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Category: NHS REVIEWS (Page 1 of 2)

GP appointments & Negligence

GP Negligence!

One illness per GP appointment.

GP Appointments & Negligence, Lack of duty of care.

Patients are being told that doctors are too busy to cope with more 20-minute appointments that they have restricted calls for 10 minutes and to only discuss one ailment per consultation.

Critics say it could put people off discussing important health issues.

People who are vulnerable who have ongoing mental health issues or have multiple issues may be reluctant to phone multiple times.

According to some surgeries dealing with more than one health issue can increase the chances of a mistake. (A GP should not make mistakes, although I have proof that they do, with my daughter being prescribed Gaviscon by the GP yet the A&E diagnosed my daughter with Multiple Sclerosis).

My calculation is if the surgery did an eight-hour shift and had 20-minute consultations, would be 24 patients a day multiplied by 5 doctors would be 120 patients a day multiplied by 5 days would be 600 people a week or 2,400 patients per month that they could consult.

Not everyone comes to the surgery every week or every month, so what are doctors doing if they are having problems with time management?

GPs are insisting that patients raise only one problem per appointment because they are so short of time.

According to the Mail Online (January 2017), those with multiple ailments are being banned from booking longer 20-minute consultations – instead of being told to book a standard ten-minute appointment for each condition they want to discuss.

A ten-minute slot would equate to 6 slots per hour multiplied by 8 hours, which equates to 48 patients per day per Doctor. (48 patients per day per 10 min slots  x 5 GP’s = 240 patients per day x 5 days = 1,200 patients per week x 4 weeks = 4.800 patients per month).

Surgeries are increasingly introducing a controversial policy to cope with rising demand. But campaigners described the rules as ‘outrageous’ and warned they would put off patients from discussing potentially important health worries.

Practices across the UK have adopted the ‘one problem per appointment’ policy which claims it is to improve ‘clinical safety. However, there is a real increased risk that mistakes will be made and things missed as the Doctor may be inclined to rush, particularly if other patients are waiting.’ Other Surgeries have gone one step further by banning any long appointments for multiple health issues.

GP surgeries are under pressure from the rising and aging population on top of a recruitment crisis of family doctors. NHS figures published in December 2016 showed that in some parts of the country the number of patients on surgery lists has soared by 30 percent in just three years.

Katherine Murphy, chief executive of the Patients Association, said: ‘It is outrageous that patients are being told there are rules around the health problems that can be discussed.

We hear so frequently from patients who struggle to even get an appointment that I’m confident most would take such an opportunity to ask about a secondary or less-urgent health concern.

‘Our concerns are that patients will not be given the opportunity, or maybe put off, from asking for medical advice because of this rule, which is a very serious patient safety risk.’

Dr. Helen Stokes-Lampard, chairman of the Royal College of GPs, said she was ‘saddened by the move. She added: ‘For a lot of consultations, particularly for people with chronic diseases or any psychological element to it, to be pressured into ten minutes is really unhelpful.’

Note from the Editor.

In Consideration of the above article, the Editor (myself) who has multiple health issues wrote a nine-page letter to the GP back in May of this year. I sent it via email with an attachment marked as private and confidential. I received an email back from the practice manager who said that she had read the letter (Not addressed to her) and that I needed to discuss my concerns by making a phone call to the GP even though it clearly stated in the letter what my concerns were.

(The GP could have phoned the patient (aka me) to discuss the concerns rather than ignore me altogether).

So, six months later seeing I never received a letter from the GP or a phone call, I happened to be chasing up a missing prescription for my daughter and I decided to kill two birds with one stone and asked for the GP to phone me only to be told I would have to phone back the following day to book a consultation. I replied just mark it on the system that I need the doctor to phone me.

By all accounts, the person I was speaking to could not pass on a message as I will explain.

I related that the letter I wrote in May clearly stated my concerns and that it could be marked on the system for the GP to phone me and that I should not be chasing the GP. The receptionist (male) said he would pass the message on so I thought…

Within minutes of the call ending the practice manager phoned demanding that I phone back the following day to book a consultation, she never said what time, but I presume at 8 am when the lines get jammed from people trying to make appointments for a good half hour to an hour, only to be told the slots are gone and to phone back the day after. This has happened previously to me so maybe the system has changed; I do not know, as I hardly ever phone the GP, I prefer everything in writing?

I said that the doctor should phone me and for the practice manager to pass the message on, who replied the doctor is too busy to read letters or correspond to them and that unless I phoned back in the morning to book a consultation the doctor will not be phoning me.

My reply was, I had to drop what I was doing today to speak with the practice manager that did not schedule a call and did not even ask if it was OK to talk. I continued to say I am also busy and that this call was inconvenient to which the practice manager raised her voice and in a stern tone said “Goodbye” and cut me off by ending the call.

If the GP does not phone me tomorrow, I will go out of my way to name and shame the practice and sue them for negligence for my escalation of health issues and emotional distress.

If I work into the early hours of the morning, I am not going to get up especially early to phone the surgery to ask for the GP to phone me when I have spoken with three people in total that could easily put a post-it note, on the GP’s desk to phone me. It is not difficult.

The overall way they treat their patients does not surprise me why people get agitated. If I were an elderly person, I would not be ringing back, this could then cause the persons’ health to deteriorate even more.

I speak on behalf of everyone who has problems speaking to their GP for multiple health issues. If a letter has been received and as per the phone call today which confirmed my ailments have been put on the system, you would think the care of duty by the clinician should have followed it up, but they have not, which in my way of thinking is negligence.

I suffer from depression and anxiety I am an advocate for mental health and have a website specifically for disabilities

I am not ashamed to admit it, I do struggle with anxiety and depression most days and some days are easier than others.

I lost my ex-husband and a family friend this year and around May time, which felt I needed some support from my GP hence wrote the letter not only discussing my mental health but other multiple ailments. Had I have had suicidal thoughts you would not be reading this right now because of my GP’s incompetence.

Imagine someone with a similar health issue relying on the GP to get in touch with them, I dread to think how many people have had their symptoms get worse because of the lack of duty of care by the clinician.

I have now spoken to three people in total over my letter including a cluster pharmacist who phoned me to discuss my medication who also told me she had read my letter and I quote “The letter was very thorough which is what GP’s like”, yet no one has followed up on my health issues?

I did write a while ago about doctor / patient confidentiality:

Some people also have anxiety phoning their GP’s:



HOW TO COMPLAIN (Recommended)

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#gpdutyofcare #gp #doctorsurgery #gpnegligence #anxiety #anxietyphoning #anxietyphoningyourgp #dutyofcare #nhscomplaints #RoyalCollegeofGP’s #PatientsAssociation

Microgynon 30 – Contraceptive Pill.

Microgynon 30 Contraceptive Pill.

Meddygfa Albany Surgery Cardiff.

Meddygfa Albany Surgery Cardiff Google 1.7 Star Reviews: (Url too long so I shortened it).

Address: 219-221 City Rd, Cardiff CF24 3JD Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 6:30 PM Phone: 029 2048 6561


Meddygfa Albany Surgery Cardiff is on my radar again, despite my going into the surgery a few years ago with my daughter and saying “under no circumstances should my daughter be prescribed” ‘Rigevidon’ which was logged on the system.

So moving forward to the present day the Doctor has prescribed it again, peer pressuring my daughter by saying the reason why they cannot prescribe ‘Microgynon 30’ stating it is because the NHS is not supplying it any longer and the words were and I quote that “Rigevidon is the same contraceptive pill as Microgynon 30 just in different packaging”.

“To say something is the same as another is called passing off and is illegal to do”.

Forgive me for being cynical here but since when is a GP a branding expert (I am a branding expert, they are not), and also they certainly are not a pharmaceutical lab researcher/scientist?

Since when does a GP or the NHS have the right to use people as Guinea Pigs?

The reason why I am making a ‘hoo ha’ about this is that ‘Rigevidon’ has had ‘Bad Press’ and as a carer, it is my duty to intervene when it comes to my daughter’s health.




Rigevidon is a “copycat” version of Microgynon 30 and produced by Gedeon Richter, a manufacturing company that can sell the drug for cheaper, (it is not the same as Microgynon).

‘Microgynon 30’ is produced by Bayer, a Research and Development company that has tested their product on “thousands” of people. 

There is no data to say that the NHS cannot obtain supplies of the drug Microgynon 30 and I suspect that depending on the NHS budget will depend if they are able to acquire the drug or not.

I may be mistaken but I have not read anything to the contrary about the supply of the drug other than in this article: and that was two years ago.

If a patient is happy with a drug they have been prescribed and are getting on well with, they should not have their health compromised for the sake of a cost-cutting exercise, to be prescribed a cheaper drug.

A spokesman for Gedeon Richter told “Many side effects and risks are considered to be class effects of COCs, like bleeding disturbances, mood swings, depression, decreased sexual desire, weight gain, acne, and fatigue.

Russian Roulette.

So if there are all these side effects why are pharmaceutical companies and the GPs playing Russian roulette with people’s health?

In my opinion, if a drug is not 100% safe it should not be on the market.

I will be contacting ‘Bayer’ for comment to see if they have a problem with manufacturing and supplies:

We will soon see where the problem lies…

Stand up for your rights and you know better than anyone if something suits you or not.

If you have been on a medication for years and all of a sudden the NHS decides to switch brands you have to read the small print as not all drugs are made the same and you need to discuss your concerns with a professional abled body such as your own GP or Pharmacy.

Do your research and if you have to, get a second opinion.

How to Complain.

My Thoughts.

I will update this post in due course as soon as I get more information.

The pharmacist who spoke to my daughter today whilst she was on loudspeaker with myself present and another person accused my daughter of raising her voice at her, even though my daughter was being polite and courteous.

This is not the first time this surgery has been defensive and rude and basically said my daughter will not be prescribed ‘Microgynon’ because her explanation of why she did not want to take it was not good enough.

I will be making a formal complaint about this surgery they basically said that if my daughter really needed it she should get it privately and when my daughter said she would go private the person said she would update the records, not sure what that implies.


I spoke to this afternoon and was told as far as they are aware Microgynon 30 is still being supplied to the NHS without any issues. I forwarded the link to this post to them for further comment.

Am awaiting a further response.

Last Update 26/03/21 at 17.13 hours.

New Update 29/03/21

I wrote to the surgery by email here is the screenshot:

So today I get a response from the surgery saying they could not talk about my daughter as my daughter has not given consent. So I asked my daughter to send them an email and they replied back because my daughter’s email was not on their system they could not continue the discussion.

Obviously, I was not going to let this slide so I phoned the practice manager and this was her response:

Because my daughter’s email has never been registered with them, they are not prepared to accept my daughter’s consent and she would have to physically come in and sign a form I said my daughter has MS and cannot walk very well and she said SORRY sarcacasticly but that is GDPR ruling. What happened about not coming to the surgery unless it was for emergencies due to Covid Regulations?

My daughter already confirmed who she was by email including giving them her DOB and signature……. They were just being awkward.

Furthermore, the practice manager said I had a “LACK OF RESPECT” to their highly qualified pharmacist and their clinicians and therefore it would be in my best interest to find another practice that could offer me better advice.

Considering a Doctor prescribed Gaviscon for my daughter’s tingling and pins and needles in her feet a few years ago and upon me admitting my daughter to A&E it was found she has Multiple Sclerosis it obviously says how qualified their Clinicians are and for me to have a lack of respect.

One should earn respect in order to get respect. If there is a lack of trust between the patient and the health professional, one has to look at the bigger picture why that is ?

Not once did the practice manager apologize for the rudeness of the ‘Highly Qualified Pharmacists and then tried to be patronizing by saying if I want to get information off the INTERNET and believe everything that is written including the Sun Newspaper then that was my prerogative, but she omitted to mention ITV conveniently.

The practice manager then threatened me and told me to find another surgery.

I responded that with the 1.7 Google ratings, they should be grateful to have as many patients as they could. She continued to say that the NHS has stopped giving out ‘Microgynon’ and I should take it up with Welsh Government.

Now the Domino Effect Has Started.


I suffer from OCD I have anxiety attacks and depression and this surgery has made me feel really ill to the extent I cannot face work. My OCD levels have risen all because of this surgery, I do not respect patients’ health.

I am self-employed, I cannot take time off work and go on sick as I have obligations. My OCD has got worse because of this surgery.

“All I was doing was looking out for the best interest of my daughter and I am obliged as my daughter’s carer to oversee any issues arising from health risks and was simply outlining my concerns and not disrespecting anyone”.

I have been told by the same surgery in the past that the NHS is not obliged to help anyone (this is documented in one of my previous posts)

Furthermore, my daughter just had a phone call from Cardiff & Vale Health Board who said as far as they are aware the NHS is giving out the contraceptive pill ‘Microgynon’ to all its surgeries and obviously the surgery I have referred to Meddygfa Albany Surgery City Road, Cardiff, must know something they do not.

The practice manager went on to say it is not a cost-cutting exercise as they do not pay for the drugs and only the NHS do and that my daughter needs to go to a sexual clinic if she wants ‘Microgynon’ and they have been told by the NHS do not prescribe the medication. (This is where she and the ‘highly qualified pharmacist have contradicted themselves advising on both occasions to seek the medication from an NHS Sexual Health Clinic but in the same breath saying the NHS are not stocking the brand and that their surgery is not prescribing it).

The surgery has pushed my buttons too many times and I will take it up with the Welsh Government and the Ombudsman and will tag the surgery to my post as people should not be threatened especially by a health professional that they depend on to prescribe repeat prescriptions and should take on board any anxieties a patient might have. My daughter was also threatened by the pharmacist last week from the same surgery that called my daughter back that if she was not happy with their decision she should leave the surgery and find a new one. Again my daughter depends on repeat prescription medication.

My hands are shaking from today’s fiasco.

The NHS is still providing the contraceptive pill, end of the argument.

Do Dispensing Surgeries get paid by Pharma Companies?

This is not the Sun Newspaper but ‘The Guardian’:

Further Reading:

#nhs #gps #generalpracticiors #familydoctors #doctorssurgeries #doctors #contraceptivepill #contraception

Polyethylene glycol (PEG Allergy) as a cause of anaphylaxis

Polyethylene glycol (PEG Allergy) as a cause of anaphylaxis


This article is intended for people who have concerns about PEG Allergies and who need to safeguard their health and that of their families. It is NOT intended for those who are anti-vaccine and as such is NOT intended to adopt a discussion on the merits of vaccines on this blog. It is also NOT intended as an invitation for a discussion of the lethality of COVID-19 or the need for civic action to limit the spread of the disease.

Adverse Reactions.

I wrote my concerns about the adverse effects of having the Covid Vaccine in a previous article, I have since read further medical concerns which I will publish along with all the fact-checking citations.

People who have had a severe PEG Allergy in the past are advised to talk to a health professional before taking the vaccine.

The link to my previous article is below:

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a cause of anaphylaxis

Polyethylene glycols (PEGs) or macrogols are polyether compounds and are widely used as additives in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food.

PEGs are also used in everyday products such as toothpaste and shampoo as thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture carriers, and they’ve been used as a laxative for decades. An increasing number of biopharmaceuticals include PEGylated compounds as well.

According to the MIT, PEGs are basically tiny, greasy spheres that are used in COVID vaccines to protect the active ingredient (mRNA) and help it penetrate cells. It is within cells that the mRNA can go to work priming the immune system.

PEGs have also been confirmed to cause allergic reactions in rare cases, but how rare is not known.

PEG-2000 is an ingredient used in both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. If the compound is found to be the cause of the six allergic reactions to date, it will help the CDC hone its guidance further by narrowing the list of those that should not receive the vaccine.

Instead, CDC guidelines recommend not giving the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines to anyone with a history of severe allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine. For people who have had a severe reaction to another vaccine or injectable medication, the risks and benefits of vaccination should be carefully weighed, CDC says.

Patients with undiagnosed PEG allergy often have a history of immediate onset-unexplained anaphylaxis or anaphylaxis to multiple classes of drugs or unexplained anaphylaxis. Such individuals should not be vaccinated with the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine, except on the expert advice of an allergy specialist. The AstraZeneca vaccine can be used as an alternative (unless otherwise contraindicated), particularly if they previously tolerated an injected influenza vaccine. The vaccine should be administered in a setting with full resuscitation facilities (e.g. a hospital), and a 30-minute observation period is recommended.


Anaphylaxis (pronounced ana-fil-ax-is) is a severe and often sudden allergic reaction. It can occur when someone with allergies is exposed to something, they are allergic (known as an allergen). Reactions usually begin within minutes and rapidly progress but can occur up to 2-3 hours later.

What are the causes of anaphylaxis?

The common causes of anaphylaxis include foods such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, shellfish, fish, sesame seeds, and kiwi fruit, although many other foods have also been known to trigger anaphylaxis. Some people can react to tiny amounts of food, although this rarely causes a very severe reaction. Non-food causes include wasp or bee stings, natural latex (rubber), and certain drugs such as penicillin. In some people exercise can trigger a severe reaction – either on its own or in combination with other factors such as food or drugs (for example, aspirin).


Polyethylene glycol side effects:

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression.

  • irritation of the rectum
  • a sleep disorder
  • excessive thirst
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach cramps
  • abdominal bloating
  • a feeling of general discomfort called malaise
  • intense abdominal pain
  • upper abdominal pain

INFREQUENT side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

  • low amount of magnesium in the blood
  • low amount of phosphate in the blood
  • low amount of calcium in the blood
  • a high amount of calcium in the blood
  • an increased sodium level in the blood
  • low amount of sodium in the blood
  • acidosis, a high level of acid in the blood
  • high levels of potassium in the blood
  • low amount of potassium in the blood
  • hives (My daughter had hives after her first vaccine and contrast dye)
  • a high amount of uric acid in the blood

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

  • indigestion
  • headache
  • runny nose

RARE side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

  • high blood pressure
  • atrial fibrillation
  • abnormal heart rhythm
  • a feeling of throat tightness
  • rapid onset of fluid in the lungs
  • a puncture, tear, or hole in the esophagus
  • a type of stomach irritation called gastritis
  • insufficient blood supply to the colon
  • bleeding from the stomach, esophagus, or duodenum
  • decreased kidney function
  • fainting
  • seizures
  • muscle tremors
  • a skin rash
  • fluid retention in the legs, feet, arms, or hands
  • puffy face from water retention
  • swelling of the tongue
  • trouble breathing
  • a significant type of allergic reaction called anaphylaxis
  • a type of allergic reaction called angioedema
  • ulceration of the colon
  • lip swelling
  • fast heartbeat
  • asystole, stopping the heart

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

  • skin inflammation
  • dizziness
  • heart throbbing or pounding

In the European anaphylaxis registry currently 7935 registered anaphylactic cases only three were induced by macrogol. These findings may imply that polyethylene glycol hypersensitivity is potentially life-threatening but probably underdiagnosed as many drugs and food items contain macrogol. Handling patients with macrogol hypersensitivity can be challenging because of the extensive allergology workup, the necessity of the physician’s expertise, and the limited avoidance options because many drugs, including those used for the treatment of allergic reactions such as antihistamines, may contain macrogol as an additive. Therefore, specific product labeling and awareness are required. Patients should be educated about drugs that may contain PEGs, but also other products like lubricants or ultrasound gels. An increased patient and physician awareness to the allergic potential of macrogol must be discussed before taking the Covid Vaccine.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warns:

If you have had a severe allergic reaction—also known as anaphylaxis—to any ingredient in the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, you should not get vaccinated.*

*If you have had a severe allergic reaction to other vaccines or injectable therapies, ask your doctor if you should get the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Your doctor will help you decide if it is safe for you to get the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

PEG-2000 is an ingredient used in both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. If the compound is found to be the cause of the six allergic reactions to date, it will help the CDC hone its guidance further by narrowing the list of those that should not receive the vaccine.


If you have doubts speak to your local healthcare provider, or a health professional before taking the vaccine.

From personal experience, my daughter’s GP failed to mention that the reaction she had from an MRI contrast dye could well have been an anaphylaxis allergy, and was not advised about having her second vaccine. This is very worrying considering the same GP practice prescribed her Gaviscon which later transpired after we went to A&E that my daughter did not have gastric problems but was in fact diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

#peg #pegallergy #Polyethyleneglycol #anaphylaxis #covidvaccine #covidvaccineanaphylaxis #covidvaccineallergicreaction

PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE – Adverse Reactions – Fact Checking.

Covid Vaccine Image

Reporting of Suspected Adverse Reactions Fact-Checking.

To report an adverse reaction to the vaccine please visit:

COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects & Adverse Events (


Official MHRA side effect and adverse incident reporting site for coronavirus treatments and vaccines | Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The side effects of the vaccine are as follows and can be read in the official PDF which you can download here:

Screenshot No 1.

Vaccine Screenshot 2

Fact – Checking


Who are Reuters: Reuters is an international news organization owned by Thomson Reuters. It employs some 2,500 journalists and 600 photojournalists in about 200 locations worldwide. Reuters is one of the largest news agencies in the world.

I found the above information on this website which is used by all media globally:

AstraZeneca published its peer-reviewed trial data in the British medical journal The Lancet on Dec. 8 for public scrutiny (reported by Reuters here).

Further Reading{adgroupsurvey}&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5bz-BRD-ARIsABjT4njG3fRywr2ITDzU9BzVcphyUczDeEmp6TUsSKzm9hUtxABCL_6IfTUaAheREALw_wcB

Yellow Card App

You can also download the Yellow Card App:

You can now receive news updates from the MHRA and report side effects to medicines via the Yellow Card app.

At the moment you will need to create a separate account on the app to report. Please download it from the Apple App Store, or Google Play Store.

If you have any comments on the app please contact us.


Vulnerable People Who Have Had:

Vulnerable People who have had Alemtuzumab should get additional medical advice before taking the PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE.

My daughter was treated with the drug Alemtuzuzumab.

Alemtuzumab WAS a medication used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia and multiple sclerosis. On July 3, 2020, Sanofi Genzyme was notified that our Lemtrada Home Phlebotomy Partner, Examination Management Services Inc., (EMSI) has gone out of business.

What Lemtrada warning said:

LEMTRADA can cause serious side effects including:

Serious autoimmune problems: Some people receiving LEMTRADA develop a condition where the immune cells in your body attack other cells or organs in the body (autoimmunity), which can be serious and may cause death. Serious autoimmune problems may include:

  • Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), is a condition of reduced platelet counts in your blood that can cause severe bleeding that may cause life‑threatening problems. Call your healthcare provider (HCP) right away if you have any of the following symptoms: easy bruising; bleeding from a cut that is hard to stop; coughing up blood; heavier menstrual periods than normal; bleeding from your gums or nose that is new or takes longer than usual to stop; small, scattered spots on your skin that are red, pink, or purple
  • Kidney problems called anti‑glomerular basement membrane disease, which, if not treated, can lead to severe kidney damage, kidney failure that needs dialysis, a kidney transplant, or death. Call your HCP right away if you have any of the following symptoms: swelling of your legs or feet; blood in the urine (red or tea‑colored urine); decrease in urine; fatigue; coughing up blood

It is important for patients to have blood and urine tests before they receive, while on treatment, and every month for 4 years or longer after they receive their last LEMTRADA infusion.

See the additional Screenshot of what the PDF says about adverse effects :

Screenshot No 2.

Vaccine Screenshot

***Thoughts From the Editor of this Post.

As with every drug we take there is an element of risk hence that is why we have leaflets inside the packaging about what the drug is and what side effects there are.

As a carer and a concerned mum, it is my duty to know if my daughter should have the vaccine, the following telephone numbers had auto-response messages saying the lines were busy before the calls were disconnected after my daughter tried phoning today.

029 218 36318

029 218 36319

029 218 36323

029 218 36340

We are located in Cardiff UK so hence these are Cardiff Numbers. If you are outside Wales you should look up your local health board in your region.

I advised my daughter to phone 111 and no one could advise her and she was told that someone would phone her back.

Upon further fact checking I personally phoned the secretary of the Professor of Neurology in Cardiff and I explained that my daughter was a patient and the secretary directed me to this site: (The site does not explain anything about my concerns about diminished immune response) I also recited screenshot no 2 with my concerns and was told that all MS patients should have the vaccine although she could not explain what diminished immune response meant:

Immunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the vaccine. No data are available about the concomitant use of immunosuppressants.
As with any vaccine, vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 may not protect all vaccine recipients.

So obviously not leaving any stone unturned and wanting to know what “diminished immune response” meant I found the following information:

Diminished Immune Response Meaning:

A diminished immune response underlies age-related SARS-CoV-2 pathologies – PubMed (

Reading between the lines as I am no expert and I stand corrected if I am wrong, from what I understand my daughter should she decide on having the vaccine today will have her immune system diminished so there is no way for her to fight the virus. Furthermore and I quote: “No data is available about the concomitant use of immunosuppressants – may not protect all vaccine recipients“.

This tells me that it has no been tested on immune suppressant drugs or patients who have had immune suppressants, hence this is open for debate.

Other Links:


To contact Astra Zeneca.

Prescription medicines

For medical enquiries about our products (including questions on how to take your medicine, to report a side effect, or make a complaint regarding one of our medicines), please call our UK-based Medical Information team on 0800 783 0033. Lines are open from Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm. Outside these hours and on bank holidays, an out-of-hours service is available to assist with any urgent enquiries.

Global Headquarters: +44 (0)20 3749 5000
UK Marketing Company (UKMC): 0800 783 0033

(If you are outside the UK please visit the link i have provided above).

To Contact PFIZER.

Call 01304 616161
And ask to speak to the Medical Information team.

To Contact Gates Foundation – Vaccine.

The Oxford Vaccine.

***If you have any concerns do contact the links I have provided or your Local Health Board.

#covid19 #covid #vaccine #oxfordvaccine #pfizer #pfizervaccine #astrazeneca #astrazenecavaccine #lemtrada #diminishedimmuneresponse #ms #multiplesclerosis #immunocompromised #itp #immunosuppressant

Mental Health

Barbed wire round my brain – My Mental Health Story

Regardles what walks of life one comes from everyone experiences sadness, sorrow, depression and anxiety some parts of their lives. Not everyone is happy 24/7, it is impossible to be happy 24/7. We all worry and get anxious and feel insecure from time to time and the ones that say they do not are in denial.

Whether you are an entreprenuer or a stay at home mum/dad we all worry, it is just that some people can handle it better than others.

Some people turn to drinking alcohol, taking recreational drugs and smoking cigarettes or weed to relieve the feelings that festers inside of them (I am not suggesting trying any of methods I have mentioned above but seek medical help in the first instance, these are only examples of what people do to relieve the tension and if anything it might makes things worse than better). I just take my medication which has been prescribed by my GP and do not smoke, do not do recreational drugs and only have a drink if the occasion calls for it such as a Birthday Celebration, but other than that I do not drink. I am wiser now not to wake up with a thumping headache and less money in my pocket from the night before.

Mental Illness is categorised as having the following disorders:

  1. Anxiety & Panic Attacks
  2. Bipolar Disorder
  3. Depression
  4. Easting Disorders
  5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  6. Personality Disorders
  7. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  8. Psychosis
  9. Schizoaffective disorder
  10. Schizophrenia
  11. Self Harming
  12. Suicidal Feelings

I do not recommend self diagnosis although do your research and tell your doctor but if you think you have any symptoms do visit your local doctor and seek medical help.

I personally suffer with PTSD, OCD (Diagnosed over 30 years ago), and Clinical Depression. I also have Social Anxiety Disorder and find my home my safe haven away from people in general. I hate talking on the phone and very rarely do I venture out. This started way before self isolation with Covid-19. So I am a master when it comes to germ contaminaltion and social distancing.

I am the most happiest online and if things get too much I can just switch off.

Yet even online there are unsrupulous people that want to scam you and want to bring you down in order to destroy your reputation and hence as of yesterday I have gone back into my cocoon or bubble and really do not want to do any work and feel deflated that idiots have nothing better to do play stupid games. When a scammer goes looking for their next victim they do not care what it may do to the person mentally. I nearly became the next victim.

I feel I have fallen into a dark hole and need to summon the strength to get out, in which I know I will but it will take some doing.

Self help -Take a Leaf out of Warren Buffett’s Book.

Without a support system in place I cannot just phone anyone up and expect them to listen to my troubles (believe me, I have tried) and even if they did listen what could they do to help me? – nothing, so for me this would be pointless. However everyone is different and it may help to talk to a friend or a counseller/therapist on simply interact online and join forums and groups and network with people that also are suffering and have similar symptons as you.

Hence I try to help others whilst trying to help myself by making people aware Mental Illness is not a joke it needs to be addressed and people need to admit they have a problem to try and get professional help. Helping other means I am also helping myself and this makes me happy knowing that someone in need may have been put on the right path by me and got the help they needed. People should also be kind to one another and not cause distress or harm to another individual as doing so could make that person go over the edge.

I once told my daughter’s GodFather’s Girlfriend that I had OCD and she laughed in my face, so guess what I did, I removed those people out of my life, considering the Godfather could have defended me but chose not to.

Aswell as the racism I have endured over the years and the discrimination I am still standing and when I get knocked down I get up again and never give up…….

I find writing my thoughts on virtual paper is therapy for me.

People suffering with mental health issues need to seek professional help, in which I take medication for my disorders but sometimes just talking to someone also helps and cognitive behavioural therapy which does not work for everyone, yet everyone should try it.

There are also therapist that one can talk to in which I have tried that also and found going round and round in circles reapeating the same old stuff over and over again every single session did not benefit me but everyone is different so although it did not help me it may help others. I did not acknowlege the core of my problem, my insecurities in which a stranger, professional or not could not help me. I have since found that accepting the root of my problem I am better at being able to overcome the obstacles I am faced with. Its all in the mind and mind over matter.

The medication I take is is not a magic pill but helps me sleep, it will never stop my anxieties, it meerly calms my state of mind but never erradicates the problem, that I have to do myself and yes it will take some time and I believe oneday it will happen through sheer motivation to complete my goals. The key is to set goals for yourself and aim to accomplish them.

You need to address the core of what is bothering you, if it is debt or martial issues or problems in work, you need to start there. If you start to admit what problem you have got you are half way there to doing something about it. Do not let your problems fester. I know what problem I have and I am trying to turn my problem around, yes it has taken me 30 years to admit what my insecurity is but now that I finally have addressed it I know I am on the right path to make things better and eventually my insecurities will subside and this will help with my mental well being overall.

If you are constantly in a controlling relationship at home or at work, try to remove the negative people out of your life. For me I just do not answer the phone or do not interact online if I do not want to.

I do not have a support system that I can phone someone out of the blue as they would most probably not understand so how can they help (I Have tried therapy and that did not work, but I have joined some OCD Groups on Facebook and have interacted a few times which has helped a bit). In fact once I tried to tell my ex-sister in law about my problems and about my OCD and tried to relate that she too had a problem (hair pulling) when she was going through a divorce with my brother and she was in denial and gave me pretentious look whcih I will never forget. She seems to think she is better than me. But what she fails to understand she would not be where she is now without the divorce settlement my brother paid her and she had Trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-nee-uh), also called hairpulling disorder and theres no denying it as her hair was starting to get rather visibibly thin on top, which is similar to self harming, yet she denied she ever had it and had no positive words for me.

I know that I have to work it out myself without giving too much detail away as people can abuse your trust so the less they know the better.

Therefore I was shocked to hear a famous person was not briefed before opening his mouth a few days ago at a Presindential Rally. Surely they have managers that advise them what to say and what not to say. If he did this against the advise of his manager and this was a publicity stunt he obviously did not think before he spoke as now there may be consequences due to his actions when his eldest daughter grows up.

The famous person I am talking about is ‘Kayne West’ whom has been in the news and widely criticised for being outspoken about his personal life and in his defence, his wife ‘Kim Kardashian’ has said he suffers with ‘Biopolar Disorder’. From my own experience one should not air their dirty laundry in public (no matter who you are) especially if there will be reprecussions within the family unit further down the line, considering as it will happen when his eldest gets to read/hear/see what her father said about abortion. No child needs to hear that their parents were planning an abortion to get rid of them. That is why Kayne is the way he is because his father wanted to abort him and because he has Bipolar Disorder probably caused by festered insecurities.

The mere fact that this is even talked about in public will bound to affect the child’s mental state and they will feel insecure that their parents contemplated this and did not want them or that may even feel unloved. The seed of insecurity would be planted and in the back of their mind which could potentially fester, which in turn will cause the individual to have mental issues when they get older. This is so wrong on so many levels, one should not use your children as pawns to win votes and one should do everything possible to protect our children including not divuldging information about abortion. Imagine if you found out your parents had contemplated aborting you, how would you feel?, I for one would not be able to have the same respect before knowing and would not be able to look at the same again.

If you are feeling insecure and things are not going right, reach out to me here and I will try to help you. No one should suffer alone.

If you feel anxious or depressed just send a message and I will see what options are available for you to rectify your problems.

Nothing cannot be so bad you cannot share your problems in confidence with someone that is willing to listen. All problems have a way of being resolved one just needs to know how.

Remember a problem shared is a a problem halved.

My demons are the people I do not trust and the scam artists online aswell as the people that attempt to take advantage of me or bring me down or harm to me, you know the people I am talking about the judgemental pretentious people that think they are better than you, the ones that pretend they care but in reality do not give two hoots about you.

Like I said sharing my thoughts has already made me feel a little bit better.

Everyone has a story to tell and I have been through the mill and back so I have every excuse not to trust people and my story is my journey so one day I will write a book.

From one sufferer to another, stay safe and stay strong.

NHS Complaint – Well Roath Pharmacy City Road Cardiff

Meddygfa Albany Surgery & Well Roath Pharmacy City Road

Due to the coronavirus people who are vulnerable are given the option to have their medication delivered to their property as in the case of my daughter.

So last week I arranged for the medication to be delivered to my property but forgot that my daughter had a hospital appointment and because I cannot get up and down the stairs I would have relied on her to open the door to get the medication from the courier.

The pharmacy was reluctant to do a delivery and the pharmacist I spoke to said is there anyone that can collect the medication on behalf of my daughter i.e a neighbour or friend.

So again the pharmacy have contradicted themselves they asked if we knew anyone that could pick up the medication, but would not leave the medication with a secure neighbour inside my house.

Now you have to imagine the scenario I live in a terrace house, I live upstairs with my daughter, whilst there is a young family down stairs who are my tennants so I trust them implicitly, furthermore my door bell is a video cam so I can record who is at my door should I wish to do so ( however in this instance I did not and in a way I am gutted as I could have uploaded it but mores the pity I did not record it, lesson learnt I suppose for future).

Now pre covid-19 you as a patient can nominate anyone to pick up your prescription from over the counter if you are unable to do so yourself.

Here is my rant the courier came whilst my daughter was out, so I could not go down the stairs but I heard my tennant open the door. the courier did not want to leave the medication with my tennant and proceeded then to intercom me where I said to him I could not go down the stairs and for him to leave it with my tennant.

He refused point blank and said he would get sacked and I said “who would report him to get sacked” ceratainly not me seeing as I would be grateful that he had empathy and had done my daughter a favour and saved her from exposing her to an unsafe and dangerous environment.

So if my daughter God Forbid contracts this disease I can then sue the Pharmacy and the Courier and the NHS, I would go after everyone individually and I was once told by a solicitor that I could have been one 🙂

He went onto say he could not leave the medication with anyone other than the name on the parcel. I said but the medication is for my daughter and not for me, so my name is not on the parcel. He then said but he could leave it with me, so he contradicted himself as my name was not on the parcel.

I called him an “a@@eh@@e” and he doubled back and said what did you say?, being confrontational in which I turned off the intercom and cut him off.

Now my daughter has to go to the pharmacy to risk her own life to collect the medication that this idiot could have left with my tennant, who could have been the nominated person to collect the prescription over the counter pre-covid time and I could have recorded the delivery on my ‘Bell Cam’, but the courier did not give me a chance to do that.

I understand the point that you cannot hand over the medication to just anyone, but this was my tennant and I could have recorded the whole thing as an added precaution and security measure.

I am now going to name and shame this courier and pharmacy and the GP Surgery:

I do not give a damn about this GP and Pharamacy and they have been on my radar for a long time now, with the doctor mis-diagnosing my daughter and giving her Gaviscon for a Auto-Immune Disease.

Not only this, when I first contacted the named pharmacy they refused to do the delivery and said they will do it just this once out of charity and tried to get us to ask a neighbour or friend to come and collect it instead…(no security issue there so it seems).

Yet you expect to clap for them every Thursday, they know what they are doing when they sign up for a job, you would not see soldiers crying because they are on the front line the same goes for the NHS they know what they signed up for when they chose the job.

For the pharmacy making that statement and being reluctant to do the delivery, my daughter already reported them to the council once already, she aims to do it again if this medication is not delivered.

One knows the risks prior for doing the job, so do not moan about the job and do your job properly.

Yes the doctors and nurse do a grand job don’t get me wrong but you would not pay off a heart surgeons mortgage if you had a heart attack and he saved your life. The same goes for the MOD (Ministry of Defence), but we do not stand on the doorstep clapping our hands for them, do we !

So to top it all my daughter went to collect the medication from the pharmacy after being told by the courier it would be back at the pharamcy today. Only to be told by the pharmacy the courier had not come back. So my daughter is now going to have to go again a second time.

15.52 The saga continues. I phoned the pharmacy and asked to see how we could resolve the ongoing problem and they said they attempted to deliver once so they have done their job…….

I reiterrated that my daughter is vulnerable and she cannot go again to the pharmacy, so they replied they will ask their one and only driver to deliver it again but could not make and guarantees. The pharmacy have no care for the patients well being.

I put the question to them if I was to send my tennant to the pharmacy what would be the difference of leaving the medication with the same tennant that lived in my house? The pharmasist could not answer me other than saying delivery drivers have to leave the medication with the patient. So if I was able to get downstairs this morning and I am not the patient the delivery driver should not have been able to give the medication to me, yet he said he was going to leave it with me even though I was not the named patient on the package.

Watch how they will try and justify their shambles of an excuse of a rule that makes no sense at all, that can be broken depending if the person used their intiative and used more than one brain cell. If I was the courier I would have asked the tennant to sign for the medication, its not hard and would have covered his sorry a@@e!

So the appointed person can collect the medication but the delivery driver cannot leave it with the appointed person even though the delivery would be video recorded….. work that one out?

My daughter also observed how the pharmacist was walking at a super slow pace even though there was a queue of people waiting in a line on the foot path in the scorching sun to be served. My daughter said the pharmacist was slower than a sloth

and was asking a patient to re-spell multiple times.

By coincidence I assume it was the same person that asked me three times today to spell the name of my daughter, which only has four characters in the name.

If I was the manager of that pharmacy I would have a stop watch on my staff member and retrain my staff.

This is unbelievable and a total shambles.

If the one and only driver fails to deliver, then tomorrow they will feel my wrath and will be showing them this post.

17.57 Update the Driver Failed to Deliver, why does that not suprise me….

Update Tuesday 26th May 2020

The same digruntled courier did deliver the medication and these are my daughters words not mine, “his body language and tone in his voice gave the impression he does not like his job”.

***Do not use this GP or Pharmacy they are a waste of space.

Grocery Supermarkets.

Drivers Without PPE Clothing.

My rant last time about Grocery Supermarkets was about vulnerable people not having deliveries and about cross contamination.

You will be pleased to know my deliveries have been re-instated but wait for this…….The delivery arrived today and my daughter greeted the two delivery men of which one of them coughed straight in her face.


You would think that all drivers should wear gloves and face masks but obviously they do not.

She is now worried about cross contamination and if he is a carrier or not.

Do all the staff get tested on a daily basis?, I do not think so and when they deliver the groceries they should abide by the 2 metre rule but they do not.

So does that mean if my daughter contracts the virus because of this individual that we can then sue the Grocery Supermarket Company?

I hope and pray for their sake it does not come to this and that my daughter is going to be OK.

It seems that I am I banging my head against a brick wall as everyone seems to be behaving like sheep and saying because “Simple Simon Says” they have to follow and not use their own initiatives.

Sheep Immunity – Follow The Leader and not Think For Ourselves….

All I can say is another blog post is heading to the CEO yet again….

Totally unbelievable!!

Grocery Supermarkets Failing Us!

Supermarkets Are Not Helping!

On the whole I have been a loyal customer of Tesco’s for many years with relatively little issues until now. I normally shop online on a regular basis because both my daughter and I have disabilities.

I am not targeting this post entirely at Tescos, as all Grocery Supermarkets should follow my example.

I am just writing about my own personal experience with Tesco but I am sure all other grocery supermarkets have the same problem and are following the bright spark that makes the rules.

So with the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic I noticed Tesco struggling to keep up with demand of some of my usual products such as antibacterial-disinfectant, hand wash and hand gel for many weeks now. This was not my grieviance as I understood people had been bulk buying.

I would have already prior to the pandemic had a policy in place not to be able to purchase more than 3 items of any one product, as the store is a retailer not a wholesaler, but for some reason I hear Supermarkets are being less lenient again. do they never learn?

Its not the end of the world, we are not fighting for food.

If you want to buy in bulk go to a wholesaler, not that they are taking on any new registrations at this present time due to people thinking that this is the end of the world and we are facing some sort of zombie apocaplypse.

Lawmakers and CEO’s

Just like every thing else CEO’s & MP’s do not think until after the event. Similar if there was a catastrophic event the law would only kick in after the fact.

Businesses and Governments should think outside the box to have scenarios of what could happen and put improvisions in place so that if the inevitable should ever happen they would be prepared and covered.

So moving on I received an email from Tesco a few days ago that they will not be charging me my monthly delivery fee due to no delivery slots and are only delivering to the vulnerable:

I then had another email from the CEO of Tesco saying due to the pandemic they will be only delivering to the vulnerable.

So you are telling me there is only 110,000 clinically vulnerable and isolated people in the whole of the UK?. What does that mean exactly? What about the rest of the population i.e cancer patients that have auto immune disease or the elderly what about those people? According to people with underlying health conditions are at risk, such as:

  1. Solid organ transplant recipients.
  2. People with specific cancers:
    • people with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy
    • people with lung cancer who are undergoing radical radiotherapy
    • people with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma who are at any stage of treatment
    • people having immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments for cancer
    • people having other targeted cancer treatments which can affect the immune system, such as protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors
    • people who have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last 6 months, or who are still taking immunosuppression drugs
  3. People with severe respiratory conditions including all cystic fibrosis, severe asthma and severe COPD.
  4. People with rare diseases and inborn errors of metabolism that significantly increase the risk of infections (such as SCID, homozygous sickle cell).
  5. People on immunosuppression therapies sufficient to significantly increase risk of infection.
  6. Women who are pregnant with significant heart disease, congenital or acquired.

So I decided to reply but had to hunt for the email as I tried phoning customer service and got cut off several times, meaning they are not taking calls, by having auto responders in place. The email is towards the end of this thread and I got a response back from them today which is laughable.

The whole point of isolation is to try to contain the virus, so you would think that Tesco and all the rest of the grocery stores should follow suit and employ more staff (considering many people have lost their jobs right now) and have them answer calls, have online chat and answer emails.

On top of this stop people coming to the stores, full stop.

Cross Contamination.

By someone coming into a store there is a chance of cross contamination as someone that coughs could easily transmit the virus onto a product packaging and have it airborne for some one else to inhale.

“The only people in the stores would be the staff and they also would less likely catch the virus from cross contamination. But the store managers and the CEO’s are not OCD like me so they will not be thinking this way”.

As for the elderly who only shop for one or two minimal items or people that do not normally buy online, humanity should love thy neighbour and give a helping hand meaning if you live in close proximity to an elderly person or someone who does not know the first thing about shopping online you could order on their behalf it is not difficult, you could combine it into your shop and split the cost after, or set up an account for them.

If there are so many staff supposedly employed then they should be able to stock, stack, pick, pack, chat online, answer calls, email and deliver How about giving me 10% bonus to organise your business management as it needs re-organising.

So like I said in the beginning my daughter has an auto immune disease and suffers with multiple sclerosis, I am her mother and her carer and she has a low immune system due to treatment she has had six months ago.

So therefore physically venturing out to buy food in store I have a greater chance of contracting the disease from cross contamitation, which I could potentially pass on to my daughter. I do not know what sickly individual has coughed and spluttered on a product I have just picked up. Also I could be inhaling someone’s airborne germs having a greater risk on contracting the disease and then bringing it home.

I am not alone when it comes to people who cannot shop instore there are many disabled people in the UK 13.9 million disabled people to be exact but who’s counting: and not every one is clinically vulnerable as listed in the 6 points the government have laid out, some people cannot walk or lift/carry large shopping orders and some have mental illness issues and cannot shop for themselves. So for Tesco to send an email saying the Government have given a list of 110,000 vulnerable people what does that mean exactly?, I know I cited a guide from the Government website earlier but is it not the the case that every one is vulnerable? It does not mention the elderly, disabled, mental health patients and domestic abuse victims and not everyone has been diagnosed with underlying conditions as men more so than women do not like visiting their GPs hence that is why more men than women are dying from the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic because of this reason and not being diagnosed for any underlying problems.

All people healthy and disabled are vulnerable because of cross contamination.

The less you spend outside your own home the better, as this is called “herd immunisation”.

The whole point of isolation is to stay indoors to try to contain the virus. People may be carriers of the disease and may not even know they are infected. It takes one person to infect 59,000 people in a snowball effect experts believe:

So here is my email I sent to Tesco yesterday:

….and this is their reply in an email that states they cannot reply to emails

and that I should try phoning customer service where they do not mention there is an autoresponder and no one is answering calls.

But the person replied to me (Name Omitted) by email today even though I emailed Tesco yesterday, so this was not an auto responder email as I would have had it instantaneously yesterday. So she could have answered my question, but chose not to. Therefore I have had to resort to other means to get my point across.

I will put it to the test when I send another email today with a link to this post and see if she responds, we will then see if this is just an autoresponder and if my blog post gets noticed. I will also be contacting the CEO of Tesco on Linkedin so that he can respond directly to me.

Do not brush customers off, you need them for the future.

Cross contamination is my main priority and concern. I am not saying this for myself, I am saying this for all the population of the UK on the whole, if you have a person who is infected and comes into the store showing no signs but picks things up and perhaps puts them back, you are automatically cross contaminating. Self service baskets will be cross contaminated, the area where you put your food down in checkout will get cross contaminated, your food/produce will be cross contaminated and the carrier bags will also be cross contaminated.

Sneezing Droplets 8 Metres.

Furthermore coughing spreads droplets as far as six metres, and sneezing as much as eight metres. These droplets stay suspended in the air for up to 10 minutes. So by having the “two metre rule” is basically useless.

Apparantly there is a right way to cough and sneeze and I beg to differ, remember I am the OCD expert here. As the photo suggests one should cough and sneeze into the crease of their elbow or back to their hand.

Coughing and Sneezing….

But imagine the scenario unfolding you have just sneezed into the crease of your elbow, not every one is going to have a bare arm thats No: 1, No: 2, germs can live on garments for several hours: Robert Amler, dean of the School of Health Sciences and Practice at New York Medical College and a former CDC chief medical officer, told HuffPost that the duration of the virus depends on the fabric, as some materials are more porous than others.

By sneezing or coughing into an elbow that is not bare and cannot be immediately washed one is potentially cross contaminating, as someone can easly touch your arm, even you unwittingly can touch yourself without thinking, as what occured an hour ago may not neccessarily be still be playing on ones mind to erradicate an hour later. If say you are wearing a coat and you have sneezed or coughed into the crease of the elbow and you take it off and lay it next to another coat owned by another person you have just cross contaminated. You could perhaps throw the coat over an armchair – cross contaminating the arm chair. Only an OCD person can teach you this.

Hence staff that have been screened to be healthy should be the ONLY people that are in the store.

By eliminating the consumer from entering the store, one potentially is containing the virus and flattening the curve. By allowing the customer to shop freely one is potentially opening a can of worms.

I will update on the post as and when I get more news.

Update 14/04/2020

On top of the fact there are no deliveries and one cannot contact the store by email or phone for love or money, without resorting to physically having to visit a store and queue to make a complaint, I am on the verge of screaming right now as I have only noticed 2 transactions going out of my account for the same amount of money.

At the time of updating my post earlier today I had not heard back from my email test the other day as I mentioned in my post at the beginning to see if in fact they actually do send out autoresponders or not and have sent another email today. However a few moments ago I received an email once again saying they do not respond to emails and prompted me to go to their online support FAQ, which frankly is no good to me as I need to speak with a human.

I have already showed this post to my MP Jo Stevens and Tesco via their email but have held off contacting the CEO until today and am curious how they will respond to this today if at all.

You can see the screenshot of the email content below:

I do not know what the maximum amount of transactions one can spend on self service but if it is say £40 and that went out twice the customer would have had £80 leave their account instead of £40. Imagine if this an elderly person how this would effect them and the stress it would cause.

The icing on the cake the contactless option obviously did not work forcing you to touch the keypad which is defeating the object of containing the virus.

Furthermore my daughter went out to do a shop yesterday thinking she was helping me as I could not go as I have a business to run and considering despite her disability, she was taking a risk having to go in-store let alone have to touch the keypad lol & omg….Under normal circumstances I do all the shopping but the one time my daughter went out she got charged twice and she risked her health at the same time by doing so.

I am now, shall we say very angry and still no closer to resolving the issues I am facing so only God knows what other people are facing…….

Absolutely Fuming!!

People are blaming the coronavirus covid-19 for just about everything that is going wrong with the way businesses are run, Coronavirus Covid-19 does not affect common sense to employ call handlers and online chat support workers.

My business is running smoothly so a corporate giant such as Tesco should not have a problem, yet they do.

This is now directed for the CEO of Tesco and any other Supermarket that has not got their act together !!!!

UK are their own worst enemies the moment they see snow the country comes to a grinding halt and now that we are faced with the pandemic all hell has broke loose and everyone is running around like headless chickens and blaming covid-19 for their bad management skills. In business you should have a Plan A, a Plan B and even a Plan C. Yet for some reason it seems as everyone is not organised, yet they will try to defend themselves by saying that they are when clearly they are not.

Herd Immunity – Covid-19 Coronavirus

Herd Immunity.
Catching Up Just like the Government.

Browsing the usual daily news feeds about everything of interest to my blog, I came across this regarding Government plans to make UK population become immune to the virus. But in order to do so, one needs a vacination (which they have not got supposedly) or enough people to be infected with the virus and then survive in order for it to work. The Government has been strongly criticised for not doing enough to slow down the pandemic which Donald Trump declared an ‘International Emergency’.

You can read the full article here:

Things you should do to protect yourself from the Covid-19 Coronavirus.

It is all common sense to implement this into your daily routine, however people are complacent and this needs to be now drummed into our heads.

  • Wash your hands.  Make sure you wash your hands frequently, especially if you have touched foreign objects that are not personal to you. Try to use antibacterial hand soap or hand sanitiser. Stay clear of hand dryer blowers they spread germs, even if you are passing one that is in use and make sure to not touch the taps with your bare hands.
  • Avoid touching your face.  You mouth has around 500 to 1,000 different types of bacteria so touching your mouth you are re-contaminating your hands with bacteria, so avoid touching your mouth unless you are brushing your teeth and even then wash your hands straight after and avoid touching your face at all unless your hands are clean.
  • Maintain distance. If you suspect someone to be ill avoid close contact with that individual and maintain a distance of around 3 feet between you and the person.
  • Don’t share personal items. Consider your personal belonging to be your own and you should not share at all (no exceptions) . Some people for example drink from the same coke bottle (disgusting I know) so consider who has touched the item you are about to touch.
  • Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. If you have a cough or you sneeze cover your mouth at all times. Some people are saying cough or sneeze into your sleeve or elbow, but for me that means you have just contaminated your clothing so if some one was then to touch you, you would then contaminate them. I recommend straight into a tissue which you can dispose of quickly or your hands which you can then clean immediately.
  • Stay home if you’re sick. If your unwell stay at home, do not risk contaminating others no matter how insignificant your cold may be. Do your shopping online or ask a friend, neighbour or family member but remember to not have close contact and stay 3 feet away.
  • Clean surfaces. Everyday items we take for granted such as handles on doors (including cars) light switches, flooring, keyboards, touch pads, trolley handles, product packaging in shops all carry germs.
  • Keep yourself updated.  Always stay informed and use trusted sources for information of which I took extracts of my post from:

Final Thoughts…….

Just hot off the press I have just been asked to market this domain and website, ideal for anyone wishing to sell, merchandise, PPE clothing and equipment and sanitation supplies such as antiseptic disinfectant and hand gel and face masks which are all in short supply. Please email me at if interested in buying this domain and website.

You may also want to watch this, the figures estimated are very scary………

Covid -19 Government Tactic Move From Stage Phase – Stage Delay

Containing Coronavirus Strategy.

The government is in talks on “Operation Cobra” to move from stage “phase” to stage “delay”. This should be from immediate effect. If schools and colleges are being closed in the “Republic of Ireland” then, schools and colleges in England, Scotland and Wales should follow suit promptly.

People such as the elderly, people with underlying conditions and people with low immune systems should stay at home. full stop.

Grocery shopping should be done online for home delivery. If you can avoid going out then stay at home.

Its not just the sick that need to be isolated it is the vulnerable as well.

People have a mindset of “it won’t happen to them” are just plain stupid and ignorant, as imagine if it did happen to them, then they have just put their family and friends, work colleagues at risk also.

Do not be complacent as I am reading on many group chats, do not risk your life or others.

Symptoms to look out for are:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough

Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.

You do not need to contact 111 to tell them you’re staying at home.

Read more on:

However I have read that you won’t contract the virus form packaging and food on the NHS website, which is a contradiction as germs linger on packaging and food, hence why is the whole world going mad buying surface sprays. From the Germ Expert clean all packing and food as set out below…………Better to be safe than sorry!!


Panic Buying.

Panic Buying – what is all this about??, its not the end of the world and people should just shop more responsibly………….You don’t need a years supply of toilet paper or antibacterial products. You can double up by all means but not be stupid about it and leave the rest of the world without hand gel for example. I know manufacturers are having problems sourcing plastic bottles so obviously it causing delays in manufacturing and shipment. Do not be selfish people. Even I, whom has ‘OCD’ do not buy in bulk apart from my disposable gloves which come in packs of 10 boxes straight from the manufacturer but other than that I use antiseptic disinfectant products sparingly not over use them. I use as and when required, two litres or 4 x 500ml usually lasts me a month.

People who can work from home should work from home, everyone has a computer nowadays so there is no excuse there unless of course you are working in a factory and are manufacturing and packing goods or a trades person, then a safe plan of action should be implemented. Schools can have online tutoring where students have to login, no excuse there either.

Obviously factories and tradesmen have an obstacle to overcome. People in factories and tradesmen should wear protective PPE clothing and use PPE equipment – Companies such as Accountants, Solicitors, Insurers etc, have to just tread caution and should have hand sanitiser on all entry points and clean door handles regularly.

Its not just about washing hands its also about touching surfaces and products that have been touched by other people such as, door handles, pens, desks, computers, touch pads, ATM machines, everyday products and cash etc, it all has germs.

I suffer from contamination OCD so you could say i’m an expert on germ contamination.

All goods you buy in a shop has been handled by another person before you. Fruit and Veg is another example which you can wash with a mild solution of diluted antibacterial washing up detergent and water. (make sure you rinse thoroughly). Taps on sinks and soap dispensers, door handles all have germs. I personally when I handle anything wear disposable gloves, I go through over a thousand pairs a month even in my home, on good days.

What we take for granted and touched by some else other than yourself should be sanitised.

If you make sure you thoroughly rinse your fruit and veg after you have washed them, then it will not give you adverse tummy problems or effect your health in anyway. Besides I would rather clean my fruit and veg by this method rather than risk contamination of any germs. Veg you can boil and that itself will kill germs. Tins and packets should be cleaned using diluted antibacterial washing up liquid and products in paper packaging should be wiped over with a slightly damp antibacterial wipe or diluted antibacterial washing up liquid solution saturated sponge or cloth. Raw meat bacteria obviously gets killed at high cooking temperatures, (so there are no worries there), but make sure to not cross contaminate and keep raw meat on the bottom shelf away from cooked meat and other products such as dairy etc.

Eating out – I have started and this is before covid-19 came out, having an anxiety of eating out using the restaurants own cutlery, I have now invested in my own travel cutlery that I carry around with me. Drinking from glasses I always watch where the waitress holds the glass so that I do not touch the glass in the same place, if anything something I have adopted of late is to get a napkin and cover the glass with the napkin so that I can hold the glass indirectly. I also use my own travel metal straw so that my lips do not touch the glass, after all how do the bar staff take out the glasses form the glass washer, some use the bottom of the glass whilst others use the top of the glass, plus the fact in top restaurants and bars glasses are also polished by hand to remove any watermarks (I know this as I worked in the hospitality industry many years ago). All cutlery and plates are handled by other people before your food is brought to your table. We assume that people wash their hands appropriately but we should not be complacent about it, as with what is going on today you would think people would take appropriate measures to protect themselves and others but this not always the case, as how come so many people have died from this virus if everyone was a germ freak like me and I for one do not want to take that risk of not sanitising something before I use it.

Its ironic how people used to mock my OCD and now everyone is doing literally what I have been doing all along for many years now.

I avoid public transport with a passion, the amount of times I have been brushed by someone has made me fell so uncomfortable. So now I avoid public transport all together. If you are going to use Taxi’s consider the car door handles, they have germs and paying with cash. Cash has germs.

***Also why are we being told to avoid crowded public places, so why is it the schools, colleges and universities are still open and why can parents not self isolate and not take their children to school if they are concerned about the implications? Boris Johnson needs to do something quick time and not wait for it to be too late.

Heres some useful articles I have read:

We should also ask ourselves if this virus was genetically engineered, then the inventor/scientist would have an antidote, he would not make the virus airborne risking his and his families lives. If this is genetically engineered biological warfare, we also have to ask ourselves why has this happened?

Read more about this here:

Biological Warfare
Biological Warfare.

Your welcome to share your thoughts on this and I will respond to the most relevant of comments.

My final thoughts, my daughter who has a low immune system due to a treatment she had last August for ‘Multiple Sclerosis’ has just asked the NHS MS Team today 13/01/20 if she is safe and the person on the other end of the phone simply played it down and said there is nothing to worry about as we are all in the same boat so to speak and we all have the same chances of contracting the virus.

‘Rhianon’ from the MS Team Cardiff just said take the same precautions as everyone else and avoid crowded public places. Well what is a hospital if not a crowded public place, but my daughter has to have her bloods tested every month. ‘Rhianon’ went on to say well we write down your bloods every month, well that is so comforting to know (not – sarcasm on my part), considering she seemed complacent about the scenario. For her sake I hope my daughter is OK as I have a name now and i’m good at standing my ground and fighting battles.

Someone needs to be held responsible for this! If as some are saying the virus originated from a wet market selling illegal tropical animals in Wuhan, we have to ask the question the chinese have not overnight starting selling this type of produce and they have been doing it for centuries so for anyone to believe this is slighlty on the naive side. Remember the media have to give an explanation and its up to us to believe it or not…………. I prefer not to.

I am fuming !!!

Be safe people and start taking this seriously!

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