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How To Reduce Your Energy Usage Home & Business

How To Reduce Your Energy Usage Home & Business

21 Tips On How To Reduce Your Energy Usage In Your Home & Business

I start this post with the concerning price hikes of energy providers it is predicted by experts that the energy price cap, currently at £1,971 a year, could skyrocket to £6,000 next April.

Energy consultancy Auxilione said the cap is expected to reach £3,576 in October, rising to £4,799 in January, and finally hitting £6,089 in April.  Rishi Sunak, has said he would also scrap VAT on energy bills for the next year in a move that would save households around £160 a year.

Poverty Advice.

Now as a consumer £160 is a saving of £13.34 per month which does not sound like much of a saving. ‘Help Is Coming’ To Ease Cost Of Living Pressures, Cabinet Minister Says | HuffPost UK Politics (

Both leadership rivals Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss who are battling it out to be the next Prime Minister do not know the meaning of the words (Poverty & Depression) They have never experienced poverty for themselves nor their entourage on pen pushers and have never had to worry about how to make ends meet and put food on the table or a keep a roof over their heads.

So it seems ironic that they can dictate to the less well-off their mediocre plans to reduce the cost of living and they will study proposals from the Treasury over how to bring bills down for families. Perhaps if they spent more time with real people living in poverty, instead of owing trillions to the EU over Brexit people would not be suffering.

If I could be Prime Minister I would put a wage cap of £1,000,000 after that any money earned would have to be taxed exponentially.

I would not let anyone vote that did not know anything about economics or politics. The ones that were to vote would have to prove they had qualifications, experience, and an IQ. This is why the UK owe trillions to the EU because they allowed everyone to vote over the age of 18 regardless if they finished their GCSEs or not.

Cost of Living Payment £400 or £650 divided by 12 months works out £33.34 to £52.17 per month. So if bills are going to be predicted at £500 per month from next April how is this tiny offering helping families who may be not in poverty now but will be because of this elaborate game of Monopoly?

Don’t Pay Campaign – I DISAGREE WITH THE CAMPAIGN- (Instead Reduce Your Usage).

Yes I know I will have about 113,000 people disagreeing with me at the time this article has gone to press.

But if you don’t pay you will get into debt because you still owe money regardless.

The ONLY WAY to overcome this is to REDUCE YOUR USAGE so that you do not have to pay so much.

Stopping your direct debits without a payment plan in place will cause your account to go to debt recovery.

Debt collectors put their costs on top of recovering the debt and you will be forced to have a smart meter. How Safe Are Smart Meters For Your Health? | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK Not only will you get into debt, but it will also damage your credit rating making it difficult to get credit in the future.

There is currently a campaign going on planned for the 1st of October 2022 Don’t Pay ( to get the consumer to refuse to pay their utility bills and cancel their direct debits.

I disagree with the campaign and I only agree with one thing and that is to stop your Direct Debits and MOVE OVER TO A MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN ( Magnetic Card or Bank transfer) where you can pay at a post office, bank transfer, or via their websites.

I do NOT agree that everyone should stop paying their bills this will be catastrophic and will cause a domino effect. People will get into debt and will have debt collectors chasing them.

Direct Debits were a way to conveniently pay on time and also save you a bit of money paying via this method, according to British Gas you could save up to 7% off the cost of your energy when you pay by Direct Debit (example – 7% on a bill of £100 you would save £7.00) This will be shown as a discount line on your bill. But if they raise their prices you will not be saving anything and having a Direct Debit allows them the take out more money even if you cannot afford it. Don’t Pay (

My Advice.

  1. CONTACT YOUR UTILITY PROVIDERS – and ask them to switch to a magnetic card and pay at a post office or online. Ask them for their bank details if you intend to pay by bank transfer or set up a standing order with your bank where you have control of your bank account.
  2. CANCEL YOUR DIRECT DEBITS ASAP – do not wait until October, but you must change to a payment plan first by contacting your energy provider. They may be insistent you must have a direct debit agreement, do not get intimidated.
  3. REDUCE YOUR USAGE – The less you use the less money they make and their profits will drop. This is the ultimate way to hurt them where it hurts and that is in their pockets.
  4. DO NOT STOP PAYING – continue paying your usual amount.
  5. DO REGULAR METER READINGS – and monitor your usage.
  7. IF THEY REFUSE TO PUT YOU ON A PAYMENT PLAN – Write to them with your proposal of what you intend to pay and on what day of the month.
  8. IF YOU HAVE NO PAYMENT PLAN AND HAVE CANCELLED YOUR DIRECT DEBIT – they may demand all the money you owe in one lump sum. Continue paying your usual affordable monthly payment and contact them again but continue reducing your energy consumption, whilst updating them weekly by phone or email. (The calls are recorded). Keep a note of when you made the call and keep a diary of the conversation. This will come in handy when things start to escalate. They will threaten you with debt collection agencies and will add recovery fees on top of what you owe.
  9. IF THEY THREATEN YOU WITH A DEBT COLLECTION AGENCY – report them to OFGEM (The utility & telecommunication ombudsman), I will add their contact detail towards the end of this article.
  10. CONTACT YOUR GP – There is an article in the news if you are unwell because of the way creditors are behaving you should contact your GP and they can write a prescription letter: Brits could get money off their energy bills by getting a PRESCRIPTION from their GP under radical new plans | The Sun (To be honest I do not know how that would work unless you genuinely were diagnosed with a disability. I use my site to document my health) and encourage anyone facing difficulties to reach out.


This is what the media are saying about not paying your bills which can land you in heaps of trouble: What is ‘Don’t Pay UK’ and what could happen if you refuse to pay soaring energy bills? | ITV News

How might a mass payment strike impact the energy industry?

Hafez Abdo an associate professor at the University of Nottingham Energy Insitute was quoted as saying “Such action may have detrimental consequences on energy companies and supply chains”.

While acknowledging that non-payment would be a means of expressing anger at “unbearable” energy prices, Mr. Abdo explained that some firms might suffer “a severe hit to their cash inflow and this means these companies would not be able to pay for their liabilities and other operating costs”.

“People may lose their jobs and businesses in the supply chain may go bankrupt”.

So although the prospect of all the CEOs of the utility companies losing their jobs sounds promising, the knock-on effect on everyone else would prove detrimental to the energy industry. I believe if everyone reduced their usage drastically this would hurt the energy provider’s profits.


It does not surprise me that ‘Amnesty International has just announced in Breaking News that our ‘Human Rights are being taken away from us by the UK government which by coincidence will be in preparation for ‘Civil Unrest/Disobedience’ the ‘Don’t Pay’ Campaign is going to cause. Home | Amnesty International UK

How To Reduce Your Home Energy Consumption.

Reduce Your Energy Usage – Hit Utility Companies Where It Hurts!

As the alarming energy bills rise, we must find ways to dramatically reduce your fuel consumption and monthly costs.

Winter is around the corner and energy bills are at a record high we need to start preparing to combat the problem and that is not to refuse to pay as that will land you in debt.

Obviously, some of the suggestions in the list only apply to homeowners but for people who rent, you have to make do with what you have and your own resources. for example, none of my windows are double glazed and I’ve been in rented accommodation through a private landlord. Therefore the Landlord should be as much to blame as the utility companies for me using more energy to keep my home warm.

1. Invest in Building insulation, roofing solutions, and draught proofing

Winter-proof your home by installing draught-proofing strips around window frames and door edges. Consumer group Which? suggests using a special inflatable balloon designed to block unused open chimneys and silicone-based filler to fill gaps in floorboards and skirting. (Although this applies to homeowners, landlords should also be made to be responsible to keep your home warm).

COST: Diall self-adhesive draught seal, 98p per meter (; chimney balloon, £18.99 (’ Osmo gap sealer, £10.27 (

If you are a renter and plan to insulate your home yourself, keep a record/receipts of the items you have bought.

Check for leaks and drafts in your building, your premises won’t be energy efficient. Invest in insulation to cut down your energy consumption by 10%. Ceiling insulation is equally important. It is an essential part that helps keep the warmth in during winter and can cool the property in summer. Loft insulation can keep indoors up to a 10c cooler during the summer (this is a homeowner/landlord problem) – I do not have loft insulation.

Certain roof tiles are better at reflecting the sun’s rays, or you can paint a roof with heat reflective paint. This reduces the amount of heat absorbed during the summer months and puts less pressure on cooling devices.

2. Unplug gadgets

Evaluate your gadgets, and refrain from leaving them on standby, especially if they are old. Unplugging could save £55 a year, according to the Energy Savings Trust. Unplug chargers when they are not in use and turn off your TVs, Computers, and Gaming Consoles.


COST: -Free

3. Swap your lightbulbs

Swap your lightbulbs to LED lightbulbs to save around £180 per year. My landing is usually quite dark living in a top-floor flat and up until the price hikes I used to have my landing light on 24/7 I have now changed my habits and only have it on at night using LED bulbs.

Switch to one of the following:

  • Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)

When possible, replace incandescent lamps with CFLs. Make sure you install compatible dimming technology if there is already a dimming system in place.

  • T8 (if your office lights use fluorescent T12)

When fluorescent T-12 lamps need replacing you have the option to switch to T-8 lamps and change from magnetic ballast to electronic.

  • Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

LED lights are your best choice – they use up to 75% less energy and they last 25 years longer than standard bulbs.

COST: Around £3 per bulb.

4. Defrost Freezer

My fridge freezer is on its way out. In the past, my landlord being the cheap skate always bought second-hand white goods so I replaced the appliance whenever I could afford to. I would much rather wait to buy a brand new fridge freezer than have something that will break every few months.

Your fridge-freezer costs on average £115 to run, but you can cut this down by defrosting food in your fridge to help cool your fridge temperature down. Don’t put hot food in the fridge or freezer. Let it cool down first. Don’t let ice build-up, as this makes freezers less efficient

(This is a problem for me as one of the trays has completely frosted over).

COST – Free

5. Insulate your loft

This is for the homeowner and your landlord to do (but if your landlord does not like to spend money he is not obliged to insulate anything in your home and it is up to you to claim compensation when you leave the property. Keep a record of your costs and how much money you could have saved by obtaining an energy efficiency report. Off the top of my head, they are around £40 but I could be wrong (Do your research). Getting your loft insulated saves up to £ 135 a year according to Which? Make sure it is at least 270mm thick for optimum impact. This will make your loft colder so, at the same time, insulate any water pipes up there. (This is a homeowner/property owner or landlord problem).

COST: Between £400 and £600 according to, significantly less if you do it yourself.

6. Reflect heat

If you plan to use radiators this winter consider fitting reflector panels behind radiators on uninsulated external walls will keep your room warmer and could save you around £25 a year, said Joanna O’Loan, knowledge manager at the Energy Saving Trust.

COST: £7.59 for 1.88 sq m (

Screwfix has reflector panels for sale for £7.59 

I have noticed that gas is costing more than electricity, so this winter I will not be putting my central heating on and will use oil-filled electric radiators Last year for three months straight I would have my central heating on 24/7, my usage is drastically going to change this winter coming. I will only be using the radiators when it is extremely cold. I plan to wear multiple layers of thermal clothing and thermal wear socks in bed. I have an existing issue going on with my gas energy provider so I begrudge giving them any more money than I have to.

7. Heat only what you need

Save hot water by not washing up every five minutes let your dishes pile up (not too much, though), and use a plug in your sink or a washing-up bowl.

COST: Recycled plastic washing-up bowl, £4 (

Air dry clothes

Hang washing out to dry (or on the radiator in winter) rather than using a power-guzzling tumble dryer. A tumble dryer costs £105 (based on 148 cycles per year) to run. (I have a washer/dryer and wash once a week, so if I wash on average once a week rounded off to 50 cycles will cost about £30 per annum, I have just saved £70 per year).

COST: Free, if you hang out your clothing to air dry.

8. Be savvy with appliance use

Cookers – I wanted to have an electric cooker when I bought the appliance only to find out later that I needed a special connection plug and thought my landlord would moan about the added expense so I settled for Gas, which now is costing an arm and a leg to run. I have reduced my cooking to 10 -12 days a month the rest of the time I have sandwiches, salads, and ready-made meals which can be heated in a microwave. Electric hobs cost £85 per year, versus £60 for an electric oven (based on 135 uses), so theoretically baking is cheaper than cooking on a hob. Consider ready-made meals which you can heat up in a microwave. You can also cook jacket potatoes and other recipes, it does not all have to be ready-made. Microwave Cookbook 365: Enjoy 365 Days With Amazing Microwave Recipes In Your Own Microwave Cookbook!

Dishwashers – cost £55 for 135 uses, and should only be run when full. Use your hands and wash up in the sink.

Kettles – boiled 1,524 times in a year will cost £48. Reduce this by only boiling the amount of water you actually need. I used to drink hot drinks like coffee until I discovered energy drinks so I very rarely use the kettle unless I am boiling water for ramen noodles. There are plenty of alternatives to boiling the kettle every five minutes.

COST: Free.

9. Get smart with tech

Smart Thermostat

Most new versions of combi boilers come with a control that can regulate every room. If you do not have a state-of-the-art combi boiler you can consider investing in a smart thermostat that allows you to operate your heating remotely, so you can adjust it depending on the weather and your plans.

Smart thermostats are must-haves for all homes and businesses. Thanks to innovative mobile and web applications, motion sensors, and usage monitoring features, a smart thermostat can help you regulate the temperature with minimal effort or errors. Some are programmable and can automatically adjust temperature settings based on the time of the day and day of the week.

COST: This depends on what kind of radiator valves you have, but a smart thermostat costs around £225, including installation, according to

10. Upgrade your heating

Running your boiler accounts for around half of your energy use. If you’ve got an old boiler you could save around £195 per year by upgrading to an A-rated condensing boiler. (Check out energy grants to help with keeping your home warmer especially if you are vulnerable and have disabilities), even if you are renting your landlord will be over the moon if you are entitled to upgrades.

Turning down the temperature on your combi boiler and in your rooms can cut your gas bill by six to eight percent according to research by the Heating and Hot Water Council. Most boilers are set to provide water to radiators and taps at around 80°C – by turning it down to 70°C to save.

COST: Around £2,000.

11. Choose showers

Showering saves water and also saves money by running a hot bath. The Energy Saving Trust estimates that swapping a weekly bath with a four-minute shower will save £35 per person per year. A water-saving shower head will reduce the amount of hot water you use by adjusting the flow and spray pattern of water.

COST: Hansgrohe Crometta 85 Eco Shower Handset, £32.99 (

12. Microwave on

Cooking in a microwave is the cheaper option especially if you buy ready meals.

There are plenty of cookbooks you can buy where you can cook from scratch: : microwave cook books

Microwaves are cheaper to run than cookers and hobs, said Joanna O’Loan, knowledge manager at the Energy Saving Trust. Use it for anything that is slow to cook, for example, baked potatoes and risotto. Nigella Lawson famously uses her ‘meekro-wav-ay’ to make colcannon while Jamie Oliver has a nifty recipe for a microwaved steamed pudding that would help with insulating your tummy.

COST: Beko 20L Solo Microwave, £64.97 (

13. Fit solar panels

Generating your own power is the most drastic option for energy savers, reducing bills by up to £ 400 per year. (£400 x 24 years =£9,600 would be how much I could have saved had I had solar panels. Solar power was invented in 1839 by French physicist Edmond Becquerel at the tender age of 19. Who Invented Solar Power? The Story of How & Who Discovered Solar Power

Solar panels work best on south-facing roofs, which are not shaded during the day and you will need expert advice to check if your home is suitable, and what kind of panels you will need (start by checking out:

If you do install solar panels you may be able to export the power you don’t use back to the grid, and get paid for it – the Energy Saving Trust estimates that typical earnings would come in at £80 to £110 per year. On this basis breaking even will take around 14 years, but in the current climate solar panels are turning into a real selling point if you are considering moving home.

Solar panels are a smart long-term strategy to save on energy costs and ensure that the energy used in your business is clean and renewable. Solar panels may have an expensive upfront cost but will recover that over several years. Once installed there are few maintenance issues and they will start to bring down your monthly energy bill.

COST: An average of £6,500 according to

14. Look for efficiency

Avoid buying second-hand white goods, you will not know for certain how much money you may be wasting. If you intend on buying a new washing machine go for an energy-efficient model to save. Which? the research found that different models running costs vary from £15 per year to £70. recommends the Haier HW80-B1439N 8kg washing machine for its combination of good value and low energy consumption. I personally would go for a brand I have heard of. My washer/dryer is an Indesit and I pay a monthly breakdown cover which costs me £5.00 per month.

COST: £399 (

15. Wash at 30°C

Whatever model you have don’t run half-empty machines, wait until you have a full load. Washing clothes at 30°C instead of 40°C can save you around £9 a year.

COST: Free.

16. Go for Double Glazing

Double glazing is a job for homeowners and landlords, switching over from single to A-rated double glazing should save up to £110 per year. (£110 x 24 years = £2,640 that I could have saved over the years had I had double-glazed windows, the flat below me was fitted out but mine never was even though I have the longest tenant). An alternative to double-glazed windows on a budget is:

WINDOW FILM – The number one choice when you’re deciding how to insulate windows, whether you’re planning garage insulation or insulation in a shed, is window film. Made from plastic, window film is easy to apply and comes in a kit that generally includes the film and tape for the window. 

BUBBLE WRAP – is a good way to insulate a window if a warmer home is an urgent requirement. We have to admit that it’s not going to help any with the view, though.

USE CAULK – To insulate windows effectively, you may need to use a combination of methods for the best results. So, if you can feel a draft coming through the window before you apply the plastic film, try using caulk to seal the gaps.

HANG INSULATING CURTAINS – Hanging insulating curtains at the window can also help with insulation. This can be a solution you use after caulking and/or weatherstripping, and combined with the use of window film or bubble wrap.

COST: £200 to £700 per window according to

17. Air Conditioning

Planting trees outside of your office building can provide shade and keep the building cool during summer. Trees can also purify the air and create a much healthier home environment for your employees, this will reduce your air conditioning and air cooling costs if you are on a commercial property. Alternatively depending on where your home or business’s premises are located, you should consider covering up the windows with blinds. This stops direct sunlight from entering and heating the building. These can be particularly helpful on south-facing windows.

18. Invest in cogeneration systems

In large facilities, cogeneration energy systems – also known as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems – can recover waste heat from on-site generators and transform it into water and space heating.

19. Consider smart design elements

Whether you are a business and looking for premises or you are an architect planning on building a custom commercial property, you should consider energy-smart design elements such as reflective outside mirrors and rooftop green areas.

20. Shut off unused areas of the premises

If your business premises are extensive, consider shutting down a whole area and carrying out the work in just a portion of the building. This won’t just reduce running costs, it can also optimize operations.

21. Avoid buying secondhand

Every time your equipment, machinery, or system breaks down, see it as an opportunity to invest in better, more energy-efficient alternatives. If you have a piece of equipment that breaks down think of the repair costs and whether would it be better to trade in for a newer model rather than trying to fix things? The cheapest option is to buy a breakdown cover that way you will not get charged for callouts or repairs and if they cannot fix it they will replace it. Buying a breakdown cover is better than having to find a large wad of money to buy new equipment. This might seem an unnecessary cost at first, but you will be able to count on more efficient tools that will last longer.


62 Tips to Reduce Energy Consumption in your Business (

Why thousands are joining the ‘Don’t Pay Campaign’ as energy prices rise | ITV News Central

More than 100,000 people join Don’t Pay UK in protest against energy price rises | UK cost of living crisis | The Guardian

Dont Pay UK: Movement gains support as BP reveal record profits (


Be prepared for energy prices to soar to £6,000 from April next year. Start making changes and avoid getting yourself into debt.

I have compiled a list of useful links on my other site. I have also included OFGEM energy and telecommunications ombudsman details, plus many links to financial support & charities. USEFUL LINKS | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK





Energy Ombudsman complaints form or call 0330 440 1624

British Gas complaints.


You can do one of the following:

  • Fill in an online form
  • Online Chat
  • Phone: 0333 202 9532
  • Email Customer Complaints at: (This fell on deaf ears, just saying).

Remember to keep a log of all phone calls you make, emails you send and ask for copies of transcripts if you are on online chat, and any phone calls you make.

Just beware that ‘British Gas’ online chat says they send out transcripts of your conversations but in reality, they do not so screenshot your conversations.

Do not be intimidated by any of your energy suppliers, they may use bully tactics and tell you the only way you can have a payment plan is if you have a Direct Debit (this actually happened to me so I reported them to the ombudsman) You have every right for them to move you to a magnetic card payment plan whereby you can go to the post office or pay by bank transfer, standing order or online via their websites.

Do cancel your direct debits asap after you have communicated with your energy supplier. If you continue with a Direct Debit you essentially give the energy supplier a license to increase the payments and take money out of your account which you may not be able to cover.

Be in control of your bank account and do not let your bank account control you. Not having enough money to cover your direct debit will incur bank charges of up to £30 which will start getting you in debt.

If you cancel your direct debit without a payment plan in place they will send your account to debt recovery where the debt collectors put a charge for collection on top of your bill. Always communicate with the energy supplier even if it means phoning them every single day.

Finally, reduce your usage (this is super important, have takeaways or ready-made meals or as I do, sandwiches, salads, takeaways or ramen noodles – I have managed to reduce my Gas to £30 pm.

They rely on profits and if everyone used less energy the less money they make!

Switchd (Utility Switching Service)

Utility Switching Service!

Energy prices are rising this April and we need to see if our current provider is giving us the best possible price and tariff. With Switchd you can compare the market and save yourself money.

Switchd is an energy switching service that not only switches to the whole market but manages switches for you. With one quick sign-up, Switchd will switch you every 6-9 months to ensure you are always on the best energy deal. By signing up to Switchd all the hassle of checking your energy deal disappears, with a UK-based team on hand to monitor the switch and ensure everything goes ahead smoothly.

Why join Switchd?

There are some people in the UK who religiously visit price comparison sites to check they are on the best energy deal then switch when the time is right. But that is the vast minority. For most of us, switching is a hassle, it’s time-consuming and we never get round to it. However, in doing so customers across the UK are losing £100s of pounds each year. If this sounds like you, Switchd is the answer. Signing up to Switchd means you’ll be on the best energy deal without having to visit a price comparison site again. They initiate and monitor all switches, have a friendly UK team to help, and switch to the whole market.

What do I have to do? What about direct debits?

They manage the entire switching process for you. Direct debits are transferred between suppliers automatically, online accounts are set up, meter numbers are checked. The only thing that is helpful is giving meter readings to give the best understanding of your usage, but even that is not essential.

What does the whole of the market mean?

Price comparison sites do not switch you to the whole market, they switch you to deals where they get paid a commission. But this means you as the customer lose out on over £100 a year. At Switchd we switch to the whole market for you, taking a small fee that is vastly outweighed by the increased saving.

Do I still have control?

With each switch, you always have 14 days to cancel. Importantly we’ve also built a range of features to give you full control. Perhaps you always want to be on a green tariff, never want to pay an exit fee, only want to switch when the saving is over £100, want to exclude certain suppliers you’ve had a bad experience with before. With Switchd you can sign in to your dashboard at any time and adjust your settings to get the right switch for you.

Sounds good, how do I sign up?

All you need is the tariff you are currently on and an idea of your usage (this can come from your bill, how much you spend each month, or the number of bedrooms in your house). Coupled with some of your personal information we can get going on saving you money hassle-free. The whole sign-up process takes around 5 minutes.


  • United Kingdom


#lowerutilitybills #pricerises #gasprices #gaspriceincrease #switchenergyprovider #switchd #energyprovider

Welsh Water (Dwr Cymru) Threatening Letter

It has come to my attention today a letter that has been lying in the hallway for about a week and not addressed to me personally but addressed to the house with a header title ‘Water Leak‘ in the window of the envelope, which was theoretically meant for the flat below me as they had a leak about a month ago. So with seeing the header title I left the letter assuming it must have been for the tenants downstairs.

So what has changed well the letter was opened not by me may I add or my daughter and was left in the corridor for all to see. I have for convenience sake added the letter into this post.

Now if you go back about a month Welsh Water did come and visit the property and cut off the mains water supply to both properties yet the leak was not my leak but a leak from downstairs in one of the bedrooms.

Obviously this angered me as the water supply is for two seperate properties within one property and I have my own water bill.

So you can understand my distain when I read a letter that is not addressed to me personally as both flats pay for water seperately and because Welsh Water had visited the property and had found the leak you would think they would in their corresspondence contact my landlord through ‘Rent Smart Wales‘ or contact the tenants directly.

For some reason I think this is a scam and when I phoned the number it went to O2 voicemail.

Furthermore they say they have attempted to visit and contact the property owner/occupiers on several occassions. I have surveillance security cameras fitted outside the front door and no one came to visit I can assure them of that. So on top of the threatening letter they also lie through their teeth.

The leak has nothing to do with me I am a seperate tenant and the date to make contact with them has surpassed. Its only a matter of time before my landlord gets wind if this or Welsh Water cut off my water supply (bring it on, let a law suit begin if they waste my time).

I have written about these blue chip companies before that do not take into consideration people’s mental state of health and have no empathy what so ever. Receiving a ‘Nasty Letter‘ only makes matters worse. (My mental state has already worsened as now I am anxious about their next move and am worried they may cut me off even though it has nothing to do with me). I am now having trouble focusing, yet another obstacle thrown my way.

Its not my job to do their job and contact the landlord seeing as the water leak was not in my flat and the letter was not even addressed to me.

As far as I am concerned the leak has been fixed and the tenant would have said something as her latest update was for a replacement carpet that my landlord had promised her and she is still waiting for it to materialise.

So as always I also look on the internet to see if these blue chip companies have had other complaints and found this:

If you believe you are the victim of financial wrongdoing, write to Tony Hetherington at Financial Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TS or email

Because of the high volume of enquiries, personal replies cannot be given. Please send only copies of original documents, which we regret cannot be returned.

I also came across this from ‘Wales Online’:

I will back my landlord up if he gets any s#@t from them. There is absolutely no excuse to not do their job properly regardig if there is a pandemic or not.

Final Foot Note: This is for all home owners if there is a water leak, it should be up to the water suppier to fix the leak and not the home owner. If the water supplier has corroded old mains pipes that spring leaks surely it is not the home owners responsibility to fix the problem? Afterall a water supplier cannot just supply you water until they can see that the water pipes are good working order. If you built the house yourself and laid down your own pipes that would be a different story as you would be responsible for your own pipes. But if it is a mains problem then it should be the water supplier that should foot the bill and not you.

I am merely a tenant that lives upstairs so I should not be held responsible for the water pipes or the leak that did not even come from my flat. Yet the letter was not addressed to anyone in particular just the occupier. Yet the occupier of the original leak was my neighbour and Welsh Water have threatened to cut off the water supply to the whole building rather than to just one flat. Since when am I tangled up in the S@#t when its not even my own fault.

WELSH WATER (DWRCYMRU) do your job properly!!!!!!…..

Update 22/09/20

I managed to get hold of Welsh Water via Facebook Messenger and explained that they need to get hold of the tenant below me and the landlord and address the letters properly.

I also explained that I was feeling unwell because of their incompetence and their reply was “Im sorry for the letter causing you stress” (I’M SORRY) is not going to put food on the table in which I rightly told them so.

Yet wait for this they have asked me to forward the letter to my landlord. “I’m Sorry” but the last time I looked I charge for this service and have literally received another message from them in which I told them what I have told you.

I will not give my landlords name due to Data Protection and told them to find out his name themselves via Rent Smart Wales or the Land Registry or simply write a letter to the occupiers of the flat below me and ask them to pass the letter on.

My landlord has fixed the leak so why are they sending threatening letters?

I will update further if this escalates into something.

NPower Electricity Bullies


NPower Bullies

My dilemma starts with the fact that I live in a top floor flat, I have lived at this property for about 25 years. Now the problem I have is the electricity meter is not situated in my property it is in another resident’s property below me on the ground floor. In all the time I have lived here I have never had such an intimidating letter from any utility provider and have managed to get by all these years until now.

I have no access to this property on the ground floor.

So with various telephone conversations I have had over different issues with ‘Npower’, I have explained when asked for a meter reading over the phone the situation I am in and I was lead to believe that the people I have spoken with, would have taken note of this and put it on their system. My recommendation was for them to contact the residents of the ground floor flat and ask for a meter reading for my property. Which obviously they have not and have simply sent me a threatening letter instead.

I was also told that a smart meter would be installed, and I refused on the grounds that I may not use ‘NPower’ as my supplier indefinitely plus the fact that these smart meters can spy on you (Read the articles below):

So obviously this has gone on deaf ears as I have had a letter (SEE BELOW) come through the post threatening me.

NPower Threatening Letter.

Now in my defence I have never had any letters or cards reminding me, as I always respond no matter how ugly things can get and obviously this is a threatening letter which I am not taking kindly to and will retaliate as I have rights.

So even if I ignored the letter and did nothing and they gained entry by force they would not find a meter in my property. I am laughing out loud as the lawsuit I would slap on them would cause a significant indent in their revenue. Obviously they do not know who I am lol or what I can do.

I therefore can already hear you ask so how will I be able to get a meter reading, the easiest answer is to ask my neighbour which is not always at home or I may be too busy with work to even see her.

Therefore if ‘Npower’ used their ‘brain‘ they you would think they would write a nice letter to my neighbour asking for a meter reading, instead of sending out a nasty threatening letter which I will show to all my connection on all social media platforms just to give them a taste of their own medicine. They say it takes years to build a good reputation and minutes to destroy one…..

Do I have to resort to recording my telephone conversations from now on, as they so rightly do for training and security purposes? Of course, I will be, seeing as during the day I work and am using my business phones. So, two can play at that game.

My answer is ‘DO NOT THREATEN ME”……………… ever !!!!!

I do not owe you any money I am in credit as you can see below and am happy paying my estimated bill, although am curious that seeing as I have not had a meter reading for some time now, how my payments have jumped by an extra £10 per month yet I have not changed my routine in anyway or added any extra devices.

Obviusly the CEO Paul Coffey of NPower needs to get his bonus and pay for his luxury home I suppose with this under-handed threats, whom I will be tagging on Linkedin.

My Linkedin profile just in case ‘NPower’ reads this is:

NPower Harrasing Customers.

I have not been harassed but I have been intimidated and threatened so I will document everything so that if this gets out of hand and I get any unexpected visitors or my home gets broken into I will be able to take legal action.

Customers that have been harassed by Npower and got into the newspapers:

With regards to installing a smart meter in your home, the things you should know.

Can I still switch suppliers with a smart meter?

In the short term, getting a first-generation smart meter could be a barrier to switching suppliers.

This is because first-generation meters don’t yet connect to the central wireless network, called the Data Communication Company (DCC).

So, if you get a first-generation smart meter installed and you want to switch to a supplier that doesn’t support your smart meter, you may find that the ‘smart’ functionality of your meter no longer works. 

If this happens, you’d have to take manual readings again, like you would if you had a traditional meter.

At some point during the roll-out before the 2020 target deadline, many first-generation smart meters will be remotely connected to the DCC network.

When this happens, you wouldn’t have to do anything – it wouldn’t require a visit from a technician.

But a third of first-generation meters will need a different solution – and this hasn’t been developed yet.

Ultimately, if you have a first-generation smart meter that doesn’t connect to the wireless network, you’ll need to have it replaced.

Energy suppliers installing smart meters should tell you if you might lose meter functionality when changing supplier.

You can read the full report here:

I will not be held hostage to a company that I believe I should change because of their lack of customer care.

I will NOT RECOMMEND Npower to anyone Residential or Business.

** Warning…..


Trust Pilot Reviews, I have not made one as yet, will mine be the one that will break the straw of the camels back?

npower trustpilot reviews (bad)

If I had that many bad reviews I would hold my head in shame and possibly call it a day.

I will be sending an official letter to ‘npower’ with a follow up phone call and will be linking this post to them.

Will let you know what they say….


I sent them an email with an attachment official letter of complaint yesterday and an updated meter reading and this is what I received from them by email today………..

“Thank you for contacting us recently. We’re sorry you had to bring this matter to our attention. We’ve now assigned your complaint to a dedicated Case Handler who will keep you informed of progress and endeavour to resolve your case. We aim to resolve your complaint within 28 working days, however should you have any questions please contact us, using the details opposite. It’s important that you continue to pay for your ongoing energy use while we work to resolve your complaint so that you keep your account up to date. If you’d like to know more about how we deal with complaints you can download a copy of our complaints procedure from our website or call us on the number opposite to request a copy in the post, free of charge”.

So my question is why does it take 28 days to respond? They have more than one person working there surely?, but from their bad reviews on Trust-pilot I suppose I need to allow them time to answer to me. What are they insinuating? suggesting for me to continue with my payments? are they planning to disconnect me? If I were them I would prioritise the more urgent complaints and employ contractual workers to sort out the complaints quickly. I would respond in less than 7 days and not keep someone hanging on for 28 days. I can already see they have bad management and they need to re-think how to respond to people quickly. Will just have to wait it out……..


March 2025
