Why is Content Writing Important?
Content Writing helps to engage the visitor and encourages them to come back, not only this content writing, written on a continuous basis helps to rank your website and gives domain authority.
I have in the past successfully written posts and used the following technique I am about to share with you to get domain names indexed and ranked.
My Strategy.
- Write engaging quality content about your niche.
- Monetize your article with affiliate links.
- Perform SEO (add keywords, meta descriptions).
- Forward your domain name if you have one to the article.
- Upload the link to your article (your page) to Google Console Manager manually.
- Wait a few days for Google to crawl your site.
- Share your article on social media.
Content writing is an essential part of getting business because it draws prospective clients to your website.
A website that is static and does not have regular content on its pages will never move up the ladder in terms of the ranking of domain authority, in fact, may eventually start disappearing. The name of the game is to get your website on the first page of search engines and keep it there, whilst not letting your content become stale. No one wants to keep coming back to a boring website, especially if you are promoting services rather than selling products.
Search engines prefer to see websites that have new content. As an example, I have a static site called www.ukwebsitedesigners.co.uk and at one point it was on page 5 of search results so because I do not have a blog for this particular static website, just a page titled blogs. Hence what I have started doing is adding backlinks to the articles I have previously written and published on my other blogs. This creates content for my static site whilst boosting my articles from my other sites. You do not have to have to use your own articles but publish links that have high Moz Domain Authority to other sites relevant to your niche.
The best way of attracting customers is to create quality content that can encourage people to read your articles.
Simply posting and forgetting your articles does not help, one needs to go a step further and share your content on social media platforms, groups, and pages. Granted providing you do your SEO correctly your article will be indexed and ranked but it does not bring traffic in quickly. One needs to do networking and share articles to email lists and directly to your connections. Depending on your budget you can also consider PPC advertising to boost traffic but always try the free options first. With my strategies, I have not had to pay for PPC advertising for many years and have saved myself hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Having an exact match searchable keyword or phrase domain name plays a small part in search engine optimization and it is the content writing by far that attracts visitors.
Usually writing something that businesses and people can relate to and offering problem-solving strategies will bring people to you.
If you have time to write articles yourself or have a content writing department you can get your staff to write articles on your behalf, alternatively, you can outsource the work and use companies such as Fiverr, the link is below or hire us directly.
Remember a static site will sit in the same place and may even move down the ladder as more websites are created if you do not do content marketing. The same is said if you list a domain name for sale on your website and do not perform SEO how do you expect anyone to find the domain name if you do not write quality content and give the prospective buyer an idea of what your domain is about; if it is developed?, if it is generating traffic?, and is on the first page of search engines for the search terms?
It amazes me how many websites that have not branded themselves to the extent that they hire PR and Marketing/Advertising Agencies wonder why they are not getting enough business in through the door is because they are not offering something that is engaging and catching the audience’s attention.
Your website should be on the first couple of pages of Google primarily in the No 1 spot and you should talk about your business with the world just like you would have weekly staff meetings. People get bored of the same content all the time. You have to write quality content so the search engines can see there is something new about your website.
Not so long ago go someone on the first page of Google because he was in the process of building a website and needed an immediate online presence. I successfully did that and as a consequence gave him a backlink that gave him domain authority when his website got launched by a third party he was using. I mentioned his name and his website throughout the body of the content not only in the header title and performed SEO.
You can do this also and if you do not have time to do it yourself then outsource the work or hire us.
It is cheaper to do content writing and have backlinks from websites that are already indexed and ranked; than paying costly pay “Per Click Advertising”.
Some third-party backlink services charge for quality backlinks which cost anything up to $50 – $500 per link our MOZ Domain Authority is (9) which tells you Google will favor your links and boost your ranking if you are mentioned on our site. Yet you only pay for the content writing and not the backlinks which we give you for free.
If you want more visibility we offer a monthly marketing plan and you get banner ads on our websites and a landing page all for one price.
Here is our pricing for content at a glance, it is less than a night out at a pub or a take-away.
UK Content Writers
(The Domain Name Belongs To Us And Is Part Of Our Marketing And Advertising Strategy. It Serves As An Advertising Banner).
Would you rather invest in something that can boost your ranking and drive traffic to your website or are you content simply having a landing page that people visit but then do not do anything and just leave with the risk of not returning?
You should also consider monetizing your articles, and chose affiliate links that match your niche and what you are writing about, rather than adding random adverts. By embedding affiliate links you are giving people choice whilst making money simply by promoting someone else’s product or service.
Another way to monetize your website, and the blog article is to get other people to be the affiliates and you as the advertiser give the publisher a commission if your product; and service sell using tracking algorithms with a company that I use called Awin. Millions of companies give publishers the opportunities to market their products and services so you can also be one of them. As an example, you may find domain brokers not selling your domains quick enough but imagine if you could give a commission to someone who could find you a buyer.
(Disclaimer- Please read my previous article about domain names because unless they are short one-word dot coms or have equity, you will find it very difficult to sell unless you can perhaps find a domain investor or startup possibly purchasing your domain name for a project they may have in mind. Not everyone has deep pockets).
If you have any questions just drop us a message using the form below, it could be you have a bespoke project and may need a little help getting traffic.
#contentwriting #contentwriters #blogposts #articles #articlewriting #ukcontentwriters #backlinks #seo #guestposts

Cymru Marketing Journal (CMJUK) Offers Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Website Creation, SEO, and Domain Brokering.
An open platform that invites contributors and domain sellers serves as a dynamic marketplace where a diverse range of talents and offerings can converge. This platform acts as a collaborative space where individuals or businesses can share their expertise, creativity, and products with a broader audience.
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