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Month: June 2022

Building a Business Can Positively Impact Your Community. 

Image via Pexels 

Written By: Katie Conroy.

Building a Business Can Positively Impact Your Community 

Small businesses make big differences in their communities. In fact, small businesses have added millions of jobs to the economy while many national corporations have eliminated positions. Of course, their impact goes beyond job opportunities — small businesses influence neighborhood culture and become a staple of hometowns. 

However, launching a small business takes careful planning, especially if your goal is changing your city for the better. The following steps prepare you for the realities of running a company while balancing local giving. 

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Find Your Niche 

Your first decision is what goods or services to sell. It’s essential to offer something the community needs, so do some research to find your niche. For example, if you want to open a restaurant, look at what’s missing from the neighborhood menu. There may be many fast food places but no options for health-conscious customers. 

Apply for Funding 

Every company needs capital to get off the ground. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources for small businesses: 

  • Grants 
  • Small business loans 
  • Entrepreneur programs 

You can also look for investors who agree to finance your enterprise for a percentage of business ownership.  

Set Up Your Website 

Even if you cater to local customers, you still need a website. While it’s possible to create your own with templates, you’ll save time by outsourcing to a professional web designer. The expert team at Cymru Digital Marketing can ensure your site is aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly, and fully functional. 

Maintain Cash Flow With Invoicing Software 

In any business, large or small, accurate invoicing is essential to maintaining cash flow and keeping track of what is owed to you. While billing by hand may be fine for a one-person operation, as soon as you start working with multiple clients or taking on employees, manual invoicing becomes time-consuming and error-prone. This is where invoicing software can save the day. Customer invoicing software automates the billing process, making it faster and easier to generate accurate invoices. You’ll also be able to add a button to invoices that allow customers to pay online.  

Advertise Locally 

Local advertisements get local customers. To bring in the crowds, focus your marketing with the following strategies: 

Partner With Local Entrepreneurs 

Connecting to other local businesses is a great way to support your peers and offer more to the community. One of the best ways to do so is by joining municipal associations. These are usually organized by industry, allowing you to meet entrepreneurs with similar aspirations and challenges. 

Support Community Charities 

Local shops are uniquely positioned to work with charities within the community. You can do so by donating directly, hosting campaigns that donate a portion of sales, and even volunteering time, space, and labor. 

Tap Into Local Talent 

As a local business, you can create opportunities for the talent in your neighborhood. When looking to expand your workforce or hire a contractor, look nearby. A great place to start is universities and trade schools. Reaching out to new graduates and trainees keeps resources in the community. 

Running a small business takes determination and a clear vision of the future, but it’s also incredibly fulfilling, especially when you contribute to your community. With the right approach, your enterprise and neighborhood can flourish. 

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Start the Business You Dream About: Prevail Over Your Fears

Keep your business moving forward
Image: Pixabay

Written By: Katie Conroy

Start the Business You Dream About: Prevail Over Your Fears

Starting a business comes with its share of perks, such as being in charge of the company and your financial future. It comes with risks as well, which can be frightening. You, however, need to overcome those fears to reap the rewards. But how do you go about this? Here are some tips from UK Business Banking on how to get started.

Begin as a Side Hustle

If you currently don’t have the financial means to put all your eggs in one basket, work on your business as a side hustle. Continue working your current job, but use your free time to begin your company. This way, you still have stability with less risk and can see if entrepreneurship is a fit for you.

Take Advantage of Free Tools

When starting out, you will likely have limited resources and will need to stretch your funds as far as possible. This means you should use free software and apps whenever

possible. If you’re working with images and documents, for example, use a free online tool to turn your image into a PDF in lieu of purchasing dedicated software. This way, you can store your images in the cloud for free, as well as distribute them as you like.

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Before you begin, take time to reflect on your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Hone in on your strengths as much as you can, and consider hiring help to handle the areas of business where you’re less proficient. For instance, if you’re not artistic, consider hiring a professional to develop your logo. If you’re not familiar with search engine optimization (SEO) and web design, hire a freelancer or company to assist.

Choose a Business Structure Early

When you start planning your business, select a business structure early. This affects how you operate your company. One option is a limited company. It limits your personal liability in case of a lawsuit, which can be a relief if you’re worried about losing your home if an issue arises. Use an online formation service to assist in this process. Doing this helps you comply with the law while spending less of your time handling the paperwork.

Implement Certain Marketing Tactics

How you market your business has a strong impact on your success. Part of the equation consists of digital marketing since the Internet is where most people go to find products or services. You can automate digital marketing efforts with a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution to integrate with all your existing tools and services to seamlessly help your marketing reach go further.

Nevertheless, you can’t neglect traditional marketing tactics. For example, you should have a business card to give to people you meet. It makes a lasting impression and acts as a gentle reminder of your products or services. You can create business cards online using a pre-fabricated template that allows you to choose your colors, images, text, and font.

Create a Strong Business Plan

Establish a strong business plan that covers a variety of elements, such as your marketing, including your website. Part of your business plan should cover aspects that make your website convenient. For example, save yourself and clients or customers time and hassle by enabling your app or website to accept payments. This promotes long-term growth and makes it simple for your clients or customers.

Compare your payment options carefully. You want a system that doesn’t charge astronomical credit card processing fees and lets your customers or clients know they have the funds available for payment.

Have Realistic Expectations

While making £1 million in your first year of operations would be wonderful, this isn’t realistic. The average small business owner earns less than £30,000 per year. When you’re just getting started, it takes time to gain exposure and become successful.

Risk-Taking Can Equal Success

Although it might seem scary and overwhelming to take a chance, overcoming your fears and starting a business can lead to success.

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Top Skills Required for Future of Work

Top Skills Required for Future of Work

The future of work will be undeniably influenced by technology. The World Economic Forum estimates that 85 million jobs will be disrupted due to automation, but 97 million more will be created for the same reasons. These are the jobs that make disruptive technology.

All of these changes also indicate that we will need to reskill sooner than we anticipated.  According to the same report, 50 percent of employees will need reskilling by 2025.  Employers will need to invest in job training to provide new skills to their employees to stay competitive in the market.

If you are worried about the future of the work landscape, we invite you to read this guide. We have compiled some of the most in-demand jobs of the future, based on the World Economic Forum’s data.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of gathering data, identifying trends, and revealing relevant insights for business decision-making. This is a highly technical role that usually requires a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a degree in a relevant field.

However, according to the WEF’s report, it could take two to three months to learn this skill. Multiple job training programs like coding boot camps and courses could help you learn this trade in less time than with traditional school.

AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are two of the most in-demand skills in the future of work. AI consists of programming devices to perform human-like tasks. Today, we see this technology in robots, self-driving cars, and chatbots, but it’ll cover even more ground in the future.

On the other hand, machine learning is a branch of AI that developers use to make machines learn without human intervention. Therefore, computers can identify similarities, differences, and other trends through data.

A good example of this is our mobile keyboard, which almost predicts what we’re about to type. However, this isn’t magic. Your phone is actually learning from your typing habits and making suggestions based on them.

You can learn AI and Machine learning with a bachelor’s degree in data science or a related field. However, there are also coding boot camps available for these two trades.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is more on the creative side with the use of technology. Digital marketers produce content, manage social media accounts, conduct market research, and do search engine optimization to rank websites better on Google searches.

Digital marketing jobs are in high demand right now and will remain so in the future, especially with the popularity of social media.

Information Security Skills

Information security analysts are computer gatekeepers. Their role is to ensure the computer networks’ security by implementing safety measures policies, conducting tests, and updating hardware and software. The demand for these cybersecurity specialists is significantly increasing, considering that cybercrimes don’t seem to stop.

To become an information security analyst, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that their demand is expected to increase up to 33 percent.

Software Development

The WEF estimates that software developers’ jobs will drastically increase in the future of work. Currently, the supply of software engineers is low, while their demand is extremely high. According to BLS, the demand for software developers is expected to increase up to 22 percent. Considering their demand and low supply, developers usually enjoy high salaries and work benefits.

You don’t necessarily need a bachelor’s degree to become a software developer. You can learn through a coding Bootcamp. In fact, many companies like Google and Facebook hire boot camp graduates.

You can learn how to code in a couple of months, but you will need to remain a life-long learner after that. It’s important to be aware of the new trends and challenges in the industry to continue being relevant.

Internet of Things Expertise

The Internet of Things is a very lucrative and in-demand career right now. It adds internet connection to all types of products, including house supplies, thermostats, and smart speakers.

According to a recent report from the Globe Newswire, the Internet of Things industry will experience a 25.4 percent growth in the 2021-2028 period. This means that the demand for IoT skills will drastically increase in the next decade.


Making predictions about the future of work is challenging. Considering the constant changes in tech, we should always be prepared for the unexpected. Many jobs will be lost as a result of automation, but millions of new jobs will be created in the tech industry. It is simply a matter of resilience and innovation, so you must remain open to reskilling opportunities.

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Keep your business moving forward


June 2022
