- 1. Poverty & Mental Health
- 2. Mental Health
- 3. Caring
- 4. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
- 5. Social Experiment
- 6. Grim Outlook
- 7. Russian Invasion
- 8. Depression
- 9. What is money and how are taxes being spent-
- 10. Wishful Thinking
- 11. Suicides
- 12. Suicidal thoughts
- 13. The sad truth is people commit suicide because of debt
- 14. Final Thoughs From The Editor
- 15. Useful Links – Financial Matters
- 16. Useful Links – Health Matters
To understand poverty and the consequence of how our monetary system affects mental health, we first have to understand currency and how debt is created. https://marketingagency.cymrumarketing.com/2022/04/09/the-hidden-secrets-of-money/

Poverty & Mental Health.
1. Poverty & Mental Health are on my mind. So I am reading this article: https://londonlovesbusiness.com/chancellors-family-accused-of-sheltering-a-large-part-of-their-income-from-uk-taxes/
I believe there are rules for one and not for the other? Did you know the federal reserve is owned by closely guarded corporations that get rewarded 6% of the world’s currency? (See Mike Maloney – Hidden Secrets of Money). Thus people who have a high net worth are given incentives to keep the economy wheels churning.
Ms. Murty was quoted as saying…
“I understand and appreciate the British sense of fairness and I do not wish my tax status to be a distraction for my husband or to affect my family, for this reason, I will no longer be claiming the remittance basis for tax. This means I will now pay UK tax on an arising basis on all my worldwide income, including dividends and capital gains, wherever in the world that income arises. I do this because I want to, not because the rules require me to.”
(So my question is why has she never voluntarily paid the taxes before and it is only because her husband and herself are in the spotlight that she has changed her tune)? Imagine how the taxes of all NON-DOM could help the poor?
This is comment is typically how one would attempt to save face. So why is it that NON-DOM rules exist, it obviously is to protect the rich?
This is one big game of Monopoly and who can have the most real estate and wealth at the expense of the rest of us.
To think 99% of the population wants to not only survive but live a happy life, why is it that the powers that be want to squeeze every last ounce of happiness out of us?
Nobody wants to struggle to pay bills or worry about where the next meal is going to come from. Yet in reality, it is happening.
https://londonlovesbusiness.com/price-of-milk-butter-and-cheese-are-set-to-soar-amid-rise-in-energy-price-cap-cost-of-living-crisis-and-the-war-in-ukraine/ I joked with my daughter that we could raise chicken and the following day it was announced there is going to be a shortage of eggs.
Mental Health.
2. Mental health Statistics show a growing body of evidence, mainly from high-income countries, that there is a strong socioeconomic gradient in mental health, with people of lower socioeconomic status having a higher likelihood of developing and experiencing mental health problems.
Caring – The powers that be do not care.
3. Caring – People only care if they are directly affected by something or someone. This could be their beliefs in which they would be advocates or for people that they know such as family, friends, and sometimes even co-workers. It is the social connection people have with one another that allows them to show emotion to another person. The only other time people will care is they are on the job and must, i.e. Doctors & Nurses, Firefighters, Care-workers (who are doing good for society as a whole rather than getting personal), or if a person randomly witnesses someone that needs their help like for example if someone was injured or dying. Volunteering is an act of kindness but does not mean necessarily you care about an individual but more so about a cause. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/category/emotions/ Politicians have to show they care because they would not have a job if they didn’t not only that it would cause a public uproar.
I once did a social experiment to get support from my family for my business and not one person bothered sharing or interacting. I drew the conclusion they did not want me to succeed.
People living below the breadline.
4. (Robbing Peter to Pay Paul).
Around 5.2 million people claimed universal credit as of September 2021, a decrease on the record-high six million recorded at the beginning of the year but still a marked increase compared to pre-Covid levels, which were around three million.
Anti-poverty experts welcomed a £20 weekly increase in payments for those claiming universal credit (UC) and working tax credits, introduced by the government at the start of the lockdown last year.
But the government cut payments back to pre-Covid levels at the beginning of October, despite widespread condemnation. That is a deduction of £80 per month and with everything rising including food and fuel costs how on earth is the government expecting people to survive???
If people were struggling before the increase what makes the government think they are not struggling after the decrease?
How many people are at breaking point or have been driven over the edge?
Does the government care that some people are in sheer distress and do know how to manage their money or know-how to survive? Yet the NON-DOMs of this world can get away without paying taxes. If the NON-DOMs did not hoard money just like the millionaires and billionaires and actually had wage caps the world would be a better place.
Social Experiment.
5. Social Experiment – I am always testing how well my articles do and my social media marketing efforts and thought to do a social experiment to see how well I would compete with a high profile person sharing their posts on LinkedIn, obviously I do not have the same amount of followers as this said individual but looking at his previous posts, for me I did not do too bad, in fact, I did better than some posts his entourage had written in the past.
So I have come to the conclusion I can easily be a social media manager for the posts and articles that this individual churns out but I do not get the same income, anywhere near in fact, to what these people get. I am certainly not going to beg or go cap in hand. I am confident though because I did share a post the powers that be zoned in on me, so they will know who I am talking about. Put it this way, he is very high up the ladder with platinum blonde hair and talks Queen’s English. My point is if I can get this article to be seen, I am open to opportunities to be hired for my services. such as content writing and social media management.
Grim Outlook
6. Grim Outlook – Russia is condemning the west and has threatened food shortages because of all the sanctions including exporting wheat. It is being predicted that we will be like Venezuela where families have had to make grim choices to survive. Venezuela has faced what some consider “the Americas’ greatest single humanitarian crisis.” The nation’s economy and the political structure collapsed even though it possesses the world’s largest known petroleum reserves. More than 5 million people fled the country and an estimated 91 percent of those who remain life in poverty. Nearly a third of all Venezuelans—more than 9 million people— are food insecure or malnourished. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5449023/Venezuelans-eat-rats-dogs-economy-nosedives.html
“No matter how hungry I am I will not eat our cat”.
Therefore what is the future outcome for the poor who will have difficulty putting food on the table?
How does the government expect people to survive?
I am concerned for the people that will have serious mental health issues because of the powers that be playing God with people’s lives.
Everyone on this planet is here to survive and to be happy. If you take away people’s happiness then you take away people’s reasons for living.
I read all these online websites, white papers, and jargon about suicide but all it is is black pixels on a white background, all these people that go around stating they are experts would be useless and powerless in talking someone out of suicide. It is all noise, smoke, and mirrors.
P#tin is playing God.
7. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens to spark a global food crisis, as simultaneous disruptions to harvests and global fertilizer production are driving up food prices and sending economic shock waves throughout the world.
Ukraine still has some 20 million tonnes of wheat and corn left to export from the 2021-22 season that cannot be exported because Russia is blockading ports on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, leaving 100 foreign vessels stranded.
8. Depression – I will be the first to admit it, I suffer from depression and have done so for many years. I have managed it to the best of my abilities, but occasionally I will have my dark days. I will try to keep myself busy and have a dedicated website that I am the Editor of www.disabilityuk.co.uk which forwards to www.disabledentrepreneur.uk
Whilst writing about this I write with a heavy heart, this is NOT how we are supposed to live and this is not how I am supposed to live.
Do the powers that be, forget that we came to the earth with nothing and we will leave with nothing. So why be Greedy?
The powers that be obviously do not have a conscious.
Will the people that have caused all the atrocities to live fruitful lives or will they come back onto this earth to suffer a fate worse than hell? I believe they will come back to earth and suffer. Have they not thought that Karma can send them to earth to suffer in their next life. Yes, I hear you there will be the ones that do not believe in God or life after death, but what if their belief system was wrong and we are spiritual beings in physical bodies and that when we die we turn into energy or we teleport into different dimensions, (Quantum Entanglement) or worse still come back to earth to suffer another 80/90 years?
Do you think it is a coincidence there is only 1% of the richest people on this planet or is it there is 1% of pure evil? This then shows there are 99% of good people are being treated badly and are maybe only on this planet to be given a second chance and do good for the world. I for one would never want to be categorized be part of the 1% wealthy and would never want that sort of wealth, in fact, I am on the opposite side of the spectrum, yes I want my own home, have a nice car, heal my mind, body, and soul so that I can travel the world whilst I am still on this planet, but other than that I just want to live a happy, peaceful and happy life without any worries.
Money vs Currency
9. What is money and how are taxes being spent- I would love to see how the British taxpayer’s money is used and for what. I would only use w#r in defense not to start them. I would stop making money off the back of poor people to suit my own ends. The British public does not get a say in what happens with our country, it is all decided behind closed doors.
If you look at the Oligarch’s bank accounts that have been frozen and the Russian Banks that have their assets seized how is the P#tin W#ar still being funded? One needs to read between the lines to know what I am saying here. What is going to happen if the debt ceiling collapses or our bank accounts get frozen because they can, what then? What is happening with all the frozen currency and bank accounts where has the currency gone?
The power to vote – would you allow uneducated people to run your business, of course, you wouldn’t, so why do you give uneducated a chance to vote that do not understand the first thing about business, economics, or our monetary system?
Brexit – Furthermore, I could not vote because I was in the hospital on the day we were voting to stay or leave the EU, I wonder how many other people never voted that day? My point is that this tells me the voting was not accurate and the final numbers were decided for us.
The world is a very evil place, and although I do say there are many good people in this world, there are the ones that own the federal reserve that wants to destroy you and take away any prosperity. The scammers, the thieves, and the con artists that give you currency in one hand and take it away with the other. The people that lie in wait so that they can reel you in with the loans and credit cards to watch you suffer later. The financer (Mike Maloney) aptly explained the meaning of currency and said if there was only one dollar in existence and you borrowed it where would you get the second dollar from to payback of the first dollar plus interest?

Wishful Thinking.
10. Wishful Thinking – I wish for this Dictator that caused these atrocities “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” as it is said in the Bible, Book of Exodus 21:23–27. It is not for me to cast judgment but for God to punish people for what they have done wrong in the world that preys on the vulnerable.
I know the outlook looks grim for most of us but we can learn from this and teach people how to survive and find happiness. (If you find my article insightful please share it).
I have been given an opportunity to motivate, empower, teach and spread awareness. If the powers that be can see how well my articles are viewed they should give me a job. I should be rewarded for the good I do and not be punished by the greedy.
I have lived through my own war and have a battlefield of scars and one day when the time is right I will share my story, but for now I want to focus on what is happening in the world today and get people to notice that the world cannot suffer at the hands of the greedy minority. Too many lives are being lost and people are suffering from mental health and grief.
11. Suicides – I have a question for the wealthy or the powers that be, or the 1%, if everything they owned suddenly was taken away from them and they found it hard to put food on the table and no matter what they said or did never got better but perhaps worse, how would they handle life?
Would they stand in the mirror every day saying “you can do this”? or would they give up the fight?
Not everyone has a strong mind., not everyone knows how to survive and some try to drown their sorrow in alcohol or take recreational drugs, or someone simply just give up?
I will admit I have had suicidal thoughts in the past over different life-changing events, but somehow have found the courage to battle on.
I have never forgotten the people that hurt me, tried to cause hardship, criticize me, or humiliate me. I may have forgiven, but never forgotten.
At one point I felt I was in a war zone of my own. I am here today not because of any support workers or from friends or family because the few that knew what happened in my life have not been there for me. I am only starting to tell my story now and I have learned one thing in my life, never rely on anyone and never tell them all your secrets and be careful who you trust or befriend. I am here because I know I am on a mission, but I do sometimes question my strength.
I am slowly starting to heal. With what is going on with the world I am now thinking that the only thing that is left for me is neuroplasticity, learn it, practice it and teach it. There is too much negativity in the world that suck out all our aspiration and happiness so we need to find a way to conquer and battle on, with positive thoughts. https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/category/neuroplasticity/
13. The Sad Truth & Stories of Suicides Due To Debt.
New research by Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, has found that 2.5million people with mental health problems who fell into debt during a pandemic considered suicide.
The sad truth is people commit suicide because of debt.
People who are unhappy, helpless, and scared, cannot cope with the same thing day in and day out and nothing they do to make things better materializes so one day they lose the will to live and the people that suffer after they go are their friends, family, and the cycle continues.
Final Thoughts.
14. Final Thoughts From The Editor.
The way I see things is if you want to succeed in this world is one of two things, (1) you either have to rub shoulders with the people that matter and offer value or (2) have something that other people can relate to.
I look at these big agencies and the billionaires that own them yet profiling the CEOs they do not have a large social media gathering which makes me wonder what they did to get where they are today considering I am working at the same speed, probably doing the same job with a larger following than them, minus their payrolls?
I am available for content writing hire and social media management.
Useful Links
15. Finacial Matters.
16. Health Matters.
I was going to put a paywall on this article similar to what a lot of online newspapers are doing as I would love to campaign and speak on behalf of people on low incomes, but cannot afford to do it alone on my own salary. I know the majority of us are all in the same boat and we are all here to survive. I do have an advantage though I have a platform to put my point across and a large network of connections on LinkedIn connected to some very affluential people so my voice will be heard. I just need some support to be able to campaign further. If you do not want to hire me, please use the affiliate links embedded in the site or spare the equivalent of a cup of coffee for £3.00 this will go towards advertising and marketing costs. My next topic of discussion will be “How To Become A Billionaire”.

#poverty #mentalhealth #depression #debt #hiddensectretsofmoney #mikemaloney #suicide #suicidalthoughts

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