Since tyres were banned from landfill sites, the public has been left with no choice but to recycle waste tyres. For context, it is also estimated that roughly 1 billion tyres reach the end of their life in one year – not exactly an insignificant amount!
However, what exactly happens to those end-of-life tyres once they’ve left your rims and been set to one side by your local garage or tyre specialist? What are the relevant rules and regulations covering tyre disposal?
Whole tyres were banned from landfill sites around 2002. End-of-life tyres, on the other hand, were forbidden from UK landfills as a result of the 2006 EU Landfill Directive.
Since this initiative came into place, the UK has progressed to the point where nearly 100% of waste tyres are recovered and recycled in some form.
The Government’s stated aim with this legislation is to move the UK towards becoming a ‘zero waste economy. Essentially this means reducing, reusing, and recycling all valuable resources wherever possible. This is necessary as a means of helping to conserve resources, save money for businesses and households, as well as reduce negative environmental impacts.
Further Reading:
Read More UK – https://www.asm-recycling.co.uk/blog/guide-to-tyre-recycling-uk/
Read More USA – (Written By Liam Williams) https://www.utires.com/articles/tire-disposal-fee/
Household Waste – UK – https://www.statista.com/topics/4908/household-waste-in-england/
In the financial year ended March 31, 2020, local authorities in England collected approximately 23 million metric tons of household waste. This amounted to 392 kilograms of household waste collected per capita.
Household Waste – USA – (Written By Liam Williams) https://www.homeadvisor.com/r/get-rid-of-household-items/
#recycling #recyclingtyres #recyclingtires #householdwaste

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