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Saliva Cross Contamination of Germs



You would think dealing with the Corona Pandemic was already enough for us to deal with for the rest of our lives but wait for it there is something else lurking on the horizon. In fact, 6 countries have been placed on ‘Urgent Alert’ amidst a new “EBOLA” outbreak.

Ebola kills through organ failure and severe bleeding and is very transmissible through body fluids. During the 2013 to 2016 Ebola outbreak more than 11,000 people died across Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

So what has Saliva and Mail got to do with anything, I hear you cry?

Saliva & Mail.

People send letters and parcels all over the world everyday and yes most parcels and envelopes use postage stamps other than the ones that use franking machines then this does not apply.

What does a person do to seal an envelope or stick a stamp:

So what does a person do when they stick a stamp on an envelope or parcel or seals an envelope?……they use in most cases their own saliva.

Therefore what happens when you have just stuck an envelope down nice and wet or stuck a postage stamp, you have now smeared your germs right across and have successfully contaminated the said item.

How long can germs live on surfaces:

Different Kinds of Surfaces

Metal Examples: doorknobs, jewelry, silverware 5 days

Wood Examples: furniture, decking 4 days

Plastics Examples: milk containers and detergent bottles, subway and bus seats, backpacks, elevator buttons 2 to 3 days

Stainless steel Examples: refrigerators, pots and pans, sinks, some water bottles 2 to 3 days

Cardboard Examples: shipping boxes 24 hours

Copper Examples: pennies, teakettles, cookware 4 hours

Aluminum Examples: soda cans, tin-foil, water bottles 2 to 8 hours  

Glass Examples: drinking glasses, measuring cups, mirrors, windows Up to 5 days

Ceramics Examples: dishes, pottery, mugs 5 days

Paper Examples: mail, newspaper The length of time varies. Some strains of coronavirus live for only a few minutes on paper, while others live for up to 5 days.

Food Examples: takeout, produce. Coronavirus doesn’t seem to spread through food.

Water Coronavirus hasn’t been found in drinking water. If it does get into the water supply, your local water treatment plant filters and disinfects the water, which should kill any germs.

Fabrics Examples: clothes, linens There’s not much research about how long the virus lives on fabric, but it’s probably not as long as on hard surfaces.

Shoes One study tested the shoe soles of medical staff in a Chinese hospital intensive care unit (ICU) and found that half were positive for nucleic acids from the virus. But it’s not clear whether these pieces of the virus cause infection. The hospital’s general ward, which had people with milder cases, was less contaminated than the ICU.

Skin and hair There’s no research yet on exactly how long the virus can live on your skin or hair. Rhinoviruses, which cause colds, survive for hours.

So what is my point to all this?

If people who may not even be aware they are carriers of ANY disease spread their germs and contaminate envelopes and parcels imagine the knock on effect this has on th population. First the parcels and envelopes get picked up and sent to a sorting office where multiple people handle mail. Imagine how many people may get infected simply by that one task alone?

Yes but it is embedded into our brains we must wash our hands frequently, but how many of us actually do? People are not OCD like me may be complacent about touching things and them washing hands. All it takes is for an infected person to touch several surfaces and someone else then gets contaminated. You not only need to clean your hands but everything you come into contact with. Germs live on surfaces for days.

I am a suffered of contamination OCD I have been for over 30 years so I am more aware than anyone about cross contamination and germs and will not touch something that has been touched by someone else without disinfecting the item first. With mail that can be difficult to disinfect, hence I use disposable latex gloves. The same goes with outer packaging of food and toiletries and household products.

You have to think outside the box (no pun intended), the items have been shipped from somewhere before ending up on our shelves, imagine how many people have touched that item before you?

You will never be able to stop any virus from spreading if not enough is done to:

SPREAD “Germ Cross Contamination” AWARENESS to the Masses.

This has to be done with media amplification.

How is Coronavirus is spread?

According to current evidence, the COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes.,%2C%20faeces%20and%20urine.

This means the virus comes from the mouth, from sneezing and coughing and what else is our mouths…..SALIVA!


If you intend on sending mail and have to seal envelopes and postage stamps get a sponge from the kitchen or bathroom and soak it with water, then wipe the envelope or stamps with it, NEVER USE SALIVA.

When handling goods always disinfect outer packaging whenever possible and when handling mail use disposable gloves.

On another note about spreading awareness I for one do not buy tabloids, do not watch terrestrial TV so how can people like myself be alerted of cross contamination? I have an answer social media push notifications.


According to a study conducted early on in the pandemic found the virus lost infectivity on paper within three hours, says Professor Mark Harris, from the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Leeds.

Prof Harris told HuffPost UK it is “highly unlikely” you’d spread Covid by licking an envelope – or catch it by touching an envelope that had been licked. Furthermore, the average time an envelope would probably have spent in a postbox would be no more than three hours waiting to be collected. By the time it’s been through the postal service, three hours will most definitely have passed.

(What about parcels which also have stamps and have to be taken physically to post offices or given to couriers)? sorry but I am not convinced...

“However my thoughts on this are, for example, an elderly person who has a friend, family member, carer or neighbor asks them to post their mail for them they essentially would cross-contaminate”.

Read Other Articles Here On the Subject:

#ebolaoutbreak #coronavirus #pandemic #crosscontamination #saliva #mediaamplification #germawareness #washinghands #disinfectant #ebola #postagestamps #lickingenvelopes #lickingstamps

PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE – Adverse Reactions – Fact Checking.

Covid Vaccine Image

Reporting of Suspected Adverse Reactions Fact-Checking.

To report an adverse reaction to the vaccine please visit:

COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects & Adverse Events (


Official MHRA side effect and adverse incident reporting site for coronavirus treatments and vaccines | Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The side effects of the vaccine are as follows and can be read in the official PDF which you can download here:

Screenshot No 1.

Vaccine Screenshot 2

Fact – Checking


Who are Reuters: Reuters is an international news organization owned by Thomson Reuters. It employs some 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide. Reuters is one of the largest news agencies in the world.

I found the above information on this website which is used by all media globally:

AstraZeneca published its peer-reviewed trial data in the British medical journal The Lancet on Dec. 8 for public scrutiny (reported by Reuters here).

Further Reading{adgroupsurvey}&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5bz-BRD-ARIsABjT4njG3fRywr2ITDzU9BzVcphyUczDeEmp6TUsSKzm9hUtxABCL_6IfTUaAheREALw_wcB

Yellow Card App

You can also download the Yellow Card App:

You can now receive news updates from the MHRA and report side effects to medicines via the Yellow Card app.

At the moment you will need to create a separate account on the app to report. Please download it from the Apple App Store, or Google Play Store.

If you have any comments on the app please contact us.


Vulnerable People Who Have Had:

Vulnerable People who have had Alemtuzumab should get additional medical advice before taking the PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE.

My daughter was treated with the drug Alemtuzuzumab.

Alemtuzumab WAS a medication used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia and multiple sclerosis. On July 3, 2020, Sanofi Genzyme was notified that our Lemtrada Home Phlebotomy Partner, Examination Management Services Inc., (EMSI) has gone out of business.

What Lemtrada warning said:

LEMTRADA can cause serious side effects including:

Serious autoimmune problems: Some people receiving LEMTRADA develop a condition where the immune cells in your body attack other cells or organs in the body (autoimmunity), which can be serious and may cause death. Serious autoimmune problems may include:

  • Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), is a condition of reduced platelet counts in your blood that can cause severe bleeding that may cause life‑threatening problems. Call your healthcare provider (HCP) right away if you have any of the following symptoms: easy bruising; bleeding from a cut that is hard to stop; coughing up blood; heavier menstrual periods than normal; bleeding from your gums or nose that is new or takes longer than usual to stop; small, scattered spots on your skin that are red, pink, or purple
  • Kidney problems called anti‑glomerular basement membrane disease, which, if not treated, can lead to severe kidney damage, kidney failure that needs dialysis, a kidney transplant, or death. Call your HCP right away if you have any of the following symptoms: swelling of your legs or feet; blood in the urine (red or tea‑colored urine); decrease in urine; fatigue; coughing up blood

It is important for patients to have blood and urine tests before they receive, while on treatment, and every month for 4 years or longer after they receive their last LEMTRADA infusion.

See the additional Screenshot of what the PDF says about adverse effects :

Screenshot No 2.

Vaccine Screenshot

***Thoughts From the Editor of this Post.

As with every drug we take there is an element of risk hence that is why we have leaflets inside the packaging about what the drug is and what side effects there are.

As a carer and a concerned mum, it is my duty to know if my daughter should have the vaccine, the following telephone numbers had auto-response messages saying the lines were busy before the calls were disconnected after my daughter tried phoning today.

029 218 36318

029 218 36319

029 218 36323

029 218 36340

We are located in Cardiff UK so hence these are Cardiff Numbers. If you are outside Wales you should look up your local health board in your region.

I advised my daughter to phone 111 and no one could advise her and she was told that someone would phone her back.

Upon further fact checking I personally phoned the secretary of the Professor of Neurology in Cardiff and I explained that my daughter was a patient and the secretary directed me to this site: (The site does not explain anything about my concerns about diminished immune response) I also recited screenshot no 2 with my concerns and was told that all MS patients should have the vaccine although she could not explain what diminished immune response meant:

Immunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the vaccine. No data are available about the concomitant use of immunosuppressants.
As with any vaccine, vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 may not protect all vaccine recipients.

So obviously not leaving any stone unturned and wanting to know what “diminished immune response” meant I found the following information:

Diminished Immune Response Meaning:

A diminished immune response underlies age-related SARS-CoV-2 pathologies – PubMed (

Reading between the lines as I am no expert and I stand corrected if I am wrong, from what I understand my daughter should she decide on having the vaccine today will have her immune system diminished so there is no way for her to fight the virus. Furthermore and I quote: “No data is available about the concomitant use of immunosuppressants – may not protect all vaccine recipients“.

This tells me that it has no been tested on immune suppressant drugs or patients who have had immune suppressants, hence this is open for debate.

Other Links:


To contact Astra Zeneca.

Prescription medicines

For medical enquiries about our products (including questions on how to take your medicine, to report a side effect, or make a complaint regarding one of our medicines), please call our UK-based Medical Information team on 0800 783 0033. Lines are open from Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm. Outside these hours and on bank holidays, an out-of-hours service is available to assist with any urgent enquiries.

Global Headquarters: +44 (0)20 3749 5000
UK Marketing Company (UKMC): 0800 783 0033

(If you are outside the UK please visit the link i have provided above).

To Contact PFIZER.

Call 01304 616161
And ask to speak to the Medical Information team.

To Contact Gates Foundation – Vaccine.

The Oxford Vaccine.

***If you have any concerns do contact the links I have provided or your Local Health Board.

#covid19 #covid #vaccine #oxfordvaccine #pfizer #pfizervaccine #astrazeneca #astrazenecavaccine #lemtrada #diminishedimmuneresponse #ms #multiplesclerosis #immunocompromised #itp #immunosuppressant

Hand Sanitisers

hand Sanitizers Banner

Hand Sanitisers.

Hand sanitizers, love them or hate them, we all have to use them.

Being a sufferer of OCD I have tried and tested my fair share of hand sanitisers in my time. My brain seems to analyze where germs get cross contaminated and I use more hand sanitizer than the average person so I should have some knowledge of which ones work and which ones don’t.

Ultimately my favorite brands are Dettol & Carex and I prefer the aloe vera versions as a personal preference:

When buying hand sanitizer it is best to stick to well-known brands that are regulated by EU Biocides Regulation 528/2012.

There are many fly-by-night sellers on eBay and Etsy that claim that their brands kill germs. I would avoid buying from these retailers at all costs, as most make their own concoctions and sell them under their own labels unregulated.

If a hand sanitizer brand does not have its own website dedicated to the product name I would not buy from them. Anyone can cook something up in their kitchen.

You can never be too careful with germs.

If a company dedicated its time to making a product a household name it will spend money on advertising. If you have never heard of them or you buy an unknown brand from a stall in a market because it is cheap, you have to question what you are putting on your hands.

In hindsight, these brands should be able to prove that the product matches the claims, so if a product makes a certain claim, such as it kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses, then it should fulfill that claim.

Read more: – Which?

However, I have recently received some samples from a company selling ‘Dr. Brown’ Hand Sanitisers. I told them I would give them a review and even though I love the high street brands, I think if there was a shortage of hand sanitizers, I would not hesitate to use this company or if I had a lot of employees I would certainly give them a go.

I received both citrus and lavender.

I found them to be slightly on the runny side rather than gel although there was an element of gel in the composition.

It definitely wafted alcohol and took a couple of seconds to evaporate but once the smell had gone it left a pleasant aroma behind that lingered. My favorite was Lavender out of the two.

Dr.Brown Hand Sanitizer

BCB DR. Brown’s Hand Sanitiser | UK Made, Over 80% Alcohol —

Dr. Browne’s Scented Hand Sanitiser 475ml – Lavender or Lemongrass – BCB International Ltd

Bcb Dr Browns Hand Sanitiser 475ml – 80% Alcohol Denat Hand Gel – Lavender scented – Pump lid – Made in UK, Kills 99.9% of All Germs : Health & Personal Care

To read more about which hand sanitizers have been tried and tested, I would check out the following blog, but again they emphasize Carex & Dettol as the brands to buy:

Final Thoughts:


If you are a Gas or Electrical Engineer DO NOT USE ALCOHOL-BASED FLAMABLE HAND SANITISERS around naked flames or sparks.

The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers has issued a safety alert, stating a build-up of static can create an invisible flame from the ignition source whereby the hand sanitizer on one’s hands can then ignite. It is recommended you wash your hands in hot soapy water to get rid of all traces of hand sanitizer before commencing work. logo


#handsanitiser #personalhygiene #germawareness #ocd #bacteria


January 2025
