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Renters Reform Bill To Abolish Section 21 No-Fault Eviction Notices

Renters Reform Bill Ensuring Fairness, Stability, and Security for Renters

Polly Neate, chief executive of Shelter, said: “The government is failing renters by stalling on the Renters Reform Bill. For each day that MPs are off on their six-week summer break, another 172 families will be hit with a no-fault eviction notice – giving them just two months to pack up and leave their homes.

What is in this article:

  1. Renters Reform Bill
  2. Understanding Section 21 No-Fault Evictions
  3. The Need for Reform
  4. Introducing Open-Ended Tenancies
  5. Promoting Fairness and Equity
  6. Addressing Landlord Concerns
  7. Statistics On Homelessness In The UK
  8. The Scale of Homelessness
  9. Rough Sleeping and Street Homelessness
  10. Hidden Homelessness and Temporary Accommodation
  11. Causes of Homelessness
  12. Impact on Vulnerable Groups
  13. Government Initiatives and Challenges
  14. Landlord Rent Increases
  15. Understanding Landlord Rent Increases: Causes, Consequences, and Tenant Rights
  16. Why Do Landlords Implement Rent Increases?
  17. Consequences for Tenants
  18. Tenant Rights in Rent Increase Situations
  19. Tenant Action and Communication
  20. Tenants who receive a rent increase should this
  21. Landlords Causing Renters Financial Difficulty
  22. Landlords Responsibilities
  23. The Responsibilities of Landlords to Address Mold in the Home
  24. How Much Does Mold Removal Cost
  25. Government Rent Cap
  26. What is the Government Rent Cap?
  27. The Objectives of Rent Caps
  28. The Pros of Rent Caps
  29. The Cons of Rent Caps
  30. Landlords Causing Emotional Distress
  31. The Landlord-Tenant Relationship
  32. Common Causes of Emotional Distress
  33. Impact on Tenants’ Well-being
  34. Seeking Solutions For Preparation of Litigation For Emotional Distress
  35. How To Report Rogue Landlords
  36. Electrical Safety Inspections
  37. Landlord Responsibilities for Electrical Safety Inspections
  38. Fire Extinguishers Maintenance
  39. Should It Be The Responsibility of the Tenant To Tell The Electrical Safety Inspectors To Do Their Jobs Properly
  40. Government Database Of Rogue Landlords
  41. Conclusion
  42. Further Reading

Renters Reform Bill

As the housing market evolves and the number of renters increases, it has become crucial for governments to address the challenges tenants face and ensure that they are protected from arbitrary and unjust evictions. In response to growing concerns over the insecurity and vulnerability of renters, the Renters Reform Bill has been introduced to abolish Section 21 no-fault eviction notices. This bill represents a significant step towards ensuring fairness, stability, and security for millions of tenants across the country.

Understanding Section 21 No-Fault Evictions

Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 in the United Kingdom has been a contentious provision that allows landlords to evict their tenants without providing any specific reason or fault on the part of the tenant. This means that renters can be asked to leave their homes at the end of their tenancy agreement or during the periodic tenancy with just a two-month notice, leaving them in a state of uncertainty and upheaval.

Over the years, this practice has led to numerous instances of abuse by unscrupulous landlords who have taken advantage of Section 21 to force tenants out of their properties without proper justification. Many tenants have reported facing retaliatory evictions after requesting necessary repairs or asserting their rights. This has created a climate of fear among renters, often preventing them from asserting their rights or seeking better living conditions.

The Need for Reform

The Renters Reform Bill seeks to rectify these issues and introduce measures that will provide greater security and stability for renters. One of the primary objectives of the bill is to abolish Section 21 no-fault eviction notices, effectively ending the practice of landlords evicting tenants without reason. This reform will significantly empower tenants and allow them to enjoy their right to a safe and secure home without the constant threat of eviction.

Additionally, the bill aims to strengthen the grounds for eviction under Section 8 of the Housing Act 1988. This provision requires landlords to provide valid reasons for evicting tenants, such as rent arrears, property damage, or breach of tenancy agreements. By bolstering the grounds for eviction, the Renters Reform Bill strikes a balance between protecting tenants and acknowledging the legitimate concerns of landlords.

Introducing Open-Ended Tenancies

Another vital aspect of the Renters Reform Bill is the introduction of open-ended tenancies. Under the current system, many tenancy agreements typically run for six or twelve months, leading to frequent relocations for renters who may desire more stability and continuity in their living arrangements. Open-ended tenancies will grant tenants greater flexibility and reduce the need for frequent relocations, promoting stronger and more sustainable communities.

Promoting Fairness and Equity

By abolishing Section 21 and introducing open-ended tenancies, the Renters Reform Bill fosters fairness and equity in the rental market. It ensures that tenants are not at the mercy of landlords who may use no-fault evictions to exploit their power and control over housing. Instead, it establishes a more balanced and respectful relationship between tenants and landlords, promoting trust and cooperation.

Addressing Landlord Concerns

While the Renters Reform Bill focuses on safeguarding tenant rights, it also addresses legitimate concerns raised by landlords. The bill will expedite the process of regaining possession of properties when tenants engage in anti-social behavior or causing significant disruptions to their communities. This provision strikes a balance between protecting tenant rights and ensuring that landlords can address genuine problems promptly.

Statistics On Homelessness In The UK

Homelessness is a pressing social issue that affects millions of people worldwide. In the United Kingdom, homelessness remains a significant challenge, impacting individuals and families across the country. Despite efforts from the government, non-profit organizations, and communities, the problem persists, leaving a devastating impact on those affected.

  1. The Scale of Homelessness: As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, homelessness in the UK has been on the rise for several years. The official figures from the Ministry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government (MHCLG) revealed that in 2020, approximately 268,000 people experienced homelessness in England alone. This figure included individuals living on the streets, in temporary accommodation, or inadequate living conditions. The numbers in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland also added significantly to the overall count.
  2. Rough Sleeping and Street Homelessness: Rough sleeping is one of the most visible forms of homelessness, with individuals forced to sleep on the streets, in parks, or other public spaces. The numbers for rough sleeping have witnessed a disturbing increase in recent years. In 2020, it was estimated that over 4,000 people were sleeping rough on any given night across England. The situation has been particularly acute in urban areas, such as London, Manchester, and Birmingham.
  3. Hidden Homelessness and Temporary Accommodation: While rough sleeping is the most apparent form of homelessness, many more individuals are considered “hidden homeless.” These people may be sofa-surfing, staying with friends or family, or living in overcrowded and unsuitable conditions due to the lack of stable housing. This hidden homelessness can be harder to quantify, but it poses significant challenges for those affected. Moreover, the number of families living in temporary accommodation has also seen a worrying increase. In the second quarter of 2020, around 93,000 households were living in temporary housing, including bed and breakfasts and hostels. These conditions can be especially detrimental to children’s well-being and development.
  4. Causes of Homelessness: Homelessness is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. Some of the primary causes include (a) Economic Factors: High housing costs and a shortage of affordable housing have put immense strain on low-income households, pushing them towards homelessness. Greedy Landlords think they can print money without taking into consideration a person’s financial circumstances. (b) Unemployment: Job loss or inadequate income can lead to financial instability, making it challenging to afford housing. (c) Mental Health Issues and Substance Abuse: Individuals with mental health challenges or substance abuse problems may face difficulties in maintaining stable housing. (Some mental and health issues are the direct consequence of a landlord’s actions). (d) Relationship Breakdown: Family disputes, domestic violence, and breakdowns in relationships can result in individuals losing their homes.
  5. Impact on Vulnerable Groups: Homelessness disproportionately affects certain vulnerable groups, such as young people leaving care, ex-offenders, veterans, and LGBTQ+ individuals. Additionally, those with physical disabilities or chronic health conditions face unique challenges in accessing suitable housing and support.
  6. Government Initiatives and Challenges: The UK government and local authorities have implemented various initiatives to combat homelessness. These include funding for support services, prevention programs, and building affordable housing. However, challenges persist, such as bureaucratic barriers, lack of coordination between agencies, and budget constraints.

Landlord Rent Increases

Understanding Landlord Rent Increases: Causes, Consequences, and Tenant Rights

As the cost of living continues to rise, one of the major concerns for many renters is the possibility of facing a rent increase from their landlords. Rent increases are not uncommon, and they can significantly impact a tenant’s financial stability and housing security.

Why Do Landlords Implement Rent Increases?

Landlords may decide to increase rents for various reasons, many of which are influenced by economic factors. Some of the common reasons for rent increases include:

  1. Inflation: When the overall cost of living increases due to inflation, landlords may raise rents to keep up with the rising expenses they incur for maintenance, repairs, and property taxes.
  2. Market Demand: In areas where the demand for rental properties is high and the supply is low, landlords may increase rents to take advantage of the competitive rental market.
  3. Maintenance and Improvements: If landlords have invested in property upgrades, renovations, or significant maintenance work, they might pass these costs onto tenants through rent increases.
  4. Property Taxes: When property taxes increase, landlords may raise rents to offset the additional financial burden.
  5. Operating Costs: Rising utility costs, insurance premiums, and other operating expenses can prompt landlords to raise rents to maintain their profit margins.

Consequences for Tenants

For tenants, rent increases can lead to several significant consequences:

  1. Financial Strain: A sudden rent increase can strain a tenant’s budget, leaving them with less disposable income for other essential expenses like food, transportation, and healthcare.
  2. Housing Insecurity: For tenants living on a fixed income, a substantial rent increase may make it difficult to afford their current residence, forcing them to consider moving to a more affordable place or even facing potential homelessness.
  3. Displacement: Rent hikes can lead to forced displacement, as some tenants may be unable to pay the increased rent and subsequently face eviction.
  4. Reduced Savings and Investment Opportunities: When a significant portion of a tenant’s income is dedicated to rent, it leaves them with limited financial capacity to save for the future or invest in personal growth.
  5. Emotional Stress: The uncertainty and anxiety caused by rent increases can affect a tenant’s mental well-being and stability.

Tenant Rights in Rent Increase Situations

In many jurisdictions, there are laws and regulations in place to protect tenants from arbitrary or excessive rent increases. While the specifics vary depending on location, some common tenant rights include:

  1. Notice Periods: Landlords typically need to provide tenants with advance notice of a rent increase. The length of the notice period varies by jurisdiction but often ranges from 30 to 90 days.
  2. Limitations on Frequency and Amount: Some areas impose restrictions on how often landlords can increase rent and may cap the maximum percentage by which they can raise it.
  3. Rent Control and Stabilization: Certain cities or regions have rent control or rent stabilization measures in place to prevent steep and sudden rent increases, especially in areas facing housing affordability crises.
  4. Protection Against Retaliation: It’s essential to know that landlords cannot increase the rent as retaliation for a tenant exercising their legal rights, such as filing a complaint about the property’s condition or reporting housing code violations.
  5. Lease Agreements: If you have a fixed-term lease agreement, your landlord generally cannot raise the rent until the lease expires, unless there is a specific clause allowing for mid-lease increases.

Tenant Action and Communication

Tenants who receive a rent increase should this:

  1. Review the Lease Agreement: Understand the terms of your lease and any provisions related to rent increases.
  2. Check Local Laws: Research tenant rights and rent control regulations in your area to determine if the proposed increase is within legal bounds.
  3. Communicate with the Landlord: Engage in open and respectful communication with your landlord to understand the reasons for the increase and explore potential alternatives or negotiations.
  4. Seek Legal Advice: If you believe the rent increase is unfair or unlawful, consider consulting with a lawyer or local tenant advocacy group to understand your rights and options.

Landlords Causing Renters Financial Difficulty

The relationship between landlords and renters is essential in ensuring the stability and well-being of both parties. However, in recent times, a concerning trend has emerged where some landlords have been exacerbating financial difficulties for their tenants. While not representative of all landlords, this issue highlights the importance of responsible and compassionate property management.

  1. Unreasonable Rent Hikes: One of the most common ways landlords contribute to financial difficulty for renters is through arbitrary and significant rent increases. For some tenants, a sudden hike in rent can lead to unanticipated financial stress, making it difficult to meet other financial obligations or build savings. Without proper justifications and clear communication, such actions can seem exploitative and lead to resentment, creating an unhealthy living situation.
  2. Neglecting Maintenance and Repairs: Neglecting property maintenance and repairs can also have severe financial consequences for tenants. When landlords fail to address issues such as leaky roofs, faulty plumbing, or inadequate heating and cooling systems, renters may face additional expenses in repairing these problems themselves. In some cases, these repairs can be costly, causing significant financial burdens for individuals who may already be living on tight budgets.
  3. Withholding Security Deposits Unfairly: Security deposits are meant to protect landlords from potential damages caused by tenants, but in some cases, they have been unjustly withheld or used as leverage by landlords. When tenants are not provided with a clear explanation for the deduction of their security deposit or when funds are withheld without valid reasons, it can create an unnecessary financial strain for renters who were expecting to recover their deposit to support their next move.
  4. Discriminatory Practices: Discriminatory practices in rental housing can disproportionately affect certain groups of people, leading to financial hardships. Instances of racial, gender, or other forms of discrimination can limit access to housing opportunities, forcing tenants to pay more for subpar accommodations or settle for housing that may not be suitable for their needs. This results in compromised financial stability and potential long-term implications for the affected individuals and families.
  5. Exorbitant Fees and Charges: Some landlords impose unreasonable fees and charges on tenants, which can quickly add up and contribute to financial distress. These fees may include non-refundable application fees, excessive late payment penalties, and service charges that are not justified by the services rendered. For renters already facing financial difficulties, such extra costs can be crippling and hinder their ability to cover essential expenses.

Landlords Responsibilities

Landlord’s Responsibilities: Ensuring a Harmonious Tenancy

The relationship between landlords and tenants is fundamental to the functioning of the rental housing market. Landlords play a crucial role in providing safe and habitable accommodations for individuals and families seeking a place to call home. However, this responsibility comes with legal and ethical obligations that every landlord must uphold to maintain a harmonious tenancy.

  1. Providing Safe and Habitable Accommodations: Perhaps the most fundamental responsibility of a landlord is to provide safe and habitable accommodations for their tenants. This means that the property should meet basic health and safety standards, with functioning utilities and structural integrity. The property should also be free from any hazards that could pose a risk to the tenants’ well-being. Essential amenities like heating, water, and electricity should be in good working order, and necessary repairs should be promptly addressed.
  2. Complying with Local Laws and Regulations: Landlords must adhere to all relevant local, state, and federal laws and regulations governing rental properties. This includes laws related to housing, safety codes, anti-discrimination laws, and building permits. Familiarity with these regulations is vital to ensure that the property is compliant and that the rights of tenants are protected.
  3. Maintaining the Property: Proper property maintenance is essential to ensure a positive living experience for tenants. Landlords should address maintenance requests promptly and conduct regular inspections to identify and rectify any issues that may arise. Neglecting maintenance can not only lead to tenant dissatisfaction but may also result in more extensive and expensive repairs down the line.
  4. Handling Security Deposits: When tenants pay a security deposit, the landlord holds this amount to cover any damages beyond normal wear and tear. Landlords should clearly outline the terms and conditions regarding the security deposit, including how and when it will be returned after the lease ends. Communication with tenants regarding deductions from the security deposit is crucial to avoid disputes.
  5. Respecting Tenant Privacy: While landlords have the right to access the property for necessary reasons, they must also respect their tenants’ privacy. Laws vary by jurisdiction, but in most cases, landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering the rental unit, except in emergencies or specific circumstances allowed by law.
  6. Dealing with Tenant Concerns and Disputes: Open communication is essential in the landlord-tenant relationship. Landlords should be responsive to their tenants’ concerns and address disputes in a fair and respectful manner. This includes resolving issues related to maintenance, rent payment, or disagreements between neighbors.
  7. Fair and Non-Discriminatory Practices: Landlords must abide by fair housing laws, which prohibit discrimination against prospective tenants based on factors such as race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and familial status. Ensuring an equal opportunity for all applicants and treating tenants without bias is crucial to maintaining ethical and legal rental practices.
  8. Properly Managing Finances: Landlords are responsible for managing the financial aspects of the rental property, including rent collection, bookkeeping, and tax obligations. Keeping accurate records is not only beneficial for the landlord but also ensures transparency and accountability in financial dealings with tenants.

The Responsibilities of Landlords to Address Mold in the Home

Mold is a common household issue that can have serious implications on the health and well-being of tenants. As a landlord, it is crucial to understand and fulfill your responsibilities in addressing mold problems promptly and effectively.

Mold removal should be executed by a professional tradesperson.

  1. Providing a Safe and Habitable Environment: One of the fundamental responsibilities of landlords is to provide tenants with a safe and habitable living environment. Mold growth can lead to various health problems, especially for individuals with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions. As such, landlords must take all necessary steps to prevent mold issues and address any existing problems.
  2. Regular Property Inspections: Landlords should conduct regular property inspections to identify and address potential mold issues promptly. These inspections can help catch mold growth in its early stages, preventing it from spreading and becoming a more significant problem. (Regular inspections are only to be used to monitor the progress of mold elimination or other faults and not an excuse to intrude on a tenant).
  3. Responding to Tenant Complaints: Tenants have the right to report any suspected mold growth or water damage to their landlord. When a tenant notifies the landlord about mold in the home, it is essential to respond quickly and take appropriate action. Ignoring or dismissing tenant complaints about mold can lead to legal disputes and damage the landlord-tenant relationship.
  4. Identifying the Source of Moisture: Mold requires moisture to grow, so identifying and addressing the source of water intrusion or dampness is crucial in preventing mold infestations. Common causes of moisture include leaky roofs, plumbing issues, poor ventilation, and condensation. Landlords must address these problems promptly and effectively to eliminate the conditions that support mold growth.
  5. Professional Mold Remediation: If mold is detected, landlords should engage the services of a professional mold remediation company to assess the extent of the problem and safely remove the mold. DIY mold removal attempts can often exacerbate the issue and may not be as effective as professional remediation.
  6. Repairing Structural Issues: In some cases, mold growth may be a result of structural issues in the property, such as leaks in the walls or foundation. Landlords must address these underlying problems to prevent recurring mold issues and maintain the property’s integrity.
  7. Educating Tenants: Landlords can play a proactive role in mold prevention by educating tenants about how to prevent mold growth and what steps to take if they suspect mold in the home. Simple measures like proper ventilation, using exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens, and promptly reporting leaks or water damage can go a long way in preventing mold.
  8. Implementing Preventative Measures: Apart from addressing existing mold problems, landlords should take preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of mold growth in the future. This may include regular maintenance of the property’s HVAC system, ensuring adequate insulation, and installing dehumidifiers in high-moisture areas.

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Government Rent Cap

As housing costs continue to soar, affordable housing has become an urgent concern for governments worldwide. In response to this ongoing housing crisis, some governments have implemented rent control policies to alleviate the burden on renters. One such measure is the Government Rent Cap, an intervention designed to limit the amount landlords can charge for rental properties.

What is the Government Rent Cap?

The Government Rent Cap is a regulatory measure imposed by the government to control the rate at which landlords can increase rents for residential properties. It aims to strike a balance between protecting tenants from exorbitant rent hikes and ensuring landlords maintain reasonable returns on their investments. The cap sets a maximum percentage or fixed amount by which rents can be raised within a specified timeframe, typically annually.

The Objectives of Rent Caps

  1. Affordable Housing: One of the primary goals of a Government Rent Cap is to create more affordable housing options for renters. By controlling rental increases, the government aims to reduce the financial strain on tenants, particularly in high-demand markets where rental prices can skyrocket.
  2. Tenant Stability: Rent caps provide a sense of stability for renters by ensuring their housing costs do not unexpectedly surge beyond their means. This stability is particularly important for low-income households and families with fixed budgets.
  3. Mitigating Gentrification: In areas experiencing rapid gentrification, rent caps can help protect long-time residents from being priced out of their neighborhoods. By limiting rent increases, the government seeks to preserve socio-economic diversity and prevent the displacement of vulnerable communities.
  4. Encouraging Long-term Tenancies: Rent caps can incentivize long-term tenancies, as landlords might be less inclined to evict reliable, established tenants when they are unable to raise rent significantly.

The Pros of Rent Caps

  1. Housing Affordability: Rent caps directly address housing affordability concerns, allowing tenants to allocate a more reasonable portion of their income to housing costs. This financial relief can positively impact the overall quality of life for renters.
  2. Tenant Security: By limiting rent hikes, rent caps provide tenants with greater security and peace of mind, reducing the fear of losing their homes due to unaffordable rent increases.
  3. Neighborhood Stability: Rent caps can contribute to stable and cohesive communities, as long-time residents are less likely to be displaced by the influx of wealthier newcomers.

The Cons of Rent Caps

  1. Supply Constraints: Critics argue that rent caps can discourage investment in the rental market. Landlords might be hesitant to maintain or improve properties if they believe their potential returns are limited, leading to decreased supply and poorer housing conditions.
  2. Reduced Property Maintenance: With rent increases limited, landlords might be less motivated to invest in property maintenance and upgrades, potentially leading to a decline in the quality of rental units.
  3. Black Market Effects: Some economists warn that strict rent caps may lead to a black market for rentals, where landlords and tenants engage in illegal arrangements, circumventing the regulations and potentially exacerbating housing inequalities.
  4. Inefficiency: Rent caps may not efficiently target those in need, as they benefit all tenants equally, regardless of their income or financial situation. This means that some affluent tenants may also benefit from the caps, even though they can afford higher rents.

Landlords Causing Emotional Distress

While renting a home is often considered a convenient and practical solution for many, the experience can sometimes turn into a nightmare when landlords inflict emotional distress upon their tenants. The relationship between landlords and tenants should be built on trust, respect, and fairness. Unfortunately, not all landlords adhere to these principles, leading to dire consequences for the mental well-being of their tenants.

The Landlord-Tenant Relationship

The landlord-tenant relationship is a crucial aspect of the rental housing market. It sets the tone for the entire renting experience and plays a significant role in determining the tenant’s satisfaction and comfort. A good landlord-tenant relationship fosters mutual respect, open communication, and prompt resolution of issues. However, when landlords abuse their power or act unethically, it can lead to emotional distress for tenants.

Common Causes of Emotional Distress

  1. Harassment and Intimidation: Some landlords resort to harassment and intimidation tactics to pressure tenants into compliance or evict them unlawfully. Frequent unannounced visits, aggressive communication, or threats of eviction can create a hostile living environment, causing immense emotional distress to tenants. If a landlord gives you the impression that if he/she does not like what you say they will threaten you or give condescending remarks, to the point you feel downgraded and humiliated. Or if you are too afraid to say anything because you are afraid of being evicted.
  2. Negligence and Delayed Repairs: Neglecting essential repairs and maintenance issues can result in a hazardous living situation for tenants. Persistent delays in fixing vital utilities or failing to address safety concerns can cause anxiety, frustration, and feelings of helplessness in tenants.
  3. Invasion of Privacy: Respect for tenants’ privacy is paramount, but some landlords breach this trust by entering the rental property without proper notice or valid reasons. Such intrusions can leave tenants feeling violated and unsafe in their own homes.
  4. Discrimination and Unfair Treatment: Discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability is not only morally reprehensible but also illegal. Landlords who engage in discriminatory practices cause immense emotional distress to their tenants, impacting their self-esteem and sense of belonging. Controlling how you conduct your work or your personal life is discrimination.
  5. Retaliation: Some landlords retaliate against tenants who assert their rights or report issues by raising rent, making false claims, or threatening eviction. Such retaliation can induce immense stress and anxiety, creating an atmosphere of fear for tenants.

Impact on Tenants’ Well-being

Emotional distress caused by landlords can have severe consequences on tenants’ mental health and overall well-being. The stress and anxiety resulting from a toxic landlord-tenant relationship can lead to sleep disturbances, depression, decreased productivity, and strained interpersonal relationships. Moreover, it can negatively affect tenants’ ability to concentrate on work or studies, leading to a downward spiral of stress and helplessness.

Seeking Solutions For Preparation of Litigation For Emotional Distress

  1. Know Your Rights: Educate yourself about tenant rights and familiarize yourself with local tenant laws and regulations. This knowledge will empower you to identify any unlawful actions taken by the landlord and take appropriate action.
  2. Document Everything: Keep a record of all communication with the landlord, including emails, letters, and texts. Additionally, document any instances of harassment, invasion of privacy, or delayed repairs, as these records can be crucial evidence if legal action becomes necessary.
  3. Seek Mediation: If possible, try to resolve conflicts through mediation or arbitration, where an unbiased third party can help facilitate a resolution between you and your landlord.
  4. Reach Out for Support: Talk to friends, family, or support groups about your situation. Emotional support can be immensely helpful during difficult times.
  5. Legal Assistance: If the situation escalates and becomes unbearable, consider seeking legal advice from a tenant rights organization or an attorney specializing in landlord-tenant disputes.

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How To Report Rogue Landlords

How To Report Rogue Landlords: Protecting Your Rights as a Tenant

When it comes to rental housing, there are responsible landlords who adhere to the law and prioritize tenant satisfaction. However, there are also rogue landlords who engage in unethical practices, violating their tenants’ rights and neglecting their responsibilities. As a tenant, encountering a rogue landlord can be distressing and challenging, but it is crucial to take action and report such misconduct.

  1. Identify Rogue Landlord Behavior: Before reporting a rogue landlord, it is essential to recognize the signs of unethical behavior. Common indicators of a rogue landlord include (a) Failure to carry out necessary repairs or maintenance on the property, leading to safety hazards or property damage.(b) Ignoring tenant complaints or retaliating against them for raising concerns. (c) Illegally increasing the rent or using unfair and unjust eviction practices. (d) Providing unsafe living conditions, such as inadequate heating, water, or pest infestations. (e) Violating your privacy rights by entering the property without proper notice. (f) Failing to protect your security deposit or refusing to return it without a valid reason.
  2. Gather Evidence: When reporting a rogue landlord, having solid evidence to support your claims is crucial. Keep a detailed record of all interactions with the landlord, including emails, text messages, or any written communication. Additionally, document any issues with the property, take photographs if necessary, and retain copies of relevant documents like your lease agreement and receipts for rent payments.
  3. Know Your Rights and Local Laws: Familiarize yourself with tenant rights in your area and local rental laws. Every region has specific regulations that govern landlord-tenant relationships, and knowing your rights will empower you to take appropriate action. Seek guidance from local tenant advocacy groups, legal aid organizations, or government housing agencies if you need assistance understanding your rights.
  4. Communicate with Your Landlord: Before jumping to reporting, try to resolve issues amicably by communicating with your landlord. Provide written notice of any problems you encounter and request reasonable solutions. This approach gives your landlord an opportunity to address the issues, and in some cases, it may lead to a resolution without the need for formal reporting.
  5. Contact Relevant Authorities: If your attempts to resolve the matter directly with your landlord fail, it is time to escalate the issue. Contact the appropriate housing authority in your area to report the rogue landlord’s actions. This may be the local housing department, housing ombudsman, or a tenant rights organization. When making a report, be sure to include all relevant evidence and a clear and concise description of the issues you are facing. The more specific and detailed your complaint, the more likely it will be thoroughly investigated.
  6. Seek Legal Advice: If the rogue landlord’s behavior persists, or if the situation is severe and affecting your health or safety, consider seeking legal advice. An attorney experienced in landlord-tenant law can guide you through the process and advocate on your behalf. Some regions offer free legal aid to tenants facing disputes with their landlords.
  7. Raise Awareness: Informing others about your experiences with a rogue landlord can be beneficial. Share your story with friends, and family, or on social media platforms. Raising awareness about unethical practices may encourage others to speak out or avoid renting from the same rogue landlord in the future.

Electrical Safety Inspections

The Vital Responsibility of Landlords in Ensuring Electrical Safety Inspections and Certificate Dissemination to Tenants

The safety and well-being of tenants should always be the foremost concern for landlords. One crucial aspect of ensuring a safe living environment is the proper inspection of electrical systems in rental properties. Landlords hold the responsibility to conduct regular Electrical Safety Inspections and to provide their tenants with a copy of the certificate.

Importance of Electrical Safety Inspections

Electricity is a fundamental utility in modern living, yet it also poses various risks when not adequately maintained. Electrical hazards, such as electrical fires, shocks, and other accidents, can have catastrophic consequences for both tenants and properties. Electrical Safety Inspections are designed to identify potential hazards, faulty wiring, outdated systems, and other issues that might compromise the safety of the occupants.

  1. Legal Obligations: In many jurisdictions, there are specific laws and regulations that outline the responsibilities of landlords concerning electrical safety. These laws often require landlords to ensure that the electrical systems in their rental properties meet certain safety standards. To fulfill this obligation, regular Electrical Safety Inspections are essential. By complying with legal requirements, landlords not only protect their tenants but also shield themselves from potential legal liabilities.
  2. Ensuring Tenant Safety: The primary objective of conducting Electrical Safety Inspections is to safeguard the well-being of the tenants. Electricity-related accidents can result in injuries, property damage, and even fatalities. Regular inspections help identify potential issues before they escalate, enabling prompt repairs or upgrades to mitigate risks effectively.
  3. Preventing Property Damage: Faulty electrical systems can cause damage to the property itself. For instance, electrical fires can quickly engulf an entire building, leading to significant destruction and financial losses. Through inspections, landlords can address problems early on, reducing the risk of property damage and ensuring the longevity of their investment.
  4. Tenant Retention and Attracting New Tenants: Tenant satisfaction and safety play a pivotal role in retaining current tenants and attracting new ones. Responsible landlords who prioritize electrical safety create a positive reputation for their properties, which can lead to long-term tenancies and increased demand for rental units.

Landlord Responsibilities for Electrical Safety Inspections

  1. Scheduling Regular Inspections: Landlords should schedule regular Electrical Safety Inspections, adhering to local regulations and safety standards. The frequency of inspections may vary depending on local laws, the age of the property, and the complexity of its electrical systems. Typical intervals for inspections could range from one to five years.
  2. Hiring Qualified Electricians: It is essential that landlords hire licensed and qualified electricians to perform the inspections. Competent electricians have the expertise to identify potential hazards, ensure compliance with safety codes, and recommend appropriate solutions.
  3. Documenting and Providing Certificates: Upon successful completion of the Electrical Safety Inspection, landlords should obtain a certificate or report from the electrician. This document should outline the inspection findings, any identified issues, and the recommended actions taken to address them. Landlords must promptly provide a copy of this certificate to the tenant, as it serves as evidence of compliance with safety regulations and demonstrates a commitment to tenant’s well-being.

Fire Extinguishers Maintenance

The Essential Role of Landlords in Fire Extinguisher Maintenance: Ensuring Tenant Safety

Landlord, the safety and well-being of your tenants should always be a top priority. Among the various safety measures to implement in rental properties, maintaining fire extinguishers plays a crucial role in mitigating the risk of fire-related emergencies. Fire extinguishers are essential tools that can save lives and protect property when used correctly.

  1. Understanding the Importance of Fire Extinguishers: Fire extinguishers are the first line of defense against small fires that could escalate into disastrous blazes if left unchecked. They are designed to extinguish fires quickly before they spread, providing occupants with valuable time to evacuate safely and potentially minimize property damage. Having functioning fire extinguishers readily available in rental properties can make all the difference in safeguarding lives and assets during an emergency.
  2. Legal Requirements and Regulations: There are specific legal requirements and regulations pertaining to fire extinguisher maintenance for rental properties. Landlords must familiarize themselves with these laws to ensure compliance and avoid potential liability in the event of a fire-related incident. Typically, regulations may include: (a) Regular Inspections: Fire extinguishers should be inspected at regular intervals, usually once a year, by a licensed professional to ensure they are in good working condition and meet safety standards. (b) Testing and Certification: Apart from inspections, fire extinguishers may require hydrostatic testing every few years to verify their structural integrity and pressure-holding capabilities (c) Proper Placement: Fire extinguishers must be appropriately located and easily accessible throughout the property. The exact requirements may vary depending on local fire codes.
  3. Engaging Professional Services: Maintaining fire extinguishers goes beyond simply placing them in strategic locations. Engaging the services of a certified fire safety professional is crucial for comprehensive inspections and servicing. These professionals possess the knowledge and expertise to assess the condition of fire extinguishers accurately and perform any necessary repairs or replacements. Regular maintenance ensures that the fire extinguishers remain functional and reliable when needed.
  4. Educating Tenants on Fire Safety: As a responsible landlord, it is essential to educate your tenants about fire safety measures, including the proper use of fire extinguishers. Provide written instructions and visual aids to help tenants understand the different classes of fires and which type of extinguisher is appropriate for each. Conduct periodic fire safety drills to ensure tenants are familiar with evacuation procedures and the location of fire extinguishers.
  5. Implementing a Maintenance Schedule: To ensure that fire extinguishers are consistently and adequately maintained, landlords should implement a maintenance schedule. Keep accurate records of all inspections, tests, and repairs conducted on each extinguisher. A well-documented maintenance history can serve as evidence of compliance with legal requirements and demonstrate a commitment to tenant safety.

Should It Be The Responsibility of the Tenant To Tell The Electrical Safety Inspectors To Do Their Jobs Properly

Electrical safety is a paramount concern for both tenants and landlords in any rental property. Electrical safety inspections play a crucial role in ensuring that the electrical systems within a property are up to code, minimizing the risk of electrical hazards and potential accidents. However, there is an ongoing debate about whether tenants should be responsible for ensuring that electrical safety inspectors perform their jobs properly.

  1. The Role of Electrical Safety Inspectors: Electrical safety inspectors are professionals trained to inspect electrical installations and systems within properties to assess their compliance with safety regulations. They play a critical role in identifying potential hazards, faulty wiring, outdated equipment, and other safety risks that might not be apparent to a regular person. The primary objective of electrical safety inspections is to protect the occupants of the property from electrical accidents and ensure that the property adheres to the relevant electrical safety standards.
  2. Landlord’s Responsibility: Landlords have a legal obligation to provide a safe living environment for their tenants. This responsibility includes ensuring that the property’s electrical system is in good working condition and meets safety regulations. As part of this obligation, landlords must arrange for regular electrical safety inspections carried out by qualified inspectors. They should address any identified issues promptly and take necessary corrective actions to maintain the safety of the property.
  3. Tenant’s Role in Electrical Safety: While tenants are not experts in electrical safety, they also have certain responsibilities concerning electrical safety in the rental property. Tenants should promptly report any visible electrical hazards, irregularities, or malfunctioning electrical appliances to the landlord. This proactive approach ensures that landlords are aware of potential issues and can take appropriate actions.

The Debate: Should Tenants Monitor Inspectors.

The question arises whether tenants should be responsible for overseeing the work of electrical safety inspectors. Some argue that tenants should play a more active role in monitoring inspections to ensure the thoroughness and accuracy of the process. Advocates of this viewpoint believe that tenants have a vested interest in their own safety and are more likely to notice subtle issues that an inspector might overlook.

On the other hand, opponents argue that placing the responsibility on tenants to monitor inspectors is unrealistic and unfair. Tenants are not trained professionals and may not have the expertise to evaluate the inspector’s competency. Moreover, adding this burden to tenants could potentially lead to unnecessary conflicts between tenants and inspectors or create confusion about roles and responsibilities.

The Ideal Approach: Collaboration and Communication

Rather than burdening tenants with the task of overseeing inspectors, a more effective approach is fostering collaboration and communication between tenants, landlords, and electrical safety inspectors. Tenants should promptly report any electrical concerns to landlords, who can then arrange for inspections by reputable and qualified professionals. In turn, landlords should hire licensed and experienced inspectors to conduct thorough examinations of the property’s electrical system.

Government Database Of Rogue Landlords

Government Database of Rogue Landlords: Ensuring Safe and Fair Housing for All

In recent years, the issue of rogue landlords has become a significant concern in many countries, affecting the lives of countless tenants. These unscrupulous individuals exploit vulnerable renters, subjecting them to unsafe living conditions, exorbitant rents, and neglect of their legal rights. To combat this problem and promote safe and fair housing, many governments have established a comprehensive database of rogue landlords. This database serves as a crucial tool in identifying, monitoring and penalizing those who disregard their responsibilities as landlords, while also safeguarding the rights and well-being of tenants.

Purpose of the Database:

The primary purpose of the Government Database of Rogue Landlords is to centralize information on landlords who have a proven track record of mistreating tenants or violating housing regulations. By creating a single repository of data, authorities can efficiently monitor and track the activities of rogue landlords across multiple properties and jurisdictions. The database aims to deter unethical practices and provide renters with vital information about the history of potential landlords, allowing them to make informed decisions when choosing their accommodation.

Contents of the Database:

The database contains a wide range of information related to rogue landlords and their properties. Some of the key data points include:

  1. Landlord Information: This section includes the name, contact details, and relevant identification information of the landlord or property owner.
  2. Property Details: Information about each property owned or managed by the landlord, such as the address, type of property, and the number of rental units.
  3. Tenant Complaints: Records of formal complaints lodged by tenants against the landlord, outlining the nature of the issue and any subsequent actions taken.
  4. Legal Violations: Documentation of any legal actions taken against the landlord, including fines, court orders, or other penalties related to housing violations.
  5. Health and Safety Inspections: Results of inspections conducted on the landlord’s properties, indicating any health and safety hazards found and the corresponding actions required for compliance.
  6. Eviction History: History of evictions carried out by the landlord, including reasons and adherence to legal procedures.

Ensuring Data Accuracy and Privacy:

To maintain the effectiveness and credibility of the database, utmost care must be taken to ensure the accuracy of the information it contains. Governments typically implement rigorous verification processes before adding any landlord to the database, requiring substantial evidence of wrongdoing or non-compliance.

Moreover, privacy concerns must be addressed to safeguard the rights of both tenants and landlords. Sensitive information, such as personal details of tenants or unsubstantiated allegations, should be redacted to prevent unwarranted harm to innocent parties.

Benefits and Impact:

The establishment of a Government Database of Rogue Landlords has several benefits:

  1. Tenant Empowerment: Prospective renters can access the database to research potential landlords, enabling them to avoid renting from unscrupulous individuals and ensuring their rights are protected.
  2. Encouraging Landlord Compliance: The fear of being listed in the database acts as a deterrent for landlords, encouraging them to adhere to housing regulations and treat their tenants fairly.
  3. Streamlined Enforcement: Authorities can efficiently identify and focus on problematic landlords, allocating resources to areas where tenant rights are most at risk.
  4. Improved Housing Standards: By holding rogue landlords accountable, the database indirectly contributes to raising overall housing standards in the country.

Database of rogue landlords and property agents under the Housing and Planning Act 2016 – GOV.UK (


The Renters Reform Bill represents a significant milestone in the UK’s quest for tenant rights and housing security. By abolishing Section 21 no-fault eviction notices and introducing open-ended tenancies, the bill aims to provide renters with greater stability, security, and the ability to assert their rights without fear of retaliation. Moreover, it acknowledges and addresses the concerns of landlords, promoting a fair and equitable rental market. As the bill moves through legislative processes, it is essential for policymakers and stakeholders to engage in constructive dialogue, ensuring that the final legislation is robust and comprehensive in protecting both tenants and landlords. Ultimately, the Renters Reform Bill sets a precedent for a more just and balanced rental housing system, fostering healthier communities and empowering renters across the nation.

Homelessness continues to be a pressing issue in the UK, affecting thousands of individuals and families across the nation. Addressing this crisis requires a multifaceted approach that involves collaboration between government bodies, non-profit organizations, and communities. Providing stable housing, mental health support, employment opportunities, and preventative measures are essential steps towards reducing homelessness and ensuring a brighter future for those who have fallen through the cracks of society.

Rent increases are a reality of the rental market, but it is crucial for both landlords and tenants to approach the matter with fairness and understanding. For tenants, being aware of their rights and responsibilities is essential to protect themselves from unjust rent increases and potential housing instability. Maintaining a reasonable and considerate approach to rent adjustments for landlords can foster positive landlord-tenant relationships and contribute to stable and thriving rental communities. While not all landlords engage in practices that cause financial difficulty for renters, it is crucial to recognize and address these issues when they arise. Responsible property management, clear communication, and adherence to fair housing practices are essential in creating a harmonious landlord-tenant relationship. Moreover, policymakers should consider measures to protect tenants from exploitative practices, ensuring that rental housing remains accessible and affordable for all. By fostering an environment of mutual respect and empathy, we can work towards a more equitable and sustainable rental market, benefiting both landlords and tenants alike.

Landlord Obligations – Landlord comes with significant responsibilities beyond merely owning a property and collecting rent. Providing safe and habitable accommodations, complying with local laws, and maintaining open communication with tenants are among the key obligations every landlord should uphold. Fulfilling these responsibilities will not only contribute to a successful and harmonious tenancy but also create a positive and respectful environment for both landlords and tenants.

The Government Rent Cap is a complex policy tool aimed at addressing the pressing issues of housing affordability and tenant security. While it offers significant advantages such as affordable housing and tenant stability, its drawbacks cannot be overlooked, including potential supply constraints and reduced property maintenance. As governments grapple with the challenges of the housing crisis, finding the right balance between protecting tenants and promoting a healthy rental market remains a critical task. Implementing a flexible and nuanced rent control policy and other complementary housing initiatives may hold the key to ensuring housing stability for all citizens while fostering a sustainable rental market for landlords and investors alike. However, landlords should be aware of the rent cap to refrain from charging extortionate rent increases according to the Government Guidelines. Any landlord that is found to have stepped over the mark should refund the overpayment to the tenant.

The emotional distress caused by landlords can turn a place that should feel like home into a source of anxiety and fear. It is essential to address these issues promptly and seek assistance to protect your well-being and rights as a tenant. By promoting awareness and holding landlords accountable for their actions, we can strive to create a rental housing environment where tenants feel respected, safe, and at peace in their homes. When a tenant is struggling to make ends meet and has more outgoings than income, then the landlord should take that into consideration. If the landlord claims he is charging the local market rate and it is proven he is charging more than that, then he should be made to refund the tenant and if the landlord has caused a person’s health to deteriorate because he/she thinks he can print money and the tenant can prove their health is documented with the NHS citing that the landlord has made them unwell, then the landlord should compensate for emotional distress (tort).

Furthermore, if you are self-employed and you have in your contract that you cannot run a business including administration from your property, and as a consequence, Google suspends your business pages because you have no physical address the landlord should pay for the loss of business. Some people have online businesses and work from home, and some people are disabled and cannot commute or afford to rent an office just to have a physical address, yet for search engine optimization (SEO) Google and other search engines & Business Wales require a physical address in order for your business to have a listing.

Dealing with a rogue landlord can be stressful and emotionally taxing, but it is crucial to stand up for your rights as a tenant. By identifying rogue landlord behavior, gathering evidence, and understanding your rights, you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself and report the misconduct. Remember to communicate with your landlord, escalate the issue to relevant authorities, and seek legal advice when needed. Reporting rogue landlords not only safeguards your rights but also helps ensure a better living environment for all tenants.

The responsibility of landlords to conduct regular Electrical Safety Inspections and make sure everything is inspected on the checklist, as well as furnish tenants with the accompanying certificates is a critical aspect of rental property management. By ensuring electrical safety, landlords protect their tenants, properties, and themselves from potential legal and financial consequences. Ultimately, this commitment to safety fosters a positive living environment, enhances tenant satisfaction, and contributes to the overall success of a rental property venture.

As a landlord, your responsibility to address mold in the home goes beyond merely providing a roof over your tenant’s head. Creating a safe and healthy living environment is paramount. By conducting regular inspections, promptly responding to tenant complaints, identifying and addressing the source of moisture, and implementing preventative measures, you can minimize the risk of mold growth and ensure the well-being of your tenants. Proactive mold management not only protects your investment but also fosters a positive landlord-tenant relationship based on trust and mutual respect.

Fire safety is a collective responsibility, and landlords have a crucial role to play in ensuring the safety of their tenants. Fire extinguishers are vital tools that can help prevent the escalation of small fires into major disasters. By adhering to legal regulations, engaging professional services, and educating tenants, landlords can maintain fire extinguishers effectively and provide their tenants with a safer living environment. The investment in fire extinguisher maintenance not only protects your tenants but also safeguards your property and gives everyone peace of mind in the face of potential fire hazards. Let us prioritize fire safety and work together to make our rental properties secure for all occupants.

Electrical safety in rental properties is a shared responsibility between landlords electrical safety inspectors and tenants. While tenants should promptly report any visible issues to landlords, the primary responsibility for arranging proper inspections and ensuring electrical safety lies with the landlords. (For example – in the case of an electrician who checked a fitting and did not report it, he can be prosecuted, just the same as the landlord not providing an EICR to the tenant). Open communication and collaboration between all parties involved will lead to a safer living environment for tenants and protect landlords from potential liabilities. It is not the tenant’s responsibility to tell electrical safety inspectors how to do their jobs properly. Instead, tenants should focus on promptly reporting any concerns to their landlords, who, in turn, should engage qualified inspectors to carry out thorough electrical safety inspections, (For example: if the issue has been reported to the landlord and he/she has defended the electricians by saying this was not part of the inspection and have not attempted to rectify the problem themselves, they are at risk of prosecution). This collaborative approach will ensure a safe and secure living environment for all occupants.

The Government Database of Rogue Landlords is an essential tool in the fight against unethical and neglectful practices in the rental housing market. By centralizing data and promoting transparency, governments can protect tenants, enhance housing conditions, and foster a fairer and safer living environment for all citizens. Continuous monitoring, regular updates, and a commitment to privacy are vital to ensuring the database’s effectiveness and integrity in achieving its objectives.

Breaching Contracts and the Law

  1. If a landlord fails to give a tenant an EPC certificate or an EICR certificate, they are breaking the law.
  2. If a landlord fails to rectify rising dampness and mold issues and tells the tenant to wash the walls with soapy water and bleach, but your furniture is damaged the landlord should compensate for the damage.
  3. If the tenant then becomes severely unwell because of the mold problem, the landlord can be prosecuted. If the landlord has been verbally notified multiple times and has not done roof insulation or rectified the mold problem other than telling the tenant to wash the walls down with bleach and soapy water, he/she is liable.
  4. If the landlord fails to maintain fire extinguishers and says the fire doors are adequate to prevent a fire, they are breaking the law.
  5. If the tenant notices that there is a potential fire hazard because of hot zones and extension leads close to cookers or washing machines plugged into extension leads not hard-wired, (with leads trailing on the floor) assuming the electrical inspection certificate spotted it, which a tenant should have had a copy of, the landlord is breaking the law and the electrician should be prosecuted.
  6. Lead from paint or water/waste pipes can potentially cause nervous disorders, and mental health or behavioral problems. Paint with a high level of lead content tends to be found in older houses and dissolved lead is only likely in acidic (i.e. usually private) water supplies. If the pipes have not been checked and maintained by the landlord and it is found that the tenant’s health has deteriorated the landlord is at risk of being prosecuted. What Does a Landlord Need to Do About Lead Paint and Pipes? – Landlord insider (
  7. If the tenant’s home was inspected by an electrician the tenant was not given a copy of an EICR certificate and their main lighting was not fixed which caused inadequate lighting and health problems, then the landlord who would have seen the certificate did not act on the checklist, the landlord and electrician can be prosecuted.
  8. If the home has potential asbestos in the roof and the landlord has not inspected it, the landlord is at risk of being prosecuted. Landlord Asbestos Responsibilities | Are Your Tenants at Risk of Exposure? ( Type of Asbestos Survey do I Need? (
  9. If the landlord causes a tenant emotional distress due to financial difficulty because of a rent hike and above the stated government rent cap, the landlord can be prosecuted for intentionally causing someone’s mental health to deteriorate. Market Research would state how much properties cost in a local area and if the tenant can prove they have been overcharged it is up to the landlord to refund the difference.
  10. If the landlord states in their contract that a freelancer cannot use their address for business purposes including an admin address and that the tenant cannot conduct any business from the address, yet for a business that needs to be visible on Google and Directories such as Yell, Business Wales, will have their business suspended without a physical address, this can prove detrimental to search engine optimization, therefore the landlord can be prosecuted for causing the tenant to lose business. (Some people can only work from home, some are disabled and some cannot afford an office just to have a physical address, when their business is purely online, thus forfeiting classified Ads guidelines and SEO for not having a physical address). Furthermore having an online business and not using your home to physically run a business, other than for post (admin) and search engine optimization (SEO) should not affect a landlord’s mortgage or insurance policy. Therefore tenants should be able to use the address as a location for search engine optimization without having to pay for a virtual office address (which may cause security issues, having mail forwarded to a third party).
  11. If a landlord disrupts your work if you work from home (remotely) or inconveniences you, he/she should compensate you for the interruption.
  12. If the landlord states that the tenant cannot have visitors, or people staying overnight, that is discrimination and is against the law. According to the UK government website, you have the right to decide who you want to invite into your home, just as homeowners do. If your landlord tries to control who can visit you, this could be considered harassment. If you have exclusive possession of the entire property (such as a sole occupancy AST or joint tenancy agreement), your landlord cannot restrict who can visit. The right to the enjoyment of life: Article 14: Protection from discrimination | Equality and Human Rights Commission (

Guidelines for representing your business on Google – Google Business Profile Help

Business Wales Directory Traffic Stats Relating To Loss Of Business

This is how much potential traffic and business you could lose simply by not being listed in this directory.

Final Notes

If you feel there could be repercussions from you voicing your concerns with the landlord and you feel a sense of fear and intimidation because the landlord has selective memory loss when you have brought up concerns in the past and threatens you with eviction if you do not do as he/she says, you may have a case against him or her.

If you have suffered a financial loss because the landlord has increased the rent over the rent cap and local market prices and you have evidence of this, then you can argue this in court.

If you cannot optimize your business because of stipulations in the contract and your business has been affected by this because your landlord does not allow you to use your address for admin purposes and search engine optimization, you may have a case against your landlord.

If your mental health has deteriorated and are suffering emotional distress and financial difficulty because you cannot conduct your business properly and you are finding it hard to pay the extortionate price increase your landlord has burdened you with, then the landlord will have to compensate you.

Further Reading

No-fault evictions: family kicked out of rental home every eight minutes in England (

Mold Removal Cost 2023 | Black Mould Removal Cost | Checkatrade

Landlord Mould Responsibility | No Letting Go Inventory Management

Compensation for distress or inconvenience (

How To Sue Someone Or A Company – Compete Guide On Suing For Compensation In UK (

Legal action you can take – Small Business Commissioner

Rising rents are putting a strain on retirement incomes with those living in London and South East worst affected (


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#reformbill #rentcaps #roguelandlords #mentalhealth #emotionaldistress #discrimination #intimidation #section21notice #eviction #yourrights #renting #landlords #tenants #privatelandlords #finacialdifficulty

Electricians Wales First Phase Electrical

Electricians Wales – First Phase

First Phase Electrical: Delivering Excellence in Electrical Services for


In the dynamic world of electrical services, finding a reliable and professional contractor is crucial. First Phase Electrical, a prominent brand in Wales, has been serving residential, commercial, and industrial clients with top-notch electrical solutions for years. With a commitment to quality workmanship and customer satisfaction, First Phase Electrical has earned a solid reputation as a trusted service provider. This article explores the brand’s expertise, customer-centric approach, and the functionality of its website,

Establishing Excellence

First Phase Electrical has firmly established itself as a leading electrical contractor in Wales. With a team of highly skilled and certified electricians, the company has garnered expertise across a wide range of electrical services. From electrical installations, repairs, and maintenance to safety inspections, fault finding, and rewiring, First Phase Electrical offers comprehensive solutions for all electrical needs.

The company’s commitment to excellence is evident in its meticulous attention to detail and adherence to industry standards. Whether it’s a small domestic project or a large-scale commercial venture, First Phase Electrical ensures the highest level of professionalism and efficiency in their work. By utilizing the latest tools, technologies, and best practices, the brand consistently delivers safe, reliable, and durable electrical solutions.

Customer-Centric Approach

One of the hallmarks of First Phase Electrical is its customer-centric approach. The brand understands that each client has unique requirements and strives to provide tailored solutions that best meet their needs. From the initial consultation to project completion, the team at First Phase Electrical maintains clear communication channels, ensuring clients are informed and involved throughout the process.

First Phase Electrical places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. Their dedicated electricians prioritize reliability, punctuality, and the highest quality of workmanship. By fostering positive relationships with clients, the brand has earned the trust and repeat business, becoming a go-to choice for electrical services in Wales.

User-Friendly Website:

First Phase Electrical’s website,, serves as an invaluable resource for clients seeking electrical services. Designed with user-friendliness in mind, the website offers a seamless browsing experience and easy access to relevant information. Here are some key features:

  1. Services and Expertise: The website provides a comprehensive overview of the services offered by First Phase Electrical. From installations and repairs to testing and certification, visitors can quickly find the specific service they require.
  2. Testimonials and Case Studies: Potential clients can gain insights into the brand’s capabilities through testimonials and case studies from previous projects. These real-life experiences highlight the professionalism, quality, and reliability of First Phase Electrical.
  3. Contact Information: The website prominently displays contact details, allowing clients to easily get in touch with the brand. Whether through phone, email, or an online contact form, First Phase Electrical ensures responsive communication for inquiries and appointment scheduling.
  4. Blog and Resources: The website features a blog section that offers informative articles, tips, and industry news. This resource hub demonstrates the brand’s commitment to sharing knowledge and helping clients make informed decisions regarding their electrical needs.

Why are the keywords ‘Electrician Wales’ in the domain so important for the brand?

The Branding Significance of ‘Electricians Wales‘ as Keywords in the Domain

A key component of online visibility is the domain name, which can significantly impact a brand’s recognition and success. This article explores the importance of incorporating relevant keywords like ‘Electricians Wales’ into the domain name, using the example of the domain

First Phase Electrical has cleverly branded itself to use exact-match searchable keywords in its domain name ‘Electricians Wales’ to specifically target an audience and drive traffic to its business.

  1. Enhanced Brand Relevance: The choice of a domain name can greatly influence a brand’s relevance and resonance with its target audience. By including the keywords ‘Electricians Wales’ in the domain, immediately communicates the nature of the business to potential customers. It creates a strong association between the brand and its service, making it easier for users to identify and remember.
  2. Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search Engine Optimization plays a vital role in driving organic traffic to a website. One of the fundamental elements of SEO is incorporating relevant keywords throughout the website’s content and metadata. When the domain name itself contains relevant keywords, such as ‘Electricians Wales,’ search engines like Google are more likely to recognize the website as relevant for queries related to electricians in Wales. Moreover, including keywords in the domain helps in establishing a clear semantic connection between the website’s content and its primary focus. This can positively influence the website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), potentially leading to increased visibility and organic traffic.
  3. Increased Click-Through Rates (CTRs): When a user conducts a search, they are more likely to click on results that closely match their query or search intent. A domain name that aligns with the user’s search query, such as, is more likely to catch their attention and generate a higher click-through rate (CTR). This increased CTR can result in more website visits, leading to greater brand exposure and potential conversions.
  4. Brand Authority and Trust: In the competitive digital landscape, establishing brand authority and trust is essential. A domain name that precisely reflects the brand’s offerings, like, projects a sense of professionalism and legitimacy. It reassures potential customers that the website and the brand behind it specialize in providing electrician services in Wales, which can enhance trust and credibility.
  5. Effective Branding and Memorability: A domain name that incorporates relevant keywords contributes to effective branding and memorability. When users see or hear the domain, they can quickly understand the services offered and the geographical area served. The simplicity and clarity of the domain name make it more likely to be remembered by users who may need electrician services in Wales in the future.

The domain exemplifies the importance of including relevant keywords like ‘Electricians Wales’ in the domain. By doing so, a brand can enhance its online visibility, improve search engine rankings, increase click-through rates, establish brand authority, and foster better branding and memorability. Choosing a domain name that incorporates relevant keywords can significantly contribute to the success and recognition of a brand in the digital space.

Services that First Phase Electrical – Electricians Wales offers:

Services Offered by First Phase Electrical – Electricians Wales

When it comes to electrical services, it is crucial to hire a reputable and experienced electrician to ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical systems. In Wales, one company that stands out in providing top-notch electrical services is First Phase Electrical. With their team of highly skilled electricians and commitment to customer satisfaction, First Phase Electrical – Electricians Wales has become a trusted name in the industry.

  1. Electrical Installations: First Phase Electrical specializes in various electrical installations, whether it’s for residential, commercial, or industrial properties. Their team is well-versed in handling all aspects of electrical installation, including wiring, lighting, electrical panels, sockets, switches, and more. They ensure that all installations are carried out to the highest standards, adhering to the relevant safety regulations.
  2. Electrical Repairs and Maintenance: If you’re facing electrical issues or in need of repairs, First Phase Electrical is the company to call. Their electricians have the expertise to diagnose and fix electrical faults efficiently. They can handle a wide range of repair services, such as faulty wiring, tripping circuits, power outages, malfunctioning appliances, and more. Additionally, they offer regular maintenance services to keep your electrical systems in optimal condition, reducing the risk of future problems and extending their lifespan.
  3. Electrical Testing and Inspections: Electrical testing and inspections are crucial to identify any potential hazards and ensure the safety of your electrical systems. First Phase Electrical offers comprehensive testing and inspection services, including periodic landlord electrical inspections, PAT testing, and fault finding. Their certified electricians use advanced equipment and techniques to assess the condition of your electrical installations and provide detailed reports, giving you peace of mind and compliance with safety regulations.
  4. Electrical Upgrades and Rewiring: Outdated electrical systems can pose serious safety risks and may not meet the demands of modern appliances and technology. First Phase Electrical can handle electrical upgrades and rewiring projects, ensuring your property’s electrical infrastructure is up to date-and capable of handling increased electrical loads. Whether you need partial rewiring or a complete overhaul, their electricians will work with precision and attention to detail.
  5. Emergency Electrical Services: Electrical emergencies can occur at any time, and prompt action is necessary to prevent further damage or potential hazards. First Phase Electrical provides 24/7 emergency electrical services, responding quickly to address electrical emergencies in a safe and efficient manner. Whether it’s a power outage, electrical fire, or any other urgent electrical issue, their team is available round the clock to assist you.
  6. Renewable Energy Solutions: As the demand for sustainable energy increases, First Phase Electrical offers renewable energy solutions, including solar panel installation and maintenance. Their experienced electricians can guide you through the process, from system design and installation to ongoing maintenance, helping you harness the benefits of renewable energy while reducing your carbon footprint.

First Phase Electrical – Electricians Wales is a reputable electrical services provider offering a comprehensive range of services to cater to the needs of residential, commercial, and industrial clients. With their skilled electricians, commitment to safety, and dedication to customer satisfaction, they have established themselves as a trusted name in the industry. Whether you require electrical installations, repairs, maintenance, testing, emergency services, or renewable energy solutions, First Phase Electrical is well-equipped to handle all your electrical needs with professionalism and expertise.

Further Reading

Locations Covered

Blackwood, Merthyr Tydfil, Caerphilly to Cardiff and Newport.


First Phase Electrical has emerged as a trusted and reputable brand in the realm of electrical services in Wales. With their commitment to excellence, customer satisfaction, and extensive expertise, the brand consistently delivers top-notch electrical solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. Their user-friendly website,, further enhances the client experience by providing easy access to information and resources. For all electrical requirements in Wales, First Phase Electrical stands out as a reliable and professional choice.

#electricianswales #firstphaseelectrical #landlordsandtenants #landlordsafetyinspections #rewiring #solarinstallations #electricians #electricalcontractors

Smoke Alarm Testing Residential Properties & Hearing Loss.

Smoke Alarm Testing Residential Properties & Hearing Loss.

I am a private tenant and have lived at this property (a two-bedroom flat) for the best part of 24 years. It seems a lifetime I know, and I could have bought a house but I have never been in a position to invest. Instead, I invest in digital real estate.

My article is about the hearing loss I have due to the extremely loud smoke alarms and heat detectors.

I have had two smoke alarms (landing /living room) and one heat detector in the kitchen in the last 3 years installed and have endured other incidents by an incompetent electrical company that has scammed my landlord and caused me monetary loss as well as health issues.

Does spraying smoke from an aerosol need to be done by a qualified electrician or can anyone do it?, it is laughable: Smoke Alarm Tester Sprays. To think my landlord has been charged for this and then passes the cost on to the tenant with rent rises.

My Digital Real Estate I Own.

Living in a residential property that does not belong to you, limits you with what you can and can’t say. The company that is scamming my landlord thinks I know jack sh#t about the law.

As a website designer, digital marketer, and content writer, I make it my business to learn about regulations.

I am actively promoting my client by coincidence is on the first page of search engines namely Google for the search terms ‘electricians wales’ and landlord ‘safety checks’.

So my grievance is with an electrical company that my landlord hires and has caused me considerable emotional distress, health issues as well as monetary loss. It rattles me that not only have I had hearing problems which are documented in other articles I have written, I now have to have my morning disrupted because my word is not good enough to confirm my alarms and detector are working properly.

This is my client which I highly recommend.



This is what the government says:

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 came into force on 1 October 2015.

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022 will come into force on 1 October 2022. From that date, all relevant landlords must:

1. Ensure at least one smoke alarm is equipped on each storey of their homes where a room is used as living accommodation. This has been a legal requirement in the private rented sector since 2015.

2. Ensure a carbon monoxide alarm is equipped in any room used as living accommodation that contains a fixed combustion appliance (excluding gas cookers).

3. Ensure smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are repaired or replaced once informed and found that they are faulty.

The requirements are enforced by local authorities who can impose a fine of up to £5,000 if a landlord fails to comply with a remedial notice.

This booklet provides information about the requirements, who they apply to, and how they are enforced. It is designed as a Q&A to cover the most common situations but it is not intended to cover every scenario, nor should it be seen as a substitute for reading the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2022.

These regulations should be considered alongside other relevant laws on fire and carbon monoxide safety in rented homes such as the Housing Act 2004, the Fire Safety Act 2021, and the Building Safety Act 2022.

It is the department’s intention to ensure this booklet is updated whenever there are changes, but it is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that they are applying the relevant laws correctly.

If, after reading this booklet, you are not clear whether or how the requirements apply to your individual circumstances you should seek legal advice.

Separate guidance is available for local authorities.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022: guidance for landlords and tenants – GOV.UK (


So in the last 2-3 years, I have had this company, ‘ come to the property I rent, and this is what a sh#t show they have done up to now (or should I say have not in some cases).

  1. Carried Out a landlord safety inspection but did not provide a copy of the report to me because I could easily have argued and could have pulled them up about the fact my chandelier and the dimmer switch were never tested in my living room plus other things in the list. I do not use it as a consequence and just have floor lamps).
  2. The extension lead from the back of my washing machine was never hardwired. So if the washing machine sprung a leak there is an electric cable extension trailing on the floor.
  3. They failed to notice the hotspot behind my cooker which caused me a lot of money in takeouts one Christmas (Documented).
  4. They scammed the landlord by installing two lights on my landing on the same loop so when one lightbulb goes, it trips the second light, defeating the object of having to change a light bulb above a 30ft drop as it is situated directly on top of my stairs.
  5. They installed two smoke alarms on one floor and a heat detector in the kitchen (saying I needed a heat detector in the kitchen, a smoke alarm in my on the landing (10ft apart) as well as in the living room by law). Another scam for my landlord. It makes no sense to have a heat detector in the kitchen because the kitchen does get hot from the cooking especially if you have the hobs and oven on at the same time.
  6. They insist on checking each smoke alarm once a year even though it should be checked by anyone who is competent (insinuating I am not).

My smoke alarms work especially if we are cooking and when this happens, all three alarms go off at the same time.

Where do smoke alarms need to be located?

According to the GOV.UK Regulations it does not stipulate where the alarms should be placed.

At least one smoke alarm should be installed on every floor used as living accommodation.

Landlords should follow the individual manufacturer’s instructions when installing the alarms. However, in general, smoke alarms should be fixed to the ceiling in a circulation space, i.e. a hall or a landing.

Your local fire and rescue authority may be able to provide further advice on installation or you can download fire safety information from

Can Smoke Alarms & Heat Detectors Damage Hearing?

Since having these alarms installed my hearing is not so good, I experience headaches and a constant humming noise in both ears. The volume on my devices has to be turned up to the max for me to hear. I cannot hear my doorbell which tells me my hearing is damaged.

The sheer volume of noise isn’t everything and the distance you are from the source of the sound and how long you are exposed to it is just as important as the noise.

Sound intensity doubles with every increase of 3 decibels so even though the sound of a car horn may not sound twice as loud as a vacuum cleaner, the intensity levels make it seem so. That is why, if you are working in a noisy environment with sound levels in the region of 80-85dB, you should be wearing protective hearing headsets. 

For sounds in the region of 110 – 120dB, short exposure is enough to cause lasting hearing damage.

Prolonged and repeated exposure to loud noises can damage your hearing and if you stand next to a smoke alarm for a long period of time, it can damage your hearing (I am about 10ft away when I am sitting down and working, and have to switch/reset all the alarms which may take a few minutes because both my daughter and I are disabled and cannot move very fast and cannot reach because the ceilings are very high.

Though the point of a smoke alarm is to get you out of the vicinity of a fire so this is rarely an issue. The louder the noise is and the longer you are exposed to it, the higher the risk to your hearing.

My Landlord.

On the imminent appointment (which I could do without), scheduled tomorrow to have my alarms tested because I am obviously not trusted or capable enough to test them myself, I not only will have to contend with the deafening noise of 3 x 85 decibels = 255 decibels, but they will have to disconnect my electricity because the alarms are connected to the flat below me. (I would not be so p#ssed if it was one alarm but there are three that will go off simultaneously and one of the alarms is about 10 feet away from where I work. When these alarms set off they hurt my ears).

How can I protect my health and work at the same time?

I am keeping a record of everything that happens with this company and my landlord.

My alarms work fine because there is one heat detector in the kitchen which is very sensitive and sets off all the rest. I have reduced my cooking because of the price rises in the cost of living but that is another story.

Update 26/08/22

The electrician arrived and knocked on my door and when he did not get an answer he opened the door and came to my stairs. (My daughter was a witness).

I normally do not lock my flat door because the flat is a terraced house converted to two apartments and there is a front door that is locked before anyone can get to my door. You would think I should feel safe in my home, but obviously, people that do not get a response from knocking think they have a license to just let themselves in…

No word of a lie he puffed an aerosol can on the alarms, waited for them to go off, and left. He did not switch off the electrics like the last guy a year ago. It most probably took the guy today all of two minutes from start to finish, I wonder how much he charged for this?

How should a tenant test their alarms to check they are in working order?

Testing of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms does not require specialist skills or knowledge and should be straightforward for tenants to do.

Landlords should consider providing residents with a demonstration and/or instructions to support residents’ understanding of how, and how often, to test their smoke alarms and make sure they are in working order. Landlords should follow the individual manufacturer’s instructions for testing alarms and consider sharing these instructions with tenants to support regular testing.


Would I recommend this company to anyone to anyone? most definitely not, they are a bunch of cowboys!

They do not know what they are doing, they are not on the first page of search engines and their website looks like an amateur has done it which tells me they are not making much money otherwise they would afford a Professional Website Designer.

This now gives me the perfect opportunity to promote and market my client who is professional and knows what he is doing. If I could dictate to my landlord who he should choose to hire then I would most definitely have recommended my client.

For those of you that are in need of a Landlord Safety Inspection, I highly recommend

Update 28/11/22

I think this muppet company (E+- (abbreviated), am not disclosing their business name for legal reasons) is out to scam landlords because, from the original post date of this article in August of this year, I was surprised the same muppets turned up at my property unannounced to say they were doing a smoke alarm test. I replied you did one six months ago but in reality, it was three months ago and the electrician’s reply was that they have to very six months (good luck with that in three months’ time because I bet you a bottom dollar I am not letting them in).

I told my landlord’s assistant who said she had texted me over the weekend. If I did not reply that would have meant I did not get the text.

But what shocked me was that this electrician entered my flat without waiting to be invited. What would have happened if I was not in? he could have had free reign and helped himself to my valuables. What if I had just had a shower and was half-dressed? You do not enter rented accommodation without acknowledgment from the tenant. I did not acknowledge the text because I never received it.

On further investigation, this company does not have a cookie banner on its website, so if they track you with Google Analytics cookies you are none the wiser. They have a simple landing page with no privacy policy or terms and conditions. The quality of the website speaks volumes about the quality of their workmanship. I personally believe they are not credible and I by rights should be reported to for breaching GDPR.

#landlordsafetyinspections #electricianswales #smokedetectortesting #smokealarmtesting #hearingloss #smokedetectorhearingloss #dodgytraders #dodgyelectricians #electricianscardiff

Electricians Wales – Pat Testing Wales


“Electricians Wales” would like to notify all households to check their Christmas Lighting this year indoors and out. Christmas lights could pose a major fire hazard, according to new research from Which?. The consumer group carried out a series of tests on Christmas tree lights and found that nearly half could cause either a fire or an electric shock.

How to do a PAT test Christmas lights?

One of the most common questions asked for in-service inspection and testing is ‘Do I need to PAT test Christmas tree lights’ or ‘How do I PAT Test Christmas tree lights’.

As with any electrical equipment one needs to take precautions especially if you are buying second-hand used items.

Not only this if you are buying new appliances such as a new cooker in time for your Christmas Gathering you must make sure your Hot Zone is compliant as I had the misfortune to find out last year. You can read the article here.

It is very important to carry out a thorough visual inspection. Christmas tree lights are typically stored away in an attic or a shed for most of the year, however, due to weather changes the stored items may become damp, and if not stored away safely, damage can occur during storage. You will need to consider the environment in which they are used as they can be used both indoors and outdoors and can also be installed in areas where you have the general public, young children, and even the vulnerable. When public safety is taken into account, one needs to protect everyone in order not to be liable.

Nowadays, almost all modern lights you come across will either be Low Voltage or Class II. Class 0 equipment has no basic insulation around the live conductors.
There is no supplementary insulation or earthing of exposed parts. In most cases, Class 0 equipment should fail the visual inspection and be removed from service. If in doubt throw it out or call an electrician.

Consider the age of your equipment and lighting. If it is old it may not be worth repairing and it would make more sense just to buy brand new. However, depending on your circumstances and your budget, you may be tempted to buy secondhand. With this said you should do your due diligence and weigh up the pros and cons before paying for something that could become a fire hazard.

So how you go about testing them will all depend on the equipment construction itself.

Most lights will be either low voltage (battery-powered/LED) or Class II running-off transformers. Most won’t have to earth for fault protection or have any exposed conductive parts to carry out insulation resistance testing, so in most scenarios, a thorough visual inspection is all you can do.

If you would like “Electricians Wales” to inspect your equipment, appliances, and hot zones, all cabling, fittings, and plug top/battery compartments will be inspected, repaired and reports made to ensure the safety of your household and neighboring areas for any signs of damage or over-heating.

If the lights are Class I and have the earth for fault protection, then they would
need to be treated as if they were any Class I electrical equipment carrying out as a minimum a thorough visual inspection (as above), earth continuity test,
insulation resistance test and then finally a function check. If the lights are
Class II with exposed conductive parts, then as a minimum, they would be
carried out with a thorough visual inspection (as above), insulation resistance
test and then finally a function check.

Things to consider when installing Christmas Tree lights:

  1. Make sure the lights and equipment are not damaged.
  2. Make sure they are not causing a trip hazard.
  3. Make sure the wiring is not bent and the cabling twisted, bent, or broken.
  4. Make sure the cabling is not wrapped or tangled together which can fuse the wires and cause a fire hazard.
  5. Make sure you have not overloaded your plugs and multiway adapters.
  6. Make sure your extension leads are pat tested and not overloaded.
  7. Only use lighting outdoors if specified it’s safe to do so by the manufacturer.
  8. Do not try to be handy manny if you have no clue about electrics.
  9. If you are buying cooker appliances make sure the surrounding areas where the cooker i supposed to go is Hot Zone compliant because your appliances will not be fitted otherwise.
First Phase Electrical Wales – Electricians Wales Promo Video Courtesy Of UK Website Designers

#firstphaseelectricalwales #electricianswales #pattestingwales #landlord #electricalsafetyinspections #landlordelectricians

Recovered Stolen Electrician Domain Name.

Banner Ad FFEW

Recovered Stolen Electrician Domain Name.

With the support of UK Website Designers, City of London Police, and Nominet, Jeff Smith the owner of “First Phase Electrical Wales” has today successfully recovered the domain name

I had written about this case on my other Domain Brokering site many months ago and the problems arising from using offshore website designers, that basically cybersquatting the domain name which eventually getting it suspended by the City of London Police and Nominet.

However, it was an enormous task to delete all the breadcrumbs and carbon footprint this domain had incurred over the years that showed the domain in a bad light. The backlinks have been updated although we were not able to successfully catch them all, hopefully now business will pick up seeing we have now acquired the domain name and is in safe hands.

You can read the whole story here:

Using Offshore Website Designers Part 1

Using Offshore Website Designers Part 2

Using Offshore Website Designers Part 3

Jeff is now really pleased that the domain name has been successfully registered and is pointing to his business.

Jeff also asked us to put a review on his website which can be located towards the bottom of his website

UK Website Designers built two sites for Jeff both exact match searchable keywords domain names and whilst his original branded domain had been compromised and was waiting to be recovered. It took over a year to finally get the domain back to its rightful owner.


The problem with website designers is unless a client has a contract stating the domain names that have been registered on the client’s behalf which will be released on termination of the agreement the business owner could get unstuck getting their domain names back as in the case of Jeff and his previous website designers.

Jeff is fortunate to have such a contract with “UK Website Designers” as we do not do business without signed agreements.

We have learned by our mistakes, the hard way over the years that not having contracts can become messy and as with one passport photographer in particular located in Cardiff who got “UK Website Designers” to build him 3 websites and he then started having financial problems paying, yet he had full control of the hosting and domain names.

Without a signed agreement it was difficult to prove what he had agreed to and that is when we decided that we would never get unstuck like that again.

All businesses should have contracts for the services they offer and anyone that just wants a gentlemen’s handshake should be avoided. A person who refuses to sign a contract obviously has ulterior motives.

Supporting Your Local Business.

Electrician In Wales.

If you are in South Wales UK and are reading this please support your local business and share this article with your connections as Jeff has lost a lot of business because of these people in India.

If you have any electrical work that needs doing-especially coming up to the holiday season with Halloween and Christmas lights and rewiring hots spots for kitchen Appliances or Landlord Property Safety checks and Commercial Properties Jeff is the man to call.


#firstphaseelectricalwales #elctricianswales #pattestingwales #stolendomainname #domainnames #ukwebsitedesigners #jeffsmith #suspendeddomainnames #landlordsafetychecks #electriansinwales #rewiring #commericalsafetyinspections #hotspots

Electricians Wales

‘First Phase Electrical Wales’ is the Official Brand Name of a portfolio of domain names that are part of an SEO Link Wheel consisting of the following domain names: and

First Phase Electrical also known as Electricians Wales specializing in the following services in Wales:

Landlord Electrical Safety Inspections & Certificates. Commercial Electrical Testing & Installations.

Electrician Job Role.

An electrician’s role as a tradesman includes specializing in electrical wiring and re-wiring of buildings, transmission lines, stationary machines, and related equipment. Electricians may be hired in the installation of new electrical components or the maintenance and repair of existing electrical infrastructure as well as electrical inspections which in the case of Landlords is required by law.

Electricians may also specialize in wiring ships, airplanes, and other mobile platforms, as well as data and cable lines and the installation of solar systems.

NICEIC Approved & Registered Contractors
Specializing in Landlord Electrical Safety Inspections, House Rewire, Fuse Box Replacement, and Commercial Electrics and Pat Testing.

Other services include Rewiring – Full House, Extension, Loft Conversion, Smoke Alarms Installation, Lighting Installation, Fuse Board Repair and Upgrade, Garden Electrics and lighting, Specialists in Fault Finding,  Insurance Work, Landlord Certificates Thermal Imaging Reports.

Specializing in new builds, sockets, lights including garden lighting, including wiring, rewires, and spurs for:

Nursing Homes, Churches, Hotels, Schools, Gymnasiums, Warehouses, Restaurants, Shops, Pubs, and Clubs.

Cover rewires and safety checks for rentals and HMO maintenance, installations testing safety checks.

Available in:
Blackwood, Merthyr Tydfil, Caerphilly to Cardiff and Newport.

#electriciannearme #emergencyelectrician #electriccompanynearme #electricpanelupgrade #Electricservicenearme #licensedelectrician #commercialelectrician #industrialelectrician #licensedelectriciannearme #industrialelectricalwiring #industrialelectricalmaintenance #commercialelectricalwiring #residentialelectriciannearme #24hourelectrician #certifiedelectriciannearme #emergencyelectriciannearme #ceilingfaninstallation #landlordelectricalsafetychecks #factorywiring #factoryrewiring #solarpowerinstallation #thermalimaging #landlordelectricalsafetyinspections #landlordsafetyinspections

Electrical Safety 5-Year Checks


Electrical Safety 5-Year Checks.

I wrote a while back about an electrical engineers company in Cardiff (UK) that did not notice that there was a problem with my kitchen hot zone in my property when they came to do an electrical inspection approximately a year ago and as a consequence caused a domino effect, whereby my cooker which was delivered on December 17th, 2020 to be precise was not fitted until the 11th January 2021, because it was difficult to get anyone out to resolve the problem and then fit it.

I was then subjected to having take-outs at a cost of £50 per day for two meals per two people over 25 days period a total of £1,250. My Christmas was ruined.

Moving forward to today I get a message from my landlord’s assistant who says the same company that came to do the electrical inspection a year ago is coming tomorrow to do an annual check.

I responded and said unless it is mandatory I would prefer no visitors, to which she replied it was and it has to be done by law.

Obviously, I never take things at face value and I decided to do some research this is what I found the screenshot follows after the PDF:


Now considering the UK has a “stay at home ruling” you would think minimizing contact with other people would be of the highest priority but somehow people are being so blasé about the Pandemic that it is starting to make my blood boil.

Secondly, the Landlords Assistant whom I assume should have done some training with ‘Rent Smart Wales’ would know that the electrical tests are every five years not annually. It is the Gas Safety Checks that have to be checked annually.

However, I am going to have some fun tomorrow when the Electrical Engineers arrive and will ask them to comment on the following questions:

  1. Why they are doing Electrical Inspections on an annual basis when it says every five years? (already had this answered, they are apparently doing fire alarm inspections instead).
  2. Why did they fail to notice a problem with the kitchen hot zone a year ago?
  3. Why they failed to move the socket from the hot zone on the 17th of December and only covered it with a plastic covering? ( According to the electrician today that was ok. No this is not fine as the plastic could melt from the heat).
  4. Why they fitted a light on the same circuit as the banister light which when one light blows the electricity trip? (He said that yes when the light goes it will trip the electrics but if the bulb goes on the light which is positioned in a dangerous place I still have to change it as it will continue tripping otherwise. So that was a waste of time installing the second light).
  5. Why they changed the bathroom light which was already bathroom safe for another one, just to make extra money? (I never got around to answering this question).
  6. Why they fitted an extra three smoke alarms on top of the one I already had, considering my flat has one floor and I should have one alarm on each floor? (he said by law I had to have one in the living room, on the landing, in the kitchen (heat detector), and at the entrance to my flat, we were having a full-blown argument as he was persistent that I was wrong).
  7. Why they did not spot the washing machine was plugged into an extension lead, which was trailing on the ground, and not plugged into a wall socket which I did not have behind my machine? (if there was a leak and water went over my extension lead, well all I can say is, I would be toast)? (I mentioned about this and he the best thing would be for me to lodge a complaint with the company, once I get the information from the government I will be emailing these electricians and reporting them).
  8. Who will compensate me for all the money I wasted on take-outs?
  9. Where does it say I have to have annual fire alarm checks done? (I asked the electrician and he could not give me an answer I wanted the name of the website to fact check).

Considering this company is registered with the electrical safety register I would like to know who taught them about electrical safety inspections.

Furthermore, my daughter is classed as a vulnerable person according to the government, so why is it that people insist on visiting my property when I do not want them to? It’s all getting beyond a joke.

In the meantime, I highly recommend “First Phase Electrical – Electricians Wales”, if you have any electrical emergency work that needs doing. Give “Jeff Smith” a call or visit his website:




I stand corrected I am not having an electrical inspection done after I pointed out the 5-year rule to my landlord’s assistant, instead, I am having a fire alarm system checked but as always I leave no stone unturned and have found this PDF from the Governments website relating to Fire Alarm Inspections. There is no mention of how often fire alarms should be tested by a qualified electrician and besides it is not rocket science to test the alarm yourself which is recommended that everyone does anyway.

This is now an invasion of my privacy, against covid regulations, and a risk to my daughter’s health.


My grievance is not only the hot zone and money I wasted on take-outs, but the number of visits I have had to my accommodation outside of my immediate bubble to the total of 9 people relating to my landlord’s decision, within the last month. This is now wearing me down. Had they all come at the same time, I could have had a party.

  1. Two DHL Appliance Delivery Engineers.
  2. An Electrician capped the socket the same day as DHL Delivery.
  3. My Landlord the following day and his assistant x total 3 visits.
  4. The Gas engineer came and went without installing the cooker.
  5. The Two Gas Engineers that finally installed my cooker.
  6. An engineer today checked the fire alarms.

A total of nine people in the last month have entered my accommodation.

Update 18.33 pm 22/01/21

I had my visitor today person number 9 in the space of one month test the fire alarms and basically, this is all he did, he sprayed some smoke from a canister directly below the alarm, waited for the alarm to activate and disarmed it, wrote something down, and off he went.

I have since written to the government to confirm what legislation there is for checking fire alarms and how often.

From what I have read one has to check the alarm once a month.

If this is the case there is no way on this earth I am allowing any more visitors to my accommodation.

I pointed the hot zone out to him and he agreed the electrical engineers overlooked the hot zone but I could not blame the company but the engineers.

He continued to say that capping the wall socket was ok. Obviously another cowboy to the list of cowboys.

Here is my capped wall socket, which is now behind a splashback, which today’s electrician said was fine.

Can Landlords Delegate Annual Gas Safety Checks to a Tenant?

Annual Gas Safety Checks.

Can a landlord delegate gas safety checks and maintenance to a tenant?

The answer is NO.

Landlords Obligations.

Regardless of who bought or installed the appliance, it is still the landlord’s responsibility to make sure the appliance is safe to use, as he has the responsibility of all the occupants in his property and adjacent properties to make sure there are no faults.

A gas engineer or landlord should not expect the tenant to pay for a Gas safety check on the tenant’s appliance if the tenant is paying rent to include maintenance and services.

If the appliance developed a fault and caused an accident the landlord would be liable and at fault for not having a gas safety check done. Not only is he/she safeguarding his/her tenants he is also safeguarding his property. The landlords building insurance would be null and void if he did not have a gas safety check on an appliance fitted by him/herself or the tenant.

Furthermore, if a gas engineer tries to say that he will not be doing a gas safety check because it is the tenant’s appliance, then the gas engineer is at fault as all gas appliances have to be checked regardless of who bought them.

For further information visit:

According to Gas Safe Register.

It is the tenant’s responsibility to do an annual gas safety check on their Gas Cooker, which contradicts the website FAQ.

This is the screenshot of the email I received from Gas Safe Register today:


Gas Safe Register website also mentions they are governed by HSE screenshot below and that it is the tenant’s responsibility to make sure their appliance is in good working order and have an annual gas safety check.

According to the Law:

Under section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, the landlord is responsible to:

  1. to keep in repair the structure and exterior of the dwelling, including drains, gutters, and external pipes,
  2. to keep in repair and proper working order the installations in the dwelling for the supply of water, gas, electricity, and sanitation (including basins, sinks, baths, and sanitary conveniences.
  3. to keep in repair and proper working order the installation in the dwelling for space heating and heating water.


Gas safety is the highest priority in rented properties. All gas appliances, fittings, installations, pipes, and flues must be kept in perfect working condition.  This applies to communal and private areas, regardless of whether tenants have access.

All landlords are required to arrange an annual gas safety check by a Gas Safe registered engineer. They must earn a gas-safe certificate or make improvements prior to letting tenants. The certificate must be made available to every tenant prior to moving in and must be kept for at least two years.

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to knowingly use unsafe gas equipment. Treat the matter with the highest regard! Always require the gas safety certificate prior to renting a property.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms.

From 1 Oct 2015, the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations 2015 came into force, which means all private rented sector landlords have an obligation by law to have at least one smoke alarm installed on every floor of their properties and a carbon monoxide alarm in any room where solid fuel is used. 

For more information on licensed landlords in Wales please visit:

For information about Carbon Monoxide Alarms (I assume if the law has been passed in England then it should also apply to Wales Scotland and Ireland):


There is some contradicting information from other sources about the Gas Safety Responsibilities of a landlord and tenant and it seems a bit of a grey area according to: the landlord is not responsible for any electrical appliance that the tenant has installed in their property. Their maintenance is at the discretion of the tenant. But there is NO MENTION ABOUT GAS COOKERS which have been bought by the tenant??


In my opinion, it should be the landlord’s responsibility to make sure all gas appliances are checked regardless of who bought them. If anything went wrong the landlord is protected and so are his tenants.

There should be a clause in the tenant’s agreement if the tenant has purchased the appliance with a fixed fee added to their rent or the tenant needs to appoint a gas engineer of their choosing and provide a gas safety check certificate.

For the sake of Home Insurance the Home Owner should not rely on a third party (i,e the tenant) to carry out a Gas Safety Check and should arrange it himself or herself with a Competent Gas Registered Engineer.

However as it stands one cannot leave the onus on the tenant, not all tenants are internet savvy and will not do the research as I have, and MAY NOT KNOW THE LAW if it is not written into the tenant’s contract, then this opens up a can of worms.

Furthermore, EVERY Gas Engineers, Electrical Engineers and Gas, Electrical and Appliance Manufacturers and Retailers website should have linked and have information about:

  1. Hot-Zones
  2. Carbon Monoxide Alarms
  3. Gas Safety Checks and Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities and the law.

***I have contacted HSE for comment and am awaiting their reply. I will update this post as soon as hear from them.


All Landlords, Gas & Electrical Engineers need to be trained in HotZones and Carbon Monoxide Alarms – So far I have opened a can of worms.


October 2024
