Disclaimer: Some of my words and the video are being censored and so I have put hashtags in place to the letters, hence why I have had problems publishing this post.
Introduction to our guide on ‘Financial Difficulty’ and what we have included at Glance (Part 3).
(W### Makes Money and The Truth About The Money System).
- Financial Difficulty Links.
- Monthy Financial Planner (Free PDF Download).
- Mental Health Links. (Depression, Emotional Destress, Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Grief, Suicidal Thoughts).
- Poverty Defined.
- Poor Credit Score.
- Cashplus Bank, open an account (no credit checks).
- Final Thoughts From The Editor.
If you are struggling with finances do not brush them under the carpet, it will never go away and will only get worse. Interest grows every day if you do not stop it.
Talk to your creditors, they are after all still human although that may change in the future (AI Robots). Just take note. does your bank account control you or do you control your bank account?
If you are not good at talking over the phone, write your creditors an email or letter.
(I will try to provide a link for debt consolidation soon).
These price hikes will inevitably cause people to have mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, emotional distress and may even lead to an increase in suicides. It may also cause people to turn to alcohol or recreational drugs to numb the problems they may have.
If you are worried about money, talk with your creditors you can come to some arrangement with them, after all, they would much rather get a payment than no payment at all.
You should NOT get yourself so worked up that you make yourself unwell.
If you feel you cannot cope talk to your local general practitioner doctor (GP).
Talk with a friend, neighbor, or family member. If you feel you have no one to talk to, reach out to the organizations I have listed in the link below. Here are some useful links if you have mental health issues or need to talk to someone: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/useful-links/
Check out the following links if you suffer from any of the following:
The poverty threshold is defined as 60% of the median equivalent household income, with any household under this figure being described as “in poverty”.
In 2018/19 the poverty line for a single person was £147 a week, whereas for a couple with two young children it was £354.

OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT – (100% guaranteed approval once verified, there are no credit checks).
If you have a poor credit rating or are finding it hard to open a high street bank account, look no further, Cashplus Bank will help you, with no questions asked, they also have a credit builder.

Product – Freedom: No Monthly Fees
Visit Here To Open An Account.

Product – Activeplus: £5.95 Monthly Fee Consumer Product
Visit Here To Open An Account.
Product – Deluxe: £9.95 Monthly Fee Consumer Product
Visit Here To Open An Account.

Product – Business: £69 Annual Fee (First Year Free) Business Product
Visit Here To Open An Account.
All products are designed to be faster, simpler, and smarter. Whether customers are looking for Personal or Business Banking services, we offer real-time services to help them manage their money 24/7 through our mobile app. We give 100% guaranteed approval once verified, there are no credit checks, applications can be completed in less than 5 minutes, and the customer gets instant access to a sort code and account number.
Customers also have access to the largest ‘over the counter’ banking network in the UK, through the Post Office, and can rest easy in the knowledge that Cashplus is fully authorized and regulated by the FCA, Prudential Regulation Authority and FSCS protected.
Nothing is so bad that cannot be resolved.
No matter what situation you are in, for example, if you are a business owner and the walls seem to be closing in with the mountain of debt from loans, etc, do consider consolidating your debts. The same goes if you are on a low income or unemployed, no one should be in a situation where they feel there is no way out.
If you think your utility prices are high do consider switching to another provider.
I have included two sites below for you to check out:
Your credit rating may not be great so consider opening an account with Cashplus Bank (They do not do credit checks and they also have Business Accounts).
Whatever your financial circumstances there are professional financial advisors that can steer you in the right direction. Did you know that Poverty increases the risk of mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and substance addiction? Below is a PDF about Mental Health for further reading or alternatively visit our site.
Poverty-and-Mental-HealthYou are not alone, there are millions of people in the same boat and some may not know what to do.
“With so much uncertainty both globally and here in the UK the situation doesn’t look like it will ease for home buyers anytime soon and looks very grim. We now need to get ourselves prepared for the rough storm ahead”.
To find out more about managing your money and getting free debt advice visit, MoneyHelper, an independent service set up by the Government to help people manage their money.
If you found this article helpful, please take a minute to share this with your friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances that in turn will share with their connections and will help to spread awareness.
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