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Category: DOMAIN BROKERING (Page 2 of 4)

Censorship, Seizures & Oppression.


Censorship, Seizures & Oppression.

  1. Introduction – Censorship of Content.
  2. About Mike Mahoney.
  3. Forbidden Words.
  4. Freezing of Assets.
  5. Rob Moore (Entrepreneur and Author –
  6. Liquidating Assets.
  7. Freezing of Bank Accounts.
  8. History Repeats itself.
  9. Digital Assets.
  10. Money Laundering.
  11. Exporting Luxury Items to Russia.
  12. Conclusion.
  13. About Me – Security Experience.

1. Introduction – Censorship of Content.

Censorship, Seizures & Oppression. We are monitored for what we write, say, or do. We are being censored and we are slowly having our civil liberties taken away without realizing it. We are essentially batteries in the matrix.

When I write certain controversial articles I have found that I sometimes have to jump through hoops to get them published. I first noticed a few days ago when I tried publishing an article about fiat money and precious metals that it kept coming back with a 500 error message, I quickly came to the conclusion that the content in my article was being censored as it was of a sensitive nature.

I tried sharing ‘Mike Maloney’ “The Biggest Scam In The History of Mankind”

I have embedded the video. Below you will find in a previous article I have written all the forbidden words, that will get your website or channel banned. I have since added to the list some words that are reporting censorship problems like R#ss#a, P#tin, W#r, and C#nfl#ct Br#xit, L##kD#wn, C#vid. So even if you have written content or mentioned it verbally you may end up being struck off social media platforms or get penalized by search engines. I have purposely redacted certain letters and replaced them with hashtags to make it difficult for algorithms to decipher. You may see these words on other sites but do you actually want to run the risk of your website or channel being blocked?

2. About Mike Maloney.

Mike Maloney is the host of the smash-hit video series, Hidden Secrets of Money; former Rich Dad/Poor Dad advisor; and author of the best-selling precious metals book, Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver. For more than a decade, Mike’s traveled the world sharing his economic insights with audiences from Hong Kong to Rome and from Silicon Valley to Wall Street. ‘Mike Maloney’ “The Biggest Scam In The History of Mankind”

3. Forbidden Words.

I found from building websites that certain keywords are forbidden and if you own domain names with these words, Google or any other search engine will not index or rank your websites.


The same happened when I tried posting a “C#vid” domain for sale and got my internet provider blocking the post and had no choice but to delete it off my site.

Below you will see more keywords being censored:

(Just because you may see the words on other websites or social media platforms it is only a matter of time when algorithms crawl and flag them). You do not want your website or channel to disappear. Choose your words carefully. If you do want to use the words without using hashtags I suggest typing out your paragraph and embedding it as an image.


4. Freezing Assets

Somebody, that I follow and admire is a guy called “Rob Moore –” who made a valid point that I said I would share with my readers that the Oligarchs have had their assets frozen but have been trading in the UK since the mid-80s early 90s why were their assets not looked into then?

Why has it only just now come to light that these Oligarchs have connections with P#tin?

I speculate they were making large donations to the UK economy, so now they have served their purpose and any association that is deemed to fuel the fire has had their assets seized and has been booted out, which is double standard hypocrisy. I personally would not have done business with them from the start and would have refused donations.

Do the powers that be expect people to believe that such wealth may have come legitimately and why were no questions asked when Billions were put through our banking system, why were these people not vetted before they were allowed into this country, and why were people with such vast wealth were not investigated until now?

I remember a measly £50K coming into my bank account once and they were like rats down a sewer pipe, yet these people were never put under the radar until now.

Rob also went on to say we are being suppressed by censorship with our lack of ability to protest and our restrictions of freedom of speech if it is deemed we are found to step out of line, say, or do anything that goes against the beliefs of the powers that be, we will be punished. Mainstream media is dying hence why a lot of newspapers online are introducing paywalls giving you the first couple of lines of a news article and forcing you to pay to read the rest. Hence that is why there is an outcry about “Fake News” because unverified sources will not be credible and these news outlets do have to abide by a code of conduct and hence do not like social media platforms spreading news that is not sourced by them. Printed newspapers are declining and are being replaced by online apps and social media channels and podcasts.

5. Rob Moore.

Who is Rob More:

Rob Moore is a self-made property investor, businessman, entrepreneur, best-selling author, world record holder, speaker, pilot & proud dad, who co-owns 7 companies in property, lettings & finance.

6. Liquidating Assets.

What happens to all the seized mansions, superyachts, fine art, and supercars?

Will the assets be sold off to boost the UK economy or will they be sold or returned to the owners after the w#r is over?

In fact, who would buy assets that have been confiscated?

One has to wonder who will the Oligarchs support in this game of power. Their lifestyle will not be affected as no doubt they will have returned to their mansions in their homeland, they just will have to live off their worthless fiat currency.

7. Freezing Bank Accounts.

By freezing bank accounts, billionaires. millionaires or anyone with wealth will not just rely on fiat currency to survive. An era of cryptocurrency (ICOs) and NFTs can potentially make investments untraceable. Furthermore, how is P#tin still funding his w#r when his fiat money is not worth the paper it is printed on? He obviously has Gold, Precious Metals, Gems, and Diamonds. He may be also selling his crude oil to countries that do not oppose what he is doing.

8. History Repeating Itself.

On June 5, 1933, the United States went off the gold standard, a monetary system in which currency is backed by gold when Congress enacted a joint resolution nullifying the right of creditors to demand payment in gold. 1933 to 1974 it was illegal for U.S. citizens to own gold in the form of gold bullion, without a special license. On January 1, 1975, these restrictions were lifted and gold can now be freely held in the U.S. without any licensing or restrictions of any kind. and Executive Order 6102 which was signed on April 5, 1933, by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt “forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States.” The executive order was made under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the Emergency Banking Act in March 1933. The limitation on gold ownership in the United States was repealed after President Gerald Ford signed a bill legalizing private ownership of gold coins, bars, and certificates by an Act of Congress, codified in Pub.L. 93–373, which went into effect December 31, 1974.

However, for the Russians, this will be another sanction that I think needs to be implemented to stop other countries from receiving their “Confl#ct Gold”. Any country that is deemed to trade Gold with Russia should be sanctioned.

It is only a matter of time before the west realizes that these Billionaires and P#tin will not be stopped unless the Gold trade is restricted and the Sale of Precious Metals and Gems in and out of Russia.

People trading precious metals and gems should perform due diligence on the buyer and the seller. I believe in paper trails.

Sanctions should be imposed to stop Russians from trading with Gold and other precious metals and gems.

9. Digital Assets.

I do believe there is another way and have suspected for some time that certain digital assets may have an element of money laundering going on, as an example, I just read today that some domain extensions ending with .xyz have sold for £50K in terms of SEO these domain extensions are worthless and not beneficial to any company.

I hear you…, 50K is nothing if you want to move money but what if you sold 20 of them you would have made £1M.

I personally would not use them or recommend anyone to buy them and I would certainly never spend ridiculous amounts of money on them. Furthermore, domain names rely on SEO and set parameters where you want the traffic to come from with GEO Fencing and GEO Targeting to be able to be indexed and ranked for the targetted location: Domains are only worth what someone is willing to pay for them unless they are short one-word dot coms or top-level domains and have equity attached to them.

10. Money Laundering.

Money Laundering is a serious offense that will land you behind bars.

You should do due diligence on transactions over £10,000 regardless if it is a domain name that you’ve sold or a bar of gold. It is worth noting that most marketplaces collect users’ data at the time of registration but if somebody is off the street you need to vet them

On 10 January 2020 changes to the Government’s Money Laundering Regulations came into force. They update the UK’s AML regime to incorporate international standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and to transpose the EU’s 5th Money Laundering Directive.

11. Exporting Luxury Goods.

The UK has announced a ban on the export of Luxury Goods to Russia and Belarus, Apparel, Accessories, Jewellery, Luxury British Vehicles, Planes, and Yachts all will be banned from export.

According to Sky News, the new import duty hike will represent a 35 percentage point rise on current rates, which are different for each product, and will hit £900m worth of key products such as Russian vodka, metals, fertilizers, and other commodities, (yet in another breathe the UK are stopping all imports, so this seems to be unclear and rather confusing, either we are doing business with Russia or we are not) Any country that does business with Russia should be penalized?

All export finance support is also being withdrawn, meaning the UK will no longer issue any new guarantees, loans, and insurance for exports to the countries.

Does this mean that these luxury brands that have lost one source of income will put their prices up to meet their losses? Bond Street Jewellers and Aston Martins, McLarens, and Bentleys all may go up in price.

12. Conclusion.

The safest way to store your wealth is by investing in gold. Gold Bullion comes in many forms, it could be coins, ingots, bars, or jewelry. You can start an investment with one gram of gold or silver, your money is much safer invested into precious metals than it is sitting in a bank somewhere.

Most Gold is stored in vaults depending on how much wealth a person has, which will determine the location of the precious metals. Obviously, gold and other precious metals such as silver, palladium, and platinum can also be stored in home/office safes, although ideally they should be stored in vaults. Bullion Vault will store your gold automatically.

With this said it makes me wonder if sanctions of transferring Gold Bullion in and out of Russia will be the next thing on the horizon.

I do not believe imports and export in Russia and Belarus can be stopped entirely. As in the video clip, I shared the other day that Russian lorries were tailgated in Poland on the border of Belarus importing Medicine and Food.

Put it this way if Class A Drugs are being sold on black markets worldwide, how are the producers distributing and supplying something that is illegal? The same should be said with anything that is or could be banned will have a higher street value and will be in more demand with strategies to smuggle especially in lorries.

So yes I do agree with the sanctions but I am curious what will happen to all the seized assets that no one seems to be talking about. Would it not be a good idea to house the Ukrainians coming to the UK, considering everything they have and are still going through? I’m sure that would hit a raw nerve or two for the Oligarchs and P#tin.

13. About Me.

I do not have any political or economic background. However, I do have experience in security considering I used to jointly run a security company with my ex-husband “Alan Richard Barnes” called “Siren Security” in Cardiff from 1993 to 2001 with 32 manned guards as well as undercover covert operations. Alan is sadly no longer with us and passed away in May 2021.

#sanctions #oligarchs #goldbullion #ira #goldandsilver #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #blockchains #ico #nfts #boycottingrussia

Germ Awareness Domain For Sale.

Germ Awareness Logo

Germ Awareness Domain Name For Sale.

With the new Covid-19 variant ‘Omicron’ announcements from Boris Johnson yesterday declaring an emergency booster rollout, it is only fitting to teach the population about germ awareness and cross-contamination.

The Prime Minister said that the country is facing an emergency in its battle with the new variant, adding that no one should be in any doubt that a tidal wave of Omicron is coming and two doses do not afford enough protection. He warned: “Do not make the mistake of thinking Omicron can’t hurt you; can’t make you and your loved ones seriously ill.

Note From The Editor

Considering some people are complacent about germs, what I mean by this is young people in general who have no regard for authority, will do as they please and their way of thinking is rules can be broken.

In fact, I know that lateral tests are sent via text message from the NHS, so what is stopping a young person from copying and pasting the text, changing the Name and DOB of the Recipient they are Forwarding the message on to (their friend who has not has a test done and who has not been vaccinated) for the recipient to change the name of their contact to NHS?

If the government thinks this is not going on, then they are very naive.

The nightclub doormen check the phones but do they go as far as checking the contact name has not been purposely changed to look like it was the NHS that sent the text? I highly doubt it, that is why we are in the mess now.

The consequences of people’s actions cause a domino effect and in turn catastrophic events.

What the Government & NHS should do when sending out text messages is have a photo document rather than text that cannot be edited. They should also get doormen of nightclubs and venues to cross-reference lateral flow tests and passports on the NHS app using a tablet on entry to verify the person using a unique number or barcode. The Government should also impose hefty fines for anyone attempting to scam them.


How about lockdowns? I have heard on the grapevine and written about it before when we had the first lockdown, young people turn their phones and smart TVs off and party like there is no tomorrow. The pen pushers in Government need to get their act together and have their ears down to the ground to see exactly what is going on.

If the new variant is spiraling out of control, I have one question, if everyone was careful, to begin with, washed their hands, maintained social distancing, not had any Christmas Parties during Lockdown, how come we are on an imminent ‘Tidal Wave’ where the Covid alert level has been raised from 3 to 4 due to the rapid spread of cases?

With the new variant ‘Omnicron’, on our doorstep, this domain name is an excellent opportunity to teach how germs are spread.

It could also have an eCommerce shop selling PPE and antibacterial products and a community forum. This domain could also act as a platform to teach children about germs.

Obviously, there will always be people that think that rules do not apply to them and will be complacent about the virus and no amount of media amplification will change their way of thinking, however, the government needs to watch the young people and what they are doing and keep their ears at ground level.

Furthermore, a Covid passport covers you for 3 weeks but what if you do not know you are a carrier, how is the passport supposed to protect the population?

I should be the next prime minister, move over BJ.

A ( is the preferred choice of domain name extension for the British public.

**This domain is currently pointing to a Germ Awareness Category I have on this site.


Asking Price: £10,000.00

(This domain is already generating traffic and is on the first page of Google for the search terms ‘Germ Awareness’, so I have started the ball rolling.

This domain name is generating traffic.

(This offer is just for a domain name it is all inclusive web development, marketing SEO and banner advertising. We will also accept monthly payment plan of £850 per month on a 12 month rolling contract. Including an eCommerce Gateway, based on a signed contract).

Bio-warfare is coming lets start being prepared!

Please contact us using the form below:

Check Out All The Videos about Germs towards the bottom of the next post:

#germs #germawareness #bacteria #crosscontamination #covid19 #omicron #covidvariant #who #nhs

Recovered Stolen Electrician Domain Name.

Banner Ad FFEW

Recovered Stolen Electrician Domain Name.

With the support of UK Website Designers, City of London Police, and Nominet, Jeff Smith the owner of “First Phase Electrical Wales” has today successfully recovered the domain name

I had written about this case on my other Domain Brokering site many months ago and the problems arising from using offshore website designers, that basically cybersquatting the domain name which eventually getting it suspended by the City of London Police and Nominet.

However, it was an enormous task to delete all the breadcrumbs and carbon footprint this domain had incurred over the years that showed the domain in a bad light. The backlinks have been updated although we were not able to successfully catch them all, hopefully now business will pick up seeing we have now acquired the domain name and is in safe hands.

You can read the whole story here:

Using Offshore Website Designers Part 1

Using Offshore Website Designers Part 2

Using Offshore Website Designers Part 3

Jeff is now really pleased that the domain name has been successfully registered and is pointing to his business.

Jeff also asked us to put a review on his website which can be located towards the bottom of his website

UK Website Designers built two sites for Jeff both exact match searchable keywords domain names and whilst his original branded domain had been compromised and was waiting to be recovered. It took over a year to finally get the domain back to its rightful owner.


The problem with website designers is unless a client has a contract stating the domain names that have been registered on the client’s behalf which will be released on termination of the agreement the business owner could get unstuck getting their domain names back as in the case of Jeff and his previous website designers.

Jeff is fortunate to have such a contract with “UK Website Designers” as we do not do business without signed agreements.

We have learned by our mistakes, the hard way over the years that not having contracts can become messy and as with one passport photographer in particular located in Cardiff who got “UK Website Designers” to build him 3 websites and he then started having financial problems paying, yet he had full control of the hosting and domain names.

Without a signed agreement it was difficult to prove what he had agreed to and that is when we decided that we would never get unstuck like that again.

All businesses should have contracts for the services they offer and anyone that just wants a gentlemen’s handshake should be avoided. A person who refuses to sign a contract obviously has ulterior motives.

Supporting Your Local Business.

Electrician In Wales.

If you are in South Wales UK and are reading this please support your local business and share this article with your connections as Jeff has lost a lot of business because of these people in India.

If you have any electrical work that needs doing-especially coming up to the holiday season with Halloween and Christmas lights and rewiring hots spots for kitchen Appliances or Landlord Property Safety checks and Commercial Properties Jeff is the man to call.


#firstphaseelectricalwales #elctricianswales #pattestingwales #stolendomainname #domainnames #ukwebsitedesigners #jeffsmith #suspendeddomainnames #landlordsafetychecks #electriansinwales #rewiring #commericalsafetyinspections #hotspots

Seeking Gambling, Betting, Horse Racing Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Seeking Gambling, Betting, Horse Racing Businesses & Entrepreneurs.

Typically Horse Racing is two or more horses racing against one another ridden by jockeys. Horse Racing is an equestrian performance sport. It may be either jockey-ridden or may sometimes be without a rider over a set distance for the purposes of competition. Horse Racing has been around for centuries and it is one of the most ancient of all sports.

Horse Racing encourages tourism and boosts the hospitality sector. Horse Racing is the biggest market mover of today. The total economic contribution of horseracing to the UK economy alone is estimated to be in the region of. £3.5 billion, with over 85,000 jobs supported by the industry. This does not include the rest of the world, so you can imagine owning the world’s most expensive horse racing network what it would do for the world’s economy.

Seeking Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.

  • Race Horse Owners
  • Horse Racing Syndicates
  • Thoroughbred Breeders
  • Jockeys
  • Racecourse Owners
  • Venture Capitalists
  • Startups

You could be an existing business or you could be a venture capitalist with a vision to build the largest and most expensive horse racing network in the world.

The potential to own exact match searchable keywords and phrases digital real estate, with the perceived equity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The owner of this network has set prices for each domain name but he is also selling a system.

I have listed all the articles to the Gambling and Horse Racing Domain Names and Network below:

**Both Myself (Renata M.Barnes) and (Michael Dooner) are jointly brokering this whole system. Anyone interested in partnering with my client should initially use the form below to discuss your interest.

#horsereacing #horseracingsyndicates #horseracingnetwork #horseracingentrepreneurs #horseracingventurecapitalists #horseracingstartups #horseracingsystem #horseracingbusiness #jockeys #britishhorseracing #uaehorseracing #austrailianhorseracing #horsebreeders #thoroughbredbreeders #thoroughbeds #equestriansport

Flights & Hotel Bookings Domain Names (Ref S.S)

Flights & Hotel Bookings Domain Names

Here is a chance to secure your .FLIGHTS .TRAVEL domains and
secure one of the best EDM’s on the market to develop a global
OTA’c and enter the $800B OTA market.
Perfect for an OTA or Hotel Group * $150,000 for Bundle:
Perfect for an Airline or OTA *$250,000 for Bundle:
• BookFirstClass.Flights
• BookBusinessClass.Flights
Perfect for an Airline & Global Destination Agency *$500,000
for Bundle:
• BookAirTicket.Travel
• BookDestination.Travel
• BookDestinations.Travel
The sale will be done via – Buyer to pay transfer
Why should your airline purchase these .FLIGHTS .TRAVEL and
EDM – Exact Domain Match or Domain Hacks?
1-EMIRATES.FLIGHTS have secured their .FLIGHTS so should you.
2-HOME.LOANS was sold for $500,000 last jan 2018 – This is what
their CEO had to say
3-These EDM’s – Exact Domains Match which your online market
share. Not to secure it, develop it and have them rank on all the
Search Engines with back links to your OTA will be unwise.
4- Enter the $800B OTA market this 2020 https://

Brokered by Myself and Michael Dooner.

#traveldomainnames #hotelbookingsdomainnames #tourismdomainnames #flightsdomainnames #hoteldomainnames #bookingsdomainnames #flightbookingsdomainnames

Domain Name Time Wasters

Domain Name Owners That Do Not Take Your Advice and Do Not Appreciate Your Hard Work.

Domain Name Time Wasters.

So many phrases come to mind with my post today like:

  1. Do Not Shoot The Sheriff.
  2. Do Not Keep All Your Eggs In One Basket.
  3. Do Not Pull The Rug From Under Someone’s Feet.
  4. Stop tyre Kicking.
  5. Don’t Burn Your Bridges.
  6. Take A Leaf Out Of My Book.

This is not the first time this has happened to me so I am not going to vent my anger at any one particular person, but I can see history repeating itself and I have to decide how I am going to counteract.

I won’t go into who the people are in question or even name them for legal reasons but they will know who they are simply by remembering certain things I have done for them.

The first was a person who has no digital footprint at all on the internet (that should be a red flag in itself) who asked me to find him a buyer for some art pieces and them some gold sellers selling Gold Dore in exchange for a commission (I did do my due diligence by going to companies house to find out if he was legit or not). I worked my butt off finding these people and he ended up saying he was not going to use any of them, (my gut feeling is he did use them but because there were so many leads that I gave him, it was difficult to pinpoint who he used in the end, but I reckon he had no intention on paying me). So I thought to myself never again and I would insist on a fee upfront before I commenced doing any work in future for anyone. I should have taken a leaf out my book because I did not do this.

Moving swiftly on, a couple of weeks ago I made an advertising campaign for a small business again I did not charge them but they turned around and said they did not want me to market their business any longer, (shoot yourself it the foot why don’t you….them not me). Considering I was willing to invest my time marketing this hair and beauty salon you would think they would have appreciated what I had already done for them including designing a logo, giving them a landing page which I have since taken down and created a video animation (for free) and all they needed to do was sit down (virtually) with me to discuss a long term strategy. They had no website and simply do not want my free service. Good Luck to them, considering they obviously know something I do not not regarding marketing and are simply relying on facebook to get business.

Now to the present day. Although I had been asked by another broker I am working with to help find a buyer for a domain name over 2 weeks ago and we agreed between us to split the commission for the sale of this one particular domain name that I made a video of a drone on, I simply had not had the time to start outbound marketing until yesterday. I had written a post about the the topic and the domain previously but had not done any outbound marketing until now, in which I already had one interested party.

So you would think the owner of the domain would use his common sense and be gratuful that I had started to spend some time and resources trying to find him a buyer and what does he do?, he only comes back and emails the broker I am working with that he no longer wants us to broker his domain name as he has got another broker. Where is the sense in that?, if someone has already started the work at least give them a chance to see if it has worked. I now will go back to the interested party and will have to say the owner of the domain is no longer using our services. To be honest I think the owner had no intention on paying any broker and will claim that the interested party has messaged him directly. It does not take much to find out who the interested party is and contact them omitting getting the broker involved.

I am not mad that another broker has got the assignment, I actually feel sorry for him or her as they will have to start from scratch. If I was selling a high ticket premium domain name I would want to get as many people involved and agree to split the commission equally between all of them. This would encourage all the brokers to work just as hard and the one that was slacking I would have some sort of clause. There are many ways you can prove you are doing the work, by carbon copying emails with the potential buyer with all the other brokers and the owner of the domain name. Also links to articles and posts you have made on blogs, social media pages and groups.

Hence for all NEW CLIENTS that are NOT on my books I will be asking a set up fee of £99.99 plus my commission rate of 15% on the successful sale of the domain or business, via escrow, just to start marketing. This also applies to people who want more exposure to their business via marketing and advertising campaigns.

“It is not worth my time to work hard and not get paid”.

(Or to be told my services are no longer required after I have put in all the effort and all the hard work and given the person free advertising & exposure).

Advertising Space Costs Money!

You would not go to a marketing agency and say I will pay you a commission once you get me some leads, so you should not expect a domain broker to do the same.

A domain broker is essentially a digital marketer and may also have connections to people in your industry/niche. For me personally I am connected to some very influential people and have an extensive network of connections on LinkedIn.

For the domain owners that waste your time, if they do not take your valuable advice how to improve the presentation of your domain name, then you are already on a loosing battle.

When a a domain owner asks a broker to find him a buyer and disregards all the work you have done to date and all the contacts you have made then at the end of the day he has disrespected you as a professional and you should sever ties immediately.

Some people are tyre kickers they have no intention of buying or selling and simply want to window shop and like to procrastinate. From looking at this particular domain name I was marketing yesterday, presentation counts and I have taken the liberty of doing a ‘SEO Audit Report’ and it does not look very good. This SEO Audit Report does reflect or make the domain worth anything close to the owners asking price of £35m. I should have done the SEO Report sooner but in a way I am glad I did not because I have met his type before and he would never have taken my advice, hence he obviously feels he does not need our help….

I will be “keeping tabs and my ears to the ground” and looking out for any news about this particular domain name in future.

To the Owner of the “Said” Domain Name, Good Luck in Selling the Domain Name, is all I can say……

Disclaimer: Due to time wasters we have changed our outbound marketing strategy and we are basing our prices on a similar marketplace pricing structure.

Click the image below to go to the other marketplace to see the comparison.

(Please note all content and imaging including logos and videos remain the property of Cymru Marketing and you must have written permission to use the images and content on this site and our other sites that we own and network on).

The screenshot below shows how much you will save by using our services in comparison to another world-renowned domain marketplace.

Cymru Marketing Do Not Charge To List Domain Names, Websites Or Businesses.

***Cymru Marketing Do Charge for Outbound Marketing and Advertising Space. Please View Our Advertising Page here! Domain Name For Sale! Domain Name is for sale!

I will also include &

Please make an offer for the Domain(s)!

Calling on All Robot Entreprneurs and Inventors.

These domains are from my own private portfolio and I am able to build a website.

If you are interested in website design and development, seo and marketing I can include the domains in the quote for the website package. This will be on a monthly basis with a minimum contract term.

This is a great opportunity for a startups or even an established business to acquire the exact match searchable keyword phrase.

With some SEO you will have secured your global positioning on a domain name that you alone will own and your competitors wishing why they had not acquired it when they had the chance.

Once the domain is gone it is gone for good unless you want to spend big bucks trying to acquire it from a company that may not be that willing to sell.

Do not lose the opportunity of getting a domain name that even Elon Musk would go green with envy to have and before you say anything, I will be reaching out to him.

I also have and for sale, although they are not included in this listing I but may include them providing the price is right for the initial offer.

I am open to negotiations.

To Make An Offer or Discusss Website Design, Please Use The Form Below:

#CANVASTechnology #PiaggioFastForward #DiligentRobotics #BostonDynamics #BluefinRobotics #AppliedAeronautics #LeftHandRobotics #Dronesense #HarvestAutomation #RethinkRobotics #elonmusk #billgates #jeffbezo

Further Reading:


Luxury Makeup Marketing Banner

Luxury Makeup (

This Domain Name could be yours if you are targeting consumers to buy your makeup brand. Think of it this way if you have an unusual brand name that has only recently started out and only a handful of people know about it, how do you get the rest of the world to know you exist? Imagine having an exact match searchable keyword phrase that people actively search for.

Imagine being a well-known brand and you want to control the whole of the UK Market, imagine what this domain name could do for your business, knowing that once you own this domain name your competitors will be blown out of the water and you will secure your positioning in the UK.

SEO takes many months of hard work to get your brand name ranked and if you are using a static site eg (website) where you do not make changes very often, why would search engines think your website is worth moving up the ladder?

Any brandable name as well as extensive SEO needs to spend a lot of money on Advertising, so to add another cog to an SEO link wheel one needs to have a blog and backlinks. If you optimize your posts and write articles consistently sharing them on all social media platforms, pages, and groups eventually you will boost your ranking with quality backlinks to your site.

Another key factor is having an exact match searchable domain name that you replicate the keywords in your content and meta-tags. This will get your site on page one of Google in no time without spending lots of money on advertising.

When setting up a Shopify website for example you need to spend a lot of time doing SEO. This is not an overnight magic pill you have to work hard and spend time and money and you need to have a marketing budget unless you can try to do it yourself. Shopify gives you initially a sub-domain of their website and you then need to integrate a domain name of your choosing and change DNS records so that your domain points to that subdomain. They also use their own tracking this is not as accurate as Google Analytics.

If you want to get on the first page of Google you need to make Google your friend and use their tools in order to be ranked.

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.CO Domain Extensions

.CO Domain Extensions.

.CO domain extension on my mind. I wrote an article about a while back on my other blog about .co.domain names and what they mean for companies wishing to adopt the extension if their dot com is not available.

Here is the link to the article:

Now more interestingly here is the definition of what a .co domain extension means:

.co is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) assigned to Colombia.

Now here me out not only do I build websites I also manage PPC advertising and if a client that came to me with a .co domain extension yet was based in the UK I would not advise him to do any PPC advertising for the domain. The reason why and I have dot com domain names aswell as I am based in Cardiff UK and have found no matter how hard you try to set ones setting for GEO targeting with the dot com domain names I get a tonne of traffic from the USA. But imagine if I was the client and wanted only traffic from the UK but got traffic from the USA or Colombia as in the .co domain extension before you know it all my budget would be eaten up and I would not be happy with the web designer steering me in the wrong direction.

People are like sheep, a person who has no knowledge of SEO tells a couple of people on the internet that a dot co domain name extension is an accronym of dot com or the word ‘company’ and before long the misinformed information has spread like wild fire with people buying .co domain names without realising the repercussions this would have on their traffic or once they consider pay per click advertising what that would mean to their advertising budgets if they were targeting traffic for their own location.

With that said I do not believe owning a dot co domain name would be beneficial to any company other than businesses in Colombia and it would damage my reputation trying to market this domain extension to anyone other than to the country it is assigned to. Don’t get me wrong I fell into the trap and soon wised up.

Further reading the entity of the following website seems not to have any knowledge of SEO because if he/she had they would be ranking on the first page of Google for the following search terms: Domain Management, Domain Registrars, Registrars, whois, which says they are biased, as they could be the owners of the domain extension: Its a bit of a conincidence that there are no names mentioned for me personally to ask them to prove where the traffic was coming from. I would want hard evidence and may just register a domain name and and add analytics just to prove a point.

Here is an example of a UK based website with a dot com domain name setting their GEO targeting for UK only and you can see by the chart that there are other countries, with USA being no 2 on the leaderboard, which if this company was paying for PPC their budgets would be swollen up by other countries visitors.

It is my job to guide companies in the right direction and reading on the internet mileading information and steering companies in the wrong direction is downright shameful. bought this could have been to stop cyber squatters cloning their site and not to help them with their SEO. The same with hyphen domain many companies may buy up hyphen domains to stop cyber criminals.

The following links are another reason why not to use a .co domain extension unless you are from Colombia:

If you have any questions just comment below.

Ecommerce Definition.

This domain name is no longer brokered by us and you should contact ‘Fathi Said’ Directly on his website, using his contact form.

What is eCommerce?

eCommerce definition is a business model conducted online. The most popular example of eCommerce is online shopping, which is defined as buying and selling of goods via the internet on any device. However, eCommerce can also entail other types of activities, such as logistics, payment gateways, online auctions, online shopping, online ticketing, and internet banking.

Imagine having a website that can offer all these things and more, imagine having a site similar to Amazon, Alibaba, DHGate, Ali Express, Ebay, all under one roof. Imagine having a directory of retailers, wholesalers importers and exporters and logistic companies.

eCommerce is the fastest growing retail market and was projected to hit $4.135 trillion in sales in 2020

A new trend has also arisen through Mobile commerce, where more and more people are using their phones to buy online. This domain name could be an app aswell as a static website it could cater for mCommerce as it is known. mCommerce is gaining more momentum as a rapidly growing new avenue of eCommerce that’s mostly driven by the expanding market and influence of smartphones and millennials’ comfort with shopping online.

It has been speculated that since 2018, the mCommerce sector has increased sales by a 39.1% compared to the previous years.

Different eCommerce Business Models?

eCommerce is typically defined into three different categories, Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), and Customer to Customer (C2C).

  1. Business to Business (B2B) is when a business sells to another business. This is typically office equipment, stationery and inventory such as food or merchandise for the hospitality sectors. Normally B2B companies provide a trade prices per unit if customers buy in bulk. This not only encourages business to buy more as an incentive to save money, it also has room to make a profit margin on resale.
  2. Business to Consumer (B2C) is the most commonly thought where merchants sell to consumers typically in the hospitally and retail sectors such as pubs, restaurants, retail shop. An example of the B2C would be supermarkets where consumers buy their shopping but would not neccessarilly buy in bulk.
  3. Consumer to Consumer (C2C) is where a person rather than a business sells to make a profit this typically is a person looks to resell an item to another consumer, through social media like Instagram and Facebook or on marketplaces like eBay and Craigslist, this can be a lucrative business for selling items that you no longer want.

Pros of eCommerce

eCommerce is an an essential way of eyeryday life and has explosive growth in the past couple of years. Businesses are taking advantage of the numerous benefits of eCommerce, the most notable of which include:

  • Global market. A global market is where a business has a physical address and physical store. This type of store has imitations if it is not online and may be limited by a geographical area it can serve. An online store on the other hand is able to serve consumers globally or in their targeted regions. Diversifying from Local to Global offers a greater advantage for the consumer. In 2018, 11.9% of global retail sales came from online purchases and this is only set to increase yearly.
  • Availability. An advantage to having an online store one does not have the same overheads as a physical store, not need to pay rent for your premises, rates and heating bills. Running an online business you can set your hours to suit you and talk with your customers using chat widgets. Your store potenially could be open 24/7/365.
  • Reduced costs. Having a business online you essentially are reducing your running costs. Obviously you have to pay for the hosting and management of a website and unless you have a warehouse you do not need to hire as many staff. You can even hore virtual assistants rather than emply people. eCommerce costs go to warehousing and product storage, however you can eliminate that by having a dropshipping business and enjoy even lower upfront investment requirements. Merchants that can save on operational costs, can offer better deals and discounts to their customers.
  • Inventory. eCommerce business providing it is done through dropshipping or fullfilment whereby an organisation such as warehouse, store, pack and ship your inventory on your behalf through automation management by using electronic tools to accelerate ordering, delivery and payment procedures. This business model is saving businesses billions in operational and inventory costs each year.
  • Geo Targeting. With access to social media platforms and PPC advertising you can set the audience you wish to target. Algorithms will track users searching for specific items and will draw attention to your offers. With a wealth of customer data and an opportunity to keep an eye on customer buying habits as well as the emerging industry trends, eCommerce businesses can stay agile and shape their marketing efforts to provide a better-tailored experience and find more new customers. Imagine fine tuning your audience by age, gender, location and interests, imagine how successful you can be selling your invontory to people that are actively lloking for what you are selling.
  • Niche markets. Running a niche brick-and-mortar business can be difficult. Imagine being in the middle of the desert how are people going to find you? Having the know how and being online you can easily implement exact march searchable kewyords and phrases in your SEO by scaling a niche product to become popular is effortful. Having a place where businesses can tap into a global marketsuch as an online directory eCommerce retailers can build a highly profitable niche business without any further investment. Businesses can save on costly website hosting and management fees by having landing pages with their inventory under one hub. Using online search capabilities, customers from any corner of the world can find and purchase your products. This is especially true if you have a large directory of categories that include niche products.
  • Internet. As long as you have a computer and internet you can work virtually anywhere in the world without worrying about running costs of a physical bricks and mortar business. Often, running an eCommerce business means that you don’t need to sit in an office from 9 to 5 or suffer through a commute day-in and day-out. A laptop and a good internet connection is all it takes to manage your business from anywhere in the world.

How to Start an eCommerce Business?

There are a number of ways you can set up an ecommerce business, one is to build a website which takes anything from 12 to 18 months to be ranked by search engines for get you to the first page of Google ultimately. The other way is to sign up with an already established site where they offer landing pages and subdomain pages so that one can list inventory. There also dropshipping sites that offer sub domain pages. Which ever route you choose with one being building an ecommerce store from scratch you need to dedicate time and money in order for your store to be successful. Although you can set up a an actual online relatively easily and quickly, there are many months of extensive SEO that needs to be done when launching and growing a profitable eCommerce business. SEO is very complex multi-layered process involving different strategies and it takes many months of hard work to get your store seen.


Launching a website is more complex than what people realise, simply activating and publishing a website will only make your site float in cyber space. You need to have knowledge of SEO and you need to also generate backlinks. You also need to definine your key performance indicators upfront which will help you track your progress and performance and fix any issues as they emerge. Other important things to take care of include setting up your social media profiles, getting your email marketing ready, installing Google Analytics, doing keyword research, defining your shipping strategy and finalizing the launch promotion plan.


Deciding what products to sell is one of the first steps to starting an online business. One needs to research what products are profitable and trending, or if you have a new invention you have do a lot of advertising and marketing. You may want to sell white label products that have your company band name or you may want to be unique and sell something that no one else is selling, either way you need to establish trust with your audience and having a brand name that people recognise is an important fact in building a successful business.

It is important that your product have healthy profit margins. Once you have decided on the product you need to find manufacturers that you can source your product from. You may decided on having a factory of your own and warehouse or you can outsource you work and have manufacturers do the work for you. You may even want to sell other peoples products and simply drop ship. There are four main methods of sourcing products and inventory are manufacturing, wholesale and dropshipping or making it yourself.


With every new business you have to have a business plan and analyse your product idea and the most important areas you need to research will be your competition, pricing strategy, and your unique value proposition. A business plan will help you visualize your growth strategy and identify any potential threats or obstacles.


Key elements of branding your products and your your store is fundemetally your brand name and your domain name. Having an exact match searchable keyword domain name will get you traffic much faster than a brand name. With a brand name you have to do extensive advertising and marketing to get your audience to recognise your brand, this includes haveing a unique and memorable logo. Getting your brand spot on from the start can help accelerate the growth and conquer the hearts of potential customers. You also need to have knowledge of search engine optimisation (SEO) before turning your attention to building the store.

Selling Strategies

There are a number of ways you can sell online.

  1. You can build your own website from scratch or use web builders, which takes time to get ranked by search engines and you need to dedicate an lot time optimising the site, including advertising and marketing. Designing from scratch you need to know coding whilst the later is done for you templates.
  2. You could use off the shelf eCommerce platforms such as Shopify but you will find most website hosting companies offer online shops that you drag and drop your products and integrate dropshipping.
  3. Sell on websites that are already ranked such as directories simliar to dhgate, amazon, ebay, alibaba to name a few.
  4. You could sell on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram
  5. Marketing you store takes time and money. If you are not an expert digital marketer, getting you store off the ground and in front of a targeted audience can be difficult and you may have to hire a company to promote your store on your behalf. You should also experiment with regularly expanding or refreshing your inventory. Remember you need to put the work in to get money out. An online store can be daunting but offering an already done for you subdomain can be beneficial if your are starting out. Starting small and gradually expanding is one option to consider. Start you business on already established websites such as Amazon, Alibaba, Ali Express, DHGate and you never know even on

Final Thoughts.

For a startup could be ideal marktetplace as a way for any business to be listed and found quickly, especially if they are a newly branded name. Most businesses need a gentle push to get more traffic, imagine being listed on a website that people would be actively be using to promote their brands or simply wanting to buy products from. This website could also list all payment gateways all under once roof helping businesses find their ideal banking system quickly and easily. There is a multitude of business models that can be developed around this domain name.

As an example Alibaba is one of the most prominent Chinese technology names around the world and has a market value of about $463 billion. So far this year, its stock price has risen about 3.6 percent with shares hitting highs in June. You could be the next Jack Ma or Jeff Bezo (Amazon).

10 biggest e-commerce companies in the world are (sorted by revenue):

  1. Amazon ($386.06 billion)
  2. ($82.2 billion)
  3. Alibaba ($56.15 billion)
  4. ($38.06 billion)
  5. Meituan-Dianping ($13.7 billion)
  6. Rakuten ($11.6 billion)
  7. eBay ($10.8 billion)
  8. Wayfair ($9.13 billion)
  9. Zalando ($7.26 billion)
  10. Coupang ($6.23 billion)

Hence what the owner of this domain is asking for is chump change compared to the perceived equity this domain name can bring.

Owning you can be in control of the global market and have all businesses all under one roof with the largest directory in the world. You could have a platform such as Amazon and combine it with a business model like Ebay with an auction feature. You could also be a dropshipper. Having a directory of all businesses around the world, from importers, exporter. manufacturers, warehouses, dropshipers, logistic companies where by you could charge for advertising space and make millions. This domain name could the biggest website in the world. You could also offer services such as Advertising, SEO and Marketing, ideal if a business is new and wants to be found relatively quickly.

This domain name would be ideal for:

  1. Startups, or entrepreneurs starting their own business.
  2. Domain Investors that may want to develop their own business model or established businesses that may want to secure the domain and point to their website.
  3. eCommerce Dropshipping Business (B2B) Dropshipping are packaged and distributed by the third party company, and the owner(s) of the dropshipping site never come into contact with a product, they just take a small percentage or commission from the person or business who is actually making and distributing it.
  4. eCommerce Payment Gateways, such as stripe,, paypal etc.
  5. eCommerce Online Store (B2C) Such a Amazon.
  6. eCommerce Wholesalers (B2B) A wholesaler acts like a middle man between a manufacturer and a retailer.
  7. eCommerce Consumer to Consumer (C2C) With consumer-to-consumer selling, there’s no business involved at all, and it’s usually a pretty casual setup. Think of a garage sale, or a platform like eBay.
  8. eCommerce Consumer to Business (C2B) This is where a consumer sells their services to a business. Freelancers are the perfect example of this.
  9. Subscription Services (B2C or B2B) Subscription boxes all work slightly differently, but basically involve signing up to receive a different type of a product that you like each month. (Typical versions of this could be wine or book clubs).
  10. Private Labeling and Manufacturing (B2B or B2C) Any business or individual doing private labeling and manufacturing is one that is basically just carrying out all the presale stages in-house. That’s to say they’re making, packaging and then selling the goods directly to the end customer.
  11. While Labeling (B2B) Companies operating on a white labeling business revenue model rebrand (or ‘label’) products purchased from a manufacturer, and sell them on as their own products.
  12. Manufacturing (B2B) is the making of goods by hand or by machine. Items used in manufacture may be raw materials or component parts of a larger product. The manufacturing usually happens in a factory on a large-scale production line of machinery and skilled labour.
  13. Rent to Loan (B2B, B2C & C2C) Rent to Loan is when the customer is only paying for use of their product or service, rather than to buy it outright. An example of B2C is car rentals.
  14. Freemium – A freemium payment model is one that you typically only see used by digital products. With a freemium business model, you can sign up to a free version of the product, which has reduced functionality. Spotify is a classic example of a business operating on a freemium revenue model.
  15. A vendor-specific website (one brand seller) is a dedicated website which only sells the goods or services of one individual, or one business. Most ecommerce websites fall into this category. For example Rolex, a high end watchmaker brand, has a dedicated website selling only Rolex Watches.
  16. Online retailers such as Harrods or Selfridgdes, Harvey Nichols, bring together products from separate vendors under one online roof. The online retailer has control over which vendors it brings together in this way.
  17. Marketplaces C2C), like Etsy and eBay are excellent places if you are a consumer starting out selling your own products to other customers.
  18. Classified Ads – Websites such as Craiglist, Cardiff Free Ads are places where you can list items for sale and may have to pay an aditional small fee to get your listing featured .
  19. Directories where Business can list their company information with options to be featured with Banner Ads at an additional cost.
  20. Marketing Agencies and Consultants that may have a directory of businesses they market.


As of 04/07/21 Michael Dooner and I regrettably are no longer brokering the domain name and you should contact ‘Fathi Said’ Directly on his website using his contact form. According the the owner ‘Fathi Said’ he has found another broker.

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