are in.

How about if you volunteer your services, businesses will be crying out for people to help them bring in business. You will stand a better chance of being hired and your position to be made permanent.

If you have not got a CV I would recommend downloading free templates from then upload your completed CV to job directories such as or

Finally if your stuck at home and boredom is setting in, why not turn your hobby into a business, if your arty you can sell your stuff on or start writing a book (everyone has a story to tell) or make a photobook of all your cherished memories. There are dozens upon dozens of ideas you can do with your free time.

Remember people with low self esteems, as long as you stay safe and follow the rules and keep yourself busy we will all get through this and if any of my readers just want to have a chat or advice of any kind just message me in the comments below. It does not have to be about business.

***I will only respond to people the genuinely need to have a chat and not anything of the adult nature or dating as your comments will be deleted.

Also one last thing if you need legal advice and are in the Cardiff, Wales area I recommend this firm of solicitors.

Cardiff Solicitors Onine “Dudden Law”.
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February 2025
