Rishi Sunak Told to Axe 90,000 Jobs to Save UK from Economic Disaster: Advisers and Implications

The United Kingdom’s economy has faced unprecedented challenges in recent years, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the nation grapples with a spiraling deficit, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been advised to make some tough decisions, including cutting 90,000 jobs to stave off a potential economic disaster. This move has sparked significant debate, with questions arising about who advised Sunak and what implications it holds for the future of British politics and government downsizing.

The Economic Conundrum

The pandemic has left a profound impact on the UK economy, with skyrocketing public spending and a drop in revenue. The government has rolled out extensive support packages, including furlough schemes and business grants, to help individuals and companies weather the storm. However, this has come at a substantial cost, pushing the country’s budget deficit to alarming levels. To regain fiscal stability, Rishi Sunak has been advised to consider drastic measures, including reducing the public sector workforce.

Who Advised Rishi Sunak?

While the specifics of the advice provided to Rishi Sunak have not been disclosed in detail, it is known that he consults with a range of economic experts, Treasury officials, and advisors from various fields. The decision to potentially cut 90,000 jobs is not one taken lightly, and it reflects the dire financial situation facing the UK.

Some of the key advisors in the PM circle include:

  1. Treasury Officials: Sunak works closely with the Treasury team, which includes the Chief Secretary to the Treasury and other senior officials. These individuals provide insights and recommendations on fiscal policies and economic recovery strategies.
  2. Economists and Financial Experts: The PM seeks advice from renowned economists and financial experts, who provide data-driven insights into the economic health of the nation. They also help formulate long-term strategies to mitigate economic risks.
  3. Business Leaders: Sunak engages with leaders from various industries to gauge the impact of government policies on the private sector. Their input is invaluable in shaping economic recovery plans that support businesses and job creation.
  4. Political Advisors: As a member of the Conservative Party, Rishi Sunak also consults with political advisors within his party to ensure that his decisions align with the government’s overall agenda.

Implications for Politicians and Government Downsizing

The prospect of cutting 90,000 jobs raises concerns about the role of politicians and the size of the government. While these job cuts are aimed at reducing the budget deficit, they do not necessarily represent a broader trend toward downsizing the government. Instead, they highlight the need for prudent financial management during extraordinary circumstances.

  1. Fiscal Responsibility: The move underscores the importance of fiscal responsibility in times of crisis. Governments must make tough decisions to balance budgets and ensure that public finances are sustainable in the long term.
  2. Targeted Cuts: Sunak’s decision to cut jobs should be seen as a targeted measure to address the immediate economic crisis. It does not necessarily signal a broader shift toward smaller government, as the government plays a vital role in providing essential services and supporting the welfare of citizens.
  3. Balancing Act: Politicians must strike a delicate balance between managing budgets, providing public services, and stimulating economic growth. Sunak’s advisors likely stress the importance of finding this equilibrium.
  4. Public Perception: The government’s approach to handling these job cuts will undoubtedly influence public perception and political dynamics. Leaders must communicate the rationale behind such decisions and demonstrate their commitment to the welfare of the nation.

100,000 New Roles and Soaring Costs

In just seven years, the United Kingdom’s civil service has experienced a significant expansion, with more than 100,000 new roles created. This expansion, often referred to as “The Blob” by some commentators, has raised concerns about the size and cost of the government workforce. As of 2023, the civil service has grown by a staggering 24 percent, and the overall pay bill for government workers has surged from £9.7 billion in 2010 to a whopping £15.5 billion. Additionally, the public sector pensions bill reached a staggering £116.7 billion in 2021, according to The Sun. These figures beg the question: Is the civil service becoming unsustainable?

The Bloated Civil Service

The term “The Blob” has been used by critics to describe the expanding civil service, which has been growing steadily over the past seven years. While the reasons for this growth are complex, it is clear that the government has been hiring at a rapid pace. The civil service, responsible for implementing government policies and delivering public services, plays a crucial role in the functioning of the country. However, concerns have arisen about the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of such an expansion.

The Rising Costs

One of the most significant concerns surrounding the growth of “The Blob” is the rising cost to taxpayers. The overall pay bill for government workers has increased substantially, from £9.7 billion in 2010 to a staggering £15.5 billion in 2023. This represents a substantial financial burden on the UK’s public finances, especially as the government grapples with the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Public Sector Pensions

In addition to the soaring pay bill, the public sector pensions bill has also reached alarming heights. In 2021, it stood at £116.7 billion, a figure that raises questions about the long-term sustainability of these pension schemes. While public sector employees certainly deserve fair and secure retirement benefits, the rapid increase in pension costs must be carefully managed to avoid placing undue pressure on the national budget.

Balancing Act

Balancing the need for an effective civil service with the necessity of fiscal responsibility is a challenging task for any government. On one hand, a well-functioning civil service is essential for delivering vital public services and implementing government policies. On the other hand, unchecked growth and escalating costs can strain public finances and lead to concerns about government efficiency.


The advice given to Rishi Sunak to consider cutting 90,000 jobs to salvage the UK’s economy showcases the complexities and challenges of managing public finances during a crisis. While the decision raises questions about government downsizing, it primarily underscores the need for responsible fiscal management and the importance of listening to a diverse group of advisors from various fields. The path ahead for the UK will require difficult choices, and how these decisions are implemented and communicated will be crucial in shaping the country’s economic recovery and political landscape.

The significant expansion of the civil service in just seven years, along with the accompanying increase in the pay bill and pension costs, raises legitimate questions about sustainability and efficiency. While the government has a responsibility to provide essential services and support its workforce, it must also exercise prudent financial management to ensure that taxpayer funds are used wisely. The challenge for policymakers is to strike the right balance between maintaining an effective civil service and controlling costs to ensure the long-term fiscal health of the nation. As “The Blob” continues to grow, it is essential to monitor its impact and make informed decisions to safeguard the UK’s financial stability.

Gold-plated, inflation-proof pensions have become a topic of significant debate in many countries, including the UK, where approximately six million state workers benefit from such pension schemes. These pensions offer a level of financial security and stability, guaranteeing retirees a reliable income that adjusts for inflation. While they provide an attractive incentive for public sector employees, concerns about the long-term sustainability and cost to taxpayers have led to ongoing discussions about pension reform in the public sector. Balancing the needs of retirees with the fiscal responsibilities of the government remains a complex challenge.

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Further Reading:

Rishi Sunak told to axe 90,000 jobs to save UK from economic disaster (msn.com)


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