This Is Why Most People Will Never Be Rich
- You are too complacent and too set in your ways to make changes. You like to play it safe.
- You have no ambition.
- Your attitude to money is wrong *What ever will be will be”.
- You believe high brand items and fancy cars will make you look rich, hence you give a false perception of yourself so that people think you are rich.
- You are very materialistic, you spend more than you earn because you want the best of the best and you want to look your best even though you cannot afford it.
- You do not respect money, you will squander money on trivial things.
- You value going to the pub over education (entertainment instead of learning something new).
- You’re afraid to take risks.
- You don’t have a plan of action. You do not know how to execute an idea.
- You have not set any goals.
- You spend more than you make.
- You do not have a budget.
- You do not save money, save 10% of your earnings.
- You do not invest.
- You do not consilidate your debts and eliminate them entirely.
- You do not perservere.
- You give up to easilly.
- You think investing is risky but fail to realise that not investing is the biggest risk of all.
- You put your eggs in one basket, meaning you do not have several income streams.
- You complain about not having enough money rather than doing something about it.
- You live for today & and have no plans for tomorrow.
- You believe money will just fall into your lap.
- You don’t think you have what it takes to succeed.
- You think you need to be lucky to have money including gambling or expecting to win the lottery.
- You’re scared of failure.
- You don’t have access investment strategies & high quality mentors.
- You want to get paid based on your time rather than on your value.
- You’re surrounding yourself with the wrong people.
- You want to get rich quick rather than doing any work.
- You don’t understand the fundamentals of a budget – spend less than you earn.
- You think money is the route of all evil.
- You take things to heart and not not do well with criticism.
- You do not have a passion and do not love what you do.
- You do not know how to solve problems, people need help with problem solving, you do not know how to get over obstacles or mistakes.
- You do not have patience, you expect to get rich quick.
- You do not have a mentor.
- You do not have a network of like minded people.
- You do not test your product or service with consumers.
- You do not take care of your mental or physical self.
- You work for a company but you do not own shares.
How To Become Rich.
- You need to able to persuade, negotiate and sell.
- You need to be able to read people, know which people to trust.
- You need to share your knowledge, if people can see how you make money they are more likely to invest in you.
- Rich people master leverage, know how to delegate and crowd source.
- Grow a Network with like minded people and get a mentor.
- Master Energy Management. Sleep well, take care of your mind and your body.
- Learn to probem solve not only for yourself but for other people.
- Critical Time Path (CTP), know how to delagate your time management productively.
- Know how and when to take risks and manage money, including budgeting and investments.
- Be assertive, confident, focused and determned.
- Learn something new every day and share it with others.
- Retrain your brain.

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