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A Hot zone (hot-zone or hot zone) is an area in the kitchen surrounding your cooker and refers to an area that is considered to be dangerous. It’s part of safety regulations within your home. It specifies the measurements and hard wiring requirements to make your kitchen safe.
FINALLY because of my complaint, I made just before Christmas when my cooker was delivered but the engineers refused to install it, I am happy to say Argos have updated their website and has put a page about Hot Zones on their FAQ Page.
So now consumers are aware fully of what is needed prior to buying a cooker.
Argos Hot Zone FAQ Page can be found here under deliveries and installation in really small text:Appliance recycling | Go Argos
I have one small suggestion to make and that is I went on the Argos website just now and pretended to buy another cooker, where it says please “read me before booking installation and recycling“the page does not mention or have any links back tothe page I referred to earlier reference hot zones, especially under ‘the section cookers‘. So if someone who has no clue about hot zones pays for installation they will be left in the same dilemma as I have been. There needs to be a link back to the Hot Zones Page.
I would also like to say today 30/12/20 I finally got the e-voucher. As for my cooker, it is still not installed as hardware stores are not open and it is hard to find someone to come out and do all the maintenance in my kitchen.Lesson Learnt!
As it so happens I am an Amazon Assoiciate Affiliate.
What a company should not do is upset the wrong people in fact they should upset anyone at all, but unfortunately they do.
When a company shows that they are willing to say sorry the customer is more likely to tell people what the company has done to make amends.
Promising a goodwill gesture, then retracting it, and also ignoring the customer’s emails does not say much about the company.
With businesses closing their doors for good because of the current economic crisis, you would think that smaller companies to Amazon would go above and beyond their call of duty.
Being honorable, transparent, and courteous gives people a reason to trust and in turn, the customer will recommend your products and your services. Doing one or more of the things listed above does not show you as a company in good light.
“Respect each and every customer as if they were your only customer”.
“Not only am I an Amazon Associate I am also an Amazon Customer and have opted to use Amazon Prime which cost £7.99 per month, this gets you free deliveries and Amazon Video two services for the price of one”.
My next big purchase is going to be a tabletop dishwasher. I find standing and washing dishes by hand not only tedious but it affects my back and I end up in agony.
What Appliance Retailers Do Not Tell You (Part 4 Ongoing Saga).
The Effects Of Mental Health When You Have to Raise a Complaint With a Company.
As many of you may or may not know I am an Entrepreneur a owns several sites, blogs, or social media pages, my default virtual business card is
Primarily I advise Businesses on how to generate more leads and consult them to make their business more successful. I also offer other services, such as website design and marketing.
Now I would also like to say I suffer from Mental Health and have a blog dedicated to Mental Health and Disabilities among Entrepreneurs. That is why I am keeping my chat widget on from 11 am to 11 pm London GMT over the Holidays, just in case anyone wishes to talk over the Christmas Period. If I can help just one person I know I will have done something good. Depression can affect people from all walks of life. Christmas can be extremely challenging and can test our resilience. By trying to help others I am essentially helping myself.
Do watch the full interview with Tyson Fury on Mental Health.
“Christmas is not about receiving it is about giving”.
They offered me a £75 e-voucher and my refund of £100 for installation to be escalated on the 21st of December 2020. My cooker was delivered on the 17th of December 2020 and I was told I had to wait three to five working days to get my refund.
Moving forward to yesterday which would have been the 5th working day I still had not received my refund. I questioned it with customer services and I was told the reason I did not get my refund was due to a system error and guess what I now have to wait for another three to five working days. This did not sit well with me at all. Although the customer service person said today it can take up to seven working days. The last time I transferred money from one account to another took two hours by BACS transfer.
By coincidence, I got an email from head office yesterday saying I will be getting my refund.
“What happened to we are sorry and we will escalate it for you”? No mention of that in the email or anything about the e-voucher either.
So like a dog to a bone, I will not let go until I get answers, and if it means me using my blog to get attention so be it.
You do not give people the run around no matter what business you are in. It does not say anything good about you or your company. Just because you are a blue chip company this does not bother me in the slightest, you should care about your customers. A CEO had to start off somewhere and may have been a startup once. CEOs are humans no different from you and I and they should show empathy and respect.
“No company should be too big for their bootsand everyone is accountable for their actions”.
So my final attempt today I tried phoning them yet again and their answering bot is designed to mentally break you down, It does not recognize order numbers and when it asks what you are ringing up for, it does not understand your reply.
I had visions of me hurling my phone through the air and smashing it against the wall by this stage.
Furthermore when you finally get through it says all calls are recorded. Now the person I spoke to today misunderstood something I said whereby I would continue recording with my blog in a quest to finally get this resolved. Yet he thought I said I was recording the call. Do people not understand English? My English is perfect I have had 57 years to practice it.
“I want a transcript of all the calls I have made and received as that is my legal right.“
Obviously, they can record you without your consent but you cannot record them, not that I had any attention to doing so anyway, one rule for one and another rule for another.
If this was someone with Multiple Sclerosis phoning today, they would be having a relapse due to the run around of this company. I have knowledge of Multiple Sclerosis as my daughter suffers from the disability.
Consider people’s mental health before you start playing mind games. The customer service person today told me someone will phone me back about the e-voucher, which can not be located by coincidence.
“I do not want to be phoned”.
My telephone lines are turned off for a reason because of this little incident and I can only be reached by my chat widget on my websites or via email or social media platforms.
What is the problem have I offended Argos in some way by speaking the truth, they should have mentioned like and hot zones on their site, and perhaps all this could’ve been avoided.
Do not offer a token of apology and then retract it.
To be messed around like this is totally atrocious.
“Show Respect and You Will Earn Respect!”
“I will give this company one more chance to make amends and perhaps finally will say that after everything they will come out smelling of roses”
Merry Christmas Everyone and a Happy New Year.
UPDATE 27/01/20
I received my refund of £100 on the 24th of December 2020 I assume just after my phone call to Argos.
Christmas was canceled for me as I could not cook anyone a Christmas Dinner and did not think it was appropriate to offer frozen ready meals heated up in a microwave so no one came to visit me and I was left home alone with the cat. Worst Christmas ever and Worst Year.
As for the offering of the £75 e-voucher that did not materialize either. I should not have to beg to get it.
In all this whole scenario has tested my strength and my mental health ability.
I would have been content with a formal apology from the CEO but obviously, he forgets that once he started out where I am today. You never know one day he maybe brushes shoulders with me, considering the small world we live in and the people I am connected with. With nearly 10,000 followers such as Billionaires, Millionaires, Law Makers, and Royalty on LinkedIn it pays to remember “it’s not what you know but who you know”.
In October I bought a electric cooker with installation and recycling and found out after my purchase because I had not bought like for like the installation could not happen because I had a gas cooker. I then cancelled my order and bought a like for like Gas for Gas with installation and recycling.
Two months later my cooker arrives (last Thursday to be precise) and I was told they could not install the cooker because my splash back was not high enough and my sockets where inside the hot zone.
So you can imagine my distain when I am told a few days before Christmas and on the Eve of the Lockdown in Wales that my cooker cannot be installed.
Finding someone before Christmas and on Lockdown is proving to be impossible.
So my Christmas is ruined!
On top of this all my food has perished what could not be frozen and I have been subjected to takeouts for my family.
Obviously I am angry and I need to teach people about ‘Hot Zones’ as Argos have not.
Had I have known in the beginning about ‘Hot Zones’ precisely two months ago, I had ample time to sort any issues out before delivery but I was none the wiser because Argosdid not have anything on their website to forewarn me.
Now fast forward to today after I had emailed Mr S.Roberts CEO of Sainsbury which Argos own I get a phone call form Argos offering an olive branch and an apology.
Should I have accepted their token of goodwil?, well it was either that or nothing I suppose.
The token was an e-voucher for £75.00
Granted they did give £50 goodwill voucher back in October so the total I have received will be £125 in goodwill gestures but this is just a band aid on a gaping wound.
How much is compensation for a ruined Chirstmas worth, including persished food and takeouts, let alone the non cookedChristmas Dinner on Christmas Day, I wonder?
This farce should have never happened!
I am sure I am not the only one this has happed to….
However the spokespersonfor Argos I spoke to today said she understood my dilemma and that Argos will be putting something on their website about ‘Hot Zones’ but my argument was that the people delivering my cooker (DHL) could have installed the cooker.
The spokeperson for Argos said that one cannot make someone install a cooker and do something illegal if it does not meet safety regulations (I do not disagree but the retailer should have a disclaimer).
After the call had ended it came to mind that the delivery drivers aka engineers should have an Indemnity Disclaimer that the consumer signs taking away the onus of any liabiltiy from the retailer:
Buyer shall assume all financial and other obligations for Buyer Products, and Seller shall not incur any liability or responsibility to Buyer or to third parties arising out of or connected in any manner with Buyer Products. In no event shall Seller be liable for lost profits, special damages, consequential damages or contingent liabilities arising out of or connected in any manner with this Agreement or Buyer Products. Buyer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Seller and its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against all claims, liabilities, demands, damages, expenses and losses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) arising out of or connected with (i) any manufacture, use, sale or other disposition of Buyer Products, or any other products of Buyer, by Buyer or any other party and (ii) any breach by Buyer of any of its obligations under this Agreement.
This disclaimer should be for all appliances including, cookers, washing machines dishwashers and the like. A simple piece of paper making sure nothing comes back on the retailer, in which this scenario could have been avoided.
Looks like I am going to be toasting marshmallows by candlelighton Christmas Day whilst everyone else will be tucking into a Christmas Dinner
Merry Christmas Mr Roberts!
Perhaps Argos should hire me for my business consulting services considering I am having to get their house in order.
For Your Last Minute Christmas Shopping Delivered Before ChristmasVisit Amazon.
I wrote on 11th October 2020 about a purchase I made from Argos. Now I cannot point the finger entirely on this retailer (As most probably all appliance retailers do not go above or beyond their call of duty) and because I used Argos the majority of my stress is related to Argos in this instance.
Moving on just over two months later I finally get my Gas Cooker delivered. Not my first choice but none the less it was delivered, You have to remember I also paid for installation and recycling.
So me not being none the wiser assumed I would now have my cooker installed ready for me to cook my first meal this evening. You can just imagine the atmostphere when one of the engineers said the dreaded words “Excuse me, but you have a problem”. You could cut the air with a knife when he said this and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I was in shock what Argos said. Basically I could not have my new cooker installed because of safety regulations I needed a splash back and my socket which I have had for over 20 years was too low and was in the way of the ‘Hot Zone’.
Surely they should be able to install an appliance and if anything happened it would be on the onus of the consumer not the retailer?
Now I do have a splash back tiled area but by all accounts it was too low and I needed another row of tiles.
I was livid as no where does it mention on Argos’s website anything about the height, width of the ‘Hot Zone’. One literally has to scour the internet to find this information and for someone like myself who has no clue about safety regulations, why would I need to know this?, I do not rent out properties I am a private resident.
It should be up to the retailer to point out all the things one should do prior to purchasing an appliance.
But like with any business they do not care past the point you hand over your hard earned cash. All they want at the end of the day is a sale and if the sale then becomes a problem, it is not their problem but yours.
You can imagine my food has a use by date, tradesman are hard to arrange under our current climate so my food will perish because ARGOS did not point out what the consumer needed to know prior to making a purchase. All they asked was what socket I had and that was it.
I am fuming 🤬.
So for the purpose of this blog and after my experience I had to do some research to forewarn anyone buying a cooker, Gas or Electric to read the information I have now found out and is listed below.
I cannot even claim on my insurance as this I would assume is a ‘grey area and hard to argue’.
The ‘Hot Zone’ by all accounts consists of an area directly above your cooker or hob. Before installation please make sure that this area is free from flammable items including wood, wallpaper, plug sockets, wiring or an overhanging boiler.
‘Electrical Rating’ Another thing to consider if you are changing from Gas to Electric you need to have your cooker hardwired to a 32 amp socket. Hardwiring is going to cost an arm and a leg. However if it is a standalone Gas for Gas (like for Like Gas) a 13 Amp socket should suffice. Although if you’re upgrading to a newer model, you may find there’s a considerable difference in the power needed. Prior to purchase, you can check the amp rating in the product specifications found in the item’s user manual.
So now consumers need to download the user manuals before purchacing their appliances, by all accounts.
All cookers need an ‘Aluminium Splashback’. Well if that is the case they should be sold together with the cookers and not have to be purchased seperately or the retailer makes it clear to the consumer (it is either a manufacturer problem or the retailer lets the consumer know in advance, should they need a spashback or not)!
This whole ordeal has been ahorrendous nightmare from beginning to end and I am glad I do not have to do this again for the next few years.
This information I have shared should be mandantory on every retailers website and not just on a few Gas Engineers sites.
Gas Supply. Make sure there an existing gas supply to the installation point, and a 3 pin electric socket or cooker point within 1.5m of the installation location? If you don’t have a gas supply available, and want to use Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), make sure the product you’re buying is LPG-convertible.
Again Something Argos Failed To Mention, although I do have a Window and have Good Ventilation, if you are installing a Gas Cooker you must have adequate ventilation. The consumer needs to know this.
It is not hard to add a few lines of text and this information onto a page of a website.
Gas safety regulations specify that there must be adequate ventilation in the room where the appliance is to be installed. If you don’t have a window or door to the outside world in your kitchen, think about opting for a suitable electric model instead.
Final Thoughts:Had I had known this information in advance I would have been better prepared.
Use this checklist before you order an Appliance. Make sure that:
1). Make sure you remove anything that may catch fire, any combustible items from the hot zone.
2). Double check that there is an existing gas or electric supply to the place you want your appliance installed.
3). Make sure you have a 3 pin electric socket or a big red switch within 1.5 meters of where your new cooking appliance is going to live.
4). You know where your gas/electric meters and fuse box are, as the drivers will need access.
5). You have double-checked there is suitable ventilation (a window or door to the outside world), in the room where your new cooking appliance is going to live.
6). That you have sufficient funds in your meter for the work to be carried out. (I do not have a meter but for those that do you need to have enough money to cover all installation time).
Will Argos compensate me for the stress I have endured, the food that has and will be perished whilst trying to sort out this mess?, I hardly doubt it, but if they did I would (possibly) consider putting in a good word, after all retailers need all the help they can at the moment. However if there is silence they will see the power of social media at its finest.
#Argos #ArgosRetailer #SimonRoberts
Want to make a complaint, go straight to the top, Apparantly Argos is owned by Sainsburysand the CEO is Simon Roberts.
Ever heard the saying “he could sell snow to the Eskimos“, this one happens to be my favorite but there are also others see below.
The meaning is the description of someone who is a clever and persuasive salesperson, such that they could sell something to people who have no need or use for it. As in the case of ‘Belle Delphine’ ‘GameGirl Bath Water’ which is trending right now and how she made $10M selling bath water to her followers. No, I am not going to promote her water 🤣.
(The phrase ‘selling ice to the Eskimo’s alludes to the various indigenous peoples of the traditionally cold, snowy northern circumpolar regions of the globe, who would have no shortage of and or no need to buy) snow or ice. However even Eskimos would not say no to Gelato or Sorbets for dessert, just a thought I wonder 🤔.
Other terms uses for sales techniques are:
Sell ice to the Eskimos
Sell a cape to Superman.
Sell hay to a farmer.
Sell wood to a forest.
Sell religion to the Pope.
Sell underwear to a nudist.
Sell rope to a free climber.
Sell a two-wheeled bike to a unicyclist.
Sell crutches to an Olympic sprinter.
Sell a cage to a lion.
“My take on this is that a web designer contacts a web designer to see if they need help building a website or an internet marketer contacts an internet marketer to see if they need any help with internet marketing”.
There are in fact 41 different types of Marketing of which I will touch on persuasive marketing in this post.
Depending on how you view this if you try and sell a product or service to someone that may not necessarily need it, this is called persuasive emotional marketing, such as Coke Cola for example:
Persuasion marketing is a marketing strategy that manipulates the human mind into thinking they desire the ideology of the product or service that is being marketed. It is the psychology of the power of persuasion that alters our emotions. When advertising companies use this strategy to make the product or service desirable going as far as to seduce the audience into thinking they need it.
‘Belle Delphone’ used her body as a tool to persuade her audience that the water she bathed in was a sexual extension of herself.
Many have criticized that at $22 dollar a bottle, no one in their right mind should have bought it. But people have fetishes and the porn industry is big business, She gained her audience by setting up an ‘only fans’ account where you pay a paid subscription to join and the models show parts of their bodies in exchange for money.
Providing there is a market you can sell pretty much anything to anyone nowadays if you advertise your product or service well, regardless if it is by traditional methods or digital.
Grow your followers and you will have a platform to sell.
Tis the season to be jolly. Christmas Holiday Season is meant to be filled with happiness and cheer, with social gatherings and celebrations and gifting. But this year is like no other.
As well as all the things that some people are not looking forward to this time of year, we have the added bonus of the Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic and limited household meetups.
For many people, it is a time filled with sadness, self-reflection, loneliness, and anxiety.
The demands of making your Christmas perfect may cause us to be on the verge of a mental breakdown with rushing around shopping for gifts, food, and outfits as well as organizing parties. Even having more people than normal can cause us to be stressed as we want the turkey and trimmings to be impressive and we have to portray everything as hunkey Dorey even though we may be having a nervous meltdown. If we have to balance entrepreneurship on top, we can end up feeling overwhelmed.
Most CEO if you ask them how their business is doing will without a shadow of a doubt say “Everything is Great”. No one wants to admit failure or tell the real truth. Being honest by saying your business has problems is a sign of weakness and no one wants to look stupid or inadequate for failing. Some people are just waiting for you to fail just to say “I told you so”, hence CEOs will always show they are doing great.
Entrepreneurs are:2x more likely to suffer from depression
6x more likely to have ADHD
3x more likely to struggle with addiction
11x more likely to receive a bipolar diagnosis
12 Quotes on Entrepreneur Burnout And Depression, From Those Who’ve Walked The Path:
People who normally do not view themselves as depressed may develop symptoms, such as:
Depression, crying a lot or wanting to stay in bed all-day
Headaches (migraines)
Indulging in too much alcohol
Wanting to Isolate
Intrusive thoughts
Balancing your home and your business can lead to a lot of tension. Christmas is also a financial burden with us overspending or not budgeted properly and perhaps not having enough funds. Sometimes it can be difficult to gift a large household and extended family and friends. It is this time of year that people spend by maxing out their credit cards. However whilst spending it does not hurt in the short term, however when it comes to paying at the end of the month in the long term that is when people feel they are in hot water and start to get depressed even more.. Knowing how to budget your money will either make you or break you.
People do not look forward to Christmas for a number of reasons:
Financial Burden & Obligations
Loneliness (perhaps they have no family or friends)
Grief (the loss of a person through death or breakup can be very traumatic and painful to handle)
Mental Health Issues (Depression, PTSD, Anxiety) Perhaps they do not want reminders of the past
Social Disconnection (finding it hard to socialize)
Not getting along with some family members and the awkwardness of reuniting once a year
Dealing with alcoholism surrounded by people who are drinking
Paying Christmas Bonuses (not having enough funding)
Having your business restricted due to pandemic regulations causes you to have financial difficulties (businesses closing for good or laying off staff)
Not being able to travel because of pandemic regulations
Illness, not being mobile (disabled) or maybe being in a hospital
People expecting life-changing surgeries and are worried about the aftermath and are living an uncertainty such as organ transplants or heart surgery
How to overcome Christmas Blues
Set goals and have a plan of action, prioritize the most important things on your schedule of things to do
Budget your finances (Do not overspend)
Pace yourself do not bite off more than you can chew
Be realistic with your expectations, do not raise yourself up for disappointment, and compare your day to previous days
Ask for support from your network of family and friends ask them to bring a dish if you’re struggling financially, everyone loves homemade food and treats
If you are lonely volunteer to help other people in the same situation as yourself. Network with organizations that specialize in getting lonely people together at Christmas or volunteer to work over the Christmas holidays
If you have friends or family struggling with alcoholism make your celebrations alcohol free
If you know of an elderly person home alone at Christmas spread some Christmas Cheer by gifting them and looking in on them to see if they are ok
Make handmade gifts that will save you money, write handmade notes for old people and neighbors, leave notes around randomly for strangers to pick up (secret Santa special message notes) Send out emails and messages and e-cards
Make your own decorations, there is a Picasso in all of us
Make some time for yourself, pamper yourself or as I do each year, I always buy myself a Christmas present so that I am never disappointed.
Make an effort to contact friends and family that you may not have had the opportunity to connect with because of distance or pandemic restrictions (Set up Video calls)
Final thoughts
Personally speaking, I do not look forward to Christmas other than maybe going to a fancy restaurant (which is not going to happen this year) or viewing the Christmas lights and visiting the Christmas Markets.
Christmas will never be the same again and I miss the family congregation that we spent the holidays at my parent’s house. Since they have gone I only have my daughter and the cat, so Christmas can be lonely at times. She is in a relationship so I find I am sharing her with her boyfriend.
I do not bother with Christmas decorations as to who is going to see them anyway and do not like to socialize so I concentrate on what matters the most to me and that is my business. Before you read between the lines I am not interested in getting into a relationship, have been burnt too many times.
Not everyone I am connected with is Catholic or Christian, I am fortunate to also have Muslim friends so it’s not as if I cannot reach out to anyone if I wanted to.
I cannot bring my parents or my brother back but I can move on and have set myself some goals which I am striving to achieve. I want to make changes to my life and I know nothing stands still so I know with perseverance that when one door closes another one opens.
I must admit I do not forsake Christmas Dinner regardless if it is only dinner for one, I will splash out with all the trimmings and the extras and have the best of the best and feast like a Princess.
Remember there is always someone that you can chat to over the holiday period, you do not have to do it alone. If you are struggling you can phone the Samaritans on 116 123
Further Reading!
I wrote on my other blog about Mental Health Amongst Entrepreneurs and there are some useful links should you need some support at this difficult time.
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