I have dabbled with affiliate marketing before and although I did start to make some money I pulled the plug on the project as I was not making enough to make it time worthy.
Since pulling the plug on my earlier project, as you know I have recently launched a community hub and local business directory www.roathlife.com and have started adding Amazon Associate affiliate links throughout the website. The categories are time consuming and I envisage uploading all the categories before the end of November 2020 in which by that time I plan to do PPC advertising to get more visitors. I am not using any fancy software and am manually listing all the businesses one by one. So for me affiliate marketing is still in the early stages as I have to be careful where I advertise. Where applicable depending on the niche I am promoting I will use my blogs to also promote advertisers links. You will see I have used Amazon Associates most recently on this site and also on my sister sites.
With that said Amazon Associates give you 180 days to get two clicks before they deactivate your account. They only give the person that clicks on your Amazon Link or Banner 24 hours to purchase something. The commissions are really low so if you are thinking of becoming a millionaire this way you can think again. They do have an Influencer page which I have not joined yet but no doubt I will sooner or later.
Another way to do affiliate marketing is to list other people’s products from www.clickbank.com they are an US company but you can join and become an affiliate in most palces around the world. There are some restrictions with some countires but I have had no problem joining even though I am from the UK. With Clickbank you do not need your own website you just promte the links on classified ads like craiglist.com, cardifffreeads.co.uk or gumtree.co.uk to name a few.
I am very sceptical about the affiliate marketers that claim they are millionaires through affiliate marketing and if that were true I would be one by now 🙂
However there is no harm in trying if it is not going to cost you anything.
With Amazon Associates you need a website to show them before you can start marketing their links. The click through ratio is 1-2% so if you have 1000 clicks to your add you should have 10 -20 people that should buy something or convert into a sale.
Here is an example of a guy called ‘John Crestani’ who teaches you for free Affiliate Marketing: https://ff13fyklcud4cm8e6kb74y3m9l.hop.clickbank.net/?cbpage=adv1
You could also try your hand with Google Adsense. Do your research and try to find high ticket affiliate programs where you get paid more for doing the same amount of work.
Most companies you will find nowadays have some sort of affiliate program if you scroll to the bottom of their footers or you search for the keywords “company affiliate program”.
I will no doubt be doing another post on this subject shortly.
But for now I am signing off to re-charge my batteries.
If you get stuck or unsure of something just send me a message.
I also forgot to mention I am also subscribed to: