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Holograms are three-dimensional images that appear to float in space. They are created using a process called holography, which uses lasers, mirrors, and special film to record and display an image. Holography has been around for over half a century, but it is only in recent years that it has become more widely known and used for a variety of purposes.

The basic concept of holography is that it records the interference pattern created when two laser beams intersect. One of the beams, called the reference beam, is directed straight onto the film, while the other, called the object beam, passes through the object to be recorded before hitting the film. The interference pattern created by the two beams is recorded on the film, and when it is illuminated with the reference beam, it creates the illusion of a three-dimensional object floating in space.

Holography has a number of unique properties that make it an important tool in various fields. One of these is its ability to store vast amounts of information in a small space. This is due to the fact that a hologram is essentially a 2D image that contains all the information required to recreate a 3D object.

Holographic technology is being used by many industries.

The list of sectors that have already implemented Holograms is as follows:

1. Telecommunications

In 2017, Verizon (USA) and Korea Telecom (South Korea) made the first holographic call using 5G technology.

2. Education

In 2015, the Nobel laureate and professor of physics at Stanford University, Karl Wieman, spoke at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) without leaving the United States. In 2013, St George’s University of London introduced holograms capable of displaying the working organs of a human body. The presentation showcased three-dimensional images of kidneys four meters in length, a skull, and other parts of the body.

3. Spatial navigation

In 2017, scientists from the Munich University of Technology developed a method for obtaining three-dimensional holograms using a Wi-Fi router. The method described in the study allows for creating copies of premises by displaying objects around them. This technology can be used to find and rescue victims trapped under an avalanche or within collapsed buildings.

4. Marketing and direct sales

Product holograms are a new marketing ploy to grab the attention of customers. With the help of a hologram, you can enlarge a 3D copy of a product and make it viewable from all sides. This is convenient for customers who want to see their desired purchase in full detail. In 2017, Barbie presented a holographic robotic doll that responds to voice commands. The toy was able to respond to questions about the weather and discuss other topics.

5. Music shows

A hologram of Eric Prydz’s face acted as the closing of his EPIC 5.0 show in London, in 2017. The performance of the popular French DJ was accompanied by an impressive laser show. At the end of the evening, over 300 lasers formed a volumetric hologram of the DJ’s head.

6. The return of historical figures

In 2012, Digital Domain studio, specializing in VFX for de-aging Hollywood stars in movies, brought Tupac Shakur back to life as an exceptional 3D hologram. Using an actor and body double, they created animations for a lifelike digital avatar of Tupac. In 2014, Tupac appeared at Coachella in his digital human form. 

7. Medicine

Medical holography provides 3D image holograms that can move around and zoom in and out. These holograms enable healthcare professionals to identify problems associated with complex organs such as the brain or heart, where abnormalities might be subtle.

8. Business

Facebook Metaverse is not the only company changing the way of online meetings, Microsoft has created an AR/VR workroom called ‘Mesh’. The ‘platform is a focused event held inside its virtual reality community interface Altspace, Microsoft showcased a new product aiming to provide their AR HoloLens platform and VR Windows Mixed Reality platform with a shared platform for meetings.

The future of holographic technology

The future of holography lies at the intersection of AI, digital human technology, and voice cloning. The consistent increase in worldwide computing power will allow for the creation of digital human models that will render at an ever-accelerating pace that will make them more and more difficult to tell apart from real ones.

In turn, the evolution of holographic technologies will lead to their increasing availability and portability. Imagine if holographic content could one day be as accessible as streaming content: holographic cinema, holographic theater, and music shows.

Augmented reality will no longer require wearing special glasses but will be directly integrated into landscape objects. We already know how holographic pedestrian crossings and holographic advertising work. But we can only imagine how our cities and lives will be changed as the evolutionary pace of technology continues to accelerate.

Another important property of holography is its ability to provide a highly secure method of authentication. This is because it is very difficult to copy a hologram, and any attempt to do so will result in a noticeable difference in the image. This makes holograms a popular choice for use on banknotes, passports, and other secure documents.

Holography is also being used in a number of cutting-edge technological applications. For example, it is being used to create virtual reality experiences, as well as to develop new types of displays for smartphones, televisions, and other devices. Additionally, researchers are exploring the use of holography in medical imaging, where it could potentially provide a more detailed and accurate view of the body.

One of the most exciting possibilities for holography is its potential use in creating truly immersive virtual reality experiences. By using holograms, it may one day be possible to create environments that are completely indistinguishable from reality. This could have major implications for a wide range of fields, including gaming, education, and even military training.

In conclusion, holography is a fascinating and rapidly evolving field that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. From its ability to store vast amounts of information in a small space, to its potential use in creating truly immersive virtual reality experiences, holography offers a glimpse into the future of technology.

Further Reading:

Microsoft HoloLens | Mixed Reality Technology for Business

HoloLens 2—Pricing and Options | Microsoft HoloLens

Holograms in Real Life: How the Technology Works and Industry Use Cases (

Neom: The futuristic city where ‘people, robotic avatars and holograms can co-exist’ | Euronews

(PDF) Medical Holography Market: Hologram the future of medicine | Detailed Study by Coherent Market Insights with Upcoming Trends | Medgadget

Can holograms and avatars replace Zoom video calls? – BBC Worklife

Is Uploading Your Mind To A Computer Possible? These Three Thinkers Expect It Will Be (

The immortalist: Uploading the mind to a computer – BBC News

Dmitry Itskov – Wikipedia

2045 Initiative – Wikipedia

2045 Initiative

#holograms #spatialtech #hololens #ar #vr #virtualreality #auguementedreality

Top Skills Required for Future of Work

Top Skills Required for Future of Work

The future of work will be undeniably influenced by technology. The World Economic Forum estimates that 85 million jobs will be disrupted due to automation, but 97 million more will be created for the same reasons. These are the jobs that make disruptive technology.

All of these changes also indicate that we will need to reskill sooner than we anticipated.  According to the same report, 50 percent of employees will need reskilling by 2025.  Employers will need to invest in job training to provide new skills to their employees to stay competitive in the market.

If you are worried about the future of the work landscape, we invite you to read this guide. We have compiled some of the most in-demand jobs of the future, based on the World Economic Forum’s data.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of gathering data, identifying trends, and revealing relevant insights for business decision-making. This is a highly technical role that usually requires a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a degree in a relevant field.

However, according to the WEF’s report, it could take two to three months to learn this skill. Multiple job training programs like coding boot camps and courses could help you learn this trade in less time than with traditional school.

AI and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are two of the most in-demand skills in the future of work. AI consists of programming devices to perform human-like tasks. Today, we see this technology in robots, self-driving cars, and chatbots, but it’ll cover even more ground in the future.

On the other hand, machine learning is a branch of AI that developers use to make machines learn without human intervention. Therefore, computers can identify similarities, differences, and other trends through data.

A good example of this is our mobile keyboard, which almost predicts what we’re about to type. However, this isn’t magic. Your phone is actually learning from your typing habits and making suggestions based on them.

You can learn AI and Machine learning with a bachelor’s degree in data science or a related field. However, there are also coding boot camps available for these two trades.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is more on the creative side with the use of technology. Digital marketers produce content, manage social media accounts, conduct market research, and do search engine optimization to rank websites better on Google searches.

Digital marketing jobs are in high demand right now and will remain so in the future, especially with the popularity of social media.

Information Security Skills

Information security analysts are computer gatekeepers. Their role is to ensure the computer networks’ security by implementing safety measures policies, conducting tests, and updating hardware and software. The demand for these cybersecurity specialists is significantly increasing, considering that cybercrimes don’t seem to stop.

To become an information security analyst, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that their demand is expected to increase up to 33 percent.

Software Development

The WEF estimates that software developers’ jobs will drastically increase in the future of work. Currently, the supply of software engineers is low, while their demand is extremely high. According to BLS, the demand for software developers is expected to increase up to 22 percent. Considering their demand and low supply, developers usually enjoy high salaries and work benefits.

You don’t necessarily need a bachelor’s degree to become a software developer. You can learn through a coding Bootcamp. In fact, many companies like Google and Facebook hire boot camp graduates.

You can learn how to code in a couple of months, but you will need to remain a life-long learner after that. It’s important to be aware of the new trends and challenges in the industry to continue being relevant.

Internet of Things Expertise

The Internet of Things is a very lucrative and in-demand career right now. It adds internet connection to all types of products, including house supplies, thermostats, and smart speakers.

According to a recent report from the Globe Newswire, the Internet of Things industry will experience a 25.4 percent growth in the 2021-2028 period. This means that the demand for IoT skills will drastically increase in the next decade.


Making predictions about the future of work is challenging. Considering the constant changes in tech, we should always be prepared for the unexpected. Many jobs will be lost as a result of automation, but millions of new jobs will be created in the tech industry. It is simply a matter of resilience and innovation, so you must remain open to reskilling opportunities.

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