Schools in Wales on Lockdown again.
I wrote an article a few days ago about my concerns how one particular college in Cardiff is being complacent about the fact of social distancing and the further I try to make my point heard the more silence I get.
I firstly contacted my local M.P on Facebook, by email and on LinkedIn as well as her office and you would think considering I have on average about 1000 emails and manage to mark the ones for reply and usually replying the same day you would think that there would be no excuse for her to acknowledge my messages. Yet my daughter also had the same problem with her tutor who abruptly said that she was a busy women and could not reply to everyone.
Obviously if an email have been marked as urgent one should not ignore it, so spare me your lame excuses why you cannot reply. Absolutely no excuse what so ever not to reply to an urgent email.
My daughter knows how many emails I read on a daily basis and how many inboxes I have open, yet I manage to reply to everyone that needs replying to.
So seeing as I thought I had exhausted all my options trying to contact my MP, my daughter and I tried contacting the local council whom said they could not help and for my daughter to phone the Welsh Government. After being put on hold for about 20 minutes on a 0300 number my daughter spoke to someone who also said they could not help and transferred her to another line which went to voice mail.
Not giving up I also decided to write and email to the Welsh Government and also to the Head of the College. Usually when you write an email to the council you get an auto-responder message saying they have received your email and someone will be getting back to you, so it is slightly concerning that I have not had an auto-responder message from the Welsh Government.
Obviously I am not the type of person to give up and will not leave any stone unturned, hence I will start sharing my findings across the internet if I do not get a satisfactory conclusion.
It has been surveyed that 86% of parents living in Cardiff UK are unsatisfied with school support over lock-down. https://newsfromwales.co.uk/news/86-of-cardiff-parents-unsatisfied-with-school-support-over-lockdown/
Why does that no surprise me. Its the people that work in Government at the very top in Houses of Parliament that need to address the issues concerned and pass it down across all networks. But if there are grey areas this only spells a recipe for disaster.
There have been 9 schools in Wales that have gone on Lock-down as of today, which is very concerning considering the experts say younger children have better immune systems than adults yet the problem is now in schools. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/coronavirus-schoolhttps://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/coronavirus-schools-lockdown-cases-covid-18889614s-lockdown-cases-covid-18889614
So what does this say if colleges do not have to maintain social distancing as quoted by my daughter’s tutor. What about cross contamination and students do not have to wear masks in class only in the foyers. One cannot make up rules as you go along as someone showing no signs in a classroom of the virus could be a carrier and could spread the virus to his/her class mates.
If Universities in Cardiff have to have Covid-19 tests done this should apply to every student of every age group regardless if it is high School, Sixth Form or College.
So my daughter’s life is at risk and I am getting anxious for her health well being as I do not seem to be getting any answers.
I will update you if I get any news.
As this afternoon has progressed I sent an instant message to the https://www.facebook.com/PublicHealthWales/ after my daughter said they have time to post things on Facebook but have no one to answer her concerns.
Since doing some more digging I have found the contact detail for Health Secretary Matt Hancock and also the Minister of Health & Social Services in Wales Vaughan Gething, these will be the next people who I will be emailing especially when according to ‘London Loves Business’ https://londonlovesbusiness.com/break-the-rules-and-risk-a-second-wave-young-people-warned/ UK Health Secretary warned young people about the consequences of not maintaining social distancing, but has not addressed the fact that social distancing for young people not only should it be for the home and public places but for schools, colleges and univeristies.
In my opinion do not give tiny bits of information instead address all areas that are a high risk and set out plans and stick to them.
I personally think all school, colleges and universities should wear face masks in the classrooms as well as in the assembly rooms and corridors. Every student should have a corona-virus test done which should be compulsory and done regulatory. All students should maintain social distancing even if it means putting less students in class at any one time.
All students should be provided hand sanitiser that they would have to use before commencing class.
The classroom would have to disinfected before and after each lesson. That means all chairs, desks, equipment, floors, door handles and utensils would have to go through stringent cleansing.
By sharing and touching equipment and utensils including text books there is an element of possible cross contamination. (I personally will not touch anything that someone else has touched, I would have to use latex or vinyl gloves and sanitise the item or product first). Food on the other hand has its own set of rules and regulations https://www.food.gov.uk/food-safety I always check the use by dates and adhere to rules regarding cross contamination. Knowing I have cooked and prepared the food safely gives me piece of mind, considering I am a germ conscious.
I could easily write out a set of rules that would work but I am not paid to do their job….