Michael Maloney is a financial expert, he is the host of the smash-hit video series Hidden Secrets of Money, the author of the bestselling precious metals book Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver.
Mike is one of the world’s most highly regarded investment education companies and a global leader in gold and silver sales.
Mike has traveled the world sharing his knowledge and passion for economics and monetary history with audiences from Silicon Valley to Wall Street, from Hong Kong to Rome.
Mike has researched financial markets, monetary history, and global economics, Mike discovered that the same economic cycles kept repeating over and over throughout history, from ancient times to the modern-day.
Mike is quoted as saying “For 2,400 years as people have lost faith in fiat currencies, they have turned to ‘real money,’ gold and silver,” and “Today the stage is set for a worldwide ‘gold rush’ to the safe haven of precious metals just when supplies of those metals are precariously low. The opportunity for those who position themselves accordingly, ahead of the crowd, is like none we will see again in our lifetimes.”

I have purposely not put these videos in chronological order because you need to watch the first video to get a grasp of what Mike is teaching. Mike teaches us about the money system and what is money and what is currency, yes there is a differences and how the global economy works.
The “Hidden Secrets of Money” videos are easy to understand and the concept of money should be taught in schools. We should all know how money and currency are created and learn about debt ceilings and deficit spending. This is also good for budding economists/financiers contemplating careers in the financial world.
About Mike Maloney.
Mike Maloney is the host of the smash-hit video series, “Hidden Secrets of Money”; former Rich Dad/Poor Dad advisor; author of the best-selling precious metals book.
Final Thoughts From The Editor.
If you see what is happening today with P#tins W#r, with all the sanctions, have you wondered how these people (Oligarchs/P#tin) are trading/living if their bank accounts are frozen?
If you look at the bigger picture w#ar is big business, the production, manufacturing, distribution of artillery, ammunition, staff, and operations, etc. Furthermore, the owners of the Federal Reserve get an annual 6% commission, on our hard-earned sweat and labor, yet no one knows who these people/corporations are because it is a closely guarded secret.
We are pawns in a massive game of monopoly.
We do not know what the future holds, banks have been known to close.
High Street Bank TSB To Close Branches.
What would you do if your bank closed?
I am not an economist, I simply write articles on the financial sector and am an affiliate marketer, affiliated with BullionVault and CashPlus Bank.
“I believe in never keeping all one’s eggs in the same basket”.
“If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends family, and on social media. Let’s help each other build a brighter future”.
“The farther back you can look, the farther likely you will see into the future.”― Winston Churchill
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