Polish Blog www.raczyna.pl
I launched www.raczyna.pl I also own the dot com version of this domain name which I will point to this blog eventually.
This site primarily will be a portal for farmers growing hemp in Poland. It will teach farmers who they need to contact and what they need to do before cultivating the seeds and saplings.
This blog will also connect farmers to international investors.
The site is in its early stages at the moment as I only launched it yesterday.
Rączyna is a village in the South East of Poland near the border of Ukraine. Its district is Gmina Kańczuga, within Przeworsk County, Subcarpathian Voivodeship. It lies approximately 10 kilometers south of Kańczuga, 18 km south of Przeworsk, and 35 km east of the regional capital Rzeszów.

Raczyna map satellite // Poland, Subcarpathian Voivodeship (satellites.pro)
Raczyna Blog
Due to a lack of time developing this project, we regrettably will be closing the blog and will develop a directory on this site where people can advertise and list their businesses in the region of Raczyna.
The domain names www.raczyna.pl and www.raczyna.com will point to the directory.
#raczyna #raczynapl #polska #poland #raczynablog #polskiblog #cbdpoland #konopieraczyna #cbdraczyna #nieruchmosciraczyna #raczynanieruchmosci