Lack of Motivation.
Do you get that feeling somedays when you wonder about the meaning of life and why things are going slow or not going right for you at all. Do you sometimes wish you could stay in bed and let the world pass you by?
I am not the type of person that could stay in bed all day sleeping or doing nothing but I do have low moments which spurred me to write a post on my blog “Disabled Entrepreneur”.
Today I was lacking motivation. I really did not want to do anything other than binge watch movies and comfort eat, but some how got round to writing two motivational posts.
People of all walks of life have problems and may not feel up to par, that is why I wrote this post to give people incentives.
I know a lot of people are struggling right now with their mental health. Some may have lost their jobs or may be confined to their homes alone, some may be grieving. Any one of these factors can trigger depression.

You have to know you are not alone and there are people out there you can talk to. If you are feeling alone you can talk to a friend, family member or neighbour. You can even join online group chats and forums but if you feel none of these options are suitable you can also call the Samaritans on 116 123
To be honest I have my own demons I wrestle with but most days I can keep them at bay and bury them under a work load of paperwork. Occasionally they rear their ugly heads and its at those moments that I get deflated, which isn’t often. I always make sure I have plenty to do.
I hope you find my advice useful: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/lack-of-motivation
Remember you have to train your brain to think differently. If you are procrastinating you will never succeed.
You need to find the courange to let go of what is holding you back and move on. You may think what do I know, well let me tell you, I am still grieving a decade later but I know feeling sorry for myself is not going to get me anywhere so I push myself to carry on.
I do not rely on anyone to help me or motivate me. I motivate myself. My mind & body is my temple and I worship it.
You are in control of your own destiny.
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