Cymru Marketing Journal - (CMJUK) - Online Business Journal & Digital Marketing Agency. Business News, Directory, SEO, Social Media Management, Advertising, Reviews, Forum, Market Research, Content Writing & Website Design. Thinking Local, Acting Global.

Category: MARKETING (Page 7 of 9)

Marketing is a strategy used to increase traffic to your business. Cymru Digital Marketing Agency will create ways to drive more customers to your business, through SEO, SMO, PPC and Networking. We even offer outbound marketing services and will create a SEO Link Wheel to help you achieve your desired results.

Making Waves – Public Relations.

Making Waves – Public Relations.

I was told today by a company that shall remain nameless as well as their industry that I should not be making waves, meaning i should not be writing news articles about a partiular topic.

My answer to that is, this is my job, I announce to the world what is on my mind, fact check everything and make companies more aware the latest news, reviews and regulations.

If a company goes to me and says do not make waves and argues with me that I should not be writing certain articles even though it does not directly involve them, means they either are afraid of something, have something to hide or do not like being told they are wrong.

The name of the game of business you have to listen and you have to learn.

I make it my job to know the facts and the law and hope that the information I write is useful.

Should a person not take my advice, that is there problem not mine.

When a company tells me I cannot do my job or question my motives I have to ask why?, there is also freedom of speech and anyone can write anything as long as it is not fake news.

Making waves allows people to notice what you have to say, as long as it is for the right reasons and done properly, you should not be stirring up a hornets nest if you do not want to get stung, as there is an element it can backfire. But providing you have all the evidence to back up your claim there is no reason to let your ideas, thoughts and comments be not known.

Are you a Spineless Jellyfish.

If you are a Spineless Jellyfish a person who is hard working, works by the book, but is underappreciated because they don’t speak up, then they will never get noticed.

Are you a Tuna.

However a Tuna Fish in the ocean of businesses may have the ability to stand up for themselves, may have a good network of friends and colleagues but won’t stand out from the school of fish as much as you would desire. In this case they need to brush up your public relations skills.

Are you a Shark.

Finally are you are a shark – like me and are one fearless fish in the sea! You have a presence that is well known however you want to to make a ripple in the waters, not create a crushing tidal wave.

So for the company that told me not to make waves they have missed the boat because i was going to give them a free marketing boost, especially seeing I found they have been in business for many years and are still not on the first page of Google organically. The other things is they have a hyphenated domain name, which is a no no in the world of SEO and have no cookie banner.

Always remember you do not who you are dealing with and where people make assumptions, this is wrong as the next nerdy person you speak to could be a Fortune 100 CEO of a Big Tech Company.


PR is the act of story telling.  It spreads awareness of the brand, the product or service. PR is trying to influence an audience, to trust your brand, product or service and help to promote your idea and get the end user to purchase your product, support your position, or recognize your accomplishments. The Public Relations Society of America PRSA say “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” Public relations is a communication strategy that builds public awareness and mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and the consumer.”

Advertising is paid media, public relations is earned media.

Our Fees.

Hourly Fee – £300.

Half Day Fee – £1,100.00

Full Day – £2000.00

20% Discount the more days you do.

***(Pricing excludes printing costs, distribution of materials and advertising costs).

We can commit to anywhere between 5 and 10 days each and every month for each campaign.

We believe having a large network of journalists, bloggers, influencers aswell as Fortune 100 Billionaires, Millionaires, Royalty and Law Makers, our news articles will spread awareness and will get noticed.

***We offer a free 30 minute consultation and ask our clients to point out their failures and their weaknesses so that we can construct a solid platform to work from. Knowing what the core problem is will help deliver strategic plans to put a company back on the right path.

PR Role is:

  1. To build strong relationships and networks with colleagues, clients and the media and answer enquiries from the media and other organisations.
  2. Monitor the media, including newspapers, magazines, journals, broadcasts, newswires, social media sites and blogs, for opportunities for clients.
  3. Research, write and distribute press releases to targeted media collate and analyse media coverage.
  4. Write and edit in-house magazines, case studies, speeches, articles and annual reports.
  5. Prepare and supervise the production of publicity brochures, handouts, direct mail leaflets, promotional videos, photographs, films and multimedia programmes.
  6. Undertake photo opportunities and coordinate studio or location photography.
  7. Organise events (such as press conferences, exhibitions, open days and press tours), source speakers and seek out sponsorship opportunities.
  8. Maintain and update information on the organisation’s website.
  9. Manage and update information and engage with users on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook.
  10. Prepare regular client reports and attend client meetings.
  11. Commission market research.
  12. Undertake research for new business proposals and present them to potential new clients.
  13. Foster good community relations through events such as open days and through involvement in community initiatives.
  14. Manage the PR aspect of a potential crisis situation.

Final Thoughts.

I try to help people as much as I can, but if they do not want to be helped then its up to them.

The tradesperson that I dealt with today and was representing the company basically ruined any chances the company could have had for free marketing, because of his dictatorship, aswell as not knowing exactly my job role.

Never assume anything and do take into account when you speak with someone you may not always know who you are talking to.

Always take an opportunity when it comes knocking on your door because like the company today they missed the boat even though I was not selling them anything, just giving them free advice, I was going to suggest helping them, but the dialogue did not happen and never will.

Also never judge a book by its cover!

Persuasive Marketing Strategies Explained

Persuasive Marketing Strategies Explained.

Persuasive Marketing Strategies Explained.

Ever heard the saying “he could sell snow to the Eskimos“, this one happens to be my favorite but there are also others see below.

The meaning is the description of someone who is a clever and persuasive salesperson, such that they could sell something to people who have no need or use for it. As in the case of ‘Belle Delphine’ ‘GameGirl Bath Water’ which is trending right now and how she made $10M selling bath water to her followers. No, I am not going to promote her water 🤣.

(The phrase ‘selling ice to the Eskimo’s alludes to the various indigenous peoples of the traditionally cold, snowy northern circumpolar regions of the globe, who would have no shortage of and or no need to buy) snow or ice. However even Eskimos would not say no to Gelato or Sorbets for dessert, just a thought I wonder 🤔.

Other terms uses for sales techniques are:

  1. Sell ice to the Eskimos
  2. Sell a cape to Superman.
  3. Sell hay to a farmer.
  4. Sell wood to a forest.
  5. Sell religion to the Pope.
  6. Sell underwear to a nudist.
  7. Sell rope to a free climber.
  8. Sell a two-wheeled bike to a unicyclist.
  9. Sell crutches to an Olympic sprinter.
  10. Sell a cage to a lion.

“My take on this is that a web designer contacts a web designer to see if they need help building a website or an internet marketer contacts an internet marketer to see if they need any help with internet marketing”.


There are in fact 41 different types of Marketing of which I will touch on persuasive marketing in this post.

  1. Traditional Marketing
  2. Outbound Marketing
  3. Inbound Marketing
  4. Digital Marketing
  5. Search Engine Marketing
  6. Content Marketing
  7. Social Media Marketing
  8. Video Marketing
  9. Voice Marketing
  10. Email Marketing
  11. Conversational Marketing
  12. Buzz Marketing
  13. Influencer Marketing
  14. Acquisition Marketing
  15. Contextual Marketing
  16. Personalized Marketing
  17. Brand Marketing
  18. Stealth Marketing
  19. Guerrilla Marketing
  20. Native Marketing
  21. Affiliate Marketing
  22. Partner Marketing
  23. Product Marketing
  24. Account-based Marketing
  25. Customer Marketing
  26. Word of Mouth Marketing
  27. Relationship Marketing
  28. User-generated Marketing
  29. Campus Marketing
  30. Proximity Marketing
  31. Event Marketing
  32. Experiential Marketing
  33. Interactive Marketing
  34. Global Marketing
  35. Multicultural Marketing
  36. Informative Marketing
  37. Neuromarketing
  38. Persuasive Marketing
  39. Cause Marketing
  40. Controversial Marketing
  41. Field Marketing

Depending on how you view this if you try and sell a product or service to someone that may not necessarily need it, this is called persuasive emotional marketing, such as Coke Cola for example:



Persuasion marketing is a marketing strategy that manipulates the human mind into thinking they desire the ideology of the product or service that is being marketed. It is the psychology of the power of persuasion that alters our emotions. When advertising companies use this strategy to make the product or service desirable going as far as to seduce the audience into thinking they need it.

‘Belle Delphone’ used her body as a tool to persuade her audience that the water she bathed in was a sexual extension of herself.

Many have criticized that at $22 dollar a bottle, no one in their right mind should have bought it. But people have fetishes and the porn industry is big business, She gained her audience by setting up an ‘only fans’ account where you pay a paid subscription to join and the models show parts of their bodies in exchange for money.

Further Reading:


I remember years ago in Glastonbury Somerset in the UK, Mud being sold on eBay as well as Britney Spears’s hair when she had a meltdown and shaved all her hair off. Glastonbury for everyone that does not know is a town in southwest England. It’s known for its ancient and medieval sites, many rich in myth. Believed to be King Arthur’s burial place.

Providing there is a market you can sell pretty much anything to anyone nowadays if you advertise your product or service well, regardless if it is by traditional methods or digital.

Grow your followers and you will have a platform to sell.

#persuasivemarketing #outboundmarketing #inboundmarketing #digitalmarketing #offlinemarketing #traditionalmarketing #guerrillamarketing #influencermarketing #voice marketing #emailmarketing #brandmarketing #campusmarketing #eventmarketing

Cardiff Videographer Film Maker.

Ruslan Cardiff Videographer

Cardiff Videographer – Film Maker.

Ruslan is based in Cardiff. You can view his portfolio of work here: – Ruslan on 07495176086

(Please mention ‘Renata’ when contacting).

He also specializes in 360° virtual tours, this is ideal if you want to show off the interior or exterior of your shop, office, venue, or property.

Visualization is the secret to engagement. A video is a versatile tool and easily accessible by providing contact that has real-life broadcasting; it’s also easy to share across multiple social media platforms, blogs, and websites. Both the consumer and business owner will benefit from High-Quality Videos with rich content captured by an experienced filmmaker.


Bar Mitzvah
(All Religions & Genders)
Other Religious Events
Special Events
Wine Bars & Pubs
Promotional Video
Business Events Drone Aerial Video For Real Estate

Estate Agents & Landlords

Ideal for Estate Agents, Property Developers, and Landlords wanting to showcase their properties for sale in a safe environment due to the current pandemic regulations.

Virtual tours are enabled with interactive hotspots for customers to interact with all aspects of your business.

Cafe’s Restaurants & Hotels.

Businesses can provide customers an opportunity to experience a virtual dining and venue experience before booking.

Music Entertainment Industry.

With music, videos, and social media integration, it’s never been easier for customers to interact with your business in such an immersive environment.



Ruslan Cardiff Videographer

Emotional Marketing For Coke~Cola

Just as I mentioned effective marketing strategies in my previous post, I want to highlight how big corporations use marketing strategies to sell their products. By glamorising the product to be a trend this is the way the products sell.

Personally speaking I do not buy the soda not because I am against the high sugar content or sweetner substitute but more so as it is way too gassy for me and sickly sweet. It actually tastes like there someone has over done it with the sugar and for me I will not drink it even if you paid me.

However their clever way of glamorising the product will never hinder the average person from buying it. This is called emotional marketing it gives the person a reason the buy it because it is a set trend.

The only way people may take notice is if there are health warning labels similar to tobacco labeling warning the user should they use the product there are health risks. Why this has not been done with Coke~Cola I do not know as Obesity and Diabeties is on the increase so rather than making people more aware of the risks involved these companies at the end of the day only care about the $$$ signs and profit margins and nothing else.

If you want to see more please watch the following video of a journalist confronting the CEO of Coke~Cola about the high sugar content in the drinks.

Perhaps someone should start a petition to make health warning signs rather than labelling how much sugar is in a bottle or can or adding sugar tax. Obviously that has not worked.

Until you have health warning signs people will be oblivious to the ingredients even though they are be labelled with the quantities of sugar. If you put a picture of a morbidly obese person on the product similar to what tobacco companies are doing showing damaged lungs, people then may take notice. It is all about the way you market a product and if you want people to buy it or not.

If the people suddenly stopped buying or bought less this would damage to economy hence by adding sugar tax it is a way of saying well we have done our bit for society and if society chooses to buy our product there is nothing else we can do and I am not talking about the company itself but more so the government that should do more to decrease obesity and diabetes, afterall they increased to price of cigarettes and that did not help so why will increasing to cost of bottles of coke make a difference? It won’t until people realise there are health risks.

Judge for yourself:

There are two links one a youtube video and another a LinkeIn post.

Sugar Content in Coke~Cola

LA Realtor Marketing on TV

Selling Luxury Properties

Watching my favourite streaming channel a new series of realtors in ‘Beverly Hill’s’ was launched on Friday and watching the gorgeous girls strut their stuff whilst selling multi million dollar properties a couple of things that were said made me look into their webiste.

One thing one of the directors said was that he was no longer wanting to market one of the properties as he had done everything he could including listing it on ‘Forbes’.

So I did a quick scan and found he has no header title in his website this is crucial in order for people to find you for the search terms. The other thing I found he is not using exact match searchable keywords in his domain name. So although he may have had ‘Forbes’ & ‘The New York Times’ to advertise the property he needed to get the property in front of a wider audience actively looking for luxury properties. What about all the rest of the Billionaires & Millionaires arounnd the world?

So even though his TV show is a clever marketing strategy he also needs to create a SEO link wheel and not rely on one website. His website is his brandname which is the Godfather for his business but he also need to create other channels. Also not every Millionaire or Billionaire watches ‘Netflix’ and understands the language.

What do millionaires look for when they are looking for luxury and how do they search for what they want that is the question?

There are plently of ways to advertise and I have a whole list of ways to find a targeted audience anywhere around the world including video marketing on the correct channels. I personally am connected with many groups and individuals on Instagram aswell as LinkedIn and I have not seen one video selling any luxury properties. One just needs to research where to advertise. TV Ads are sometimes more effective than a TV Show.

What if the prospective buyer did not type certain keywords such as “Beverly Hills Properties” and typed in for example “LA Luxury Properties” but the said realtor was not on the first page for these search terms, this would obviously means that the realtor could potentially loose business.

So it takes a person over the pond to explain this when in reality he also owns a website design company, so they should in theory know what I am saying.

I love the show btw but someone needs to show the directors what they can do to improve their sales.

One sometimes needs to think outside the box instead of concentrating on the search terms: luxury living, luxury homes. luxury realtors, how about using the keywords, millionaires or billionaires instead and work your advertising strategies round these words also.

Constant marketing especially on LinkedIn is a must.

Its amazing who you can connect with if you try….

Motivational Posts

This saying goes to all people to remove negativity from your lives.

When marketing your business or yourself post engaging content, do not post random stuff for the sake of it as I have seen today on Facebook of an entrepreneur posting a photo of his feet. Unless he is was advertising his tan coloured moccasin shoes what is the point to this? I also have a connection on LinkedIn that posts random and sometimes most ridiculous things just because he has nothing better to post. Most of the time I scroll past it if it going to damage my valuable brain cells looking at it.

When I am wanting to see useful content especially on LinkedIn I do not want to see Thomas the Tank engine with the said contactee pulling funny faces just because he has nothing better to post.

If you are struggling with content post something that is food for thought.

Enough said…..

AI & Robot Domain Names

Evolution to Ape to Man to Robot

AI & Robot Domain Names

I read a vast amount of business news and can honestly say I have not heard of any AI or Robot manufacturers in Wales (Cymru) but you never know when the evolution of Robots increases by 900% you will find most businesses one-way or another will be using the technology if not also building it.

I wrote a post on the subject on my other blog today about how the likes of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk have jumped on the bandwagon and are heavily investing in this technology.

If you are into stocks and shares you should do a bit of research and see which companies you need to invest in. Obviously, I am not qualified or know the first thing about stock markets but is worth noting that if Billionaires are doing it you should follow them (not literally) but on social media and in the news and on all the financial websites to see what they are investing in.

This is my tip for the day and once I sell my domain names I will no doubt be able to invest in this technology also.

Here is the link to my blog post:

#ai #artificialinteligence #aidomainnames #robotdomainnames #spatialtech #robots #bots #aismartbots #aismartbot

Due Diligence Lesson

Feeling Livid Today!!!

The lesson I have learnt today is regardless if you are doing business for $1, £1 or $1,000,000.00, £1,000,000.00 alway and I mean ALWAYS perform Due Diligence with a person you have never met and is not local to you, whereby you cannot check them out through Companies House if you are in the UK or physically pay them a visit. Each country has their own Company House Database.

What I mean by this regardless if they pass Companies House Verification they still may be scammers, as I have just got off the phone from a person claiming to be a New York Attorney that said his client wanted to sue me for selling artwork that belonged to him.

However upon trying to do my detective work this person is not on LinkedIn and his telephones do not match nor does his website work (times out).

Even with passports and other forms of ID one cannot know for certain if the person one is dealing with on the other end is a fraudster or not. Even if their Company is Verified does not stop them being unscrupulous. I had one person that had his passport cloned and was visible online. So there is no way for certain to know you are dealing with the actual person unless you phone the head office and perform detective work online.

I thought by checking with companies house that the said individual was kosha and it seemed that he was until all the inventory he was selling at the beginning part of the year mysteriously disappeared off his site where by he failed to update me. This in turn has put egg on my face as I told the Attorney that the artwork could be found on my client’s site and it is no longer there. The emails I have which I never deleted will prove he was selling the artwork….

So on the safe side I have taken the website down and will not be doing anything in future with this site other than selling the domain.

With this in mind I had to pulled the whole website down and all the inventory that belonged to the two muppets that I have been dealing with, with one of them still in my LinkedIn connections.

But then again if something does not sit right you should leave it out, as my gut feeling was like many months ago when I worked tirelessly to get leads for one of the muppets only to be told the leads I had given him were not good enough and did I get a penny for my trouble?, of course I did not. I even had his organ grinder telling me I was over thinking. If something does not sit well with me I will air my grieviences. This is also another lesson when someone asks you to find leads which are bon-a-fide leads and you find them, invoice the person for your time finding the leads as they could say the leads were no good even though they were, just to get out of paying you. Get the money upfront for finding marketing leads.

I have to say I must be soft in the head as I let someone else this month take advantage of me, by me designing a logo with about 20 changes, I also built him a website but made the mistake of giving him a cooling off period where after he had agreed on the amount of pages he then decided to move the goal posts and increase the pages for the same price. So when I mentioned there would be a price increase he decided to use the get out clause. So from now on I am never going to do that again. Do not use a get out clause for web design. Take a set up fee upfront instead and then invoice once the client is happy with the site.

I have since looked at the muppet’s site and it has been changed only to show bitcoin and cryotocurrency by coincidence, yet I have all the emails that he sent that I can forward to the owner of the artwork to prove the muppet was selling the artwork and not me per se. I was merely marketing what he told me to market. These pieces of art one could not ask for proof of receipt if you get my meaning if you know what pieces of art I was marketing.

This now shows me in bad light even though I did not know that the inventory was not legit, like why would I know or how would I know as these were high ticket assets and I trusted both muppets.

My reputation is on the line because two idiots whom seem to think it is ok to take advantage of people. “You have had your fun if you are reading this now so it’s now my turn and I will no longer be associated with you”…

I am a mere web designer and internet marketer but at least it shows my marketing skills reached the people that needed to be reached even though the inventory was debatable. So what has this taught me other than avoid all idiots at all costs? and that is I am good at my job even though I could do better by doing more to protect myself in future from people who can cause no end of problems.

Trust no one !

My lesson today is perform Due Dilligence with people regardless if the are selling £1 or £1M especially if you do not know them and if it means you loose the lead in the process, you would have saved yourself trouble in the future. Also do due dilengence on the inventory (especiall high ticket assets) as it could have legal implications.

I am sick and tired of the scammers out there and I will name these people if push comes to shove.

“I am fuming and words fail me today regarding this”.

Good job I never performed SEO on this particular website, imagine the digital footprint I would have had to delete and merely used it as an online business card/tool which I have now taken down and all associated links.

To the person whom contacted me today you will see the website is now taken down and to the muppets that got me into hot water, karma has a way of paying you back !!

Regardless who was trying to scam whom, I have knocked the nail on the head and severed all ties with everyone assoicated with this inventory.


Pond Solutions Cardiff (

Pond Solutions Cardiff Logo

Pond Solutions Cardiff (

Pond Solutions Cardiff is a leading provider of pond-related services in Cardiff, UK. We offer a wide range of services to meet all of your pond needs, from maintenance and repairs to equipment and supplies.

Here’s a closer look at some of the services we offer:

  1. Pond Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to keep your pond looking and functioning at its best. Our team of experienced professionals can provide a comprehensive range of pond maintenance services, including cleaning, water testing, and equipment inspections. We can tailor our services to your specific needs and budget to ensure that your pond stays healthy and beautiful year-round.
  2. Pond Repairs: If your pond is in need of repairs, we can help. We have the expertise and equipment to fix a wide range of issues, from leaks and cracks to pump and filter problems. We’ll work quickly and efficiently to get your pond back in top condition as soon as possible.
  3. Pond Construction: If you’re considering adding a pond to your outdoor space, Pond Solutions Cardiff can help bring your vision to life. Our team can design and construct a custom pond that fits your unique needs and preferences. We’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your new pond is a beautiful and functional addition to your outdoor space.
  4. Pond Equipment: We offer a wide range of pond equipment and supplies to help you keep your pond in top condition. From pumps and filters to fish food and water treatments, we have everything you need to keep your pond healthy and thriving. Our team can help you choose the right equipment for your specific needs and budget, and we offer competitive pricing on all of our products.
  5. Pond Consultation: Not sure where to start with your pond project? We offer consultation services to help you plan and design the perfect pond for your outdoor space. Our team can provide expert advice on everything from pond size and location to equipment and maintenance requirements.

At Pond Solutions Cardiff, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and support. Whether you need a one-time cleaning or ongoing maintenance services, we’ll work with you to create a customized plan that meets your unique needs and budget. So why wait? Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create the beautiful and healthy pond you’ve always wanted.


Looking for high-quality pond solutions in Cardiff? Look no further than! Our website offers a wide range of services and products to meet all of your pond needs, from maintenance and repairs to equipment and supplies.

At Pond Solutions Cardiff, we understand that your pond is more than just a water feature – it’s a beautiful and valuable part of your outdoor space. That’s why we offer comprehensive pond maintenance services, including cleaning, water testing, and equipment inspections, to ensure that your pond stays healthy and beautiful year-round. Our team of experienced professionals has the skills and expertise to handle any pond-related issue, no matter how big or small.

In addition to maintenance services, we also offer a wide range of equipment and supplies to help you keep your pond in top condition. From pumps and filters to fish food and water treatments, we have everything you need to keep your pond looking and functioning at its best.

What sets us apart from other pond service providers is our commitment to customer satisfaction. We believe in providing our customers with the highest level of service and support, and we strive to exceed your expectations at every turn. Whether you need a one-time cleaning or ongoing maintenance services, we’ll work with you to create a customized plan that meets your unique needs and budget.

So why wait? Visit today to learn more about our services and products, or to schedule a consultation with one of our pond experts. We look forward to helping you create the beautiful and healthy pond you’ve always wanted!


With many of us with too much time on our hands waiting for our starting orders, there is no time like the present to revamp your garden if you have one or even offer a helping hand for your neighbors and local community especially the elderly.

A nice-looking garden gives people a lasting impression of your home, if you have a messy garden on the outside, what does it say about the inside?

A nice-looking garden with a pond feature increases the value of your property.

If you need ideas on how to landscape your garden here is an excellent article to read:

If you want to be creative and leave it to the professionals and even have a water feature then will install a pond for you to enjoy for years to come. They are located in Cardiff South Wales UK and can travel within about a 50-mile radius.

#pondsolutionscardiff #pondcontrustion #pondrepair #pondmaintenace #ponddesign #pondsolutions

Something For Nothing

Napolean Hill!

Something For Nothing!

I feel the last week has been really stressful and I learned a costly lesson, through what has happened today. Normally I have no issues with clients they usually ask me to build them a site, give me the content and hey presto I go about doing the marketing and SEO.

However and I will not be naming anyone but why do people expect something for nothing?

Why do they expect you to slog your guts out and be beholden to their every whim?

I am saying enough is enough if you hire me to do a job do not question why I do things a certain way, at the end of the day I am doing it for you, not me.

I was recently questioned why I do not use the word “Home” as a Homepage title and when I gave the reasons why rather than take my advice, I was told that other companies in his profession were using the word “Home” and that my title looks silly. So you hire me to do a job and then question my ability even though I know what I am doing.

So my costly mistake and this is the first time I have ever included it in a contract was a cooling off period when this person asked me to build him a website, then started to add more pages over what we had initially agreed on and stated that most businesses have more than 10 pages. That may be true but they pay to have the extra pages they do not give unlimited pages for £49.99 per month. He announced today he would be looking for another designer, more like he will attempt to do it himself as I have not come across designers charging pittance for what he expected me to do.

So I suspect he may try to build a website himself after all every one has more time on their hands so why not give it a go, that is what I think. The SEO audit report will show me if his site has been built by a professional or not, can’t wait.

So the good soul I am, I have not been charging for web hosting, SEO, or marketing because of this pandemic as I reckon a lot of people are strapped for cash right now. However, do not take advantage of me. If I do not charge you for a website until the lockdown is lifted do not start throwing your teddy’s out to the pram if you do not give me the content to the sites and then somehow expect me to do it for you. I should not have to find the content for you as that takes time with research and content writing. I build websites, I should not be building your business also.

It rattles me beyond belief how people are so full of themselves and expects something for nothing. What about me I have to live too.

I am the kind of person who will go above and beyond my call of duty to help someone but if they start taking advantage as I have seen a few of my clients doing lately, I will say enough is enough.

Enough is enough, do not take advantage of people!

Again I have a client who cannot work due to government guidelines and has to overcome the close proximity of his clients so not only did I not charge him for the hosting of the site and blog, but I also gave him free advertising on a local business directory only to have him go on his high horse, why his dot com domain name was not associated with his site.

Talking SEO goes right over his head and when I was still contemplating if I should use his dot com rather that a dot co dot UK domain name for his blog he goes on a rant and now has gone quiet on me when I told him he is only allocated two hours a month and that he is in a queue. The reason why I am hesitant to use a dot com is that even though you can set your GEO fencing for the domain names, search engines still send you traffic from the location your domain comes from which in the case of a dot com is the USA. So if you happen then to do pay-per-click advertising your budget will get swallowed up by US traffic not good especially if you are in the UK.

So I thought I had ample time to update him but obviously not as he was throwing his teddy about and expecting me to drop everything. So what did I do I dropped everything for him and now he has gone quiet, how rude……..

As for the other client I built a 40-page website for and he used the get-out clause in order for me not to charge him, I also designed a logo and has he offered to pay for it of course he hasn’t even though I told him at the beginning how much it would cost and he made me do numerous changes and nothing not even a tiddly wink for my troubles. I hope the client that decided to cool off ahead of payment feels really bad about what he has done. My question to this person is “why bother praising me, bigging me up, saying that I am really clever and know what I am doing and even have an email saying he loves the site only to pull out at the last minute?” I think it is to do with money. Yet what he charges an hour would have covered the costs for the next year’s renewal of the website.

I really cannot understand people sometimes, I really can’t and I have now lost respect for this person.

I am going to stop being nice and doing people favors as they take advantage of me and that is from being many years in business, people want to negotiate your prices even though you try to be as low in price as possible yet they always want more and still want you to lower your price, especially for them. I have had enough I am not doing it anymore, you either pay me the asking price or you find someone that will do it cheaper but I do not have time to haggle with you over my pricing. You would not go to a solicitor who charges £300 an hour to lower their price for you so why should I lower my prices considering I am building the engine that will bring in the clients?

Is it even worth me invoicing him the £75 for the logo and for him not to pay and then me taking it to a small claims court, I do not think so, it is not worth the time or stress or trouble and all I can say is “what goes around comes around”.

To think that I know how much my client’s charge by the hour, my fee is a fraction of one job that they would bring in a month yet they still seem to want more. Sheer greed and being condescending will eventually catch up with you, so you treat people with kindness and respect.

If you think you know more than me then, by all means, put me in my place but if you are just a cheapskate and want to cut corners then I am not the person you should be talking to.

Remember treat people like you would want to be treated. If you want to be a miser, people will also do less for you if you want something you want for nothing.

If you look at the national average for a website do not expect to pay basic web design prices and expect more for your money.

Signing off.

#understandingpeople #takingadvantage #somethingfornothing #psychology

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