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Gold and Silver Bullion.

Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney.


Michael Maloney is a financial expert, he is the host of the smash-hit video series Hidden Secrets of Money, the author of the bestselling precious metals book Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver.

Mike is one of the world’s most highly regarded investment education companies and a global leader in gold and silver sales.

Mike has traveled the world sharing his knowledge and passion for economics and monetary history with audiences from Silicon Valley to Wall Street, from Hong Kong to Rome.

Mike has researched financial markets, monetary history, and global economics, Mike discovered that the same economic cycles kept repeating over and over throughout history, from ancient times to the modern-day.

Mike is quoted as saying “For 2,400 years as people have lost faith in fiat currencies, they have turned to ‘real money,’ gold and silver,” and “Today the stage is set for a worldwide ‘gold rush’ to the safe haven of precious metals just when supplies of those metals are precariously low. The opportunity for those who position themselves accordingly, ahead of the crowd, is like none we will see again in our lifetimes.”





I have purposely not put these videos in chronological order because you need to watch the first video to get a grasp of what Mike is teaching. Mike teaches us about the money system and what is money and what is currency, yes there is a differences and how the global economy works.

The “Hidden Secrets of Money” videos are easy to understand and the concept of money should be taught in schools. We should all know how money and currency are created and learn about debt ceilings and deficit spending. This is also good for budding economists/financiers contemplating careers in the financial world.

About Mike Maloney.

Mike Maloney is the host of the smash-hit video series, “Hidden Secrets of Money”; former Rich Dad/Poor Dad advisor; author of the best-selling precious metals book.

Final Thoughts From The Editor.

If you see what is happening today with P#tins W#r, with all the sanctions, have you wondered how these people (Oligarchs/P#tin) are trading/living if their bank accounts are frozen?

If you look at the bigger picture w#ar is big business, the production, manufacturing, distribution of artillery, ammunition, staff, and operations, etc. Furthermore, the owners of the Federal Reserve get an annual 6% commission, on our hard-earned sweat and labor, yet no one knows who these people/corporations are because it is a closely guarded secret.

We are pawns in a massive game of monopoly.

We do not know what the future holds, banks have been known to close.

High Street Bank TSB To Close Branches.

What would you do if your bank closed?

I am not an economist, I simply write articles on the financial sector and am an affiliate marketer, affiliated with BullionVault and CashPlus Bank.

“I believe in never keeping all one’s eggs in the same basket”.

“If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends family, and on social media. Let’s help each other build a brighter future”.

“The farther back you can look, the farther likely you will see into the future.”― Winston Churchill

Disclaimer – At Cymru Marketing Journal/UK Website Designers, we are affiliated with BullionVault and CashPlus Bank and may get a commission on each person that buys bullion or sets up a business bank account. If you are a digital marketer or wish to monetize a website/blog/article, just follow the “BuullionVault – Link or “CashPlus Bank Business Account” and start advertising these businesses today.



#goldsilverbullion #debtceiling #fiatmoney #inflation #pricerises #costofliving #rateofinflation #globaleconomy #economy #truthaboutmoney #economists #hiddensecretsofmoney

Gold, Silver, Platinum Prices & Investments.


Gold, Silver, Platinum Prices & Investments.

GOLD PRICES have hit a record high, rallying after speculators cut their bullish Comex bets but gold ETFs continued to expand as European stock markets cut earlier gains amid fresh Russian attacks on Ukraine’s capital Kyiv, writes Atsuko Whitehouse at BullionVault.  

The Ukraine w#r coming to the 1-month with no ceasefire or end in sight, gold prices in US Dollar terms rose to $1935 per ounce after dipping below $1920 last Monday morning.   The spot market also rose for Wholesale Bullion for UK and Euro investors, reaching £1465 and €1750 respectively.  

Ukraine has seen their growing shares in issue need an additional 67 tonnes of bullion backing, expanding their aggregate holdings to 1,594 tonnes, the biggest since March 2021.  

Oil prices meantime surged, taking Brent crude 14% higher since Wednesday, as the European Union was reported to be considering a Russian oil embargo this week. US President Joe Biden is due in the region for Nato, Group of 7, and EU summits, aiming to agree more steps against Moscow.  

Aluminum prices jumped 5.1% after Australia announced an immediate ban on alumina exports to Russia. Russia accounts for about 6% of the global supply of aluminum and Australia supplies almost 20% of Russia’s alumina, the key ingredient for producing the industrially useful metal. The price of palladium – of which Russia accounts for 40% of the world’s total mine production.

Buy Gold with BullionVault.

What is the cheapest most efficient way to buy gold?

There are many ways to buy and own gold. Coins and small bars offer a popular but costly way of doing so. The coin’s price is only one element of its total cost. Think about how much money you will get back when you sell.

How BullionVault enables you to buy gold in a cheaper, safer and easier way.

  • You buy gold in 1 gram increments within LBMA approved wholesale bars
  • You pay prices that are closer to the wholesale market price.
  • No VAT or Sales Tax.
  • No delivery costs.
  • Your gold, silver, platinum & palladium is stored in professional vaults you choose where.
  • Professional vaults mean you pay the lowest storage & insurance costs.
  • Buy & sell 24/7 and instantly have funds back in your account ready to be withdrawn.
  • UK users can make their first purchase up to £5k with a debit card.
  • 5* TrustPilot rating & reviews.
  • BullionVault manages $3 billion in client property for over 100,000 users.

BullionVault lets private investors around the world access the professional bullion markets. You can benefit from the lowest costs for buying, selling, and storing gold and silver.

BullionVault is the world’s largest online investment gold service taking care of $3.8 billion for more than 100,000 users. It is part-owned by both GBIT and Augmentum Fintech plc.

Bars are stored in professional-market vaults in Zurich, London, Toronto, Singapore, or New York. You choose where. Because of our size, you benefit from the low storage costs we have negotiated, which always include insurance.

You can sell at any time, without penalty, and your money will be wired the next business day. You can also withdraw your bars.

BullionVault is quick and easy. You could own any quantity of physical gold and silver bullion in about 2 hours.



Prices for silver, increased by 0.2% to $25.03 per ounce which finds an annual demand of nearly 60% industrial uses.


Platinum, finds two-thirds of its worldwide demand from industrial uses led by auto-catalysts, rose 0.2% to $1029 per ounce.   “This renewed safe-haven buying in the form of ETFs and physical investment demand will keep prices elevated so long as the Fed does not drastically hike real rates into positive territory,” said Swiss refining and finance group MKS Pamp in their recently revised 2022 precious metals forecast.  

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: BullionVault is one of the most trusted businesses on the web, this is because thousands of thoughtful and wealthy people all over the world are turning to gold, silver, platinum, and palladium – and to BullionVault – as a response to currency expansion running out of control. This article is for information purposes only. You need to do your own research and due diligence on investing your money. No Person writing or promoting this article or the owners of this site have acted, directly or indirectly, as a broker, finder, or financial advisor for Purchaser in connection with this article. However, this article has affiliate links and the owner (the affiliate partner and publisher of this site) may receive a commission if the reader decides to register and invest with BullionVault.


#bullionvault #buygold #buysilver #buypalladium #buyplatinum #investingold #investinsilver #investinpalladium #investinplatinum #investingingold

How To Monetise Your Domain Name Or Business.

How To Monetise Your Domain Name Or Your Business.


Domain Name / Website Optimisation.

So you have a domain name and you have listed it on marketplaces and nothing is working. You have emailed prospective buyers, you have networked and even advertised, and nada…

But what if I showed you a way to make money from your domain whilst you waited to get a sale.

This strategy can be implemented in any niche.

It does not have to be domain names it could be any industry. You could simply be a startup waiting for a new client and you are wondering what to do next to get some money coming in. Your business could be slow and you are now researching what to do next to pay off your loans and credit cards and possibly even worried about the price hikes of petrol, gas, electricity, and food.

Here are the strategies you can use after I reveal what I do to make money whilst you sleep.

The secret is cookies (not the edible kind) and here I will explain my method. As you may know, I have many websites and am implementing this across my SEO Link Wheel, but one website will do.

Firstly you need to have a decent amount of people that you can network with. Building an email list takes time. If you have many followers on your Facebook Page you could start there but I would try to exhaust all avenues.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a large following, you may be generating a lot of traffic each month to your website so you could integrate banner ads on your homepage and in the footer of your site.

You can also explore classified ads and PPC advertising. If you need some help with this just send us an email at

Now my sites are targeted at business owners and I do try and write content regularly to boost my traffic. However, in one of my niches (Domain Sales and Acquisitions), some of the domains on my books owned by domain investors are not high quality do not have equity, and may get traffic but no sales. What I try and do in these cases is write articles about the keywords in the domains, but that does not really help to bring food to the table. Hence I have devised a strategy to not only optimize (SEO) my articles but add High Ticket Affiliate Links. Why waste your time with low-cost commissions when you get to earn big bucks for the same amount of time and effort.

Now what I am about to share with you, you can integrate into your email signatures, autoresponders, using an affiliate link, or add custom HTML code banner ads to your websites, social media pages, and articles.

About BullionVault.

About BullionVault.

Affiliate Partner.


The affiliate partner I have chosen not only will help people to save money but if they want to make money on a side hustle or boost their income, you could be a referrer and help them whilst also making a commission. It is no good to advertise to people that may not be interested in your affiliate program. you need to target people and perhaps encourage them to invest in Gold Bullion and tell them by signing up they get free silver bullion. Who doesn’t want something for nothing?

Signing Up – You get a Gift.


What is even more exciting is by using the following referral link you will get:

  • 1/8 oz (4g) of silver bullion.
  • €1 and $1 and £1. However if you register from Japan you will get ¥100 instead of the £1.

You may use them and immediately sell and buy silver on the BullionVault dashboard. If you use the order skilfully you can accumulate a growing balance, by putting some money aside each month or by earning commissions.

You’ll find you can use several of the vaults and all the currencies. You’ll be trading live and just like any normal BullionVault account, only smaller, without risk.

BullionVault’s Referral Programme.


BullionVault is one of the most trusted businesses on the web. You can participate and earn a no-nonsense 25% share of our gross commission (including mark-up and mark-down) by introducing gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and to your friends or your own website’s visitors. It takes two minutes to set up and continues earning you respectable money for years.

When new customers are referred by you …

  • You get a full 25% share of commissions (including mark-up and mark-down)
  • You get further 6.25% share of commission (including mark-up and mark-down) on further new accounts referred in by those you introduced
  • You continue to generate commission income at the same rate on repeat business for a full 2 years from account creation – and many BullionVault customers deal repeatedly.
  • Your BullionVault account receives your commission instantly, with no complexities or delays.

To help you benefit we provide you with …

  • a simple link which you can share with your friends or put anywhere on your social media page or website.
  • banners, charts and widgets to embed on your site.
  • an on-line statement with line by line credits for your commission earnings.

How much can you earn?


By composing an email and sending it to his registered members our very first referrer earned $2,500 in his first month as a referrer. Bullion Vault has referrers from across the world generating revenue from the program. This is because thousands of astute people in this world are either wanting to make investments or make a lot of money from affiliate marketing.

There are also a lot of wealthy people turning to gold, silver, platinum, and palladium – and to BullionVault – as a response to currency expansion running out of control. They are looking for a product you can now introduce them to.


“If there is an easier route to purchasing bullion I have not found it.” TH

“Love the service and the site. Actually, your whole business model is a good one and like many excellent ideas are simple and just leaves me wondering why it hasn’t been done before.” RK

“It’s an absolutely incredibly good service/website, from everything to presentation, ease of use and security its very clear and a pleasure to use.” BR

How it works.


Becoming an affiliate is simple. First go to and Register, so that you have a BullionVault account. Please note that you will need to validate your BullionVault account to withdraw any proceeds.

Your referral link to BullionVault then takes the form:


Please remember to change MYUSERNAME to the BullionVault username you chose when registering.

You may notice that the URL string returned by clicking on the referral link is long. Please be reassured that your referral details will be captured in our database.

The html code you need to add to your website is:

<a href=””>BullionVault</a>

Please note that the above referral URL structure is the only way referrers can link to BullionVault. If you use any other URL structure then you will not receive any commission.

If you are looking to refer only one or two friends, another way we can record your referrals is on the BullionVault registration page in our marketing drop-down called “How did you first find BullionVault?”

In the drop-down is a field called “Referred by” which allows your friend to enter your BullionVault username (GOLDENDOMAIN) in the “Please enter the username” box.

If you have any questions or would like more information regarding the BullionVault Referral Programme or any other marketing query please contact us at

Example: Banner advert


If you would like to add a banner to your website, the html code you need to use is:

<a href=””><img src=”” title=”BullionVault” alt=”BullionVault” border=”0″ width=”468″ height=”60″></a>

Please remember again to change MYUSERNAME to the BullionVault username you chose when registering.

You can choose an alternative banner image from their banner catalogue.

Ways to refer.


Use your referral links and banners on your site, blogs, emails, message boards, personal social media pages, etc.

NB: If you use email please refrain from spamming.

You can also display the latest gold or silver buy and sell prices via our live price widgets. There are 4 banner sizes to choose from and you can include your referral id in the code.

You may also like to consider embedding BullionVault’s customizable gold and silver price chart on your website. You have two versions to choose from and both allow you to include your referral id in the code.

If you have any questions or would like more information regarding the BullionVault Referral Programme or any other marketing query please contact us at

Tracking your earnings.


You can track your referral program earnings online, by logging in and selecting HISTORY > REFERRALS.

From there you’ll see how many new accounts you’ve referred and how many of those have been funded. As soon as your first referred customer makes a deposit, you’ll see a breakdown of how much business you’ve generated and how much commission you’ve earned so far.

Commission shares are passed to you the instant your referred customers trade, so you’ll also see your earnings reflected in your account balance and online statement. Please note that you will need to validate your BullionVault account to withdraw any proceeds.

Terms and Conditions.

  • Referal commission relates to vaulted traded gold, silver, platinum and palladium products only. Coin and bar sales are excluded from referral commission.
  • You are entitled to receive commission at the stated rates (25% of BullionVault’s gross commission including mark-up and mark-down) where you are responsible for introducing a BullionVault customer via an appropriate link – according to the procedures of the referral program.
  • You are entitled to receive commission at the stated rates (6.25% of BullionVault’s gross commission including mark-up and mark-down) where a new BullionVault customer was referred by someone you referred – according to the procedures of the programme.
  • You will generate commission share for a period of 2 years. The two-year period will start on the account creation date of the referred customer.
  • You understand that a prospective user coming to BullionVault via your referral link may not register an account during that visit. In order to track these prospects, BullionVault will seek to place a 2-month cookie on their computer system, identifying you as the referrer.
  • You understand that this can only happen where (i) the prospect chooses to accept our cookies and cookie policy (ii) it is allowed by their browser settings, and (iii) no pre-existing equivalent cookie referencing another referrer would be replaced.
  • You accept that the existence of a pre-existing cookie will cause that referrer to benefit by commission sharing instead of you. You acknowledge that you understand that sometimes you will benefit from this policy – where you are in fact the first referrer – and sometimes you will lose out – where you are a second or subsequent referrer.
  • You acknowledge that the expiry of the cookie on a referred customer’s machine within two months of the referral during which time the prospect has neither registered nor visited the BullionVault site causes the cookie containing your referrer id to be expunged.
  • You acknowledge that housekeeping utilities in use by the visitor may cause the cookie to be expunged before the time period is up, and that in this event BullionVault is not expected to identify you as the first referrer.
  • Only referrers using the prescribed referral URL structure as detailed above will generate commission. Any referrer linking to BullionVault using an incorrect URL structure after 31st March 2015 will have their commission halted and account frozen until they switch to the prescribed referral URL.
  • Existing BullionVault customers whose details are already held on the BullionVault database will not be included in the commission share if they open a new account via your referral links.
  • You acknowledge that while your account will be credited immediately when you start earning commissions you will need to validate your BullionVault account in line with existing BullionVault customer terms and conditions.
  • If you have not validated your account within 8 weeks of starting to earn commissions we will begin charging you a late validation penalty fee of $30 per month until your account is validated.
  • If you have not validated your account within 1 year of the date you started to earn commission, we reserve the right to reclaim any referral commission.
  • You accept that we will charge your account a wire or equivalent banking fee when you withdraw your commissions to your validated bank account.
  • You will not refer your own accounts or those of your spouse. You understand that where doubt exists BullionVault may prevent withdrawal of referral earnings until a reasonable number of accounts have been referred and funded.
  • All material offered for your use remains copyright of BullionVault/Galmarley Ltd. By reproducing it in any way — whether by email, website, print or any other medium, and including substantive amendments — you hereby agree to use this material solely for promoting BullionVault alone.
  • Your websites will not contain any material which is defamatory, violent, pornographic, unlawful, threatening, obscene or racially, ethnically, or otherwise discriminatory or in breach of any third-party rights and shall not link to any such material. Infringement will result in the loss of all referral income.
  • You will at all times conduct yourself with all due skill, care and diligence, including Good Industry Practice, and in accordance with your own established procedures and all applicable laws, enactments, orders, regulations and other similar instrument.
  • BullionVault will not tolerate any abuse in its name of international “anti-spam” regulations. Infringement will result in the loss of all referral income, howsoever generated. In promoting BullionVault by email, you hereby accept liability for ensuring your lists are up-to-date, “opt in” only, and fully compliant with your local data protection legislation.
  • You will not register any domain names or register keywords, search terms or other identifiers for use in any search engine, social media network, portal, sponsored advertising service or other search or referral service or include meta tag keywords on their website that incorporate terms which are identical to, similar to or could be reasonably confused with BullionVault services and/or Website, trademarks (or other trademarks owned by BullionVault) and you will at all times comply with such guidelines for the use of BullionVault’s services and website and trademarks as may be issued from time to time. You may be contacted by BullionVault to change the referral tracking links you are using and associated html code. You will have 45 days to action this request. If any of the above actions are undertaken we will halt your commission and freeze your account.
  • If your BullionVault account is closed you will cease to earn any referral commission from the users you have referred that are linked to your account.
  • These are BullionVault’s Referral Programme Terms and Conditions as of 22nd May 2019. These terms and conditions are subject to change with 30 days notice to active referrers.

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March 2025
