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The Cause Of Price Rises In The UK.

The Cause Of Price Rises In The UK.

Have you ever wondered why everything is going up in the UK at an alarming rate? Are we led to believe that everything is going up because of Put#ns W#r? (Words are being censored).

The reality is something I have been saying for some time and that is the UK Government is in debt.

Borrowing November just gone was more than double what it was of November 2021.

Interest on government debts stood at £7.3 billion, up £2.4 billion on the same time last year.

Public sector net debt was up to 98.7% of GDP from 98.2% the previous month.

Danni Hewson, AJ Bell financial analyst, commented on the latest public sector finances:Even in the midst of the pandemic November’s borrowing figures didn’t reach the heights, they’ve reached this year. The government’s simply spending far more than it’s bringing in despite the fact the tax take has increased significantly. One major factor behind the rise in borrowing costs is our old adversary inflation. Interest payments on all that debt have shot up to reach another record high for the month, coming in at more than seven billion pounds, a rise of almost two and a half billion on November 2021“.

This then has a knock-on effect on the citizens of the UK. When we left the EU, the UK automatically owed trillions in debt.

My argument then and still stands today Brexit was sold on the fact with a lot of people wanted to vote out of the EU because of immigration. But immigration actually boosted the economy because whilst they worked they were paying taxes and buying and shipping abroad. Immigration has now escalated to another level of helping Ukrainians to start new lives whilst escaping their war-torn country.

So my point was would you allow a bunch of strangers to decide what is good for your company/business or would you entrust financial advisors? The same can be said that people who do not have an ounce of common sense let alone political or economic knowledge why were they given a chance to vote on the state of our country?

Everyone that voted out is now left to blame for the mess the UK is in and it’s only going to get worse.

If you do not know what you are talking about do not pretend that you do. By voting, you impact the country in the long run. People should educate themselves before talking about politics or economics and should not be made to vote unless they have passed an IQ test.

UK inflation: Is Brexit causing it to accelerate?

Former Bank of England policymaker Adam Posen insists that 80 percent of the reason why the UK has the highest inflation of any G7 country is due to the impact of Brexit on immigration and the labour market.

UK inflation: Is Brexit causing it to accelerate? – The Irish Times

He warned: “You’ve seen a huge drop in migrant labour, a disruption in labour markets that everybody experienced due to Covid and reopening, but with fundamentally less elasticity… and that [Brexit] has to be a major part of it,” he told a conference at Kings College in London.

Brexit explains 80% of UK inflation – and why it is here for the long run (

#costofinflation #pricerises #costofliving #bankofengland #brexit #policymakers #politics #economics #immigration #financialadvisors #IQtests #generalelections #voting #commonsense #interestrates

How To Reduce Your Energy Usage Home & Business

How To Reduce Your Energy Usage Home & Business

21 Tips On How To Reduce Your Energy Usage In Your Home & Business

I start this post with the concerning price hikes of energy providers it is predicted by experts that the energy price cap, currently at £1,971 a year, could skyrocket to £6,000 next April.

Energy consultancy Auxilione said the cap is expected to reach £3,576 in October, rising to £4,799 in January, and finally hitting £6,089 in April.  Rishi Sunak, has said he would also scrap VAT on energy bills for the next year in a move that would save households around £160 a year.

Poverty Advice.

Now as a consumer £160 is a saving of £13.34 per month which does not sound like much of a saving. ‘Help Is Coming’ To Ease Cost Of Living Pressures, Cabinet Minister Says | HuffPost UK Politics (

Both leadership rivals Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss who are battling it out to be the next Prime Minister do not know the meaning of the words (Poverty & Depression) They have never experienced poverty for themselves nor their entourage on pen pushers and have never had to worry about how to make ends meet and put food on the table or a keep a roof over their heads.

So it seems ironic that they can dictate to the less well-off their mediocre plans to reduce the cost of living and they will study proposals from the Treasury over how to bring bills down for families. Perhaps if they spent more time with real people living in poverty, instead of owing trillions to the EU over Brexit people would not be suffering.

If I could be Prime Minister I would put a wage cap of £1,000,000 after that any money earned would have to be taxed exponentially.

I would not let anyone vote that did not know anything about economics or politics. The ones that were to vote would have to prove they had qualifications, experience, and an IQ. This is why the UK owe trillions to the EU because they allowed everyone to vote over the age of 18 regardless if they finished their GCSEs or not.

Cost of Living Payment £400 or £650 divided by 12 months works out £33.34 to £52.17 per month. So if bills are going to be predicted at £500 per month from next April how is this tiny offering helping families who may be not in poverty now but will be because of this elaborate game of Monopoly?

Don’t Pay Campaign – I DISAGREE WITH THE CAMPAIGN- (Instead Reduce Your Usage).

Yes I know I will have about 113,000 people disagreeing with me at the time this article has gone to press.

But if you don’t pay you will get into debt because you still owe money regardless.

The ONLY WAY to overcome this is to REDUCE YOUR USAGE so that you do not have to pay so much.

Stopping your direct debits without a payment plan in place will cause your account to go to debt recovery.

Debt collectors put their costs on top of recovering the debt and you will be forced to have a smart meter. How Safe Are Smart Meters For Your Health? | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK Not only will you get into debt, but it will also damage your credit rating making it difficult to get credit in the future.

There is currently a campaign going on planned for the 1st of October 2022 Don’t Pay ( to get the consumer to refuse to pay their utility bills and cancel their direct debits.

I disagree with the campaign and I only agree with one thing and that is to stop your Direct Debits and MOVE OVER TO A MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN ( Magnetic Card or Bank transfer) where you can pay at a post office, bank transfer, or via their websites.

I do NOT agree that everyone should stop paying their bills this will be catastrophic and will cause a domino effect. People will get into debt and will have debt collectors chasing them.

Direct Debits were a way to conveniently pay on time and also save you a bit of money paying via this method, according to British Gas you could save up to 7% off the cost of your energy when you pay by Direct Debit (example – 7% on a bill of £100 you would save £7.00) This will be shown as a discount line on your bill. But if they raise their prices you will not be saving anything and having a Direct Debit allows them the take out more money even if you cannot afford it. Don’t Pay (

My Advice.

  1. CONTACT YOUR UTILITY PROVIDERS – and ask them to switch to a magnetic card and pay at a post office or online. Ask them for their bank details if you intend to pay by bank transfer or set up a standing order with your bank where you have control of your bank account.
  2. CANCEL YOUR DIRECT DEBITS ASAP – do not wait until October, but you must change to a payment plan first by contacting your energy provider. They may be insistent you must have a direct debit agreement, do not get intimidated.
  3. REDUCE YOUR USAGE – The less you use the less money they make and their profits will drop. This is the ultimate way to hurt them where it hurts and that is in their pockets.
  4. DO NOT STOP PAYING – continue paying your usual amount.
  5. DO REGULAR METER READINGS – and monitor your usage.
  7. IF THEY REFUSE TO PUT YOU ON A PAYMENT PLAN – Write to them with your proposal of what you intend to pay and on what day of the month.
  8. IF YOU HAVE NO PAYMENT PLAN AND HAVE CANCELLED YOUR DIRECT DEBIT – they may demand all the money you owe in one lump sum. Continue paying your usual affordable monthly payment and contact them again but continue reducing your energy consumption, whilst updating them weekly by phone or email. (The calls are recorded). Keep a note of when you made the call and keep a diary of the conversation. This will come in handy when things start to escalate. They will threaten you with debt collection agencies and will add recovery fees on top of what you owe.
  9. IF THEY THREATEN YOU WITH A DEBT COLLECTION AGENCY – report them to OFGEM (The utility & telecommunication ombudsman), I will add their contact detail towards the end of this article.
  10. CONTACT YOUR GP – There is an article in the news if you are unwell because of the way creditors are behaving you should contact your GP and they can write a prescription letter: Brits could get money off their energy bills by getting a PRESCRIPTION from their GP under radical new plans | The Sun (To be honest I do not know how that would work unless you genuinely were diagnosed with a disability. I use my site to document my health) and encourage anyone facing difficulties to reach out.


This is what the media are saying about not paying your bills which can land you in heaps of trouble: What is ‘Don’t Pay UK’ and what could happen if you refuse to pay soaring energy bills? | ITV News

How might a mass payment strike impact the energy industry?

Hafez Abdo an associate professor at the University of Nottingham Energy Insitute was quoted as saying “Such action may have detrimental consequences on energy companies and supply chains”.

While acknowledging that non-payment would be a means of expressing anger at “unbearable” energy prices, Mr. Abdo explained that some firms might suffer “a severe hit to their cash inflow and this means these companies would not be able to pay for their liabilities and other operating costs”.

“People may lose their jobs and businesses in the supply chain may go bankrupt”.

So although the prospect of all the CEOs of the utility companies losing their jobs sounds promising, the knock-on effect on everyone else would prove detrimental to the energy industry. I believe if everyone reduced their usage drastically this would hurt the energy provider’s profits.


It does not surprise me that ‘Amnesty International has just announced in Breaking News that our ‘Human Rights are being taken away from us by the UK government which by coincidence will be in preparation for ‘Civil Unrest/Disobedience’ the ‘Don’t Pay’ Campaign is going to cause. Home | Amnesty International UK

How To Reduce Your Home Energy Consumption.

Reduce Your Energy Usage – Hit Utility Companies Where It Hurts!

As the alarming energy bills rise, we must find ways to dramatically reduce your fuel consumption and monthly costs.

Winter is around the corner and energy bills are at a record high we need to start preparing to combat the problem and that is not to refuse to pay as that will land you in debt.

Obviously, some of the suggestions in the list only apply to homeowners but for people who rent, you have to make do with what you have and your own resources. for example, none of my windows are double glazed and I’ve been in rented accommodation through a private landlord. Therefore the Landlord should be as much to blame as the utility companies for me using more energy to keep my home warm.

1. Invest in Building insulation, roofing solutions, and draught proofing

Winter-proof your home by installing draught-proofing strips around window frames and door edges. Consumer group Which? suggests using a special inflatable balloon designed to block unused open chimneys and silicone-based filler to fill gaps in floorboards and skirting. (Although this applies to homeowners, landlords should also be made to be responsible to keep your home warm).

COST: Diall self-adhesive draught seal, 98p per meter (; chimney balloon, £18.99 (’ Osmo gap sealer, £10.27 (

If you are a renter and plan to insulate your home yourself, keep a record/receipts of the items you have bought.

Check for leaks and drafts in your building, your premises won’t be energy efficient. Invest in insulation to cut down your energy consumption by 10%. Ceiling insulation is equally important. It is an essential part that helps keep the warmth in during winter and can cool the property in summer. Loft insulation can keep indoors up to a 10c cooler during the summer (this is a homeowner/landlord problem) – I do not have loft insulation.

Certain roof tiles are better at reflecting the sun’s rays, or you can paint a roof with heat reflective paint. This reduces the amount of heat absorbed during the summer months and puts less pressure on cooling devices.

2. Unplug gadgets

Evaluate your gadgets, and refrain from leaving them on standby, especially if they are old. Unplugging could save £55 a year, according to the Energy Savings Trust. Unplug chargers when they are not in use and turn off your TVs, Computers, and Gaming Consoles.


COST: -Free

3. Swap your lightbulbs

Swap your lightbulbs to LED lightbulbs to save around £180 per year. My landing is usually quite dark living in a top-floor flat and up until the price hikes I used to have my landing light on 24/7 I have now changed my habits and only have it on at night using LED bulbs.

Switch to one of the following:

  • Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)

When possible, replace incandescent lamps with CFLs. Make sure you install compatible dimming technology if there is already a dimming system in place.

  • T8 (if your office lights use fluorescent T12)

When fluorescent T-12 lamps need replacing you have the option to switch to T-8 lamps and change from magnetic ballast to electronic.

  • Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

LED lights are your best choice – they use up to 75% less energy and they last 25 years longer than standard bulbs.

COST: Around £3 per bulb.

4. Defrost Freezer

My fridge freezer is on its way out. In the past, my landlord being the cheap skate always bought second-hand white goods so I replaced the appliance whenever I could afford to. I would much rather wait to buy a brand new fridge freezer than have something that will break every few months.

Your fridge-freezer costs on average £115 to run, but you can cut this down by defrosting food in your fridge to help cool your fridge temperature down. Don’t put hot food in the fridge or freezer. Let it cool down first. Don’t let ice build-up, as this makes freezers less efficient

(This is a problem for me as one of the trays has completely frosted over).

COST – Free

5. Insulate your loft

This is for the homeowner and your landlord to do (but if your landlord does not like to spend money he is not obliged to insulate anything in your home and it is up to you to claim compensation when you leave the property. Keep a record of your costs and how much money you could have saved by obtaining an energy efficiency report. Off the top of my head, they are around £40 but I could be wrong (Do your research). Getting your loft insulated saves up to £ 135 a year according to Which? Make sure it is at least 270mm thick for optimum impact. This will make your loft colder so, at the same time, insulate any water pipes up there. (This is a homeowner/property owner or landlord problem).

COST: Between £400 and £600 according to, significantly less if you do it yourself.

6. Reflect heat

If you plan to use radiators this winter consider fitting reflector panels behind radiators on uninsulated external walls will keep your room warmer and could save you around £25 a year, said Joanna O’Loan, knowledge manager at the Energy Saving Trust.

COST: £7.59 for 1.88 sq m (

Screwfix has reflector panels for sale for £7.59 

I have noticed that gas is costing more than electricity, so this winter I will not be putting my central heating on and will use oil-filled electric radiators Last year for three months straight I would have my central heating on 24/7, my usage is drastically going to change this winter coming. I will only be using the radiators when it is extremely cold. I plan to wear multiple layers of thermal clothing and thermal wear socks in bed. I have an existing issue going on with my gas energy provider so I begrudge giving them any more money than I have to.

7. Heat only what you need

Save hot water by not washing up every five minutes let your dishes pile up (not too much, though), and use a plug in your sink or a washing-up bowl.

COST: Recycled plastic washing-up bowl, £4 (

Air dry clothes

Hang washing out to dry (or on the radiator in winter) rather than using a power-guzzling tumble dryer. A tumble dryer costs £105 (based on 148 cycles per year) to run. (I have a washer/dryer and wash once a week, so if I wash on average once a week rounded off to 50 cycles will cost about £30 per annum, I have just saved £70 per year).

COST: Free, if you hang out your clothing to air dry.

8. Be savvy with appliance use

Cookers – I wanted to have an electric cooker when I bought the appliance only to find out later that I needed a special connection plug and thought my landlord would moan about the added expense so I settled for Gas, which now is costing an arm and a leg to run. I have reduced my cooking to 10 -12 days a month the rest of the time I have sandwiches, salads, and ready-made meals which can be heated in a microwave. Electric hobs cost £85 per year, versus £60 for an electric oven (based on 135 uses), so theoretically baking is cheaper than cooking on a hob. Consider ready-made meals which you can heat up in a microwave. You can also cook jacket potatoes and other recipes, it does not all have to be ready-made. Microwave Cookbook 365: Enjoy 365 Days With Amazing Microwave Recipes In Your Own Microwave Cookbook!

Dishwashers – cost £55 for 135 uses, and should only be run when full. Use your hands and wash up in the sink.

Kettles – boiled 1,524 times in a year will cost £48. Reduce this by only boiling the amount of water you actually need. I used to drink hot drinks like coffee until I discovered energy drinks so I very rarely use the kettle unless I am boiling water for ramen noodles. There are plenty of alternatives to boiling the kettle every five minutes.

COST: Free.

9. Get smart with tech

Smart Thermostat

Most new versions of combi boilers come with a control that can regulate every room. If you do not have a state-of-the-art combi boiler you can consider investing in a smart thermostat that allows you to operate your heating remotely, so you can adjust it depending on the weather and your plans.

Smart thermostats are must-haves for all homes and businesses. Thanks to innovative mobile and web applications, motion sensors, and usage monitoring features, a smart thermostat can help you regulate the temperature with minimal effort or errors. Some are programmable and can automatically adjust temperature settings based on the time of the day and day of the week.

COST: This depends on what kind of radiator valves you have, but a smart thermostat costs around £225, including installation, according to

10. Upgrade your heating

Running your boiler accounts for around half of your energy use. If you’ve got an old boiler you could save around £195 per year by upgrading to an A-rated condensing boiler. (Check out energy grants to help with keeping your home warmer especially if you are vulnerable and have disabilities), even if you are renting your landlord will be over the moon if you are entitled to upgrades.

Turning down the temperature on your combi boiler and in your rooms can cut your gas bill by six to eight percent according to research by the Heating and Hot Water Council. Most boilers are set to provide water to radiators and taps at around 80°C – by turning it down to 70°C to save.

COST: Around £2,000.

11. Choose showers

Showering saves water and also saves money by running a hot bath. The Energy Saving Trust estimates that swapping a weekly bath with a four-minute shower will save £35 per person per year. A water-saving shower head will reduce the amount of hot water you use by adjusting the flow and spray pattern of water.

COST: Hansgrohe Crometta 85 Eco Shower Handset, £32.99 (

12. Microwave on

Cooking in a microwave is the cheaper option especially if you buy ready meals.

There are plenty of cookbooks you can buy where you can cook from scratch: : microwave cook books

Microwaves are cheaper to run than cookers and hobs, said Joanna O’Loan, knowledge manager at the Energy Saving Trust. Use it for anything that is slow to cook, for example, baked potatoes and risotto. Nigella Lawson famously uses her ‘meekro-wav-ay’ to make colcannon while Jamie Oliver has a nifty recipe for a microwaved steamed pudding that would help with insulating your tummy.

COST: Beko 20L Solo Microwave, £64.97 (

13. Fit solar panels

Generating your own power is the most drastic option for energy savers, reducing bills by up to £ 400 per year. (£400 x 24 years =£9,600 would be how much I could have saved had I had solar panels. Solar power was invented in 1839 by French physicist Edmond Becquerel at the tender age of 19. Who Invented Solar Power? The Story of How & Who Discovered Solar Power

Solar panels work best on south-facing roofs, which are not shaded during the day and you will need expert advice to check if your home is suitable, and what kind of panels you will need (start by checking out:

If you do install solar panels you may be able to export the power you don’t use back to the grid, and get paid for it – the Energy Saving Trust estimates that typical earnings would come in at £80 to £110 per year. On this basis breaking even will take around 14 years, but in the current climate solar panels are turning into a real selling point if you are considering moving home.

Solar panels are a smart long-term strategy to save on energy costs and ensure that the energy used in your business is clean and renewable. Solar panels may have an expensive upfront cost but will recover that over several years. Once installed there are few maintenance issues and they will start to bring down your monthly energy bill.

COST: An average of £6,500 according to

14. Look for efficiency

Avoid buying second-hand white goods, you will not know for certain how much money you may be wasting. If you intend on buying a new washing machine go for an energy-efficient model to save. Which? the research found that different models running costs vary from £15 per year to £70. recommends the Haier HW80-B1439N 8kg washing machine for its combination of good value and low energy consumption. I personally would go for a brand I have heard of. My washer/dryer is an Indesit and I pay a monthly breakdown cover which costs me £5.00 per month.

COST: £399 (

15. Wash at 30°C

Whatever model you have don’t run half-empty machines, wait until you have a full load. Washing clothes at 30°C instead of 40°C can save you around £9 a year.

COST: Free.

16. Go for Double Glazing

Double glazing is a job for homeowners and landlords, switching over from single to A-rated double glazing should save up to £110 per year. (£110 x 24 years = £2,640 that I could have saved over the years had I had double-glazed windows, the flat below me was fitted out but mine never was even though I have the longest tenant). An alternative to double-glazed windows on a budget is:

WINDOW FILM – The number one choice when you’re deciding how to insulate windows, whether you’re planning garage insulation or insulation in a shed, is window film. Made from plastic, window film is easy to apply and comes in a kit that generally includes the film and tape for the window. 

BUBBLE WRAP – is a good way to insulate a window if a warmer home is an urgent requirement. We have to admit that it’s not going to help any with the view, though.

USE CAULK – To insulate windows effectively, you may need to use a combination of methods for the best results. So, if you can feel a draft coming through the window before you apply the plastic film, try using caulk to seal the gaps.

HANG INSULATING CURTAINS – Hanging insulating curtains at the window can also help with insulation. This can be a solution you use after caulking and/or weatherstripping, and combined with the use of window film or bubble wrap.

COST: £200 to £700 per window according to

17. Air Conditioning

Planting trees outside of your office building can provide shade and keep the building cool during summer. Trees can also purify the air and create a much healthier home environment for your employees, this will reduce your air conditioning and air cooling costs if you are on a commercial property. Alternatively depending on where your home or business’s premises are located, you should consider covering up the windows with blinds. This stops direct sunlight from entering and heating the building. These can be particularly helpful on south-facing windows.

18. Invest in cogeneration systems

In large facilities, cogeneration energy systems – also known as Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems – can recover waste heat from on-site generators and transform it into water and space heating.

19. Consider smart design elements

Whether you are a business and looking for premises or you are an architect planning on building a custom commercial property, you should consider energy-smart design elements such as reflective outside mirrors and rooftop green areas.

20. Shut off unused areas of the premises

If your business premises are extensive, consider shutting down a whole area and carrying out the work in just a portion of the building. This won’t just reduce running costs, it can also optimize operations.

21. Avoid buying secondhand

Every time your equipment, machinery, or system breaks down, see it as an opportunity to invest in better, more energy-efficient alternatives. If you have a piece of equipment that breaks down think of the repair costs and whether would it be better to trade in for a newer model rather than trying to fix things? The cheapest option is to buy a breakdown cover that way you will not get charged for callouts or repairs and if they cannot fix it they will replace it. Buying a breakdown cover is better than having to find a large wad of money to buy new equipment. This might seem an unnecessary cost at first, but you will be able to count on more efficient tools that will last longer.


62 Tips to Reduce Energy Consumption in your Business (

Why thousands are joining the ‘Don’t Pay Campaign’ as energy prices rise | ITV News Central

More than 100,000 people join Don’t Pay UK in protest against energy price rises | UK cost of living crisis | The Guardian

Dont Pay UK: Movement gains support as BP reveal record profits (


Be prepared for energy prices to soar to £6,000 from April next year. Start making changes and avoid getting yourself into debt.

I have compiled a list of useful links on my other site. I have also included OFGEM energy and telecommunications ombudsman details, plus many links to financial support & charities. USEFUL LINKS | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK





Energy Ombudsman complaints form or call 0330 440 1624

British Gas complaints.


You can do one of the following:

  • Fill in an online form
  • Online Chat
  • Phone: 0333 202 9532
  • Email Customer Complaints at: (This fell on deaf ears, just saying).

Remember to keep a log of all phone calls you make, emails you send and ask for copies of transcripts if you are on online chat, and any phone calls you make.

Just beware that ‘British Gas’ online chat says they send out transcripts of your conversations but in reality, they do not so screenshot your conversations.

Do not be intimidated by any of your energy suppliers, they may use bully tactics and tell you the only way you can have a payment plan is if you have a Direct Debit (this actually happened to me so I reported them to the ombudsman) You have every right for them to move you to a magnetic card payment plan whereby you can go to the post office or pay by bank transfer, standing order or online via their websites.

Do cancel your direct debits asap after you have communicated with your energy supplier. If you continue with a Direct Debit you essentially give the energy supplier a license to increase the payments and take money out of your account which you may not be able to cover.

Be in control of your bank account and do not let your bank account control you. Not having enough money to cover your direct debit will incur bank charges of up to £30 which will start getting you in debt.

If you cancel your direct debit without a payment plan in place they will send your account to debt recovery where the debt collectors put a charge for collection on top of your bill. Always communicate with the energy supplier even if it means phoning them every single day.

Finally, reduce your usage (this is super important, have takeaways or ready-made meals or as I do, sandwiches, salads, takeaways or ramen noodles – I have managed to reduce my Gas to £30 pm.

They rely on profits and if everyone used less energy the less money they make!

Poverty & Mental Health.


  • 1. Poverty & Mental Health
  • 2. Mental Health
  • 3. Caring
  • 4. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
  • 5. Social Experiment
  • 6. Grim Outlook
  • 7. Russian Invasion
  • 8. Depression
  • 9. What is money and how are taxes being spent-
  • 10. Wishful Thinking
  • 11. Suicides
  • 12. Suicidal thoughts
  • 13. The sad truth is people commit suicide because of debt
  • 14. Final Thoughs From The Editor
  • 15. Useful Links – Financial Matters
  • 16. Useful Links – Health Matters

To understand poverty and the consequence of how our monetary system affects mental health, we first have to understand currency and how debt is created.

Mike Maloney – Hidden Secrets of Money.



Poverty & Mental Health.

1. Poverty & Mental Health are on my mind. So I am reading this article:

I believe there are rules for one and not for the other? Did you know the federal reserve is owned by closely guarded corporations that get rewarded 6% of the world’s currency? (See Mike Maloney – Hidden Secrets of Money). Thus people who have a high net worth are given incentives to keep the economy wheels churning.

Ms. Murty was quoted as saying…

“I understand and appreciate the British sense of fairness and I do not wish my tax status to be a distraction for my husband or to affect my family, for this reason, I will no longer be claiming the remittance basis for tax. This means I will now pay UK tax on an arising basis on all my worldwide income, including dividends and capital gains, wherever in the world that income arises. I do this because I want to, not because the rules require me to.”

(So my question is why has she never voluntarily paid the taxes before and it is only because her husband and herself are in the spotlight that she has changed her tune)? Imagine how the taxes of all NON-DOM could help the poor?

This is comment is typically how one would attempt to save face. So why is it that NON-DOM rules exist, it obviously is to protect the rich?

This is one big game of Monopoly and who can have the most real estate and wealth at the expense of the rest of us.

To think 99% of the population wants to not only survive but live a happy life, why is it that the powers that be want to squeeze every last ounce of happiness out of us?

Nobody wants to struggle to pay bills or worry about where the next meal is going to come from. Yet in reality, it is happening. I joked with my daughter that we could raise chicken and the following day it was announced there is going to be a shortage of eggs.

Mental Health.

2. Mental health Statistics show a growing body of evidence, mainly from high-income countries, that there is a strong socioeconomic gradient in mental health, with people of lower socioeconomic status having a higher likelihood of developing and experiencing mental health problems.

Caring – The powers that be do not care.

3. Caring – People only care if they are directly affected by something or someone. This could be their beliefs in which they would be advocates or for people that they know such as family, friends, and sometimes even co-workers. It is the social connection people have with one another that allows them to show emotion to another person. The only other time people will care is they are on the job and must, i.e. Doctors & Nurses, Firefighters, Care-workers (who are doing good for society as a whole rather than getting personal), or if a person randomly witnesses someone that needs their help like for example if someone was injured or dying. Volunteering is an act of kindness but does not mean necessarily you care about an individual but more so about a cause. Politicians have to show they care because they would not have a job if they didn’t not only that it would cause a public uproar.

I once did a social experiment to get support from my family for my business and not one person bothered sharing or interacting. I drew the conclusion they did not want me to succeed.

People living below the breadline.

4. (Robbing Peter to Pay Paul).

Around 5.2 million people claimed universal credit as of September 2021, a decrease on the record-high six million recorded at the beginning of the year but still a marked increase compared to pre-Covid levels, which were around three million.

Anti-poverty experts welcomed a £20 weekly increase in payments for those claiming universal credit (UC) and working tax credits, introduced by the government at the start of the lockdown last year.

But the government cut payments back to pre-Covid levels at the beginning of October, despite widespread condemnation. That is a deduction of £80 per month and with everything rising including food and fuel costs how on earth is the government expecting people to survive???

If people were struggling before the increase what makes the government think they are not struggling after the decrease?

How many people are at breaking point or have been driven over the edge?

Does the government care that some people are in sheer distress and do know how to manage their money or know-how to survive? Yet the NON-DOMs of this world can get away without paying taxes. If the NON-DOMs did not hoard money just like the millionaires and billionaires and actually had wage caps the world would be a better place.

Social Experiment.

5. Social Experiment – I am always testing how well my articles do and my social media marketing efforts and thought to do a social experiment to see how well I would compete with a high profile person sharing their posts on LinkedIn, obviously I do not have the same amount of followers as this said individual but looking at his previous posts, for me I did not do too bad, in fact, I did better than some posts his entourage had written in the past.

So I have come to the conclusion I can easily be a social media manager for the posts and articles that this individual churns out but I do not get the same income, anywhere near in fact, to what these people get. I am certainly not going to beg or go cap in hand. I am confident though because I did share a post the powers that be zoned in on me, so they will know who I am talking about. Put it this way, he is very high up the ladder with platinum blonde hair and talks Queen’s English. My point is if I can get this article to be seen, I am open to opportunities to be hired for my services. such as content writing and social media management.

Grim Outlook

6. Grim Outlook – Russia is condemning the west and has threatened food shortages because of all the sanctions including exporting wheat. It is being predicted that we will be like Venezuela where families have had to make grim choices to survive. Venezuela has faced what some consider “the Americas’ greatest single humanitarian crisis.” The nation’s economy and the political structure collapsed even though it possesses the world’s largest known petroleum reserves. More than 5 million people fled the country and an estimated 91 percent of those who remain life in poverty. Nearly a third of all Venezuelans—more than 9 million people— are food insecure or malnourished.

“No matter how hungry I am I will not eat our cat”.

Therefore what is the future outcome for the poor who will have difficulty putting food on the table?

How does the government expect people to survive?

I am concerned for the people that will have serious mental health issues because of the powers that be playing God with people’s lives.

Everyone on this planet is here to survive and to be happy. If you take away people’s happiness then you take away people’s reasons for living.

I read all these online websites, white papers, and jargon about suicide but all it is is black pixels on a white background, all these people that go around stating they are experts would be useless and powerless in talking someone out of suicide. It is all noise, smoke, and mirrors.

P#tin is playing God.

7. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens to spark a global food crisis, as simultaneous disruptions to harvests and global fertilizer production are driving up food prices and sending economic shock waves throughout the world. 

Ukraine still has some 20 million tonnes of wheat and corn left to export from the 2021-22 season that cannot be exported because Russia is blockading ports on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, leaving 100 foreign vessels stranded.


8. Depression I will be the first to admit it, I suffer from depression and have done so for many years. I have managed it to the best of my abilities, but occasionally I will have my dark days. I will try to keep myself busy and have a dedicated website that I am the Editor of which forwards to

Whilst writing about this I write with a heavy heart, this is NOT how we are supposed to live and this is not how I am supposed to live.

Do the powers that be, forget that we came to the earth with nothing and we will leave with nothing. So why be Greedy?

The powers that be obviously do not have a conscious.

Will the people that have caused all the atrocities to live fruitful lives or will they come back onto this earth to suffer a fate worse than hell? I believe they will come back to earth and suffer. Have they not thought that Karma can send them to earth to suffer in their next life. Yes, I hear you there will be the ones that do not believe in God or life after death, but what if their belief system was wrong and we are spiritual beings in physical bodies and that when we die we turn into energy or we teleport into different dimensions, (Quantum Entanglement) or worse still come back to earth to suffer another 80/90 years?

Do you think it is a coincidence there is only 1% of the richest people on this planet or is it there is 1% of pure evil? This then shows there are 99% of good people are being treated badly and are maybe only on this planet to be given a second chance and do good for the world. I for one would never want to be categorized be part of the 1% wealthy and would never want that sort of wealth, in fact, I am on the opposite side of the spectrum, yes I want my own home, have a nice car, heal my mind, body, and soul so that I can travel the world whilst I am still on this planet, but other than that I just want to live a happy, peaceful and happy life without any worries.

Money vs Currency

9. What is money and how are taxes being spent- I would love to see how the British taxpayer’s money is used and for what. I would only use w#r in defense not to start them. I would stop making money off the back of poor people to suit my own ends. The British public does not get a say in what happens with our country, it is all decided behind closed doors.

If you look at the Oligarch’s bank accounts that have been frozen and the Russian Banks that have their assets seized how is the P#tin W#ar still being funded? One needs to read between the lines to know what I am saying here. What is going to happen if the debt ceiling collapses or our bank accounts get frozen because they can, what then? What is happening with all the frozen currency and bank accounts where has the currency gone?

The power to vote – would you allow uneducated people to run your business, of course, you wouldn’t, so why do you give uneducated a chance to vote that do not understand the first thing about business, economics, or our monetary system?

Brexit – Furthermore, I could not vote because I was in the hospital on the day we were voting to stay or leave the EU, I wonder how many other people never voted that day? My point is that this tells me the voting was not accurate and the final numbers were decided for us.

The world is a very evil place, and although I do say there are many good people in this world, there are the ones that own the federal reserve that wants to destroy you and take away any prosperity. The scammers, the thieves, and the con artists that give you currency in one hand and take it away with the other. The people that lie in wait so that they can reel you in with the loans and credit cards to watch you suffer later. The financer (Mike Maloney) aptly explained the meaning of currency and said if there was only one dollar in existence and you borrowed it where would you get the second dollar from to payback of the first dollar plus interest?


Wishful Thinking.

10. Wishful Thinking – I wish for this Dictator that caused these atrocities an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” as it is said in the Bible, Book of Exodus 21:23–27. It is not for me to cast judgment but for God to punish people for what they have done wrong in the world that preys on the vulnerable.

I know the outlook looks grim for most of us but we can learn from this and teach people how to survive and find happiness. (If you find my article insightful please share it).

I have been given an opportunity to motivate, empower, teach and spread awareness. If the powers that be can see how well my articles are viewed they should give me a job. I should be rewarded for the good I do and not be punished by the greedy.

I have lived through my own war and have a battlefield of scars and one day when the time is right I will share my story, but for now I want to focus on what is happening in the world today and get people to notice that the world cannot suffer at the hands of the greedy minority. Too many lives are being lost and people are suffering from mental health and grief.


11. Suicides I have a question for the wealthy or the powers that be, or the 1%, if everything they owned suddenly was taken away from them and they found it hard to put food on the table and no matter what they said or did never got better but perhaps worse, how would they handle life?

Would they stand in the mirror every day saying “you can do this”? or would they give up the fight?

Not everyone has a strong mind., not everyone knows how to survive and some try to drown their sorrow in alcohol or take recreational drugs, or someone simply just give up?

12. Suicidal Thoughts.

I will admit I have had suicidal thoughts in the past over different life-changing events, but somehow have found the courage to battle on.

I have never forgotten the people that hurt me, tried to cause hardship, criticize me, or humiliate me. I may have forgiven, but never forgotten.

At one point I felt I was in a war zone of my own. I am here today not because of any support workers or from friends or family because the few that knew what happened in my life have not been there for me. I am only starting to tell my story now and I have learned one thing in my life, never rely on anyone and never tell them all your secrets and be careful who you trust or befriend. I am here because I know I am on a mission, but I do sometimes question my strength.

I am slowly starting to heal. With what is going on with the world I am now thinking that the only thing that is left for me is neuroplasticity, learn it, practice it and teach it. There is too much negativity in the world that suck out all our aspiration and happiness so we need to find a way to conquer and battle on, with positive thoughts.

13. The Sad Truth & Stories of Suicides Due To Debt.

New research by Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, has found that 2.5million people with mental health problems who fell into debt during a pandemic considered suicide.

The sad truth is people commit suicide because of debt.

People who are unhappy, helpless, and scared, cannot cope with the same thing day in and day out and nothing they do to make things better materializes so one day they lose the will to live and the people that suffer after they go are their friends, family, and the cycle continues.

Final Thoughts.

14. Final Thoughts From The Editor.

The way I see things is if you want to succeed in this world is one of two things, (1) you either have to rub shoulders with the people that matter and offer value or (2) have something that other people can relate to.

I look at these big agencies and the billionaires that own them yet profiling the CEOs they do not have a large social media gathering which makes me wonder what they did to get where they are today considering I am working at the same speed, probably doing the same job with a larger following than them, minus their payrolls?

I am available for content writing hire and social media management.

Useful Links

15. Finacial Matters.

16. Health Matters.

I was going to put a paywall on this article similar to what a lot of online newspapers are doing as I would love to campaign and speak on behalf of people on low incomes, but cannot afford to do it alone on my own salary. I know the majority of us are all in the same boat and we are all here to survive. I do have an advantage though I have a platform to put my point across and a large network of connections on LinkedIn connected to some very affluential people so my voice will be heard. I just need some support to be able to campaign further. If you do not want to hire me, please use the affiliate links embedded in the site or spare the equivalent of a cup of coffee for £3.00 this will go towards advertising and marketing costs. My next topic of discussion will be “How To Become A Billionaire”.


Keep your business moving forward BullionVault

#poverty #mentalhealth #depression #debt #hiddensectretsofmoney #mikemaloney #suicide #suicidalthoughts

Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney.


Michael Maloney is a financial expert, he is the host of the smash-hit video series Hidden Secrets of Money, the author of the bestselling precious metals book Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver.

Mike is one of the world’s most highly regarded investment education companies and a global leader in gold and silver sales.

Mike has traveled the world sharing his knowledge and passion for economics and monetary history with audiences from Silicon Valley to Wall Street, from Hong Kong to Rome.

Mike has researched financial markets, monetary history, and global economics, Mike discovered that the same economic cycles kept repeating over and over throughout history, from ancient times to the modern-day.

Mike is quoted as saying “For 2,400 years as people have lost faith in fiat currencies, they have turned to ‘real money,’ gold and silver,” and “Today the stage is set for a worldwide ‘gold rush’ to the safe haven of precious metals just when supplies of those metals are precariously low. The opportunity for those who position themselves accordingly, ahead of the crowd, is like none we will see again in our lifetimes.”





I have purposely not put these videos in chronological order because you need to watch the first video to get a grasp of what Mike is teaching. Mike teaches us about the money system and what is money and what is currency, yes there is a differences and how the global economy works.

The “Hidden Secrets of Money” videos are easy to understand and the concept of money should be taught in schools. We should all know how money and currency are created and learn about debt ceilings and deficit spending. This is also good for budding economists/financiers contemplating careers in the financial world.

About Mike Maloney.

Mike Maloney is the host of the smash-hit video series, “Hidden Secrets of Money”; former Rich Dad/Poor Dad advisor; author of the best-selling precious metals book.

Final Thoughts From The Editor.

If you see what is happening today with P#tins W#r, with all the sanctions, have you wondered how these people (Oligarchs/P#tin) are trading/living if their bank accounts are frozen?

If you look at the bigger picture w#ar is big business, the production, manufacturing, distribution of artillery, ammunition, staff, and operations, etc. Furthermore, the owners of the Federal Reserve get an annual 6% commission, on our hard-earned sweat and labor, yet no one knows who these people/corporations are because it is a closely guarded secret.

We are pawns in a massive game of monopoly.

We do not know what the future holds, banks have been known to close.

High Street Bank TSB To Close Branches.

What would you do if your bank closed?

I am not an economist, I simply write articles on the financial sector and am an affiliate marketer, affiliated with BullionVault and CashPlus Bank.

“I believe in never keeping all one’s eggs in the same basket”.

“If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends family, and on social media. Let’s help each other build a brighter future”.

“The farther back you can look, the farther likely you will see into the future.”― Winston Churchill

Disclaimer – At Cymru Marketing Journal/UK Website Designers, we are affiliated with BullionVault and CashPlus Bank and may get a commission on each person that buys bullion or sets up a business bank account. If you are a digital marketer or wish to monetize a website/blog/article, just follow the “BuullionVault – Link or “CashPlus Bank Business Account” and start advertising these businesses today.



#goldsilverbullion #debtceiling #fiatmoney #inflation #pricerises #costofliving #rateofinflation #globaleconomy #economy #truthaboutmoney #economists #hiddensecretsofmoney

Here’s How You Can Get Out of Business Debt.

Here’s How You Can Get Out of Business Debt.

Written By: Ted James –

A healthy bottom line is integral to the success of any business, and good debt management plays a big role in achieving this goal. As a small business, you may not always have an abundance of funds available for business needs, this is where debt can help fuel your expansion plans, increasing business production, product development, and more. But, facing an excessive debt burden can prove to be a huge challenge that threatens the success and survival of the business. To help keep this burden in check, this article by explores four effective strategies you can implement starting today.

Review Your Finances

Reviewing your financial statements will provide a clear picture of the strong and weak areas of the business, this can include credit card bills, bank statements, and more dating back at least a year. On review, you’ll identify where you need to curb spending and assets which can be liquidated to increase your repayment capacity.

Next, create a new budget for the coming six months that prioritizes repaying debt, while ensuring you maintain enough cash to afford business expenses. This will provide two benefits – first, each month the debt burden will reduce, second, you’ll protect your business from undertaking additional debt.

If you’re struggling in the budgeting process, consider hiring an accountant who can help review statements, curb expenses, and create a financial plan for the business.

Reduce Expenses

While this is an obvious solution, it’s not the easiest to execute. But, a review of your financial statements will provide clarity regarding areas of business where spending should be curbed.

To further simplify this process, divide your expenses into categories such as:

  • Essential Expenses: This includes taxes, utilities, rent, salaries, and other expenses which cannot be eliminated. Your new budget will need to have provisions to cover these each month.
  • Negotiable Expenses: According to the US Chamber of CommerceIf you have good relations with suppliers, try to negotiate an altered repayment schedule. This can include making payments in installments, or a lump sum on a mutually agreed future date.

Beyond these, you’ll have expenses that you will be compelled to reduce, such as selling expensive office space, getting rid of unused assets, or reducing the number of employees. None of these decisions will be easy to make, but they will help repay debt and secure the future of your business.

Consolidate Debt

As reported by, debt consolidation is the act of taking a new loan to pay off existing debt. The process is straightforward, you visit a lender and provide the details about all your current debts and business finances. If they approve your request, they’ll undertake the responsibility of repaying your existing creditors. Going forward, you will be liable to pay your new lender the amount equivalent to your debt, but you’ll enjoy lower interest rates and affordable monthly payments.

Debt consolidation does not erase your debt, but it can make repayment easier. Lenders such as banks will often issue secured loans i.e. the loan will need to be backed by an asset such as your home, car, etc. If you choose to utilize this option, invest time towards creating a repayment plan to avoid taking on any additional debt.

Establish an LLC

Running a business as a sole proprietor puts your personal assets and finances in jeopardy as you and the business are considered a single entity. By registering your business as a Limited Liability Company, it will become a separate legal entity, safeguarding you as the owner from business-related debts and liabilities. For instance, with an LLC, a creditor will not be able to seize your home in case of non-repayment and only use business-registered assets.

Additionally, an LLC allows you to use business expenses as tax write-offs which can help save thousands of dollars a year and be used towards debt payments. As LLC requirements differ based on state, it’s best to delegate this task to a formation service.

Through these strategies, you’ll gain greater control over business debt, resulting in inefficient utilization of resources, healthier cash flow, and securing the long-term success of the business.

#businessdebt #financialdifficulty #financialproblems #debtfree

Financial Difficulty Part (3)


Disclaimer: Some of my words and the video are being censored and so I have put hashtags in place to the letters, hence why I have had problems publishing this post.

Introduction to our guide on ‘Financial Difficulty’ and what we have included at Glance (Part 3).

(W### Makes Money and The Truth About The Money System).

  1. Financial Difficulty Links.
  2. Monthy Financial Planner (Free PDF Download).
  3. Mental Health Links. (Depression, Emotional Destress, Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Grief, Suicidal Thoughts).
  4. Poverty Defined.
  5. Poor Credit Score.
  6. Cashplus Bank, open an account (no credit checks).
  7. Final Thoughts From The Editor.


If you are struggling with finances do not brush them under the carpet, it will never go away and will only get worse. Interest grows every day if you do not stop it.

Talk to your creditors, they are after all still human although that may change in the future (AI Robots). Just take note. does your bank account control you or do you control your bank account?

If you are not good at talking over the phone, write your creditors an email or letter.

(I will try to provide a link for debt consolidation soon).




These price hikes will inevitably cause people to have mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, emotional distress and may even lead to an increase in suicides. It may also cause people to turn to alcohol or recreational drugs to numb the problems they may have.

If you are worried about money, talk with your creditors you can come to some arrangement with them, after all, they would much rather get a payment than no payment at all.

You should NOT get yourself so worked up that you make yourself unwell.

If you feel you cannot cope talk to your local general practitioner doctor (GP).

Talk with a friend, neighbor, or family member. If you feel you have no one to talk to, reach out to the organizations I have listed in the link below. Here are some useful links if you have mental health issues or need to talk to someone:

Check out the following links if you suffer from any of the following:


Emotional Distress



Panic Attacks


Suicidal Thoughts


The poverty threshold is defined as 60% of the median equivalent household income, with any household under this figure being described as “in poverty”.

In 2018/19 the poverty line for a single person was £147 a week, whereas for a couple with two young children it was £354.


OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT – (100% guaranteed approval once verified, there are no credit checks).

If you have a poor credit rating or are finding it hard to open a high street bank account, look no further, Cashplus Bank will help you, with no questions asked, they also have a credit builder.



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All products are designed to be faster, simpler, and smarter. Whether customers are looking for Personal or Business Banking services, we offer real-time services to help them manage their money 24/7 through our mobile app. We give 100% guaranteed approval once verified, there are no credit checks, applications can be completed in less than 5 minutes, and the customer gets instant access to a sort code and account number.

Customers also have access to the largest ‘over the counter’ banking network in the UK, through the Post Office, and can rest easy in the knowledge that Cashplus is fully authorized and regulated by the FCA, Prudential Regulation Authority and FSCS protected.


Nothing is so bad that cannot be resolved.

No matter what situation you are in, for example, if you are a business owner and the walls seem to be closing in with the mountain of debt from loans, etc, do consider consolidating your debts. The same goes if you are on a low income or unemployed, no one should be in a situation where they feel there is no way out.

If you think your utility prices are high do consider switching to another provider.

I have included two sites below for you to check out:

Your credit rating may not be great so consider opening an account with Cashplus Bank (They do not do credit checks and they also have Business Accounts).

Whatever your financial circumstances there are professional financial advisors that can steer you in the right direction. Did you know that Poverty increases the risk of mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and substance addiction? Below is a PDF about Mental Health for further reading or alternatively visit our site.


You are not alone, there are millions of people in the same boat and some may not know what to do.

With so much uncertainty both globally and here in the UK the situation doesn’t look like it will ease for home buyers anytime soon and looks very grim. We now need to get ourselves prepared for the rough storm ahead”.

To find out more about managing your money and getting free debt advice visit, MoneyHelper, an independent service set up by the Government to help people manage their money.

If you found this article helpful, please take a minute to share this with your friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances that in turn will share with their connections and will help to spread awareness.

#financialdifficulty #financialproblems #debt #consolidation #debtconsolidation #debtfree #creditcards #loans #switchutilities #utilityproviders #compareutilities #poverty #mentalhealthandpoverty #greed #inflation #pricerises #costofliving #rateofinflation #globaleconomy #economy #petrolprices #foodprices #truthaboutmoney

Financial Difficulty Part (2)


Disclaimer: Some of my words and the video are being censored and so I have put hashtags in place to the letters, hence why I have had problems publishing this post. Also, some of the prices may differ but were correct at the time of publication on 03/03/22 according to For more current data please visit:

Introduction to our guide on ‘Financial Difficulty’ and what we have included at Glance (Part 2).

(W### Makes Money and The Truth About The Money System).

  1. Young People, Salaries Falling Prices Growing.
  2. UK Government Help with Fuel Costs.
  3. Cost of Living Breakdown Expenditure Calculations.
  4. Housing.
  5. Homelessness.
  6. Leaders and Dictators.
  7. What is Money and What is Currency (VIDEO -Temp Disabled).
  8. About Mike Maloney.
  1. YOUNG PEOPLESalaries Falling, Prices Rising.

Prior to the pandemic, wages due to furloughs and layoffs were unheard of but now a shockingly 24% of those aged between 18 and 34 had reported a fall in their wages employed in the sectors including hospitality and retail, it’s not surprising that they have seen their incomes fall, either as a direct result of a wage cut or due to a reduction in their hours.

Research by the think tank Demo, and KIS has found that only 30% of people reported a rise in pay since before the pandemic, whilst 70% have seen their wages either stagnate or fall.

When the young were asked why they took on a second job, some responded that they were worried about job security as their primary role could be at risk in the future. Although having a second job may boost their finances in the short term, the additional pressure of long hours may take its toll on a person’s well-being.

A third of the population fears that the worst is still yet to come and has a genuine concern about the soaring prices which would have a negative effect on their lives, physically, mentally, and materialistically. The fortunate few who have had some savings will end up losing it all to counteract the impact of higher living costs.

The direct cost for heating and powering our homes, and the indirect cost of other goods and services, will inevitably affect our budgets and our quality of life.

Fortunately, the UK only relies on 3% of Russia to supply Gas to Britain, and it’s the global market that determines the wholesale gas price.

There will still be a knock-on effect for households in the UK if there is a shortage supply of Gas to the rest of Europe from Russia.

2. UK Government Help With Energy Costs.

What is laughable is the UK Government is going to give £200 to people in England and £150 in Wales to help with the increase of the cost of living, however, it is a loan, that you pay back at around £40 per year.

This equates between £12.50 and £16.67 a month towards their energy bills and if my bill is anything to go by Electricity £34.00 and Gas £90 per month totally £124.00 a month. £12.50/£16.67 is pathetic by my calculations if one still has to deduct £3.33 per month to pay the loan back. Residents in Wales will essentially have £9.16 off their predicted monthly bill of £250 this coming April.

A person who has tax credits of £99.23 per week, how do they survive on £396.92 per month?

Minus £250 for Gas and Electric = Leaves a total of £146.92

Minus £58 for water = Leaves a total of £88.92 divided by 4 x weeks leaves £22.23 for food.

So what is the hidden agenda? is it to starve people or drive them to breaking point”?

Changes by the UK Government to National Insurance from April 1st, 2022 will mean that many working people will be seeing more of their income heading to the Treasury.

In addition, the rise in the energy price cap will mean serious rises in the cost of heating and powering your home, which for some such as the disabled, unemployed, households on low incomes and the elderly will be penalized the most, with the rising costs of basics like food, interest rate rises, and council tax hikes, people will be forced into poverty.

So is the Government expecting people to live on Ramen Noodles to survive?

These price hikes are going to be detrimental to people’s mental health and lives.

I understand that some people have a job that is based on 40 hours per week on the national minimum wage of £9.50 equates to £380 per week multiplied by 4 weeks £1,520.

3. Cost Of Living Breakdown Calculations Expenditure:

(Average Calculations Per Month In The UK).

( Links – Citations Embedded)

Rent: (£1,064)

Utilities: (£116) per month for gas and electricity and predicted to rise to £250 per month.

Water Rates: (£44) per month

Council Tax: (£158.00) per month

Petrol/Travel Costs: (£96.00) per month

Child Care Day Nursery: (50 hours for a child under 2£1,052 per month

Food £40.30 per week: (£175 per month)

Total Expenditure: £2,705.00

(**This total does not include clothing allowance, telephone, or broadband – Price correct at the time of publication 03/03/22).

For more current statistics please visit:

Not everyone is lucky enough to have high-paid jobs and some people live alone.

For people who live with someone obviously, the majority of bills will be halved and not everyone commutes or has childcare.

However what about the self-employed that maybe only scraping by and are not making a profit and maybe paying back loans and credit cards and just living on tax credits?

Clare McNeil, the head of the IPPR’s Future Welfare State program said:

“It has trapped us in a vicious circle which, unless broken, will condemn us either to a constantly rising social security bill or to ever-increasing poverty among working households.”

Jonathan Reynolds, shadow work and pensions secretary, said:

successive Conservative administrations had broken the link between work and prosperityit is simply wrong that one in six working households can’t make ends meet while the overwhelming majority of children living in poverty have working parents”.


KIS Finance Advisor Holly Andrews, MD said:

“At a time when the cost-of-living crisis is deepening, the global impact of the situation in Ukraine looks set to make the situation even worse. Rising costs on everyday essentials, alongside increasing interest rates, will stretch household budgets and be a further blow to those trying to get onto the property ladder”.

With rising costs on the horizon, there will be an increase in evictions and homelessness. People will simply not be able to live. Not everyone can manage their money well or set budgets, therefore I have designed a monthly financial planner for you to customize. I recommend starting a new planner each month.

Furthermore, shortages in the housing market are forcing prices to escalate, while rents are at some of their highest rates ever. With the cost of borrowing increasing alongside the rising cost of living, people saving for a deposit will find it hard to get on the property ladder because of mortgage income requirements which will implicate disposable income due to the rising cost of essentials.


Local Councils predict evictions are to rise as much as 79% from privately rented houses as people struggle to make ends meet. The current pressures on the rising cost of inflation and living could see homelessness increase by as much as a third compared to pre-pandemic levels.


Fat Cat!

Privilege Leaders & Dictators.

It is ok for the privileged individuals that have never been without food or have never experienced poverty to dictate what the working or lower class should live on.

President Put## who is purported to be the richest man on earth is driven by greed, corruption, money, and power, yet what is waiting for him on the other side is going to be worse than any war he has ever created.

Imagine if their wealth was suddenly taken from them they would soon be singing a different tune. These people that have had lavish upbringings do not have a clue what the rest of the public has to do to survive. These people that have gone to private schools funded by their wealthy parents do not have one iota about what it is like to bring food to the table and to keep a roof over one’s heads. These people that pay £500 in the UK to aim to help society and get rewarded once they get a good enough following again may be clueless. (I have a better following than some MPs I know, but am not paid what they get). One does not need a specific qualification to become an MP as it is a job you have to work up towards although most people do have some form of higher education and the ones at the very top of the food chain have been either been born with silver spoons in their mouths or have had wealthy parents, spouses or connections.

Who controls our money system?

(Watch the Video Below)

Forbes 500 Rich List

Have you noticed the likes of Put## (who has been in office since 2012 ), the Rothchilds, and Rockerfellers are not on the Rich List of wealthiest people because they are the 1% that control the rest of the world and are far richer than the likes of Elon Musk, Warren Buffet or Bill Gates? Furthermore, The Waltons with $238 billion, The Mars with $142 billion, The Kochs with $124 billion, The Hermes with $112 billion, The Sauds with $100 billion, The Ambanis with $94 billion, The Wertheimers with $62 billion, The Johnsons with $61 billion, The Thomsons with $61 billion, The Boehringers and Von Baumbachs with $59 billion are also not mentioned.

This is what the Federal Reserve says about the money system:

Yes, I know Pres##### Put## came from humble beginnings but he made affluent connections when he joined the K##. It is sometimes the case of not what you have or what know but more so who you know, that can open doors…


To know how the system works one needs to educate oneself about money and currency. The video below explains the process.

Fiat money has no value unlike gold or silver, it is what the federal reserve prints out, keeps on printing, and lending out with the only goal to charge interest on worthless pieces of paper, which people have to slave over.

The price of gas in the ground does not inflate in value it is the price the fat cats put on to make themselves richer. This is sacrilege, but then again if they cared about people they would not cause wars. We are just a number to them and they will not mourn you if you die.

President Put## does not care about his people or his army, you will not see him on the front line fighting with his army, he will be tucked away in his shiny kremlin office somewhere unlike Ukraine President Zelen####, who is fighting to save his country.

President Put##’s only intention is to gain power, money, and control. He does not care that sending out troops may not return, he does not care about the families of the soldiers that died in the line of duty, and that their family’s worlds will be turned upside down. He only cares about lining his pockets, gaining control of a country, and dictatorship.

Ukraine – Pres#####t Zelens###

Ukraine is now ordering all men, between 18 -60 to train every abled body male to help fight the w##. These men have no choice they have been conscripted as per the orders of Ukraine’s “Pres##### Zelens###”, although he has been seen in combat uniform himself. He has also pleaded with other countries to help.

This senseless act by “Pres##### Put##” is so that the fat cats get richer and for everyone else to get poorer.

“We have one life, one world and we come into it with nothing and we leave with nothing, so why be greedy and not share equally”.

Video Temporarily Removed For Testing – I suspect my post is being censored because I cannot open this article on all the browsers properly, so you should search for the keywords “hidden secrets of money” on youtube.


Mike Maloney is the host of the smash-hit video series, Hidden Secrets of Money; former Rich Dad/Poor Dad advisor; author of the best-selling precious metals book.

For more than a decade, Mike’s traveled the world sharing his economic insights with audiences from Hong Kong to Rome and from Silicon Valley to Wall Street.

A life-long inventor and serial entrepreneur, by age 23, Mike had already founded a sales firm, Michael Maloney & Associates, growing it to five employees and two branch offices. He went on to become a manufacturer of high-end stereo equipment, where his designs won numerous awards, including selection in 1992 as one of only five permanent exhibits for display at the opening of the 20th-century design wing of the Royal Victoria & Albert Museum in London, the world’s greatest design museum.

Citation –

#financialdifficulty #financialproblems #debt #consolidation #debtconsolidation #debtfree #creditcards #loans #switchutilities #utilityproviders #compareutilities #poverty #mentalhealthandpoverty #greed #inflation #pricerises #costofliving #rateofinflation #globaleconomy #economy #petrolprices #foodprices #truthaboutmoney

Financial Difficulty Part (1)


Disclaimer: Some of my words and the video are being censored and so I have put hashtags in place to the letters, hence why I have had problems publishing this post.

Introduction to our guide on ‘Financial Difficulty’ and what we have included at Glance (Part 1).

(W### Makes Money and The Truth About The Money System).

  1. Cost of Living increase and Financial Difficulty.
  2. The impact of the war on the UK.
  3. Petrol/ Diesel Prices.
  4. Food Prices.
  5. Investments.
  6. Inflation.
  7. Cost of Living Key Statistics.

The Poor are Getting Poorer in the UK.

  1. Cost of Living Increase And Financial Difficulty.

Households are already feeling the pinch, in the UK & in the US by the rising cost of living, while wages struggle to meet the astronomical increases in overheads.

Inflation increased by 7.5% in January in the US – the highest level is seen since February 1982, due partly to food and energy prices.

Supplies of energy, food, or other commodities like metals are to rise because of the Russia-Ukraine c###f###t and the UK leaving the EU with a shortage of workers and lorry drivers, prices could be pushed up even further.

This is a very worrying time for the Global economy.

Low-income households and working families are having to come under increasing financial pressure as prices soar.

The worst hit is going to be the families with three or more children of any family group, including single parents, and couples with a single earner will suffer significantly with declining disposable incomes.

Property prices, private sector rent hikes, and crippling childcare costs, all amount to the UK having an all-time record high poverty rating, according to the analysis of official figures released last month.

Martin Young, a financial analyst at the banking group Investec, has expressed concerns and has warned that household fuel bills in the UK could reach an all-time high of £3,000 per annum.

Motoring groups have also said the average petrol price had already hit a record high of nearly 149.5p, with diesel at 152.83p.

Another concern is aviation fuel, if airlines then decide to pass on the increased cost to the customers, then inevitably the price of a plane ticket could rise.

A senior investment and markets analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown Susannah Streeter, said :

” Oil and gas prices are ‘marching upwards’ and there could be ‘even higher prices to come. Wars are by their very nature inflationary, and this would particularly be the case with Ukraine when considering Europe’s dependency on Russia for oil, gas, and key ingredients like wheat, so sanctions would hit hard and shortages of supplies could see prices shoot up furtherThe extra pounds on bills are piling up for hard-hit families, with the increase in fuel, energy, and grocery bills set to hit lower-income households harder as a higher proportion of their outgoings will be spent on travel costs. With budgets being squeezed further the likely knock-on effect will be a hit to consumer confidence after any lockdown savings are worn away.”

2. The impact of the w#r on the UK.

How will Russia/Ukraine w## affect fuel prices in the UK?

Russia is one of the UK’s oil suppliers and increases are on the way as a result of oil hitting $106 a barrel and the pound weakening, making wholesale fuel more expensive to buy for retailers in the UK.

The Nord 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia has been halted which has caused prices to rise by 13% in Europe by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz which will cause prices for food and energy to soar affecting millions of households, whilst the UK’s equivalent rose by 8% and US crude oil went up to 1.4% and escalated to 3% leaving energy markets volatile.

Russia supplies much of the oil and gas which may well lead to distribution and shipping prices increase, whilst Ukraine supplies vast amounts of wheat, corn, sunflower products, and grains.

Financial analysts predict that w## could impact the production of grains and even double global wheat prices, consequently severely impacting shoppers in Egypt, Turkey, and many other countries, in particular North Africa, which relies on the import of wheat and corn.

3. Petrol/Diesel

People commuting to work or simply relying on their cars for school runs, hospital appointments, and grocery shopping will have to brace themselves for what’s to come, with many households on lower incomes having to make difficult choices as a result of needing to put fuel in their cars.

Russia is the second-largest exporter of oil after Saudi Arabia causing prices to inflate exponentially in the midst of trying to control the world’s oil supply which will impact petrol prices in the UK. Petrol prices have been rising for some time, but have now hit an all-time high of £149.30, with industry experts predicting that prices could soon reach £1.50 per litre.

4. Food Prices

The consequence of the Russian war on Ukraine could also hit shopping baskets around the world. Russia is the biggest exporter of fertilizers which could impact farmers.

Disruptions to the supply and availability of produce could severely impact the global market. Ukraine exported more than 40% of its wheat to the Middle East & Africa last year alone. However in contrast the UK produces 90% of the wheat consumed.

Once dubbed “the breadbasket of Europe”, Russia and Ukraine export about a quarter of wheat and half of their sunflower products, like seeds and oil globally.

5. Investments

With sanctions imposed and bank accounts frozen, Russian stocks have crashed by as much as 45% after the news of the invasion of Ukraine, with banks and oil companies among the worst-affected.

In Europe, the UK’s FTSE 100 index fell more than 3% and Germany’s Dax index was nearly 5% lower.

6. Inflation

First, the rise of inflation was blamed because the UK had left the EU and as a result because of a shortage of workers mainly lorry drivers from eastern European countries in the import-export industry. Now the rising costs are being blamed because Russia and Ukraine are at w##, which is very real and very concerning, and with inflation already jumping to 5.5%, it is the highest level in almost 30 years.

The current rate of inflation is over double the ideal level of 2% that the Bank of England aims to maintain. With increases predicted to be around 7%.

The Bank of England in February said to increase interest rates to 0.5% has put further pressure on stretched household budgets, as mortgage and loan repayments increase, the Bank of England continued to say that further interest rate hikes are likely, linked to the current global uncertainty and the need to try to control inflation here in the UK.

With inflation on the rise, wages in the UK are predicted to be lower by 2026 than they were even during the credit crunch in 2008, this worrying trend looks set to remain for some time. Whilst inflation is normally linked to wage increases and a growing economy it can also be affected by wars.

Russia Conf#### With Ukraine.


Key Statistics

KIS Finance research has revealed (57%) are already struggling financially, as a direct result of the rising cost of living.

KIS Finance’s research found:

  • That a staggering 27% are already struggling financially as a direct result of the rising cost of living.
  • With 30% of households anticipating financial problems in the very near future as the impact of rising prices bites.
  • Young people between 18 – 24-year-olds reported 35.5% already have financial problems.
  • 36% of People in the age group of over 55’s said they were worried that the financial pinch will hit them shortly as prices continue to rise.
  • 30% in the South East of England are already struggling financially.
  • An amazing 22% of young people between 18 – 34-year-olds have had to take on an additional job since the Pandemic.
  • Anyone who is thinking about retirement in the next few years may now be reconsidering whether they can afford to do so.

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March 2025
