Neom City (The Line) Domain Names.
For those that do not know about Neom City, it is a Futuristic City that is being built in Saudia Arabia. The Crown Prince Of Saudia Arabia has started construction to build a zero-carbon empire at NEOM, the first major project for the $500 billion flagship business zone aimed at diversifying the economy of the world’s largest oil exporter.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman the future King of Saudia Arabia is only 34 years old, he controls part of the royal family’s vast wealth, which is estimated at up to $1.4 trillion and includes Saudi Aramco, the most valuable company in the world. The heir will ascend to the throne after the death of his father, 84-year-old King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
The Crown Prince was quoted as saying in a rare televised appearance that the city, known as “The Line”, would extend over 170 km (105 miles) and be able to house a million residents in “carbon-positive urban developments powered by 100% clean energy”. “The backbone of investment in ‘The Line’ will come from the $500 billion support to NEOM by the Saudi government, PIF, and local and global investors over 10 years,”.
Our Services.
We offer website design, domain brokering, digital marketing, and pr services. As a marketing service provider, we primarily help clients implement and manage marketing strategies to achieve their business goals.
We have over 30 years of experience in the marketing industry and have a very large network of connections on LinkedIn.

The reason for this post is a domain investor brought to my attention the following information via email:

Obviously, I have redacted the sender’s email for privacy reasons.
The questionable link is as follows: www.DiscoverNeom.com it actually does point to a gaming site that looks like a five-year-old has designed, (apologies in advance to the owner of the site but it looks unprofessional).
Why is Neom pointing to this site anyway if Neom does not own it and clearly has not developed it?
Visitors going to this site will also be confused and will lose trust and damaging the reputation of what NEOM Stands for.
Due to GDPR, it is difficult to find the real owner of this site if their registration details are hidden in whois data privacy settings.
It does not look good for the (Crown Prince) when he starts a costly project but his marketing people fail to notice the embarrassing error or give good SEO advice.
Perhaps it was an oversight, however, I wrote about hyphen domain names being unprofessional the other day relating to one of the domain names that NEOM are promoting www.neom-property.com when they could have easily acquired the non-hyphen version that clearly points to a landing page stating the domain name is for sale www.neomproperty.com
The hyphen domain article can be read here: https://www.cymrumarketing.com/hyphen-domain-names/
Again I do not have this particular domain on my books but I can find out who the owner is by simply doing some digging around. I am connected with most Neom Domain Investors so it should not be very hard to find out.
All the NEOM-related domain names that I am managing for my clients can be found here:
What is not available can be acquired, just send me a message. Also if there is a particular domain that you need we can help to source it.
I will be contacting the NEOM Marketing Company for comment and will update you in due course.
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Cymru Marketing Journal (CMJUK) Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering.
An open platform that invites contributors and domain sellers serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.
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