Due to Covid-19 cutting costs, one of our clients has dropped these already developed domain names.
www.cardiffprobatesolicitors.co.uk is a blog and is already generating traffic and Google have ranked it, so depending on the frequency of the new content submitted the blog is hovering between page 1 and page 2 of Google organically. Today it is on page 1.
Cardiff Probate Solicitors has about 362,000 results (meaning this the amount of website/blogs for these keywords.
Breakdown of valuation of this domain name www.cardiffprobatesolicitors.co.uk
Probate Solicitors has searched for 1,600 times per month with the highest bid for PPC advertising at the cost of £36.99 per click and at the lowest £7.17
So if we calculate 1,600 multiplied by £36.99 = £59.184 per month in advertising multiplied by 12 months (as that is the average time your website/blog will take to be ranked and get on the first page of Google) = £710,208.00 in PPC advertising. But not everyone that see’s your advert will click on it (the average click through ratio is 2%) which gives a grand total of how much this domain is worth based on £36.00 per bid = £14,204.16
So the asking price would be £10,000
Otherwise a payment plan over 3 years would be £300 per month.
***This is valuation price is without a website, hosting, design, development, SEO and marketing.
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