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Category: SOCIAL MEDIA (Page 2 of 2)

Persuasive Marketing Strategies Explained

Persuasive Marketing Strategies Explained.

Persuasive Marketing Strategies Explained.

Ever heard the saying “he could sell snow to the Eskimos“, this one happens to be my favorite but there are also others see below.

The meaning is the description of someone who is a clever and persuasive salesperson, such that they could sell something to people who have no need or use for it. As in the case of ‘Belle Delphine’ ‘GameGirl Bath Water’ which is trending right now and how she made $10M selling bath water to her followers. No, I am not going to promote her water 🤣.

(The phrase ‘selling ice to the Eskimo’s alludes to the various indigenous peoples of the traditionally cold, snowy northern circumpolar regions of the globe, who would have no shortage of and or no need to buy) snow or ice. However even Eskimos would not say no to Gelato or Sorbets for dessert, just a thought I wonder 🤔.

Other terms uses for sales techniques are:

  1. Sell ice to the Eskimos
  2. Sell a cape to Superman.
  3. Sell hay to a farmer.
  4. Sell wood to a forest.
  5. Sell religion to the Pope.
  6. Sell underwear to a nudist.
  7. Sell rope to a free climber.
  8. Sell a two-wheeled bike to a unicyclist.
  9. Sell crutches to an Olympic sprinter.
  10. Sell a cage to a lion.

“My take on this is that a web designer contacts a web designer to see if they need help building a website or an internet marketer contacts an internet marketer to see if they need any help with internet marketing”.


There are in fact 41 different types of Marketing of which I will touch on persuasive marketing in this post.

  1. Traditional Marketing
  2. Outbound Marketing
  3. Inbound Marketing
  4. Digital Marketing
  5. Search Engine Marketing
  6. Content Marketing
  7. Social Media Marketing
  8. Video Marketing
  9. Voice Marketing
  10. Email Marketing
  11. Conversational Marketing
  12. Buzz Marketing
  13. Influencer Marketing
  14. Acquisition Marketing
  15. Contextual Marketing
  16. Personalized Marketing
  17. Brand Marketing
  18. Stealth Marketing
  19. Guerrilla Marketing
  20. Native Marketing
  21. Affiliate Marketing
  22. Partner Marketing
  23. Product Marketing
  24. Account-based Marketing
  25. Customer Marketing
  26. Word of Mouth Marketing
  27. Relationship Marketing
  28. User-generated Marketing
  29. Campus Marketing
  30. Proximity Marketing
  31. Event Marketing
  32. Experiential Marketing
  33. Interactive Marketing
  34. Global Marketing
  35. Multicultural Marketing
  36. Informative Marketing
  37. Neuromarketing
  38. Persuasive Marketing
  39. Cause Marketing
  40. Controversial Marketing
  41. Field Marketing

Depending on how you view this if you try and sell a product or service to someone that may not necessarily need it, this is called persuasive emotional marketing, such as Coke Cola for example:



Persuasion marketing is a marketing strategy that manipulates the human mind into thinking they desire the ideology of the product or service that is being marketed. It is the psychology of the power of persuasion that alters our emotions. When advertising companies use this strategy to make the product or service desirable going as far as to seduce the audience into thinking they need it.

‘Belle Delphone’ used her body as a tool to persuade her audience that the water she bathed in was a sexual extension of herself.

Many have criticized that at $22 dollar a bottle, no one in their right mind should have bought it. But people have fetishes and the porn industry is big business, She gained her audience by setting up an ‘only fans’ account where you pay a paid subscription to join and the models show parts of their bodies in exchange for money.

Further Reading:


I remember years ago in Glastonbury Somerset in the UK, Mud being sold on eBay as well as Britney Spears’s hair when she had a meltdown and shaved all her hair off. Glastonbury for everyone that does not know is a town in southwest England. It’s known for its ancient and medieval sites, many rich in myth. Believed to be King Arthur’s burial place.

Providing there is a market you can sell pretty much anything to anyone nowadays if you advertise your product or service well, regardless if it is by traditional methods or digital.

Grow your followers and you will have a platform to sell.

#persuasivemarketing #outboundmarketing #inboundmarketing #digitalmarketing #offlinemarketing #traditionalmarketing #guerrillamarketing #influencermarketing #voice marketing #emailmarketing #brandmarketing #campusmarketing #eventmarketing

Building Social Media Platforms.


I get it no two social media platforms are the same as each other and each cater for different needs. Instagram for Videos and Images, Facebook for your family and friends and LinkedIn for Business.

However even though some of these social media platforms are personal they also have a serious side too and you can advertise on pretty much every platform out there.

However for me and this is the one I primarily use other than Facebook Business pages and maybe on the odd occasion hanging out with my family I have no other use for any of the platforms other than LinkedIn. I rarely tweet I am more about posting articles as you are limited to how much text you can use on Twitter. Besides I have a large following on LinkedIn more so than any other social media platform out there. I would not call myself an influencer as influencers have hundreds of thousands followers compared to me. You never know may be one day I will be just as popular, who knows?

So what annoys me is that the developers do not take into consideration if you make a post on LinkedIn and later want to change the image good luck trying.

Ok I understand that sometimes not everything is possible but one needs to look at what the customer wants. To my annoyance and frustration a post I made today I had to take down on LinkedIn because I wanted to change the image but could not for love or money.

The other pet peeve I have with this platform is they do not have a good variety of emojis, six to be exact. What happens if you disagree why is there no thumbs down or if your angry an angry emoji? (I rarely get angry but do get passionate about debates). So the only other way to add an expression is if you access the platform via the app on your phone and through your keyboard hit the emoji to suit, which is effort some of the time.

Now I can build apps and may actually launch one in future which I have semi developed for a local community and business directory its in beta stage at the moment.

Lots of ideas and lots of opportunities, waiting to happen.

Stay Safe Everyone.

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January 2025
